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Valuation by fact or opinion
• Accounting – process of identifying, measuring, • When measurement is affected by estimates, the
and communicating economic information to items measured are said to be valued by opinion.
permit informed judgment and decisions by users • When measurement is unaffected by estimates,
of information. the items measured are said to be valued by fact.
3 ACTIVITIES Types of accounting information classified as to
1. Identifying – the process of analyzing events and users’ needs
transactions to determine whether or not they will • General purpose accounting information -
be recognized. designed to meet the common needs of most
- Recognition – refers to the process of statement users.
including effects of an accountable event. - This information is governed by the Philippine
- Only accountable events are recognized. Financial Reporting Standards (PFRSs).
2. Measuring – involves assigning numbers, • Special purpose accounting information -
normally in monetary terms, to the economic designed to meet the specific needs of particular
transactions and events. statement users.
3. Communicating – the process of transforming - This information is provided by other types of
economic data into useful accounting information, accounting, e.g., managerial accounting, tax
such as financial statements and other accounting basis accounting, etc.
reports, for dissemination to users.
Types of Events or Transactions Basic Accounting Concepts
1. External events – events that involve an external 1. Double-entry system – each accountable event
party. is recorded in two parts – debit and credit.
• Exchange (reciprocal transfer) – reciprocal 2. Going concern - the entity is assumed to carry
giving and receiving on its operations for an indefinite period of time.
• Non-reciprocal transfer – “one way” 3. Separate entity – the entity is treated separately
transaction from its owners.
• External event other than transfer – an 4. Stable monetary unit - amounts in the financial
event that involves changes in the economic statements are stated in terms of a common unit
resources or obligations of an entity caused of measure; changes in purchasing power are
by an external party or external source but ignored.
does not involve transfers of resources or 5. Time Period – the life of the business is divided
obligations. into series of reporting periods.
2. Internal events – events that do not involve an 6. Materiality concept – information is material if its
external party. omission or misstatement could influence
• Production – the process by which economic decisions.
resources are transformed into finished 7. Cost-benefit – the cost of processing and
goods. communicating information should not exceed the
• Casualty – an unanticipated loss from benefits to be derived from it.
disasters or other similar events. 8. Accrual Basis of accounting – effects of
transactions are recognized when they occur (and
Measurement not as cash is received or paid) and they are
• The several measurement bases used in recognized in the accounting periods to which
accounting include, but not limited to, the they relate.
following: 9. Historical cost concept – the value of an asset
1. historical cost is determined on the basis of acquisition cost.
2. fair value
3. present value
10. Concept of Articulation – all of the components
of a complete set of financial statements are
4. realizable value
5. current cost
6. sometimes inflation-adjusted costs. 11. Full disclosure principle – financial statements
provide sufficient detail to disclose matters that
• The most commonly used is historical cost. This is
usually combined with the other measurement make a difference to users, yet sufficient
condensation to make the information
bases. Accordingly, financial statements are said
understandable, keeping in mind the costs of
to be prepared using a mixture of costs and
preparing and using it.
b) Philippine Accounting Standards (PASs); and
12. Consistency concept – financial statements are c) Interpretations
prepared on the basis of accounting policies II. Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
which are applied consistently from one period to Purpose of the Conceptual Framework
the next. • The Conceptual Framework prescribes the
13. Matching – costs are recognized as expenses concepts for general purpose financial reporting.
when the related revenue is recognized. Its purpose is to:
14. Residual equity theory – this theory is a. assist the International Accounting Standards
applicable where there are two classes of shares Board (IASB) in developing Standards that
issued, ordinary and preferred. are based on consistent concepts;
• Assets – Liabilities – Preferred b. assist preparers in developing consistent
Shareholders’ Equity = Ordinary accounting policies when no Standard applies
Shareholders’ Equity. to a particular transaction or when a Standard
15. Fund theory – the accounting objective is the allows a choice of accounting policy; and
custody and administration of funds. c. assist all parties in understanding and
16. Realization – the process of converting non-cash interpreting the Standards.
assets into cash or claims for cash. Status of the Conceptual Framework
• The Conceptual Framework is not a PFRS. When
17. Prudence (Conservatism) – the inclusion of a
there is a conflict between the Conceptual
degree of caution in the exercise of the judgments
Framework and a PFRS, the PFRS will prevail.
needed in making the estimates required under
conditions of uncertainty, such that assets or • In the absence of a standard, management shall
income are not overstated and liabilities or consider the Conceptual Framework in making its
expenses are not understated. judgment in developing and applying an
Common branches of accounting accounting policy that results in useful
A. Financial accounting - focuses on general information.
purpose financial statements.
B. Management accounting – focuses on special Scope of the Conceptual Framework
purpose financial reports for use by an entity’s • The Conceptual Framework – concerned with
management. general purpose financial reporting.
C. Cost accounting - the systematic recording and • General purpose financial reporting – involves
analysis of the costs of materials, labor, and the preparation of general purpose financial
overhead incident to production. statements.
D. Auditing - the process of evaluating the
correspondence of certain assertions with
established criteria and expressing an opinion • The Conceptual Framework provides the
thereon. concepts regarding the following:
E. Tax accounting - the preparation of tax returns 1. The objective of financial reporting
and rendering of tax advice, such as the 2. Qualitative characteristics of useful financial
determination of tax consequences of certain information
proposed business endeavors. 3. Financial statements and the reporting entity
4. The elements of financial statements
5. Recognition and de-recognition
F. Government accounting - refers to the 6. Measurement
accounting for the government and its 7. Presentation and disclosure 8. Concepts of
instrumentalities, placing emphasis on the capital and capital maintenance Conceptual
custody of public funds, the purposes for which Framework & Accounting
those funds are committed, and the responsibility
and accountability of the individuals entrusted with • The objective of general purpose financial
those funds. reporting is to provide financial information about
Accounting standards in the Philippines the reporting entity that is useful to primary users
• Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRSs) in making decisions about providing resources to
are Standards and Interpretations adopted by the the entity.
Financial Reporting Standards Council (FRSC). • The objective of general purpose financial
They comprise: reporting forms the foundation of the Conceptual
a) Philippine Financial Reporting Standards Framework.
Primary users – are those who cannot demand
information directly from reporting entities. The Financial statements and the Reporting entity
primary users are: • Reporting period – Financial statements are
a. Existing and potential investors prepared for a specific period of time (i.e., the
b. Lenders and other creditors. reporting period) and include comparative
– Only the common needs of primary users information for at least one preceding reporting
are met by the financial statements. period.
• Going concern – Financial statements are
Qualitative Characteristics normally prepared on the assumption that the
I. Fundamental qualitative characteristics reporting entity is a going concern, meaning the
A. Relevance – Information is relevant if it can entity has neither the intention nor the need to
affect the decisions of users. end its operations in the foreseeable future.
• Predictive value – the information can be • Reporting entity – is one that is required, or
used in making predictions chooses, to prepare financial statements, and is
• Feedback value Materiality – the information not necessarily a legal entity.
can be used in confirming past prediction. – It can be a single entity or a group or
Materiality – entity-specific aspect of relevance combination of two or more entities.
B. Faithful representation – means the information
provides a true, correct and complete depiction Elements of Financial Statements
of what it purports to represent. A. Entity’s Financial Position:
• Completeness – all information necessary for 1) Assets
users to understand the phenomenon being 2) Liabilities
depicted is provided. 3) Equity
B. Entity’s Financial Performance
• Neutrality – information is selected or 4) Income
presented without bias. 5) Expenses
• Free from error – there are no errors in the A. Assets – is “a present economic resource
description and in the process by which the controlled by the entity as a result of past events.
information is selected and applied. An economic resource is a right that has the
Enhancing qualitative characteristics potential to produce economic benefits.”
• Comparability – the information helps users in
identifying similarities and differences between Three aspects in the definition of an asset
different sets of information 1) Right – asset refers to a right, and not
• Verifiability – different users could reach necessarily to a physical object, e.g., the right
consensus as to what the information purports to use, sell, lease or transfer a building.
to represent 2) Potential to produce economic benefits –
• Timeliness – the information is available to the right has a potential to produce economic
users in time to be able to influence their benefits for the entity that are beyond the
decisions benefits available to all others.
• Understandability – users are expected to 3) Control – means the entity has the exclusive
have: right over the benefits of an asset and the
a. reasonable knowledge of business activities; ability to prevent others from accessing those
and benefits.
b. willingness to analyze the information B. Liability – is “a present obligation of the entity to
diligently. transfer an economic resource as a result of past
Fundamental vs. Enhancing events.”
• The fundamental qualitative characteristics Three aspects in the definition of a liability
are the characteristics that make information 1. Obligation – An obligation is “a duty or
useful to users. responsibility that an entity has no practical ability
• The enhancing qualitative characteristics are to avoid.”
the characteristics that enhance the – An obligation can be either legal obligation
usefulness of information. or constructive obligation.
2. Transfer of an economic resource – the obligation – Fulfilment value is the present value of the
has the potential to require the transfer of an cash, or other economic resources, that an
economic resource to another party. entity expects to be obliged to transfer as it
fulfils a liability.

3. Present obligation as a result of past events – A • Classifying – combining similar items and
present obligation exists as a result of past events separating dissimilar items.
if: • Aggregation – the adding together of assets,
a. the entity has already obtained economic liabilities, equity, income or expenses that have
benefits or taken an action; and shared characteristics and are included in the
b. as a consequence, the entity will or may have same classification.
to transfer an economic resource that it would • Financial concept of capital – capital is
not otherwise have had to transfer. regarded as the invested money or invested
C. Equity – is the residual interest in the assets of purchasing power.
the entity after deducting all its liabilities.”
• Physical concept of capital – capital is regarded
D. Income – increases in assets, or decreases in as the entity’s productive capacity, e.g., units of
liabilities, that result in increases in equity, other output per day.
than those relating to contributions from holders of
equity claims. I. Philippine Accounting Standard (PAS1) –
E. Expenses – decreases in assets, or increases in basis for presentation of general purpose
liabilities, that result in decreases in equity, other financial statements to improve comparability
than those relating to distributions to holders of both with the entity's financial statements of
equity claims. previous periods (intra-comparability) and with the
• Recognition – involves recording the item in financial statements of other entities (inter-
words and in monetary amount and including that comparability)
amount in the totals of either of those statements a. Intra-comparability – same entity from
• De-recognition – the removal of a previously another period
recognized asset or liability from the entity’s b. Inter-comparability – different entities
statement of financial position.
• Unit of account – the right or the group of rights,
the obligation or the group of obligations, or the – PAS 1 does not prescribe the order or format
group of rights and obligations, to which in which an entity presents item
recognition criteria and measurement concepts – PAS 1 prohibits the presentation of any
are applied. items of income or expense as extraordinary
Measurement bases items in the statement(s) presenting profit or
1) Historical cost loss and other comprehensive income or in
2) Current value the notes
a. Fair value – Dividends declared by an entity are disclosed
b. Value in use and fulfilment value either in the (a) notes or (b) statement of
c. Current cost changes in equity
• Historical Cost
a. an asset is the consideration paid to acquire • General purpose financial statements are
the asset plus transaction costs. those intended to serve users who do not have
b. a liability is the consideration received to incur the authority to demand financial reports tailored
the liability minus transaction costs. for their own needs.
• Fair value – the price that would be received to • Financial Statement – structured representation
sell an asset, or paid to transfer a liability, in an of an entity’s financial position and results of its
orderly transaction between market participants at operations
the measurement date.
– Value in use is the present value of the a. Primary objective – provide information
cash flows, or other economic benefits, that about the financial position, financial
an entity expects to derive from the use of performance, and cash flow; wide range
an asset and from its ultimate disposal.
b. Secondary objective – show the results of • Operating cycle – entity is the time between the
management’s stewardship over the entity’s acquisition of assets for processing and their
resources realization in cash or cash equivalents
a. Refinancing agreement – long term
obligation maturing in 12 months after the
reporting period

A. Deferred tax liabilities (assets) are presented as

• General Feature of Financial Statement noncurrent items in a classified statement of
financial position, irrespective of their expected
1. Fair Presentation and Compliance with PFRSs
dates of reversal.
– The application of PFRSs, with additional
disclosure when necessary, is presumed to result B. Reclassification adjustments are amounts
in financial statements that achieve a fair reclassified to profit or loss in the current period
presentation. that were recognized in the current or previous
2. Going concern - An entity is not a going concern period
if, as of the financial reporting date or prior to the
date of authorization of the financial statements • Total comprehensive income – the change in
for issue equity during a period resulting from transactions
a. The assessment of going concern is at least and other event comprises all components of
12 months. a. Profit or loss – income less expenses,
excluding the components of other
b. Prepared on a going concern basis comprehensive income
3. Accrual Basis of Accounting – An entity shall
b. Other comprehensive income – comprises
prepare its financial statements, except for cash
item of income and expenses
flow information, using the accrual basis of
4. Materiality & Aggregation - Each material class • Presentation of Expenses
of similar items must be presented separately in a. Nature of expense method – aggregated
the financial statements. according to their nature
b. Function of expense method – classifies
• Line item – similar item expenses according to their function
5. Offsetting - Assets and liabilities, and income
and expenses, shall not be offset unless required
or permitted by a PFRS. • If an entity classifies expenses by function, it
6. Frequency of reporting – An entity shall present shall disclose additional information on the
a complete set of financial statements (including nature of expenses
comparative information) at least annually.
7. Comparative Information – An entity shall II. PAS 2 Inventories
present comparative information in respect of the • Prescribes the accounting treatment for
preceding period for all amounts reported in the inventories
current period’s financial statements
8. Consistency of presentation – An entity shall
• The primary issue in the accounting for
inventories is the determination of cost to be
retain the presentation and classification of items
recognized as asset and carried forward until it is
in the financial statements from one period
• Statement of Financial Position – shows the • All items that meet the definition of inventory are
presented on the statement of financial position
entity’s financial condition as at certain date
as one lines item under the caption “Inventories.”
a. Classified – showing distinctions between The breakdown of this line item (as finished
current and noncurrent assets and liabilities, goods, WIP and Raw materials) is disclosed in the
or notes.
b. Unclassified (based on liquidity) – showing • Inventories are normally presented in a classified
no distinction between current and statement of financial position as current assets.
noncurrent items Inventories are assets:
a. Held for sale in the ordinary course of
business (Finished Goods);
b. In the process of production for such sale
(Work In Process); or Write down inventories
c. In the form of materials or supplies to be • Inventories are usually written down to net
consumed in the production process or in the realizable value on an item by item basis.
rendering of services (Raw materials and • If the cost of an inventory exceeds its NRV,
manufacturing supplies). the inventory is written down to NRV, the
• The carrying amount of an inventory that is sold is lower amount. The excess of cost over NRV
charged as expense (i.e., cost of sales) in the represents the amount of write-down.
period in which the related revenue is recognized.
• the write-down of inventories to NRV and all
losses of inventories are recognized as expense
in the period the write-down or loss occurs.

Measurement III. PAS 32 – Prescribe principles for presenting

• Inventories are measured at the lower of cost financial instruments as liabilities or equity and for
and net realizable value (NRV). offsetting financial assets and financial activities
• Financial instrument – is “any contract that gives
• The cost of inventories comprised all costs of
purchase, costs of conversion and other costs rise to a financial asset of one entity and a
incurred in bringing the inventories to their present financial liability or equity instrument of another
location and condition.
• A compound financial instrument is a financial
• Net realizable value (NRV) is the estimated instrument that, from the issuer’s perspective,
selling price in the ordinary course of business
contains both a liability and an equity component.
less the estimated costs of completion and the
• Treasury shares are an entity’s own shares that
estimated costs necessary to make the sale.
were previously issued but were subsequently
reacquired but not retired.
Costs that are EXPENSED when incurred: (ASAS)
1. Abnormal amounts of wasted materials, – Treasury shares are treated as deduction from
labor or other production costs. equity.
2. Selling costs, for example, advertising and
promotion costs and delivery expense or
freight out.
3. Administrative overheads that do not
contribute to bringing inventories to their
present location and condition.
4. Storage costs, unless those costs are
necessary in the production process before a
further production stage, (e.g., the storage
costs of partly finished goods may be
capitalized as cost of inventory, but the
storage costs of completed finished goods are
Cost Formulas
1. Specific identification - shall be used for
inventories that are not ordinarily
interchangeable (i.e., used for inventories that
are unique). Cost of sales is the cost of the
specific inventory that was sold.
2. FIFO – cost of sales is based on the cost of
inventories that were purchased first.
Consequently, ending inventory represents
the cost of the latest purchases.
3. Weighted Average Cost – cost of sales is
based on the average cost of all inventories
purchased during the period.
➢ Wtd. Ave. Cost = (TGAS in
pesos ÷ TGAS in units)

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