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Flowcharting With the A N S I Standard: A Tutorial • .

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amounts of material to be shown within
each outline, or smaller size outlines to be
used m a flow diagram. In both cases, an
FRST 8 B 2 ~ THRD~ }records improvement in the communication value
of the flow diagram typically results.
8C1 Guzdelines ]or flow diagrams. A first
guideline is to chose the wording or sym-
bols within the outlines to fit the readers
of the flow diagram. This depends in a
major part upon the level of detail to be
shown. The more summary (less detailed)
this is, the more difficult is it to find a
satisfactory wording or symbols to use
within the outlines. As a general rule,
whatever is chosen should be terse in order
to permit the use of small size outlines.
FIG. 26. The flow diagram of Figure 23 redrawn A second guideline is to be consistent in
using symbols within N e outhnes the level of detail shown in the flow dia-
gram. If some parts of the flow diagram
colon. The exit flowlines from a decision are m great detail and others are only
outline must be provided with an indica- sketchy, the statement of the algorithm is
tion of the basis for their choice, expressed distorted. A consistent level of detail pro-
in terms consistent with the notation used vides a sounder basis for making judg-
within the decision symbol outline, as ments about the algorithm and presents a
shown, for example, in Figure 27. better basis for making estimates of com-
Parentheses can indicate grouping, a puter time, programming time, and con-
usage borrowed from mathematics. An- version difficulties and for debugging than
other use is to indicate levels of addressing. does a fluctuating level. Maintaining a
Most literals are enclosed within prime consistent level of detail is simple only
marks (single quote marks) to indicate when the level of detail matches the im-
the zero-level addressing status. Numeric plementing programming language. The
literals, when they are to be used in difficulty comes with flow diagrams at
arithmetic operations, are sometimes summary and intermediate levels of detail.
shown without enclosing prime marks.
Nonnumeric character combinations ap-
pearing without the prime marks are as-
sumed to be first-level addresses--that is,
the names of items of data, such as a field
or variables.
The notation for second and higher
levels of addressing is to enclose in succes-
sive pairs of parentheses, one for each ad-
ditional level of addressing desired. A
special variant of this is the address con-
stant--that is, something whose value will
be determined by its machine language
address at the time of execution. An A in
front of the parenthesis can serve this pur-
The use of a terse notation such as sum- Fin. 27. E n t r y and exit flowhnes m a flow
marized here permits considerably greater diagram

Computing Surveys, Vol. 2, No. 2, ,Tune 1970

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