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Optimistic Being

To be amongst an optimistic being is like experiencing the presence of a deity

I didn’t think to recognize then but it looks like I knew one personally

As spectators glance and distinguish the celestial warmth that her soul radiates

They couldn’t ever understand the absolute power that she holds within that one trait

Unfailingly true to self without a doubt close by

Embodies a twinkle of elegance that lies within her dark brown eyes

Sanguine towards all that flows in her life’s direction

With the boldness of a eagle, she carries her struggles with a distinct type of perfection

I wonder if she withholds a special technique somewhere hidden

If I was in charge of it all, inflicting that on her would surely be forbidden

And yet, her head’s still held high and firm, and it completely blows my mind

Maybe sulking in her torment had become dull over time

Turning her downfall into an uprising no matter the conflict she faces

Hardships race towards her at a constant, but hope is all she embraces

Through it all, she still finds the time to inspire and revitalize me in ways I’ve never known

A true phenomenon in my eyes, but to others, just another living soul.

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