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Фэйрчайлд А.

- Оракул Кали


Я влюбилась в Кали в тот самый момент, как услышала её имя. И хотя я

практически ничего о ней не знала, я ощутила нечто знакомое и притягательное
в ней на душевном уровне. Я почувствовала преданность, длившуюся не одну
жизнь и вновь пробудившуюся в данном воплощении. На уровне инстинктов я
воспринимала её как проверенный и заслуживающий доверия источник
невероятной силы и защищённости. Каждый раз видя её изображения, я не
пугалась её ликов, какими бы грозными они ни казались непосвящённым. Даже
наоборот, эта ярость ещё больше привлекала меня. Я понимала:
had spanned lifetimes and was awakening again in this one. |
instinctively knew she was a trustworthy source of tremendous
power and protectiveness. When | did see images of her, although
they were confronting, | was not frightened. If anything, her
ferocity made me love her more because I realised ] could be my
gentle self, and she would show me how to access other ways
of being, when necessary. My response to her has remained the
same. [ bow with reverence, love and awe in her presence, with
complete trust in her wild, yet loving, divine nature.
Even given all the above, I knew that loving her was not
always going to be easy. When we encounter Kali, we can be sure
that whatever is unfolding will ultimately be to our spiritual
benefit. Likely, the process will involve challenging and painful
initiations. The pain is temporary and the benefit eternal,
but when you are going through the agony before the ecstasy,
knowing that may not be much comfort! One of the teachings of
the Wild Divine Motheris not to fear pain, but to find the courage
to move through it. This does not mean enduring and enduring
until we collapse in an exhausted, defeated heap! Sometimes,
we put ourselves through that unconsciously and even attribute
our persistent suffering to the workings of Kali. However, | have
found her divine handiwork to be rather more abrupt. It is the
aftermath of processing that can take a while.

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