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p o w e r ed

I may not know you personally,
but I know you are worthy of
love. I know you are a gift to

I know you are me, and I am you.

We are healing, growing, loving,

falling down, and getting back up

We are a force that can change

the world.

In my dream, all people recognize

their worth, their wisdom, and the
healing power of their laughter.

What is Warrior Goddess?
Warrior Goddess is the antidote to the flawed idea "I am
not enough".

Warrior energy is our Power: Focus, dedication, purpose,


When we harness our warrior energy we are confident,

clear, and bring 100% of ourselves to each action.

Goddess energy is our Creative flow: Unconditional love,

pleasure, passion, wisdom.

When we claim our goddess energy we live in joyful self-

acceptance, self-respect, and listen to our innermost

An Empowered Warrior Goddess embodies their unique

blend of Warrior and Goddess energies.
We live in a society where we see
a lot of excess Warrior energy,
and a lot of out-of-balance
Goddess energy.

Warrior energy can be healing when it is empowered,

destructive when in excess, or draining when it is deficient.

Excess Warrior energy can show up as people, structures, and

systems that are based on control, judgment, and “power-

Often, people who have been hurt by this type of expression

will shy away from Warrior energy and see it as destructive.

Out-of-balance Goddess energy can show up as people who

feel victimized and afraid, who are cycling and struggling with
the trauma and abuse in their past (or present), or who are so
out of touch with reality and other people’s experience that
they don’t see the person in front of them.

Out-of-balance Goddess energy can also manifest as extreme

procrastination, or lack of follow-through. We might become
doormats or distractors.
Coming back into
balance is not
something that will
happen overnight.

It is a dedicated,
ongoing quest to claim
your most powerful,
grounded, embodied
Warrior Goddess self
and create the life you
are meant to live.
Balanced Warrior energy is about owning your power, your
passion, and your vision in a clear, humble way.

When your Warrior energy is empowered, you know what

you want and you aren’t afraid to ask for it. You also know you
won’t always get what you want.

You know how to set boundaries, when to say no and when to

say yes, and you take centered, mindful action.

You don’t waste energy or time, and you understand that your
reality is shaped by your perceptions and actions, and that you
can’t force oR change others - you can only change yourself. 

If you have excess Warrior energy:

Be curious where you learned to hold an excess of Warrior
energy, and why. How have you benefited from holding an
excess of Warrior, and where has it caused you to suffer?

Practice compassion for yourself and for others. Be gentle.

Soften your hard edges. 

If you have deficient Warrior energy:

Be curious where you learned not to hold Warrior energy, and
why. How have you benefited, and how has it caused you to

Practice speaking up for yourself and staying true to what you

want. Let out your fierceness. Stay steady.
Balanced Goddess energy is about owning your power, your
passion, and your vision in a creative and joyful way.

When your Goddess energy is empowered, you bring love

and curiosity to everything you do. You are patient and kind.
You honor diversity and the artistry of each human, including

You are wide open with wonder and wildly devoted to

expressing your light, and encourage all around you to do the

If you have excess Goddess energy:

Be curious where you learned to hold an excess of Goddess
energy, and why. How have you benefited from holding an
excess, and where has it caused you to suffer?

Practice speaking up for yourself, and staying true to what you

want. Take action with love. Stay steady and humble, and teach
yourself how to follow through. 

If you have deficient Goddess energy:

Be curious where you learned not to hold Goddess energy, and
why. How have you benefited from not holding it, and where
has it caused you to suffer?

Learn to discern the difference between victim and survivor.

Nurture yourself as someone who thrives despite challenges.
Learn to make boundaries and stay connected to the wisdom
in your belly.
Exercise: Your Personal Spectrum
Complete this exercise to explore where you fall on the
spectrum of empowered - excess - deficient energies.

Place a number 1-10 next to each quality listed below. 1 is "I

rarely experience this quality" and 10 is "I experience this
quality a lot".

Warrior - Empowered Goddess - Empowered

Focus Open-Hearted
Clear Creative
Dedicated Intuitive
Committed Fluid

Warrior - Excess Goddess - Excess

Dogmatic Flaky
Judgmental Distracted
Controlling No Follow-Through
Angry Entitled

Warrior - Deficient Goddess - Deficient

Fearful Victimized
Timid Filled With Shame
Procrastinator No Boundaries
Insecure Rigid From Fear

Now add up the numbers for each of the six quadrants. This
will show you where you need to cultivate more or less Warrior
or Goddess energy in your life. 
Exercise: Commit To You
from Warrior Goddess Training
The idea of accepting and loving yourself
100% is much easier than the practice of
actually doing it.

In Commit to You, we begin to close the

gap between self-rejection and true
acceptance; thinking and being; wishing
and becoming.

Commitment to yourself is a process that

happens in layers.

It means saying yes to all of you - the parts you love and the
parts you dislike.

Over the next few days and weeks, explore these questions
without making yourself or others wrong.

Do you find self-worth in how you look, or is your self-worth

an inner spring based on your self-acceptance and respect?

Do you base your value on how well you are taking care of
everyone else at the expense of yourself, or do you honor
the importance of self-care and loving boundaries?

Does your strength come from how much money you have,
how sexy you are, or who you know, or does it flow from
your inner peace and resilience?
Keep questioning what true power means to you, and pay
attention, without judgment, to where you give your power away.
Exercise: Mirror Gazing
from Warrior Goddess Training Companion Workbook
We look in the mirror every day, but few
of us actually see ourselves.

Instead, we see who are not, the woman

we think we are supposed to be, and we
are immediately drawn to the areas
where we feel we've fallen short.

Consciously looking in the mirror is an

act of seeing yourself from the heart
instead of through the smoky layers of
your own idealization and judgment.
Gaze at yourself in the mirror and witness the judgmental
voices. Witness your judge while doing your best not to believe
what it is saying. Take in the full image of your self as it is
reflected back to you. Your precious face is a testimony to all
of your experiences and all of your wisdom. 

Look into your own eyes and commit to accepting the gifts,
wisdom, and experiences of the one starting back at you.

Do this practice for 10 days, noticing your judgments and

exploring their fallacy.

The first 5 days may be rough, as this is when the judge is

often loudest. It will get easier, and the gift of loving yourself
exactly as you are is the reward.

Keep questioning what true power means to you, and pay

attention, without judgment, to where you give your power away.
You Did It!
You are closer already to
embodying your
Empowered Warrior
Goddess self!

Remember to be kind
and gentle with yourself
as you continue on your
journey. You are enough.

About HeatherAsh Amara

HeatherAsh Amara is the best-selling author of Warrior
Goddess Training and several other books in the Warrior
Goddess Wisdom series, as well as Awaken Your Inner Fire, The
Little Book of Big Freedom, and her forthcoming book The
Warrior Heart Practice (St. Martin's Press, January 2020)

She travels the world working with women to integrate the

feminine wisdom of the ancients into their modern lives.

Connect with HeatherAsh on Instagram, Facebook, and at

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