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2nd PALENC Conference and 28th AIVC Conference on Building Low Energy Cooling and 811

Advanced Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century, September 2007, Crete island, Greece

An investigation into developing an urban climatic map for high density living-
initial study in Hong Kong
C. Ren, E. Ng
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HKSAR

L. Katzchner
University Kassel, Germany

ABSTRACT planning from the vie�������������������������������������

w of sustainable development, should
not remain �����������������������������������������
on the�����������������������������������
academic level
Landsberg, 1970).
Nowadays in view of the growing expectation of qual- To help planners and architects to understand and evalu-
ity urban spaces, planners, architects and developers ate the effect of urban climatic issues, such as urban
concern about urban microclimate in the process of ventilation, thermal comfort and urban heat island���� on
urban development. Under this context, the concept planning decision�������������������������������������
, an urban climate map can be consid-
of urban climatic map (UCMap) has been introduced. ered an appropriate tool for translating climate knowl-
UCMap is a tool for translating climatic knowledge lanning process �(Urban Climate Map and
edge to the p�����������������
into urban planning process. It can help urban planning Standards for Wind Environment-Feasibility Study,
professionals to understand and evaluate the effect of 2006)���������������������������������������������
. Urban Climate Map (UCMap) is a map showing
urban climatic issues on planning decision. Although a the urban climatic issues. Apart from the physical
number of researches have been conducted on UCMap, factors, the development of the UCMap is also based on
almost all of them focused on scenario of low density qualitative and subjective criteria (Scherer et al., 1999).
cities in Europe, North America and South America; re- UCMaps are of increasing interest throughout Europe,
search concerning high density cities is seriously lack- North America, and South America in recent years;
ing. Thus, there is an urgent need to address this issue in many studies have been conducted on the issue. How-
high density cities, such as Hong Kong. ever, almost all of them focused on scenario of low
The Planning Department of Hong Kong Special Ad- density cities; research concerning high density cities is
ministrative Region (HKSAR) Government has initi- seriously lacking. Thus, there is a need to address this
ated a feasibility study of an Air Ventilation Assessment issue in high density cities, such as Hong Ko����ng.
System for Hong Kong. As part of this project, a pilot Hong Kong has a population of 6.9 millions on a land
study has been conducted to investigate the microcli- area of 1,100 km². It is facing a serious problem of the
matic issues in a dense urban site in Hong Kong. This deteriorating urban thermal environment due to the fast
paper will present some initial findings of this study. It urban development. Hence, there is an urgent need to
will illustrate various urban climatic phenomena, such incorporate the concept of Urban Climate Map in lo-
as air ventilation, thermal comfort and urban heat island cal planning process, and to develop effective methods
effects in a high density environment. Based on the field for its application in Hong Kong. In response to the
measurement data, the urban breeze ways and air paths Team Clean report of Hong Kong in 2003, the Plan-
have been carefully examined, in order to understand ning Department of HKS�����������������������������
AR recently published an Air
the air flow pattern within the dense built-up area and Ventilation Assessment System (AVAS) for guiding
also to study the Urban Heat Island Effect in this high regional ���������������������������������������������
and planning. T������������������
his represents an
density region under different wind conditions. important first step towards urban climatic approach.


In view of the growing economic development, there

is an increasing demand of urban spaces in modern
cities to incorporate various activities. However, this
new development of���������������������������������
pressure on the urban
environment. ��������������������������������������������
While environmental policy has drawn public
attention on issues such as water quality and biodiversity;
urban climate, as one of the most important issues in urban

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812 2nd PALENC Conference and 28th AIVC Conference on Building Low Energy Cooling and
Advanced Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century, September 2007, Crete island, Greece

dences showing that uniform building height and uni-

form distances between buildings create the least flow
disturbances (Wilmers, 1975). So the analysis of urban
context could help to find the regional breezeways, air
paths and thermal circulation. At the same time, consid-
ering these urban climate conditions in urban planning
process could help to solve the regional wind problem
and to create a healthy living environment.

2.2 ���������������������������������������
Definition of Urban Climate Map (UCMap)
Nowadays stakeholders such as planners, architects and
developers increasingly encounter climatic questions in
the process of urban development and land-use transfor-
mations. For assisting them to understand and evaluate
Figure1: Causeway Bay from bird view within the red ring the effect of urban climatic issues such as air ventilation,
thermal comfort and urban heat island effect, the con-
This paper presents the findings of a study concerning cept of UCMap was introduced. Since 1980, research-
the urban wind environment�������������������������
in Hong Kong. The study ers from Europe, North America, and South America
investigated Causeway Bay (Figure 1), an entirely dense tried to ����������������������������������������������
develop the idea of urban climate assessment.
urban site in Hong Kong to illustrate ������������������
urban cli-
���� Urban Climate Map (UCMap) ���������������������
can be considered as
, which includes air ventilation, thermal an appropriate
tool for translating urban climate in-
comfort and urban heat island effects. Furthermore, this formation into
two dimensional mapping accepted by
paper will provide some initial understandings of the planners. UCMaps are �����������������������������
made cover the whole
development of UCMap based on urban climatic data. city area with a scale of 1: 25,000 or the specific district�
This is an ongoing ��������������������������������������
. The ultimate goal of the study with a scale of 1:2,500 (Tanaka, et al., 2003). In some
is to aid better planning of Hong Kong and to �����������
contribute� Germany-speaking countries, ��������������������
two types of UCM����
to the current knowledge gap on urban climate in high have����������������������������������������������
been introduced and have���������������������
become prominent in
density cities. applied urban climatology�������������������������������
(Scherer et al., 1999)��������
. ������
maps are known as the Urban Climate Analysis Map
2. BACKGROUND and Urban
Climate Recommendation Map.
The former consists of ‘climatope’ maps. Different ar-
2.1 The Characteristics of Wind Environment eas called climatopes are displayed, which���������������
represent the
Urbanization changes local micro-and meso- urban cli- distinctive local climates. (e.g. Beckröge et al., 1988;
mate. Some of these can be advantageous such as the Kiese et al., 1992; Lazar et al., 1994; Stock, 1984; Stock
heat island effect in cold climates. Others include high- and Beckröge, 1985) The development of this map is
ly undesirable atmospheric consequences such as bad based on different urban structures like downtown areas
ventilation, unhealthy air quality, air pollution and so or rural areas and also related to the specific land-use
on (Landsberg, 1970). These consequences are mainly like parks, greenery, larger water surfaces and so on as
associated with the wind problems which now afflict all of these factors interacting characteristically with
many cities’ environment and can seriously degrade the urban atmosphere. So Urban Analysis Map with dif-
the quality of urban living. Hong Kong with its high- ferent climatopes, are categorized into several levels of
density high-rise urban context is also facing such wind classification following urban climatic characteristics
problems (i.e. the outbreak of SARS in 2003, which and urban structure.
threatened the public’s hygiene and health conditions). The second type of map was c���������������������������
reated on the basis �������
of the�
Within the city, wind direction�����������������������������
is very closely affected by Urban Climate Analysis Map. ����������������������������
t aims to provide planners
the form of the buildings, the pattern of streets, the pro- and architects some hints and guide���������������������
lines in the process
visions of open spaces and the topography upon which of urban development����������������������������������
from the urban climatic point of
the city is built (Chandler, 1976). The urban canyons view. For ex������������������������������������������
ample, the map represents “place which re-
channel the air flow and at times create intense Ventrui quires an improvement” and “��������������������������
lace which should be con-
effects (Oke, 1976; Landsberg, 1981). High-rise build- served” from the view of urban climate. At the same time,
ings could produce some undesirable eddies; but appro- it also represents the results of an evaluation of the urban
priate street width, street orientation and building design climate. The legend of the UCM represents the planning
could mitigate these negative conditions, and especially guidelines following different strategies with the regard
affect wind directions and speeds. There are some evi- to sustainable urban development, e.g. protection of

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Advanced Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century, September 2007, Crete island, Greece

sensible areas, improvements of problematic situations,

risk assessment and reduction, and also recommenda-
tions for appropriate forms of land-use. ���������������
(e.g. Beckröge
et al., 1988; Kiese et al., 1992; Kuttler, 1993; Lazar et
al., 1994; Stock and Beckröge, 1985; Sukopp and Wit-
tig, 1993; VDI-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft, 1988;
Wirtschaftsministerium Baden-Württemberg, 1993).
To date�������������������������������������������������
the following cities����������������������������
in Europe have already con-
ducted UCMap studies:��������������������������������
Athens, Berlin, Frankfurt, Kas-
sel, Milan, Stuttgart and Zürich. Outside Europe, many
cities have conducted pre-studies on UCMap; these in-
clude Buenos Aires (Argentina), Sao Paulo��������������
and ���������
(Brazil), Tokyo�������������������������������������
Japan) and Vancouver (Canada) (Ng,
2006). But almost all of them focused on the scenario
of low density cites. The research on UCMap in the sce-
nario of high density cities is still lacking. Therefore, in
Figure 2: the urban context of Causeway Bay from bird
order to create UCMap of high density city, it is nec-
essary to collect its typical data of urban structure and
The detail�����������������������������������������
information about urban structure and
urban climate such as air flow and thermal conditions.
master plan �������������������������������������������
Causeway Bay is illustrated�������������
in Fig������
ure ��3
and the Fig����������������������������������������������
ure 4.
ure 3 shows the centre of the site;
as can be seen, it has an irregular pattern. There are few
obvious wind channels and urban canyons, but there is
In a high density city, in order to understand the typical
a network of flows. �������������������������������������
here is also a tall building (shown�
condition of urban climate, a large amount of quantita-
in the �������������������������������������������������
in Figure 3�������������������������
with a space in front,
tive data needs to be collected in Hong Kong. Consid-
but the building has few voids underneath. Moreover
ering the local urban context, Causeway Bay which is
there is no obvious air path going through the space.
known as the most crowded area in Hong Kong has been
he space is therefore very isolated.
chosen as the site for field measurement and case study.
Figure 4 shows the northern part of the site. It represents
Causeway Bay is located at the eastern part of Hong
a rare urban condition����������������������������������
where both sides of the site are
Kong Island. Its urban context is shown in the Figure
exposed to natural features. The north side of the site
2. Before urban development and massive land recla-
is facing the Victoria Harbor, whilst the east of the site
mation, Causeway Bay was a heavily silted bay. The
is ��������������������������������������������������
to an urban park. Both of these natural
whole area is flat and facing to the waterfront and Victo-
features are good���������������������������������������
of wind. T��������������������
here are streets of
ria Park. But now Causeway Bay is one of Hong Kong’s
different widths; and there is an interesting feature of a
major commercial districts and full of high-rise build-
T junction which allows wind from the East. B��������
ings especially in the centre part. Since it is also one of
heights in this site are relatively uniform.
the major shopping areas in Hong Kong, it is always
full of visitors including both local people and tourists.
With high ground coverage and high densily popula-
tion, it comes to be one of the most crowded areas in
Hong Kong. Nevertheless there are several wide streets
across the site, they include Canal Road West, Yee Wo
Street, Percival Street and Leighton Road.

Figure 3: the centre part of the site Figure 4: the north part of
the site


4.1 Basic Data Pre-processing

In order to understand regional macro wind condition����

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814 2nd PALENC Conference and 28th AIVC Conference on Building Low Energy Cooling and
Advanced Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century, September 2007, Crete island, Greece

Hong Kong, it is important to collect information about (Givoni, 2003; Givoni and Noguchi,2000; Givoni and
the mean wind speed in 10-minute average. Referring Noguchi, 2004; HKO, Monthly Meteorological ��������������
and Ex-
to the mean wind map on 14 Oct 2006 from H���������
ong K����
ong tremes����������������������������������������������������
for Hong Kong1961-1990; RWDI: Soligo, 1998 )
as shown in������������������������������
the prevailing wind
in Hong Kong ��������������������������������������
mainly from southeast to northwest Figure 7 shows the comfort outdoor temperature chart
directions. for Hong Kong. It provides a rough prediction of the
comfort zones for outdoor activities based on air
temperature, wind speed and solar radiation intensity. ��� I��t
has been demonstrated in an earlier���������������������
study that an urban
wind speed ranging from 1.0 to 2.0m/s would result in a
comfortable condition�������������������������������������
for pedestrians in shade on typical
clear sunny days ������������������������������������
in ���������������������������������
summer. Referring to Hong Kong��� ’��s
general macro wind availability data, solar radiation
data and the findings of recent researches, p�������������
roper la�����
of ������������������������������������������������������
urban patterns and street widths, ��������������������
careful disposition
f building bulks and heights, open spaces and their
configurations, breezeway��������������������������������
and air path������������������
, and so on, are
all important design
to capture��������������
the incoming�
wind in order to obtain the desirable wind speed
for outdoor comfort. (Katzschner and Ng, 2006)�.

Figure 5����������������������������������������
: The�����������������������������������
map of
wind in the 10 minutes 4.2 Field Measurement
The investigation site was located in the east of Hong
Kong Island as shown in Figure 1. The aim of the study
was to carefully examine the breeze way and air path;
to understand their flow pattern in regional streets, and
also to know the location, situation�������������������
and area ���������
of Urban�
Heat Island in this region under ������������������������
the ��������������������
easterly prevailing
wind situation.
urban climatic��������������������������
problems, the main field
Figure 6: The����������������������������������������������������
table of solar radiation data on 14 Oct 2006-10-28�
����������� measurement data was investigated on current urban
climatic conditions����������������������������
from two different aspects:
- The dynamic analysis for breeze ways, air paths and
Based on the researches by Prof. Baruch Givoni on thermal circulation
outdoor comfort in Japan and Israel (Givoni and - The thermal analysis in the respect to the heat island
Noguchi, 2000; Baruch Givoni, 2003; Givoni and and thermal comfort
Noguchi, 2004), where the climate is similar to Hong Field measurement was carried out on 14th October
Kong, i.e. hot-humid climate, the outdoor comfort for 2006 from 2:50 pm to 4:10 pm in Causeway Bay, Hong
urban areas (applicable for Hong Kong situations) can Kong Island. The portable equipment�����������������
(Testo 400)�����
be predicted by a formula in terms of air temperature, been used to measure the wind direction, wind speed,
solar radiation and wind speed. air temperature and relative humidity (RH) of each
point at the pedestrian street ��������������������������
n the site. These useful
information and data would help us understand the
regional urban climate clearly.
The selection������������������������������������������
criteria of the measuring����������������
field measurement is the difference between ������������
local ������
(e.g. near the sea, open space, wide street��� s��,
narrow streets, slope situations and street direction)
along the streets from sea to the centre of the site.�����Six
groups of equipment
been arranged on site to
measure the climatic conditions in different��������������
locations at
the same time. The distribution of measurement points
starts from the seashore and Victoria Park to Leighton
Road and follows streets around the high-dense built up
Figure 7: Comfort outdoor temperature chart for Hong Kong area. In
each group, there are 5 points of�������������

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as shown in Fig������������������������������������
ure ��������������������������������
8. �����������������������������
Their characteristics follow affected by the conditions of the surrounding���������
urban structure: Point 1 near the seashore or Victory environment, such as solar radiation processes, air
Park, where low rise buildings������������������������
nearby; Point 2 at temperature, humidity level and the wind speed. Recent
the corner of main streets, surrounded by high-rise researches by Prof. Givoni indicated that in conditions
buildings; Point 3 on the street with tram, bus lanes and of high RH, the effects of changing RH, ������������
for example�
car lanes, comparatively narrower than point 2, ���� sur- from 70% to 85% has negligible effect on thermal
by high-rise buildings,��������������������������
street running from east comfort (Givoni, 2003). Due to the �����������������
to west bending at far ends�����������������������������
; Point 4 and 5 were located hot-humid climate of Hong Kong������������������������
, ����������������������
especially �����������
in summer;
on streets, surrounded by buildings with various height��
s�. the humidity level and the air temperature are slightly
different from place to place. So the wind speed as the
main factor of thermal comfort should be ����������
considered in each ��������������������������������������
. Table 1 shows the result of
the field measurement at each measuring point


6.1 Initial Urban Climate Map (UCMap)

Based on some initial analysis of the ������������������
field measurement
data ����������������������������������������������������
and the results as shown ���������������������������
in Table 1, we created t���
initial UCM�������������������������������������������
aps for������������������������������������
Causeway Bay�����������������������
in Figure���9�
and Fig��������������������������������������������������
. The scale of the former is 1:2000, and the
scale of the lat���������������������������������������������
1:10,000. These
maps not only contain
useful information about the local urban climate, they
ure 8:������������������������������������������������������
The location of each point for ����������������������
the six
groups in the also indicate the problems associated with urban climate
(G-1: Group 1; G-2: Group 2; G-3: Group 3; G-4: Group 4; and provide some hints on the causes of the problems.
G-5: Group 5; G-6: Group 6)
Table 1: Results from the one day experiment with wind speed, 6.2 Urban Heat Island (UHI)
air temperatures and humidity at 5 points as shown in Figure 8 In accordance to������������������������������������������
the result from �������������������������
able 1 and �������������
the geometry
of local
urban structure������������������������������������
, air temperature was��������������
divided into
three parts from low to high�������������������������������
as shown in Figure 9����������
. The yel-
low area shows the ���������������������������������������
with lower air temperature, and
the �����������������������������������������������������
zone �������������������������������������������
which is a denser built��������������������
up area �����������
higher air temperature than the yellow one. The highest air
temperature in Causeway Bay is shown in the red zone��,
which is the densest high����������������������������������
rise built�����������������������
up area���������������
. All of these
three areas provide������������������������������������
some useful information
the ����������������������������������������������������
phenomenon of the urban heat island effect in Cause-
way Bay. Based
on these maps����������������������������
, the area of urban heat is-
land is clearly shown and easily understood.


5.1 Data Analysis Fig�����������������������������������������������������������

ure 9: ����������������������������������������������������
The local urban climate map of Causeway Bay (scale:
he thermal comfort of people outdoors can be 1:2 000)

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ecause all the streets around the Victoria������������������
Park follows the around the north edge of Causeway Bay area as shown
direction from North to South, the Victoria����������������
Park, as a big in Figure 10. It supports the local air ventilation at the
open space near Causeway Bay, can not�����������������
greatly ��������
improve waterfront, which is indicated by the yellow area and
its surrounding����������������������������������������
wind ����������������������������������
thermal ����������
conditions. also around its northern side as shown in Figure 9. The
direction of wind in the yellow area is mainly from
northwest to southeast, and the direction of wind around
the northern side of yellow area close to the waterfront
is from east to west and from west to east depending on
the season.
- There is a prevailing wind down following the slope
of the southeast mountain, towards the centre of Cause-
way Bay, as the big arrow shown in Figure 10. It is a
thermal induced circulation coming from the cool veg-
etation type of slopes.
- As illustrated by the orange area in Figure 9, the direc-
tion of wind mainly follows the direction of streets from
SE to NW.
- Due to the urban structure and regional morphology in
ure 10:������������������������������������������������
The regional urban climate map of Causeway Bay Causeway Bay, after being drawn downhill, the prevail-
(scale: 1:10 000) ing wind is dispersed into three main branches follow-
ing the orientation of streets by “Canyon Effect”. They
6.3 Ventilation Condition are indicated by the small arrow as shown in Figure 9,
With urbanization in Causeway Bay, the high density and their directions mainly follow the streets direction
high-rise buildings not���������������������������������������
only increase the roughness of the from southeast to northwest.
surface ������������������������������������������������
of urban
context, but also lower the wind speed - Since the orientation of building blocks in the shadow
on the ground level within the urban canopy. From Ta- area in Figure 9 is improperly blocking one of the branch
ble 1, the wind speed on the ground level was observed winds, local air ventilation is greatly reduced in the cen-
from 0.6�����������������������������������������������
to 2.2������������������������������������
in the site. The���������������
wind speed���� de- tre and urban heat island effect in this area is intensified.
creased from the waterfront �������������������������
Victoria Par���������
to the - Both the winds from waterfront and downhill are stopped
centre of the site���������������������������������������
measured wind speed at locations at the boundary between the yellow area and the pink area,
in the shadow zone �����������������������������������
as shown���������������������������
in Fig��������������������
ure 8����������������
the lowest which is a denser built up areas as shown in the Figure 9.
of all�����������������������������������������������������
. These locations include
Point 3, Point 4 and Point
5 of Group 2 as ����������������������������������������
in Table 1. On�������������������
the other hand, 6.5 The Development of Two Initial UCMaps
the measured wind speed in both the ����������������������
red zone and pink The most important factors in the creation and
zone are higher than �����������������������������������
that measured����������������������
in the shadow zone. formation of an urban climate are the soil and surface
According to�������������������������������������������
Table 1, we found ������������������������
that �������������������
the wind speed was characteristics, which have been changed in the urban
influenced by street width and its surrounding environ- area in relation to the surrounding countryside. A������
t the
ment. For example, the locations of Point 5 of Group current stage, two initial UCMaps has been developed
Point 3 of Group 6 are both in high density area.� based on the data collected from the field measurement.
However, �������������������������������������������
the w��������������������������������������
nd speed�����������������������������
there are������������������
higher than that����� B���������������������������������������������������
ut the final UCMap will be created through further
measured in other
oints in the same group�������������
. This is����
be- research and study in the next step. The investigation
cause the location���������������������������������������
of these two points �����������������
the and recording of the urban climate can be carried out
open space��������������������������������������������������
on wider streets. The former �����������������
is near with the help of various methods, including field meas-
the Causeway Bay Sports Ground and the lat�������������
er ���������
location� urements����������������������������������������������
, wind tunnel studies, and the application of
is near a triangle open space on the right of �����������
the Cannel
������� numerical simulation. ���������������������������������
ll these methods can help us to
Road West, which is a highway from south to north. test our findings in the unique urban canopy���������
of Hong
Kong. Human biometeorology��������������������������
and air quality as other
6.4 Wind Direction factors of the assessment of urban climate will also be
ithin the city, wind direction, as already indicated, considered in the next step.
is very closely controlled by the form of the buildings, The���������������������������������������������������
final result of analysis on UCMap will be used to
and the pattern of streets and open spaces, as well as revise the regional urban ����������������������������
in near future and
the topography upon which the city is built (Chandler��, also be provided to Hong Kong O���������������������
as useful
). Based o����������������������������������������
n the�����������������������������������
analysis of�����������������������
the field measurement reference�������������
data, our�������������������������
findings ���������������
are as
- Easterly regional wind from the Victoria Harbor goes

PALENC 2007 - Vol 2.indd 816 7/9/2007 1:24:47 µµ

2nd PALENC Conference and 28th AIVC Conference on Building Low Energy Cooling and 817
Advanced Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century, September 2007, Crete island, Greece

7. CONCLUSIONS Münster. Werkstattberichte zum Umweltschutz 1/1992. Umwelt-

amt der Stadt Münster, pp. 247.
Based on �����������������������������������������������
the above��������������������������������������
observations and findings������������
, it can be Kuttler, W., (1993), Stadtklima. In: Sukopp, H., Wittig, R. (Eds.),
Stadtökologie. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, pp.113-153
concluded as follows�:
Landsberg, H.E., (1970), Climates and Urban Planning, Urban
- If we could re-layout the orientation of some build- Climate, World Meteorological Organization, Technical No.108,
ings and the street grid, the local micro-climate could Genveva, Switzerland,, pp.366-377.
be improved. For instance, if the buildings and streets in Landsberg, H. E. (1981). The urban climate. New York: Aca-
the shadow area could be reoriented, the heat load of the demic Press.
whole area, especially in the centre of Causeway Bay, Lazar, R., Buchroithner, M.F., Kaufmann, V., (1994), Stadtkli-
like the red zone, will be reduced. The air ventilation maanalyse Graz. Stekgraz, Magistrat Graz, Stadtplanungsamt,
Graz, pp. 163.
will be also improved, because the buildings are block-
Mean Wind, Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong SAR, (http://
ing the wind either from the waterfront on the north or Monthly Me-
from the back hill on the south. teorological Normals and Extremes for Hong Kong 1961-1990
- Change the building shapes and limit the size of the Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong SAR, (http://www.hko.
buildings, which badly affect the regional air ventilation
and thermal circulation. Ng, E., (2006), Urban Climate Map: A Strategic Approach, Proc.
- Promote the wind breezes from the waterfront or down Professional Green Building Council (PGBC) Symposium 2006:
Urban Climate +Urban Greenery, Professional Green Building
from the back hill in the site.
Council, Hong Kong, pp.48.
f the above recommendations could be employed��
����������, Oke, T.R., (1976), Inadvertent modification of the city atmos-
it would help to improve the local urban climate and phere and the prospects for planned urban climates, Proc. World
create a healthier������������������������������������
urban environment in Causeway Bay. Meteorological Organization Symp. on Meteorology as Related
to Urban and Regional Land-Use Planning, World Meteorologi-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS cal Organization, Genveva, Switzerland, No.444, pp.150-175.
RWDI: Soligo, MJ, (1998), A comprehensive assessment of
pedestrian comfort including thermal effects, Journal of Wind En-
The authors express their thanks to all team members:
gineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.77&78, pp.753-766
Jun MU, Zhengjun HE, Xipo AN, Yingna WANG, Scherer, D., Fehrenbach, U., Beha, H.-D. , and Parlow, E., (1999)
Shuk-kwan CHAN and ����������������������������
students of ENV7005 who Improved concepts and methods in analysis and evaluation of
made this study possible. Special thanks are given to all the urban climate for optimizing urban planning process, Atmos-
institutions and persons providing us with data sets; the pheric Environment, vol.33, pp.4185-4193
authors are especially grateful����������������������
to Jochen M����������
lder who Stock, P., (1984), Thermalluftbilder von Recklinghausen und LuK
played a �������������������������������������������
part in map production and Max nen. In: Kuttler, W., Schreiber, D. (Eds.), Materialien zur Raumord-
nung XXV: Stadt-und geländeklimatische Untersuchungen im süd-
Lee who kept the measure equipment running.
lichen MuK nsterland Geogr. Inst. Ruhr-Univ. Bochum, pp. 103-114.
Stock, P., & Beckröge, W., (1985), Klimaanalyse Stadt Essen.
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