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Task 2: This is me

Curso Inglés A1

Adriana María Mora Linares

Código 900001_1198

Programa académico

Ingeniería Industrial

Nombre del tutor

Rene Israel López

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia


(Marzo del 2023)

Task 2: This is me

a. Stage 1: Ejercicio del e-book.

I add activity
Module 3 exercise 9

b. Stage 2 – 3: Composición en inglés.

Parrafo 1: personal presentation

My name is Adriana Maria, I live in Palmira and work as a consultant study

industrial engineering. I also make lingerie for women,I am 21 years old and do
not have children but I have a cat named bear and what I like to do the most is
watch netflix series.
Parrafo 2: Description of my residence

I am from colombi, from the departamento of valle and live in Palmira. My family is
five members, we also have two cats and dog. Finally, we live in a first floor
hause, it has two Green Windows,it has a very high platform and a very wide door.

Parrafo 3 : My routine

My routine starts at 5:30 Am, I get up, shower and get ready to take public
transport. My working day starts from 8:00 Am to 6:00 Pm. Later I come home to
eat, rest and rarely do homework. however, the best thing in my life is the
weekend, which is where I finally forget about all my worries

c. Stage 4: Portafolio.


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