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Назва наукового напрямку (модуля): Семестр: 8

Krok ophthalmology 2019

8 семестр, 4 курс, мед
Перелік питань:
1. A worker of a glass-blowing workshop complains of headache, irritability, visual
impairment - he sees everything as if through a ”net”. Objectively: hyperemic sclera,
thickened cornea, decreased opacity of pupils, visual acuity is 0,8 in the left eye, 0,7 in the right
eye. The worker uses no means of personal protection. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Conjunctivitis

B. Keratitis

C. * Cataract

D. Blepharospasm

E. Progressive myopia

2. A patient, who had eaten canned mushrooms (honey agaric) three days ago, developed vision
impairment (diplopia, mydriasis), speech disorder, disturbed swallowing. What type of food
poisoning occurred in the patient?

A. * Botulism

B. Food toxicoinfection

C. Fusariotoxicosis

D. Honey agaric poisonong

E. Lead salts poisoning

3. A 60 y.o. man complains of significant pain in the right eye, photophobia, lacrimation, reduced
vision of this eye, headache of the right part of the head. Pain occured 2 days ago. On
examination: Vis OD- 0,03, congested injection of the eye ball, significant cornea edema, front
chamber is deep, pupil is narrow, athrophic iris, there is optic nerve excavation on the eye fundus,
intraocular pressure- 38 mm Hg. Vis OS-0,8 unadjustable. The eye is calm, healthy. Intraoccular
pressure- 22 mm Hg. What is the most probable diagnosis?

A. Right eye’s uveitis

B. Right eye’s keratitis

C. Eye nerve’s neuritis

D. * Aсute glaucoma attack

E. Maculodystrophy

4. A 32-year-old patient complains of reddening, burning, and sensation of a foreign body in the
right eye. The disease is acute. On examination: visual acuity of the both eyes is 1,0. In the right
eye there are hyperemy and swelling of the conjunctiva, superficial injection. There is purulent
discharge in the conjunctival sac. The cornea is clear. The color and pattern of the iris are
uncanged, the pupil is mobile. What diagnosis is most likely?

A. * Acute conjunctivitis

B. Acute iridocyclitis

C. Acute attack of glaucoma

D. Foreign body of the cornea

E. Acute dacryocystitis

5. A 10-year-old boy complains of pain in his left eye and strong photophobia after he has injured
his left eye with a pencil at school. Left eye examination revealed: blepharospasm, ciliary and
conjunctival congestion, cornea is transparent, other parts of eyeball have no changes. Visus 0,9.
Right eye is healthy, Visus 1,0. What additional method would you choose first of all?

A. * Staining test with 1% fluorescein

B. X-ray examination of orbit

C. Tonometria

D. Gonioscopia

E. Cornea sensation-test

6. A 60 y.o. man complains of significant pain in the right eye, photophobia, lacrimation, reduced
vision of this eye, headache of the right part of the head. Pain occured 2 days ago. On
examination: Vis OD- 0,03, congested injection of the eye ball, significant cornea edema, front
chamber is deep, pupil is narrow, athrophic iris, there is optic nerve excavation on the eye fundus,
intraocular pressure- 38 mm Hg. Vis OS-0,8 unadjustable. The eye is calm, healthy. Intraoccular
pressure- 22 mm Hg. What is the most probable diagnosis?

A. * Aсute glaucoma attack

B. Right eye’s uveitis

C. Right eye’s keratitis

D. Eye nerve’s neuritis

E. Maculodystrophy

7. After contusion of the right eye a patient complains of sudden loss of vision with remaining light
perception. Objectively: the eye is not irritated. The cornea is transparent. Pupil reacts to light.
The pupil area is black. The fundus reflex is absent. What is the most likely cause of vision loss?

A. Retinal detachment

B. Traumatic cataract

C. * Hemophthalmia
D. Acute occlusion of retinal vessels

E. Optic nerve avulsion

8. A 40-year-old female patient has a history of rheumatism. She complains about acute pain in her
left eye, especially at night, vision impairment, photophobia, lacrimation. The patient cannot
suggest any reasons for the disease. Objectively: weak pericorneal injection, flattening of iris
relief, iris discoloration. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. * Iridocyclitis

B. Iritis

C. Keratitis

D. Choroiditis

E. Acute attack of glaucoma

9. In the morning a patient had nausea, abdominal discomfort, single vomiting, dry mouth. In the
evening, the patient presented with the increasing general weakness, double vision, difficult
swallowing of solid food. Objectively: ptosis, mydriasis, anisocoria, absence of gag and
pharyngeal reflex, dry mucous membranes. The previous evening the patient had dinner with
canned food and alcohol. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

A. Acute ischemic stroke

B. Food toxicoinfection

C. Intoxication with unknown poison

D. * Botulism

E. Poliomyelitis

10. A 55-year-old patient complains of severe itching, burning and pain in the eyes, skin redness in
the outer corners of the palpebral fissure. Objectively: skin around the outer corners of the
palpebral fissure is macerated, eczematous, there are single moist cracks. Palpebral conjunctiva is
hyperemic, quaggy. There are minor discharges in form of stringing mucus. What is the most
likely diagnosis?

A. * Chronic conjunctivitis

B. Acute conjunctivitis

C. Stye

D. Blepharitis

E. Atopic eyelid dermatitis

11. A 60-year-old man has a diet consisting of unvaried food staples: mostly cereals, potato, pasta;
few vegetables and little fats (especially animal fats). During medical examination he complains
of deterioration of his twilight vision. This condition can be caused by lack of:

A. * Retinol

B. Amino acids

C. Fats

D. Calcium

E. Carbohydrates

12. An electro-gas welding operator working at a machine workshop performs welding and cutting of
metal, which is accompanied by intense UV-radiation. His welding station is equipped with
effective mechanical ventilation. What occupational disease is most likely to develop in the
electro-gas welding operator?

A. * Photoelectric ophthalmia

B. Heatstroke

C. Vegetative-vascular dystonia

D. Chronic overheating

E. Pneumoconiosis

13. A 10-year-old boy complains of pain in his left eye and strong photophobia after he has injured
his left eye with a pencil at school. Left eye examination revealed: blepharospasm, ciliary and
conjunctival congestion, cornea is transparent, other parts of eyeball have no changes. Visus 0,9.
Right eye is healthy, Visus 1,0. What additional method would you choose first of all?

A. * Staining test with 1% fluorescein

B. X-ray examination of orbit

C. Tonometria

D. Gonioscopia

E. Cornea sensation-test

14. Patient complains of pain, redness, swelling of the eyelids for 3 days. Objectively: hyperemic,
painful formation with a yellowish apex at the edge of the eyelid is visible. Diagnosis?

A. * Stye

B. Chalasia

C. Cancer of Eyelid Skin

D. Adenocarcinoma of the conjunctiva

E. Eyelid tear

15. During the examination in the maternity hospital there was noted swelling and hyperemia of
eyelids in newborn. Objectively: significant edema of eyelids. When trying to open the eyelids a
bloody discharges where found. Conjunctiva of eyelids and eyeball is hyperemic and edematous.
Make a diagnosis.

A. * Blenorreic conjunctivitis of newborns

B. Abscesse of eyelids

C. Keratitis

D. Blepharitis

E. Stye.

16. A 10th grade student came to the doctor with complaints of the difficulty to open the right eye in
the morning, redness, burning sensation, itching, presence of yellow discharges, which
accumulates in the corner of the eye rim and on the eyelids. Objectively: vision of the right eye
1,0. Right orbital rim is narrowed, hyperemia and edema of the eyelids, conjunctival injection,
yellow discharges in conjunctival cavity. Cornea is transparent. Anterior chamber and iris are
without changes. The pupil is round, the reaction to light is lively. Ocular fundus without
pathological changes. What is a diagnosis?

A. S. Keratitis

B. * Conjunctivitis

C. Iridocyclitis

D. Chalazia

E. Blefaritis

17. A 40-year-old female patient has a history of rheumatism. She complains about acute pain in her
left eye, especially at night, vision impairment, photophobia, lacrimation. The patient cannot
suggest any reasons for the disease. Objectively: weak pericorneal injection, flattening of iris
relief, iris discoloration. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. * Iridocyclitis

B. Iritis

C. Keratitis

D. Choroiditis

E. Acute attack of glaucoma

18. A 13 years old boy, complies of itching, photophobia, tearing in both eyes in the spring-summer
period. Objectively: conjunctiva of the eyelids with a milky white shade, covered with pale-pink
papillae. Diagnosis?

A. * Spring catar
B. Acute pneumococcal conjunctivitis

C. Diphtheriс conjunctivitis

D. Adenoviral conjunctivitis

E. Gonoblenoreic conjunctivitis

19. A 34 years old woman came to the doctor-therapist of the district hospital with complaints of
tumor on the upper eyelid. The patient said that at first the tumor was small, than it gradually
increased to the size of a bean. During the examination you revealed a tumor on the upper eyelid,
not conjugated with skin, round shaped, with signs of inflammation. After turning out the upper
eyelid, a grayish-yellow section of the tarsus with mild hyperemia around was revealed. What is
your diagnosis?

A. Abscess of the upper eyelid

B. * Chalazia of the upper eyelid

C. New formation

D. Stye of the upper eyelid

E. Dermatitis

20. A 10-year-old boy complains of pain in his left eye and strong photophobia after he has injured
his left eye with a pencil at school. Left eye examination revealed: blepharospasm, ciliary and
conjunctival congestion, cornea is transparent, other parts of eyeball have no changes. Visus 0,9.
Right eye is healthy, Visus 1,0. What additional method would you choose first of all?

A. * Staining test with 1% fluorescein

B. X-ray examination of orbit

C. Tonometria

D. Gonioscopia

E. Cornea sensation-test

21. A 32-years old patient complains of redness, burning sensations, feeling of a foreign body in the
right eye, that suddenly appeared. During the examination: visual acuity of the right and left eye
= 1.0. In the right eye you found a hyperemia and conjunctival edema, superficial injection. There
are purulent discharges in conjunctival sac. The cornea is transparent. The color and pattern of the
iris have not been changed, the pupil is mobile. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Acute iridocyclitis

B. * Acute conjunctivitis

C. Acute glaucoma attack

D. Cornea
E. Acute dacriocystitis

22. The mother notices a redness of the eye, purulent discharges in her 3 months child.
During the examination: there is hyperemia of the conjunctiva in both eyes. After
pressing on the area of the left lacrimal bag you found the purulent discharges from
lacrimal puncta. Treatment?

A. * Draining of a nasolacrimal channel

B. Massage of a lacrimal bag

C. Antibiotics in drops

D. Dakriocystorynostomy

E. Disinfecting eyedrops

23. A 45-year-old man complains of mucus-purulent discharges from the right eye, tearing, redness,
"sand"-sensation in the eye for two days. Objectively: mucous-purulent discharges at the medial
corner of orbital rim, conjunctival injection, mainly in the conjunctival fornix. Other eye
structures unchanged. What is most likely diagnosis?

A. Iridocyclitis

B. Keratitis

C. * Acute purulent conjunctivitis of the right eye

D. Dacriocystitis

E. Blefaritis

24. After contusion of the right eye a patient complains of sudden loss of vision with remaining light
perception. Objectively: the eye is not irritated. The cornea is transparent. Pupil reacts to light.
The pupil area is black. The fundus reflex is absent. What is the most likely cause of vision loss?

A. * Hemophthalm

B. Retinal detachment

C. Traumatic cataract

D. Acute occlusion of retinal vessels

E. Optic nerve avulsion

25. In the morning a patient had nausea, abdominal discomfort, single vomiting, dry mouth. In the
evening, the patient presented with the increasing general weakness, double vision, difficult
swallowing of solid food. Objectively: ptosis, mydriasis, anisocoria, absence of gag and
pharyngeal reflex, dry mucous membranes. The previous evening the patient had dinner with
canned food and alcohol. What is the presumptive diagnosis?

A. Food toxicoinfection

B. Intoxication with unknown poison

C. Acute ischemic stroke

D. * Botulism

E. Poliomyelitis

26. The fundus changes in renal hypertension:

A. tortuosity of vessels

B. «silver wiring»

C. microaneurysms

D. * star figure

E. hard exudates

27. For Horner’s syndrome is typical:

A. * ptosis, miosis, enophthalmus

B. miosis, exophthalamus

C. mydriasis, exophthalamus

D. enophthalmus, mydriasis

E. exophthalamus, ptosis

28. The most common cause of bilateral proptosis:

A. diabetus mellitus

B. rheumatoid arthrithis

C. Horner’s syndrome

D. * dysthyroid disease

E. Sjogren syndrome

29. Fisrt aid in central retinal artery occlusion:

A. * nitroglycerini

B. heparini

C. furosemidi

D. dicinoni
E. tobrex

30. Eye symptom of Behchet syndrome:

A. * uveitis

B. retinopathy

C. blepharitis

D. conjuncttivitis

E. dacrioadenitis

31. For Horner’s syndrome is not typical:

A. ptosis

B. ptosis, miosis

C. enophthalmus

D. miosis

E. * exophthalamus

32. The most common cause of Sjogren syndrome:

A. diabetus mellitus

B. * rheumatoid arthrithis

C. Horner’s syndrome

D. dysthyroid disease

E. paralysis of VII cranial nerve

33. Shtelvag symptom is typical for

A. diabetus mellitus

B. rheumatoid arthrithis

C. Horner’s syndrome

D. * dysthyroid disease

E. toxoplasmosis

34. Sjogren syndrome can be a sign of:

A. Kidney disease

B. * Rheumatological diseases

Surgical pathology

D. Hyperthyroid disease

E. Hyporthyroid disease

35. Which doctor must patient with Shtelvag syndrome refer to?

A. Rheumatologist

B. * Endocrinologist

C. Surgeon

D. Otorhinolaringologist

E. Gynecologist

36. Which doctor must patient with Mebius syndrome refer to?

A. Rheumatologist

B. * Endocrinologist

C. Surgeon

D. Otorhinolaringologist

E. Gynecologist

37. Which doctor must patient with Grefe syndrome refer to?

A. Rheumatologist

B. * Endocrinologist

C. Surgeon

D. Otorhinolaringologist

E. Gynecologist

38. Which of the eyedrops is myotic?:

A. * pilocarpine

B. timololi maleatis

C. dexamethasone

D. arutimol

atropini sulfatis

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