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1. Secara umum angka tertinggi kebutaan pada anak-anak di negara berkembang ialah
disebabkan oleh
a. katarak kongenital
b. microphthalmos
c. optic nerve hypoplasia
d. anophtalmos
e. retinopathy of prematurity

2. A previously healthy 6 year old child presents with proptosis of the left eye. Family
photograps reveal some prominence of the eye for the past year. One week prior to
presentation the child had a seizure of undertemined cause. Fundus examination reveals
choroidal folds in the left eye. Which one of the following diagnostic tests is least useful
in this case?

a. fluorescein angiography

b. b. orbital ultrasound

c. MRI

d. CT-scan

3. What sensory adaptation to manifest strabismus is most commonly seen in patients ?

a. visual confusion
b. diplopia
c. stereopsis
d. d. peripheral suppression
4. Which type of amblyopia is most likely to respond to treatment in teenager has had no
previous amblyopia therapy ?
a. strabismus amblyopia
b. deprivation amblyopia
c. anisometropic amblyopia
d. reverse amblyopia

5. A pediatrician performs the red reflex examination (Bruckner test) on a 3 month old
infant. What does this test assess ?

a. Primary deviation

b. Secondary deviation

c. Consecutive deciation
d. Comitatnt deviation

6. A 2-year-old girl is referred to your office for evaluation of left lower eyelid ecchymosis.
There is 3 mm of proptosis of the left eye. Her medical history is significant for treatment
of some unknown tumor. Which of the following childhood tumors is the most likely
a. Rhabdomyosarcoma

b. Retinoblastoma

c. Neuroblastoma

d. Leukemia

e. Glioma

7. A 4-year-old child is referred for a new onset of bilateral epiphora. Examination shows
eyelashes on both lower eyelids rubbing against the inferior cornea. The parents state that
an older sibling has the similar symptoms, which resolved without treatment. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
a. Entropion

b. Epiblepharon

c. Euryblepharon

d. Trichiasis

e. Ankyloblepharon

8. A 3- month- old infant is found to have retinochoroiditis, optic nerve anomalies,

microphthalmos, cataract and uveitis. The retinochoroiditis presents with bilateral focal
involvement consisting of areas of retinal pigment epithelium atrophy and whitish
opacities mixed with retinal hemorrhages. Further examination show deafness,
microcephaly, hematologic abnormalities and peri ventricular calcifications. The
diagnosis is:
a. congenital toxoplasmosis infection
b. congenital rubella infection
c. congenital cytomegalic inclusion disease
d. congenital herpes simplex infection
e. congenital syphilis infection

9. What would be the management for this condition ?

a. combination of oral pyrimethamine, sulfadiazin and clindamycin
b. lensectomy
c. intravenous and intravitreal ganciclovir
d. intravenous aqueous crystalline penicillin G
e. combination of oral trimethoprim - sulfamethoxazole

10. 72. A 1-week- old infant is suspected of having ophthalmia neonatorum due to
Chlamydia trachomatis. Which method of the following is the gold standard for diagnosis
ophthalmia neonatorum due to Chlamydia trachomatis ?
a. Nucleic acid amplification test
b. PolymeraseII chain reaction
Direct fluorescent antibody test
c. Enzyme immunoassays test
d. Culture of conjunctival scrapings

11. 73. The treatment of choice for trachoma inclusion conjunctivitis (TRIC) is
a. intramuscular ceftriaxone 50mg/ kg BW per day for 3 consecutive days
b. oral erythromycin, 50 mg/kg BW per day in 4 divided doses for 14 days
c. fluoroquinolone drops, 4 times daily for approximately 14 days
d. oral fluoroquinolone, 50 mg/kg BW per day bid for 14 days
e. erythromycin ointment, 4 times daily for approximately 14 days

12. 74. Seorang ibu datang ke poli strabismus dengan keluhan juling pada mata anak
perempuannya yang 6 tahun. Keluhan juling ini baru terlihat kurang lebih sejak 2 tahun
yang lalu. Juling hanya muncul saat penderita melamun atau saat kelelahan. Penderita
juga mengeluh kedua matanya kabur sejak setahun yang lalu. Juling tanpa didahului
trauma dan sakit sebelumnya. Dari pemeriksaan didapatkan :
BCVA ODS 5/7,5 cc S-0.75-> 5/5
Hirschberg test : orthophoria - 15 derajat XT alternans
Duksi versi : bisa ke segala arah dan tidak ada hambatan gerak
Alternate cover test 33 cm - 6 m : shifting (+) tanpa mengedip posisi bola mata kembali
orthophoria Prism cover test : 33cm - 6m : 25 prisma dioptri ET
segmen anterior dan posterior dalam batas normal
Diagnosa penderita ini :
a. Pseudoexotropia
b. Exophoria
c. Intermittent exotropia
d. Sensory exotropia
e. Consecutive exotropia
13. Secara umum angka tertinggi kebutaan pada anak-anak di negara berkembang ialah
disebabkan oleh

a. katarak kongenital
b. microphthalmos
c. optic nerve hypoplasia
d. anophtalmos
e. retinopathy of prematurity

14. Pernyataan berikut merupakan pernyataan yang tepat mengenai ambliopia, kecuali
a. ambliopia merupakan tiga penyebab utama monocular visual loss pada usia 18-85 tahun
b. perkiraan insiden dan prevalensi ambliopia bervariasi antara 1% - 2,5% pada anak-anak
c. tatalaksana yang berhasil berhubungan dengan lamanya terapi
d. merupakan keadaan sekunder yang biasanya disebabkan gangguan refraksi, strabismus atau

15. A 7-year-old boy came with complain of ptosis his right upper eyelid with S-shaped
deformity. On excision during ptosis surgery, subcutaneous may be circumscribed but are not
encapsulated. The consistency is firm and rubbery. Microscopically, the spindle-shaped cells are
arranged in ribbons and cords in a matrix of myxoid tissue and collagen that contains axons.
What is possible diagnosis?

a. Neurofibroma

b. Rhabdomyosarkoma
c. von Recklinghausen disease
d. Schwannoma

16. Anak-anak usia 3 tahun dengan keluhan mata juling ke arah dalam. Pada mata kiri tampak
hambatan gerak saat abduksi. Gerakan adduksi baik dan terjadi globe retraction saat adduksi.
Penyebab kelainan ini:
a. Duane syndrome tipe 1

b. Duane syndrome tipe 2 c. Duane syndrome tipe 3 d. Paralisis nervus 6

e. Thyroid Eye Disease

17. Managemen yang tepat untuk kasus di atas adalah... a. reses rektus lateralmata kanan
b. resek rektus lateral mata kanan
c. reses rektus lateral mata kiri

d. reses rektus lateral mata kiri

e. reses dan resek rektus lateral mata kanan
18. A boy 10 years old came to eye clinic with chief complaint his right eye sometimes squint
out since he was 5 years old when he was tired. From eye examination, VOD 6/12 with
correction S-0.75 become 6/6, VOS 6/6 emmetropia. Anterior and posterior segment within
normal limit, ocular motility was good in all direction. From Hirschberg test in 30 cm fixation
15oXT and from 6 meters fixation was 45oXT. After 1 hour occlusion of the right eye, the
hirschberg test still remain in near and distance fixation. What is the right diagnosis according to
the patient condition?

a. Exotrophia intermittent type stimulated divergence excess

b. Exotrophia intermittent type true divergence excess

c. Exotrophia intermittent type convergence excess
d. Exotrophia intermittent basic type
e. Exotrophia intermittent type pseudodivergence excess

19. A boy 8 years old came to eye clinic with chief complaint his right eye squint inward since
he was 4 years old. At first, it was intermittent, but since a year ago it stayed permanently.
Patient never wore glasses before. Any history of family with squinted eyes denied. From eye
examination, VOD 6/30 with correction S+4.00 become 6/7.5, VOS 6/20 with correction S+3.00
become 6/6. Anterior and posterior segment within normal limit, ocular motility was good in all
direction. Deviation without glasses at distance 30 cm fixation was 30oET and from 6 meters
fixation was 30oET. Deviation with correction of glasses at distance 30 cm fixation was 15oET
and became orthophoria if he was given add S+1.00 and from 6 meters fixation orthophoria.
What is the right diagnosis according to the patient condition?

a. Accomodative esotrophia
b. Refractive-accomodative esotrophia
c. Non refractive-accomodative esotrophia

d. Mixed accomodative esotrophia

e. Acquired esotrophia

20.. A baby boy 1 month old came to eye hospital with gestational age 30 weeks. That baby boy
with history of respiratory distress syndrome and oxygen utilization 7 days. From indirect
ophthalmoscope examination showed ridge with moderate fibrovascular proliferation in area
near the temporal equator and also dilating and tortuous vascular at this area What is the right
diagnosis according to the patient condition?

a. ROP stage 3 zone II

b. ROP stage 3 zone II with plus disease
c. ROP stage 2 zone II

d. ROP stage 2 zone II with plus disease e. ROP stage 2 zone III with plus disease
21. A baby girl, 1 month old was referred from her pediatrician to the eye hospital due to white
matter in central of baby’s right eye. This white matter in right eye since baby’s birth. From eye
examination, VODS blink reflex (+). There is no squint eye and nystagmus. Leucocoria were on
the right eye. Indirect examination on left eye showed retina within normal limit. Ultrasound
showed normal ocular condition. The ophthalmologist diagnosed unilateral congenital cataract.
When should you suggest the cataract removal timing in this patient?

a. Before 6 months old of age

b. Before 6 weeks old of age
c. Before 10 months old of age

d. Before 10 weeks old of age à bilateral

22. A baby boy 1 month old came to eye hospital with gestational age 30 weeks. That baby boy
with history of respiratory distress syndrome and oxygen utilization 7 days. From indirect
ophthalmoscope examination showed ridge with moderate fibrovascular proliferation in area
near the temporal equator, there is no dilating and tortuous vascular at this area. What is the right
therapy according to the diagnose of the patient? Stage 3 zone II

a. Observation

b. Anti VEGF injection à lebih superior pada zone I

c. Vitrectomy
d. Cryo-ablation

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