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Choose the correct answer and write the number in the bracket

1. People in our neighbourhood that help us to follow rules and laws is ______.

(1) doctor

(2) teacher

(3) policeman ( ____ )

2.A natural resource is ____________________________.

(1) a useful material that comes from the star

(2) a useless material that comes from nature

(3) a useful material that comes from nature ( ____ )

3. History tells us the story about ______.

(1) people and placed at the present

(2) people and places from the past

(3) people and places in the future ( ____ )

4.___________ is the care of protection of land, water, plants and animals.

(1) Communication

(2) Conservation

(3) Conversation ( ____ )

5. If we study hard, the effect is _____________.

(1) we will be strong

(2) we will be smart

(3) we will be healthy ( ____ )

6. My father grows apples in his orchard. He is called as a ____________.

(1) geographer (2) producer (3) consumer ( ____ )

7. During summer season, the workers in an orchard need to irrigate the land

because ___________.

(1) the land gets enough water

(2) the land does not need water

(3) the land does not get enough water ( ____ )

8. Monas is located in ________________.

(1) East Jakarta (2) West Jakarta (3) Central Jakarta ( ____ )

9. ________________ is a national park that is located in the extreme

south-western tip of Java.

(1) Ragunan Zoo

(2) Ujung Kulon National Park

(3) Ancol ( ____ )

10. A _________ is a plant that is grown for people for food and other uses.

(1) farm (2) conservation (3) crop ( ____ )

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. Look at the following sign.

This sign means


2. A line that divides one province from another is called _____________.

3. A place that the leaders of the country work is called


4. Indonesia has _______ provinces.

5. The line that divides the world into half on map is called an


6. The study of earth and the ways people use it is called ____________.

7. The land that is almost surrounded by water is called _____________.

8. The biggest ocean of the world is ______________ ocean.

9. A rule that everyone must follow is called ______________________.

10. One of the animals that is protected in Ujung Kulon National Park is


C. Answer the following questions correctly.

1. Mention 7 continents of the world.

a. ______________________ e. ________________________

b. ______________________ f. ________________________

c. ______________________ g. ________________________

d. ______________________

2. Mention 5 oceans of the world.

a. ____________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________

d. ____________________________________________________

e. ____________________________________________________

3. Our current President’s name is ______________________________.

Our current Vice President’s name is ___________________________.

4. Look at the following map.

a. This symbol means __________________.

b. Ariana is at the park. She is going back home. Mention 3 street

names that she needs to pass to reach home.

1. ___________________ 2. _________________ 3. _________________

c. Catherine is going to the school from her house. Mention 3 street

names that she needs to go through.

1. ___________________ 2. _________________ 3. _________________

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