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SOC110 Sociology of Gender

Name: Jessa O. Villaluz

Section: SOC110 B3

Gender and Social Development

1. Define the following terms
Development is used to describe the process of enhancing people's chances, capacities, and
general well-being. Its objective is to promote constructive and long-lasting change, and it
takes into account economic, social, political, and cultural aspects. When talking about
gender and development, particular attention is paid to how policies and procedures related to
development affect various genders and how they might be crafted to advance gender
Development is committed to the equality of all people. Two Pillars of Development
Participation – Full involvement of people which affects their lives, regardless of gender, race
, age , class or social disability. Empowerment – Achieved by people themselves, through
their own effort. Power to, power with and power within women is key to development than
power over
Social sustainability
Refers to the pursuit of gender equality and justice within societies while ensuring the well-
being, empowerment, and rights of all genders. It involves creating social systems, structures,
and practices that are inclusive, equitable, and respectful of diverse gender identities. In terms
of gender and development, social sustainability entails building inclusive, fair, and equitable
societies where people of all genders may prosper and contribute to the general well-being of
the society. It necessitates correcting power disparities, opposing discriminatory behaviors,
and advocating for laws and customs that enhance gender equality in all spheres of society.
Social capital
People's experiences are shaped and influenced by social capital, especially those of women
and other oppressed gender groups. In the context of gender and development, social capital
refers to the networks, connections, and interactions that influence people's position,
opportunities, and general well-being according to their gender. Social capital in gender and
development is a dynamic and influential factor that shapes the opportunities, experiences,
and challenges faced by individuals based on their gender. Recognizing and harnessing social
capital in a gender-sensitive manner is essential for fostering inclusive and equitable
development that benefits all members of society.
Social integration
In terms of gender and development, social integration is the process of encouraging fair and
inclusive involvement of people of all genders in a range of societal contexts. It places a
strong emphasis on establishing settings in which individuals of all gender identities,
including men and women, may actively participate in, contribute to, and gain from social,
economic, political, and cultural activities. The goals of social integration are to dismantle
obstacles, dispel myths, and advance the complete acceptance and inclusion of all genders.
Social integration in gender and development is a multifaceted process that seeks to create
inclusive, equitable, and supportive environments for individuals of all genders. It involves
challenging discriminatory practices, promoting equal opportunities, and fostering a culture
of respect and collaboration within communities, institutions, and societies. Socially
integrated societies are better positioned to harness the full potential of diverse talents and
perspectives, contributing to more sustainable and equitable development.

2. What could be the greatest challenge to achieving gender equity and equality?

Gender Equity
Fairness and justice in the distribution of benefits and responsibilities between women and
men. The concept recognises that women and men have different needs and power and that
these differences should be identified and addressed in a manner that rectifies the imbalance
between the sexes. Means giving more opportunities to those who have less and those who
are historically and socially disadvantaged based on their needs for them to operate on a level
playing field Equity leads to Equality. “Focusing on the needs of women does not mean
discriminating against men or putting them at a disadvantage”

Gender Equality
Absence of discrimination on the basis of a person's sex in opportunities and the allocation of
resources or benefits or in access to services. Means that women and men enjoy the same
status and condition and have a equal opportunity to realize their potentials and to contribute
to social, political, economic and cultural development. It means that there is no sex
discrimination in the allocation of resources and benefits or access to services, and that both
men and women have equal opportunity to realize their potential to contribute and benefit
from development. Gender Equality is considered a critical element in achieving Decent
Work for All Women and Men, in order to effect social and institutional change that leads to
sustainable development with equity and growth. Gender equality refers to equal rights,
responsibilities and opportunities that all persons should enjoy, regardless of whether one is
born male or female.

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