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ACADEMIC YEAR : 2022-2023
GRADE/SEMESTER: 1st (FIRST) / Odd Semester

Teacher’s Parent’s Score

Student’s Name : …………………….

Class/Number : 1st Grade / ………

Day, Date of Test : ……………………...

I. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b atau c yang merupakan jawaban
paling benar!

1. Bobi : “Good afternoon, Miss Nina”

Miss Nina : “…”

a. Good morning b. Good afternoon c. Good evening

2. Mother : “…”

Adam : “good night, Mom”

a. Good afternoon b. Good evening c. Good night

3. Tom : “How are you Beni?”

Beni : “…”

a. I am fine b. Hello c. My name is Beni

4. Eva : “Hello, my name is Eva”

Siti : “…”

a. Thank you

b. Hello, my name is Siti

c. nice to meet you

5. Raka : “What is your name?”

Rosa : “…”

a. I am Rosa b. I am fine c. Thank you

6. My number is five.

a. b. c.
7. Raka : “How many bags are there?”

Rosa : “…”

a. five bags b. six bags c. seven bags

8. Bagas has five erasers.




9. The colour of Indonesian flag is ….

a. red and white b. red and black c. red and green

10. Is the door circle?

a. yes, it is b. no, it isn’t c. the door is triangle

II. Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat!

11. Raka : “good morning, Adam”

Adam :

12. What is your name?

13. My number is 3 – 5. Write in English

3 5

14. The colour of banana is ….

15. The shape is ….

III. Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan benar!

16. Mentions 3 things in the classroom! (sebutkan 3 benda yang ada di ruangan

17. Arrange these words into a good sentence (susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi
kalimat yang baik!)

meet – you – nice - to


Paraf ortu Nilai Paraf guru

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