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ECE2004 - Assessment Task One

Loose parts
Maree, Anna & Emma

Loose parts & their

Loose parts play isn't just child's play; it's a
developmental goldmine. It fosters creativity,
problem-solving, and adaptability (Bruce, 2018).

-unlimited possibilities
- promotes child led play
- children learn how to become creative
- endless opportunities
- ability to explore
- invent things
- eye coordination and fine motor skills
- concentration and focus
- can work independently or with others
- learn new skills eg: problem solving and
Theory &
Loose Parts Play: A Guide for Early
Childhood Educators. (n.d.). Wunderled.
Retrieved August 31, 2023, from Reggio Emilia Approach: Safe Exploration: Curate materials that ensure children's
safety while encouraging exploration.
Inclusivity in Home Settings: Adapt materials to cater to
children's diverse abilities and interests.
Environment as Third Teacher: Design spaces that provoke
curiosity and inspire exploration.
Reflection and Documentation: Cultivate dialogue and
documentation to enhance learning experiences.

Vygotsky and Burner, categorized loose parts with the

socio-material perspective, which focuses on how
children interact with their environment and how this
affects loose parts play. This fits well with loose parts play
because it shows how the things around kids influence
how they grow and learn.

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in

society : the development of
higher psychological
processes. Harvard University
Children’s Learning & Press.
Bruner, J. S. (1966). Toward a
Development Theory of Instruction.
Harvard University Press.
- Pattern and counting
- Fine motor development
- Cooperative group play
- Problem solving
- Decision making

Learning through loose parts encourages the children to

become curious, to think outside of the square, invite
conversation and collaborate with others. Children are
able to explore numerous materials and become self-
aware. They are given the opportunity to use muscle
movements, improve their balancing as well as hand and
eye coordination. Children are also able to explore the
different materials, (count, name and learn new

Indigenous Perspectives
Using natural resources allow the
children to learn about the land they're
came from. The children also learn about
how important it is to respect the land
that we live on.Children can think about
where the materials have come from -
linking to engaging with place. this will
support the children growth.

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