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Class Exercise 23-11-2023

Problem # 1: Explain the procedure how linear and log-linear

forms can be compared. Please find the output of linear and log-
linear models in transformed dependent variable Q~ (output) and
decide which functional form is preferred. (The chi-square CV at
5% level of significance is 3.84)
Model( 1) Modelling Q~ by OLS
The estimation sample is: 1950 - 2000
Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob Part.R^2
Constant 0.0102556 0.05489 0.187 0.8526 0.0007
LABOR 2.10657e-006 3.098e-007 6.80 0.0000 0.4906
CAPITAL 4.36872e-007 4.294e-008 10.2 0.0000 0.6832

sigma 0.276591 RSS 3.67211243

no. of observations 51 no. of parameters 3
mean(Q~) 1.89718 se(Q~) 1.96944
Model( 2) Modelling LQ~ by OLS
The estimation sample is: 1950 - 2000
Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob Part.R^2
Constant -13.0538 0.3962 -32.9 0.0000 0.9576
LLABOR 0.468332 0.09893 4.73 0.0000 0.3183
LCAPITAL 0.521279 0.09689 5.38 0.0000 0.3762

sigma 0.266752 RSS 3.41552015

no. of observations 51 no. of parameters 3
mean(LQ~) -1.32411e-009 se(LQ~) 1.38087

Problem # 2: Discuss the Return to Scale of valid model from

Problem#1 above.
Problem#3: Following is the output of an ANCOVA model, wage is
regressed on dummies ‘male’, ‘white’ race ‘nonUnion’ member
worker with given experience and education in years. Interpret
the model.

Modelling wage by OLS-CS
The estimation sample is: 1 - 1289
Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob
Constant -10.3699 1.278 -8.12 0.0000
male 2.53140 0.9311 2.72 0.0066
white 1.56448 0.5093 3.07 0.0022
nonUnion -1.47193 0.7794 -1.89 0.0592
male*nonUnion 0.642334 0.3113 2.0634 0.0219
education 1.36795 0.06602 20.7 0.0000
exper 0.166724 0.01605 10.4 0.0000

Problem#4: Given the regression output check whether the series

“Consumption” has any seasonal pattern and/or time trend. Also
calculate the consumption in quarter 4 and quarter 3.
Modelling Consumption by OLS
The estimation sample is: 1957(1) - 1975(4)
Coefficient Std.Error t-value t-prob Part.R^2
Constant 5656.02 36.14 157. 0.0000 0.9971
Seasonal -753.117 37.79 -19.9 0.0000 0.8484
Seasonal_1 -398.622 37.76 -10.6 0.0000 0.6108
Seasonal_2 -317.285 37.75 -8.41 0.0000 0.4987
Trend 38.8206 0.6091 63.7 0.0000 0.9828


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