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Procedia CIRP 93 (2020) 431–436

53rd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems

Application of Machine Learning for Product Batch Oriented Control

of Production Processes
Moritz Meiners*, Andreas Mayr, Maximilian Thomsen, Jörg Franke
Institute for Factory Automation and Production Systems (FAPS), Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU),
Fuerther Str. 246b, 90429 Nuremberg, Germany

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-911-5302-9073; fax: +49-911-5302-9070. E-mail address:


The digitalization in manufacturing offers high potential for optimization in terms of quality and efficiency. In particular, machine learning
techniques can be used to analyze data generated along the production chain for complex patterns. As the final product quality highly depends
on interactions within the production chain, a process control system needs to consider all information of the supplied semi-finished products to
achieve a continuously high quality. Using machine learning, this work presents a two-stage batch control system to optimize a batch process
with high interdependencies between the delivered material, used equipment and process parameters concerning the final product quality.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 53rd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems
Keywords: batch process; batch control; machine learning; production optimization

1. Introduction When mapping the many interdependencies, however, clas-

sic batch control systems based on fixed rules and expert expe-
Several types of industries, such as chemical, pharmaceuti- rience are reaching their limits. In contrast to such rule-based
cal, or ceramics production, use batch processes in production. systems, a machine learning (ML) system is trained using sam-
Typically, a batch is produced out of the same raw materials ple data rather than explicitly programmed [5]. This makes it
and consists of several parts that follow each production step suitable for solving complex, fuzzy problems for which it is
simultaneously [1]. Throughout production, a high degree of re- hard to derive explicit rules. Therefore, this paper proposes a
producibility is desired across batches to ensure the fulfillment novel two-stage architecture for controlling process parameters
of quality targets [2]. in batch production using ML techniques in order to achieve
The reproducibility often proves difficult for various inter- near-optimal quality results. To validate the approach, data
acting reasons that lead to a high degree of complexity. Firstly, from a manufacturer of piezo actuators were used. But before
the used raw materials are often nature products and vary sig- the actual use case is presented, the necessary basics are to be
nificantly in their composition and properties. Secondly, the introduced.
chemical reactions to process the raw materials are highly non-
linear and difficult to model. Lastly, the condition of production 2. State of the art and objectives
equipment differs due to aging and corrosion processes as well
as different maintenance states. [3,4] For this reason, even This section first gives a general overview of ML in manu-
batches of the same raw materials produced with the same pa- facturing and then more specific applications for batch pro-
rameters may create different results if the condition of the pro- cesses. Based on this, current shortcomings are identified, and
duction equipment of the two batches diverges too far. the objectives of the present research activities are derived.

2212-8271 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 53rd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems

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432 Moritz Meiners et al. / Procedia CIRP 93 (2020) 431–436

2.1. Machine learning in manufacturing simulated autoclave curing batch process. Kühnert and Bernard
[11] use SVMs to identify near-optimal control patterns in in-
In recent years, the intelligent analysis of production data dustrial batch processes. Besides, Chen and Lin [12] propose a
has been considered as one of the biggest levers for further pro- two-step multi-way partial least squares model for the control
cess improvements. Many terms have emerged in this context, of batch reactors. Furthermore, Tulsyan et al. [2] tackle the
such as Industry 4.0, Smart Manufacturing, or Industrial Inter- problem of limited data for biopharmaceutical batch process
net of Things. [6] monitoring with ML methods. Last but not least, Flores-Cer-
In these advanced manufacturing systems, machines are rillo and MacGregor [3] use partial least squares models for the
equipped with various sensors that transmit the measured data prediction and control of final batch product quality.
through networks to be saved on a central storage server, typi-
cally a kind of manufacturing execution system (MES). The 2.3. Shortcomings and derived objectives
collected manufacturing data can then be analyzed using clas-
sic statistics or more advanced algorithms that originate from Most of the previous work on applying ML methods for
the broad field of ML. These powerful algorithms are capable batch control processes focuses on predicting the quality of
of identifying previously unknown patterns and trends within parts at an early stage before the final product is completed.
the data set, allowing them to perform regression and classifi- Through this early information allocation, other process steps
cation tasks based on self-learned rules that have not been ex- can be adapted to improve the quality of the parts. Alterna-
plicitly programmed. [6,7] tively, if it seems impossible to get the parts within tolerance,
Plenty of ML algorithms have been developed over time, they can be disposed of to prevent further waste of labor.
such as support vector machines (SVM), k-nearest neighbors, Although preliminary work has been done, the presented ap-
k-means clustering, decision trees, random forests, or artificial proaches need further investigation to find process parameters
neural networks (ANN). Most prominently, deep learning to manufacture near-optimal quality. Ideally, the available data
methods, a broader family of ML techniques based on ANN, can be used to determine better process parameters for the in-
have achieved remarkable results. [6–8] dividual situations immediately and, thus, to automate the ad-
Although there are already numerous applications of ML in justment of the parameters.
manufacturing [9], they usually pursue the goal of increasing Therefore, this paper uses ML methods to directly predict
quality while reducing costs and time [10]. In this context, the process parameters that will most likely produce parts with
Wang et al. [6] identify three major applications of deep learn- near-optimal quality results for an unknown batch of raw ma-
ing in smart manufacturing: product quality inspection, fault terials. Furthermore, the system takes into account the change
diagnosis, and defect prognosis. In contrast, Bajic et al. [8] list in the plant condition between batches of the same raw mate-
more general ML applications like optimization, control, trou- rial. For this task, a two-stage architecture is proposed to handle
bleshooting, security, verification for transparency, and im- best the uncertainty associated with the unknown batch. From
provement of process quality. This paper addresses the area of the evaluation in a real-world environment, potentials as well
process control, especially in batch production, to ensure a con- as risks become apparent when implementing ML models for
tinuously high product quality despite numerous interdepend- batch processes. Of course, the approach shown below can also
encies. be transferred to any industry that relies on batch processes.

2.2. Machine learning in batch manufacturing processes 3. Development of a product batch oriented control of
production processes
Batch processes represent dynamic systems with a high de-
gree of complexity due to varying raw material compositions, This section will first introduce the original batch control
nonlinear chemical reactions, and different machine units. Fur- process that has been investigated at the industrial partner, a
thermore, the chemical reactions of the raw materials as well as manufacturer of piezo actuators. While describing the peculi-
the influence of different machine states are often not well un- arities of the process considered here, it will also highlight pre-
derstood. [1] requisites for adopting the use case to other processes. Then the
Thus, batch control techniques aim to compensate these de- proposed two-stage model architecture, the data preparation
viations by adapting the process parameters in such a way that process as well as the model training and selection phase are
batches of similar properties are still produced. Master recipes presented in detail.
define these processing instructions that are tailored to each in-
dividual batch in a control recipe. [1] Due to the low under- 3.1. Existing batch control process
standing of complex physical and chemical phenomena, these
recipes are often based on past experiences and not very pre- In the manufacturing of piezo actuators, one of the most in-
cise. Unfortunately, these recipes do not always perform well, fluential process steps for the final product quality is a sintering
resulting in quality losses, while they are still complex and process in batch ovens. However, the raw materials for this pro-
time-consuming to use. [10] cess are supplied in slightly varying compositions. One raw
However, methods of ML have proven to be capable of gen- material batch is usually divided into 70 to 80 sub-batches that
eralizing complex relationships in data sets very well and have will be produced along the process chain into final products.
already been used in some applications for batch processes. For The assumption is that for each batch of raw materials, there
instance, Joseph and Hanratty [10] apply ANNs to control a

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Moritz Meiners et al. / Procedia CIRP 93 (2020) 431–436 433

exists one ideal sintering temperature that will produce parts of the target quality might change over time, it is considered a fea-
near-optimal quality. ture that can be easily adapted in the operating phase. In the
As this ideal temperature is unknown, three sub-batches are training phase, however, the quality actually achieved, not the
first produced with a similar sintering temperature as the previ- target quality, is inserted as a feature (see section 3.4). The pa-
ously produced batches of raw materials. Depending on the rameter to be predicted, the sintering temperature, represents
quality of this pre-batch, the sintering temperature of the rest of the label of the models.
the raw material batch is adapted once according to fixed rules After the production of the pre-batch, the quality results
based on experience. Further controlling of the sintering tem- thereof are fed as additional parameters into the second model.
perature is not performed as the throughput times are very long, By adding the pre-batch results with the new raw material
and the quality is thus only checked at the end of the production batch, the second model is capable of giving more precise pre-
of the main-batch. This general sequence of the existing batch dictions on the suitable sintering temperature. It is therefore
control is summarized in Fig. 1. According to procedural re- adept at predicting a higher or lower temperature depending on
quirements, 13 different sintering temperatures can be set as whether the quality results of the pre-batch were too high or too
parameters. low. Additionally, it considers the remaining system and pro-
cess parameters, which might have changed in the meantime.
For example, the sintering oven or its condition may have al-
Batch of tered. In summary, the second ML model offers a mechanism
Parameter of
previous raw that, if necessary, adapts the results of the first model.
batches material
Pre-batch control:
Raw material data
Quality targets
Pre-batch Quality
Model 1
Pre- Main- System and production results
batch batch process parameter

Main-batch control:
Raw material data
Parameter for pre- Parameter for Quality targets Main-batch
Model 2 Quality
batch main-batch production
System and results
process parameter

Fig. 2. Two-stage architecture for a batch control based on ML.

Production Production

3.3. Structure of the given data set and suitable train-test split

Quality results Quality results Data for the different types of influences on the final product
quality are usually stored in different data sources. For a com-
Fig. 1. General sequence of the existing batch control process. bined consideration of all interdependencies in a ML model,
the various data sources have to be joint together. Accordingly,
In summary, the use case considered here can be character- the data set for the ML models is created by joining three data
ized as follows: sources:
 A large batch of raw materials of varying composition that  Raw material composition and properties information
is used across more than one batch of goods within the supplier data
 A critical process step with high sensitivity in parameter  System and process parameters, also including the condition
control and great impact on product quality of the respective sintering oven, e.g. oven runs since last
 A very long throughput time in production which does not maintenance cycle
allow further control measures of the critical process  Quality data of the resulting parts such as electrical meas-
3.2. Proposed two-stage batch control system based on ML The combination of these three data sources will allow the
algorithms to attain a better understanding of the nonlinear
Similar to the existing batch control process, a two-stage ar- chemical reactions and the crucial chemicals in the raw mate-
chitecture is developed with two ML models at its core. This rial. In addition, influences such as the plant conditions are
overall developed system is shown in Fig. 2. The first model taken into account. The aforementioned ML models can then
predicts the probably suitable sintering temperature for a com- map the complex interactions of these variables, allowing for
pletely unknown new batch of raw materials. The pre-batch better predictions of the adequate sintering temperature.
consisting of three sub-batches is then produced with the pre- Usually, the data is split randomly into train, validation, and
dicted sintering temperature. test data. However, in this case, a random train-test split would
The related ML models are trained to map the relationship not lead to the promised results. Since a raw material batch is
between quality and temperature, while also taking other input subdivided into multiple sub-batches, the material data for
data such as system and process parameters into account. As these sub-batches is the same of the main batch. Therefore, a
random train-test split would lead to data sets of the same raw

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434 Moritz Meiners et al. / Procedia CIRP 93 (2020) 431–436

material in both training and test data. This is a special kind of represents the most frequently predicted temperature class out
information leakage that leads to too mistakenly high accuracy of all 20 predictions.
scores on randomly selected test data. The process parameter to adjust, in this case the sintering
To avoid this a developed approach of train-test split temperature, is used as label. As the temperature control only
adapted to batch production is applied, which is visualized in allows setting whole numbers, classification instead of regres-
Fig. 3. In this example, two years of data are considered, sion is applied, here with 13 classes. The input data consists of
wherein for each of the 13 possible output temperatures, an en- all remaining available and influencing data, i.e. the raw mate-
tire batch of raw material or, in other words, the related 70 to rial information, system and process parameters as well as the
80 sub-batches are excluded from the training data to form a quality data. While for the later model operation the target qual-
first test data set. In total, this data set contains roughly 1000 ity is entered, for the model training the quality actually
batches. Thereby, the raw material batches of the test data set 1 achieved is used. In doing so, the model learns the actual inter-
are entirely separate from the training and validation data. This relation between temperature and quality and does not just re-
test set is used to prove the general functionality of the created flect the behavior of the classic batch control system.
model and to see whether all temperature classes can be pre- As can be seen in Fig. 2, there is one ML model for the tem-
dicted correctly. This is particularly important as the tempera- perature prediction for the pre-batch and one for the main-
ture classes are imbalanced in this case. batch. While their label is the same, the second model is trained
with further input data. It is enriched with added features rep-
X – 2 years X
resenting the results, temperature settings, and belonging plant
conditions of the pre-batch that have the same raw material.
Raw data Test data 2 To find a functional model complexity, different architec-
tures with different numbers of nodes in six hidden layers have
been tried. The training was performed with a batch size of 32,
early stopping, the Adam optimizer, a learning rate of 0.01 with
Training and validation data Test data 1 batch normalization, and cross-entropy as the loss function.
The tests were done without and with dropouts of 0.1 and 0.3
Fig. 3. Chosen split into train and test data. and were settled at 0.1.
Fig. 4 exemplarily shows the average accuracy and loss of a
In addition, a second test data set is suggested, consisting of single ANN for the first model on the test data set 1 and 2 with
new raw material batches which are not included in the training low (32), medium (64), and a high (128) number of nodes in
data. To be as realistic as possible, the last produced batches each hidden layer. While the differences in the accuracies are
are preferably used here. By using continuous data as opposed small, there is a significant difference in the loss between a low
to the first test data set, time trends in the prediction could be and a high number of nodes. This indicates a better generaliza-
made visible, improving the comparability of the new and old tion for models with a low number of nodes, meaning that the
control system. false predictions are nearer to the correct classes. For further
To compare the performance of the two systems for sinter- investigations, it was thus opted for the models with the low
ing temperature prediction, the assumed ideal temperature for number of nodes.
each part is calculated based on the final quality results. Of
course, the ideal temperature can only be roughly estimated us- 60 4
ing known rules and expert experience since not all interactions
are fully understood. Nevertheless, the hypothetical ideal tem- 3
perature already gives a good impression of how well the ML 40
Accuracy →

Loss →

approach performs compared to the classic batch control sys-

30 2
As a result, three different sintering temperatures have to be 20
Test1 Genauigkeit
Test data set 1 Acc. 1
differentiated in the present paper: 10 Test data set 1 Loss
 The original temperature actually used in the production, Test2 Genauigkeit
Test data set 2 Acc. Test data set 2 Loss
which is stored in the historical data set and used as label 0 0
during the training phase low medium high low medium high
Number of nodes
 The predicted temperature of the ML model(s)
 The hypothetical ideal temperature, estimated for later per- Fig. 4. Comparison of the average accuracy (left) and loss (right) of a single
formance comparison with the classic batch control system ANN of the ensemble used for model 1 on test data set 1 and 2.
(see section 4)
Next to the ensembles of ANNs, random forest models were
3.4. Model training and selection investigated. Here, limiting the depth was necessary since oth-
erwise, the models overfitted. While showing potential for im-
The models shown in Fig. 2 were prototypically imple- provement, the accuracy of the random forest models fell be-
mented in Python using the Keras library. In the present case, hind the accuracy of the ensembles of ANNs. In the near future,
both models consist of an ensemble of 20 ANNs, i.e. multi-lay- other ML models may be tried out as well.
ered perceptrons in concrete terms. The result of the ensemble

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Moritz Meiners et al. / Procedia CIRP 93 (2020) 431–436 435

4. Evaluation of the proposed two-stage control system Furthermore, the scattering of the misclassifications in the
second model is lower. It confirms that the results of the pre-
The evaluation of the proposed architecture was conducted batch give valuable information to the second model that im-
in two steps. At first, the general classification functionality of prove the classification results. Thus, the two-stage model ar-
the two models was tested using test data set 1. In the second chitecture improves performance compared to a single model.
step, the performance is compared with the existing batch con- In conclusion, the confusion matrices show that the models are
trol system. generally capable of mapping the achieved quality and other
With regard to the first step, confusion matrices are used to input data with the respective temperature.
visualize the prediction accuracy of the two models effectively In the next step, it must be evaluated if the proposed ML
(Fig. 5). In both cases, the correct classification diagonal from system outperforms the classic batch control system. To have a
the top left corner to the bottom right is not exactly met. How- common standard of comparison, the aforementioned hypo-
ever, most classifications are more or less in the right tempera- thetical ideal temperature is calculated for each part within the
ture area. Parts that were sintered at a lower temperature are test data set. These calculations are performed by comparing
also classified as low temperature, and the same applies to the quality targets with the produced quality and using a rule of
higher temperature parts. The absolute accuracy for the first thumb of the old system to calculate the assumed ideal temper-
model is about 37 %, whereas the accuracy for the second ature. This ideal temperature, although being hypothetical, suf-
model is about 47 %. As Fig. 5 shows, a tolerance of plus or fices to give an indication which system would work better.
minus one or two degrees, which is suitable in the investigated The data of the most current produced parts, represented by
scenario, would lead to a significant rise of accuracy. test data set 2, are used to compare the two systems. Since his-
torical data are used, the coupling of the two ML models cannot
be simulated. Instead, model 2 uses the result values of the re-
spective pre-lot whose temperature was determined by the old
system. As the trained model 2 is now in operation mode, not
the achieved quality but the quality target is used as input.
Thereby, the ML models do not predict the originally applied
temperature but try to predict the ideal temperature. The origi-
nal sintering temperature, which is the temperature of the old
system, and the predicted temperature by the ML model, are
then compared to the hypothetical ideal temperature. The dif-
ference to the ideal sintering temperature is calculated for each
sub-batch in test data set 2. The diagram in Fig. 6 plots the ab-
solute differences in two boxplots.

Fig. 6. Boxplot of the average difference to the hypothetical ideal temperature

for the classic and ML-based system on test data set 2.

Both the average difference and the scattering of the differ-

ence to the ideal temperature are lower on the predictions made
by the new system compared to the old one. The average dif-
ference decreased from 2.23 Kelvin to 1.94 Kelvin or by 13 %,
whereas the standard deviation decreased from 1.2 to 1.02, i.e.
an improvement by 15 %.
To further evaluate how the ML-based system outperforms
Fig. 5. Confusion matrix of the first and second model on test data 1. the old one, a time series of the average original, predicted and

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436 Moritz Meiners et al. / Procedia CIRP 93 (2020) 431–436

hypothetical ideal sintering temperature for each batch of raw with better parameter control mechanisms than the old system.
materials is depicted in Fig. 7. It shows that, especially during With a broader data set, the quality of temperature control
the raw material batch numbers 24 to 32, the new system cor- might increase even further.
rectly performs the change to lower temperatures. The older Finally, with an adequate infrastructure, the new system has
system seems too slow to catch up to the trend shift. By the the potential of acting entirely autonomously and thereby re-
time it lowers the temperature, which is around raw material ducing the workload on highly qualified engineers that have to
batch number 32, it is already too late, and higher temperatures perform time-consuming tasks to operate the old system. Ad-
are necessary again. Consequently, the new system results in a ditionally, the system allows splitting the entire batch into more
lower average deviation from the ideal temperature and im- sub-batches and manufacture at different times as the suitable
proves the quality of the sintered parts. Therefore, the devel- sintering temperature can be determined individually depend-
oped approach improves the sintering temperature control pro- ing on the respective equipment. This could lead to more flex-
cess. Since no more predefined rules and expert experience are ible manufacturing strategies in the future.
needed, the ML-based architecture also offers the possibility of
fully automating the batch control process. Acknowledgments

The research presented here is part of the project ‘Advanced

Analytics for Production Optimization‘, which is funded by the
Bavarian program for the “Investment for growth and jobs” ob-
jective financed by the European Regional Development Fund


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