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Microsoft Excel 2010

Microsoft excel it is the spreadsheet program
allows you to manipulate and present your data
in almost any way you choose it allows you to
work on a tabular pad consisting of column and
rows. Where you can perform all your
mathematical financial and statically calculation.
It represent as a vertically to refer alphabetically
name the total number of column are (16384) in excel
2007 but 2003 the total column are (256) address to
refer ‘a’ to “xfd”
The rows are represent in horizontally the total
number rows (1048576) in excel 2007.
The combination of rows and column its called cell.
<Total cell 17179869184>.
Run command =Excel


Program = spreadsheet program

Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Excel 2007

insert new worksheet.
 Shift+f11
F11 create chart to a new sheet

Alt+f1 create chart within sheet

Ctrl +page down move to next sheet

Ctrl +page up move to previous sheet

Shift +Ctrl +page down select current and next sheet

Shift +Ctrl +page up select current and pre sheet

Enter complete cell entry and move down

in selection
Shift +enter complete cell entry and move up in

Tab complete cell entry and move right

in selection
Shift+ tab complete cell entry and move left in

Alt +enter new line within cell

Escape(Esc) cancel entry or remove selection

F2 edit cell

Shift +F2 edit cell comment

Ctrl +D file down

Ctrl +R file right

Ctrl +F3 create name

Ctrl +k create hyperlink

F3 paste a name into formula

F9 calculate now

Shift +F9 calculate sheet

= (equal sign) start function

Alt + =(equal sign) auto sum

Ctrl +;(semicolon) insert date

Ctrl +Shift +;(semicolon) insert time with AM/PM

Alt +`( apostrophe) display style box

Ctrl +1(one) display format cell

Ctrl +Shift +`(apostrophe) apply general number

Ctrl +Shift +$(dollar) apply currency number

Ctrl +Shift +%(percentage) apply percentage number

Ctrl +Shift +# (hash) apply date (day/month/year)

Ctrl +Shift +@ (at the rate) apply time (am/pm)

Ctrl +Shift +!(exclamation) apply two decimal place and

Ctrl +Shift +& (ampersand) apply outline border

Ctrl +Shift + -(minus) remove border

Ctrl +5 apply /remove strikethrough

Ctrl +9(nine) hide row(s)

Ctrl +Shift +9(nine) unhide row (s)

Ctrl +0(zero) hide column (s)

Ctrl +Shift +0(zero) unhide column (s)

Ctrl +down arrow move to last row(1048576)

Ctrl +up arrow move to first row(1)

Ctrl +right arrow move to last column(XFD)

Ctrl +left arrow move to first column(a)

Ctrl +home move to the first cell (A1)

Ctrl +Spacebar select the current column

Shift +Spacebar select the current row

Commands to open tabs

Office tab Alt +F
Home tab Alt +H
Insert tab Alt +N
Page layout Alt +P
Formulas Alt +M
Data tab Alt +A
Review tab Alt +R
View tab Alt +W

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