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(Faisalabad campus)

Assignment # 1

Subject: Programming Fundamental

Submitted to: Dr. Muhammad Anwar

Submitted by: Rafia Zubair
Roll No: bsf23005107

Program: BS Computer Science

Semester: First

Section: (A)

Session: 2023-2027

Shift: Morning

 Program # 1: Write a program to that can take three

numbers as input from user and find maximum among them.

using namespace std;
int main()
int num1,num2,num3;
cout<< "Enter Num 1";
cin>> num1;
cout<< "Enter Num 2";
cin>> num2;
cout<< "Enter Num 3";
cin>> num3;

if( num1>num2&&num1>num3)
cout<< "Num 1 is Maximum";

else if( num2>num1&&num2>num3)

cout<<"Num 2 is Maximum";
cout<< "Num 3 is Maximum"<<endl;
cout<< "RAFIA ZUBAIR"<<endl;


 Program # 2: Write a program which ask user to enter a

positive integer and then calculate its factorial.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int num;
cout<<"Enter a positive integer:";
cin>> num;
int factorial = 1;
for(int i = 1;i <=num; i++)

cout<<"The factorial of " << num<<" is " <<factorial<<endl;
cout<<"RAFIA ZUBAIR "<<endl;

 Program # 3: Write a program to count total number of

currency notes of 5000, 1000, 500, 100, 50, 20 and 10 in a
given amount.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int amount;
cout << "Enter the amount: ";
cin >> amount;
int count5000 = 0, count1000 = 0, count500 = 0, count100 = 0, count50 = 0,
count20 = 0, count10 = 0;
if (amount >= 5000)
count5000 = amount / 5000;
amount = amount % 5000;
if (amount >= 1000)
count1000 = amount / 1000;
amount = amount % 1000;

if (amount >= 500)

count500 = amount / 500;
amount = amount % 500;
if (amount >= 100) {
count100 = amount / 100;
amount = amount % 100;

if (amount >= 50)

count50 = amount / 50;
amount = amount % 50;
if (amount >= 20)
count20 = amount / 20;
amount = amount % 20;
if (amount >= 10)
amount = amount % 10;
cout << "Number of 5000 notes: " << count5000 << endl;
cout << "Number of 1000 notes: " << count1000 << endl;
cout << "Number of 500 notes: " << count500 << endl;
cout << "Number of 100 notes: " << count100 << endl;
cout << "Number of 50 notes: " << count50 << endl;
cout << "Number of 20 notes: " << count20 << endl;
cout << "Number of 10 notes: " << count10 << endl;
cout<< "RAFIA ZUBAIR "<<endl;

 Program # 4: Write a program to input electricity bill

consumed and calculate total electricity bill according to
given conditions:
 If no. of units up to 100, bill will be charged at the rate of Rs. 5 per unit
 If no. of units up to 200, bill will be charged at the rate of Rs. 10 per unit
 If no. of units above 200, bill will be charged at the rate of Rs. 20 per unit

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int units;
int TotalBill=0;
cout<<"Enter number of units:";
else if(units<=200)
cout<<"Total electricity Bill is Rs."<< TotalBill<<endl;
cout<<"RAFIA ZUBAIR"<<endl;
return 0;


 Program # 5: Write a program to design ATM interface

to perform following transactions. You may initialize balance
with zero. After each transaction, program should ask user
to perform another transaction. Based on input(y/n)
program either redirects to main interface or exist.
 Press B to check account balance
 Press D to cash deposit
 Press W to cash withdraw

using namespace std;
int main()
char choice;
double balance = 0.0;

cout << "Welcome to the ATM Interface" << endl;
cout << "Press B to check account balance" << endl;
cout << "Press D to cash deposit" << endl;
cout << "Press W to cash withdraw" << endl;
cout << "Enter your choice: ";
cin >> choice;

switch (choice)
case 'B':
case 'b':
cout << "Account Balance: Rs. " << balance << endl;

case 'D':
case 'd':
double deposit;
cout << "Enter the amount to deposit: Rs. ";
cin >> deposit;
if (deposit > 0)
balance += deposit;
cout << "Deposited Rs. " << deposit << " successfully." << endl;
cout << "Invalid deposit amount. Please enter a positive amount."
<< endl;

case 'W':
case 'w':
double withdraw;
cout << "Enter the amount to withdraw: Rs. ";
cin >> withdraw;
if (withdraw > 0 && withdraw <= balance)
balance -= withdraw;
cout << "Withdrawn Rs. " << withdraw << " successfully." << endl;
else if (withdraw > balance)
cout << "Insufficient balance for withdrawal." << endl;
cout << "Invalid withdrawal amount. Please enter a positive
amount." << endl;

cout << "Invalid choice. Please select a valid option." << endl;
char continueChoice;
cout << "Do you want to perform another transaction? (y/n): ";
cin >> continueChoice;

if (continueChoice != 'y' && continueChoice != 'Y')

cout << "Thank you for using the ATM. Have a nice day!" << endl;
cout << "RAFIA ZUBAIR" << endl;
while (true);
return 0;


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