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31/3/22, 16:24 Conditionals 2 & 3: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos / 2022-C-1-1285-471-ING-003 / Tema 8 / Conditionals 2 & 3

Comenzado el Thursday, 31 de March de 2022, 16:14

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Thursday, 31 de March de 2022, 16:22
Tiempo 7 minutos 33 segundos
Puntos 46.00/48.00
Calificación 9.58 de 10.00 (96%) 1/3
31/3/22, 16:24 Conditionals 2 & 3: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1

Parcialmente correcta

Se puntúa 46.00 sobre 48.00

Using the 2nd & 3rd Conditionals

Gap-fill exercise with the Conditional - put the verbs in brackets in the most suitable form. Use ONLY full form.

1. If I (see)
had seen

 you waiting at the bus stop, I (stop)

would have stopped

 for you.
2. I (go)

would go

 swimming every week, if I (know)


 how to swim properly.

3. If I (catch)
had caught

 that plane to New York [the one that crashed!], I (be)

would be

 dead now.
4. If we (live)


 in China, we (speak)
would speak

 Cantonese or Pekingese.
5. I (stop)

would stop

 smoking, if I (be)

 you; it's terrible for your health!

6. I (like)
would like

 being with you more if you (not laugh)

did not

 at me all the time.

7. I (buy)

would have bought

 my house a long time ago if the prices (be)

had been

 a bit lower. 2/3
31/3/22, 16:24 Conditionals 2 & 3: Revisión del intento

8. Do you think they (like)

would have liked

 our teacher if they (be)

had been

 in our class?
9. We (not miss)
would not have missed

 the beginning of the film last night if we (find)

had found

 a parking place straight away.

10. I (call)

would have called

 you earlier, if I (find)

had found

 my phone card.
11. If you (not get)

had not got

 on the bus without a ticket, you (not get)

would not have got

 a fine.
12. I (not win)
would not have won

 any gold medals if I (be)

had been

 in Sidney in 2000.

◄ Conditionals 0 & 1

Ir a...

Wishes ► 3/3

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