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Find the synonym to the word “Sad”: 1

1. mourning траур
2. escape побег
3. scanty скудный
4. attractive привлекательный
5. pregnant беременна
2 Find the word with the opposite meaning: «To build»: 4
1. Relate
2. Team
3. Got
4. Destroy
5. Honestly
3 Choose the phrasal verb meaning “to return to a place”: 2
1. to come off оторватьс
2. to come back вернуться
3. to come in входить
4. to come along прийти вместе
5. to come across встретить
4 Find a general word for the group: 4
1. arm
2. stomach
3. elbow
5. foot
5 The noun of the word “exist” is 5
1. existing
2. existful
3. existant
4. existness
5. existence
6 Give the equivalent: “having a pleasant flavour” имеет приятный вкус 5
1. bad
2. junk мусор
3. tasteless безвкусный
4. good
5. tasteful
7 Find the word that refers to the topic “Library” 5
1. hair
2. museum
3. house
4. day
5. author
8 The correct use of Article .. The Browns invited me to a dinner. 5
1. the / an
2. - / the
3. - / a
4. the / a
5. the / -
9 The plural form of the word "cliff' скала 4
1. cliffes
2. cliveses
3. clives
4. cliffs скалы
5. clivs
10 An uncountable noun is: 2
1. chair
2. beauty
3. piano
4. dress
5. day
11 The plural form of the noun: 5
1. forget-mes-not
2. forgets-me-not
3. forgets-me-nots
4. forgets-mes-nots
5. forget-me-nots
12 appropriate prep: Paul will look after our dogs while we’re on holiday. 3
1. into
2. on
3. after
4. at
5. for
13 Appropriate prepositions: children ... sixteen years ... age are not admitted to 3
the bar ... their parents.
1. over/with/without
2. of/at/with
3. under/of/ without
4. at/of /with
5. under/of/ by
14 Complete the sentence: ____ she can’t drive, she has bought a car. 2
1. wheather
2. even though
3. as
4. while
5. when
15 The correct use of the preposition: They are very similar. I often mistake one 2
___ the other.
1. for
2. through
3. by
4. of
5. with
16 Complete the sentence: My sister turned the house down but she couldn’t find 2
her key ...
1. nothing
2. anywhere
3. some
4. somewhere
5. nowhere
17 Fill in a suitable pronoun: …. artist has a great talent. 1
1. This
2. they
3. them
4. those
18 Complete the sentence with a suitable question word.____ wants to translate 4
the text from English into Russian?
1. Which
2. When
3. How
4. Who
5. What
19 Correct written fraction 3/4 1
1. three quarters
2. four three
3. three four
4. quarter three
5. three over four
20 Choose the equivalent: In Britain women retire at the age of 60. 5
1. The retirement age is sixtieth for women in Britain
2. The retirement age is the sixty for women Britain
3. The retirement age is a sixty for women in Britain
4. The retirement age is sixtth for women in Britain
5. The retirement age is sixty for women in Britain

21 The correct variant of the fraction “2/3” 2

1. second third
2. two thirds
3. twos third
4. two point three
5. two third
22 Choose a singular noun in the possessive case 3
1. Sportsmen's
2. Sportsmens'
3. Sportsman's
4. Sportsmans's
5. Sponsions'

23 The correct answer: Are Rolls Royce cars expensive? - Yes, ____ 3
1. are the most expensive
2. they are the more expensive
3. they are the most expensive
4. it is the most expensive
5. it is the more expensive
24 The correct answer: It is _________ difficult for me to read books in English 1
than in Russian.
1. more
2. the most
3. most
4. the more
5. better
25 The correct answer: 3
The oil- painting is ... than the water- colour.

1. expensive
2. expensivest
3. more expensive
4. expensiver
5. the most expensive

26 the correct form of passive: 3

The constructor was building block of houses.

1. Have been build

2. Had built
3. Was being built
4. Will be build
5. Was build

27 We ___ all over the world. 4

1. will be traveling
2. is traveling
3. has been traveling
4. have traveled
5. were travelled
28 Put the adjectives into the correct order: 1
1. They are staying in an enormous old grey building
2. They are staying in an old enormous old grey building
3. They staying in an enormous old grey building
4. Enormous they old staying building grey are an in
5. They are staying in an grey old building
29 The telegram was received yesterday 5
1. Past Perfect Passive
2. Past simple Active
3. Past Continuous Passive
4. Past Perfect
5. Past simple Passive
30 Modal verb followed by “to”: 1
1. ought
2. may
4. will
5. should
31 Choose a suitable modal verb: 2
The documents ... be sent as quickly as possible.
1. Could
2. Must
3. Can
4. may
5. Need
32 My mother met _______ at the cinema with the other friends. 5
1. our
2. he
3. she
4. we
5. them
33 Verb is used with Complex Object 1
1. want
2. water
3. win
4. wear
5. walk
34 The verb followed V -ing (Complex Object) 3
1. remember
2. hear
3. prevent
4. would like
5. intend
35 The sentence with the structure that expresses purpose. 1

1. The shop provides baskets for the customers to put their purchases in
2. It is important for drivers to take care
3. Alex is very sorry for what he did
4. There is no excuse for behavior like that. There is no need for it
5. I didn’t care for the film

36 Report the sentence: ‘I was waiting for you,’ she told Ben 2

1. She told Ben I had been waiting for him

2. She told Ben she had been waiting for him
3. She told Ben she was waiting for him
4. She told Ben I was waiting for him
5. She told Ben she is waiting for him

37 The right variant: 5

1. She knew he like English
2. She knows that the was doing his homework at 7 o’clock
3. She knows that he was doing his homework at 7 o’clock
4. She knew he has doen his homework by 7 o ’clock
5. She knew that he was doing his homework at 7 o ’clock

38 Complete the sentence: 5

I wonder if the weather ... fine tomorrow.

1. is
2. been
3. was
4. are
5. will be

39 Tense changes in reported speech: 2

1. going to > will be

2. past perfect > past perfect
3. past simple > present perfect simple
4. present perfect > present perfect tense
5. present simple > past continuous

40 Appropriate answer. This house___ better if they ____ it, __ the grass and 3

1. looked / painted / cut / planted

2. looks / painted / cut / planted
3. would look / painted / cut / planted
4. would look / paint / cut / planted
5. will look / painted / cut / plant

41 Choose an unreal conditional sentence: 5

1. If you did that again, I’ll punish you.

2. If you do that again, I’ll punish you.
3. If 1 was an astronaut, I’d travel all the planets.
4. If I am an astronaut, I’d travel all the planets.
5. If I were an astronaut, I’d travel all the planets.

42 Choose the right variant: 1

Please remember to post the letter

1. Don’t forget to post the letter

2. Don’t post the letter
3. Forget to post the letter
4. Don’t remember to post the letter
5. Remind to post the letter

43 The second conditional form: 4

1. present perfect, would + infinitive

2. past simple, future simple
3. present simple, future simple
4. past simple, would + infinitive
5. present simple, would + infinitive

44 Present Participle Passive 5

1. While watching the film she forgot about everything
2. The building painting is a new school
3. The house built in our street is very beautiful
4. The room facing the garden is much more comfortable than this one
5. While being examined, the boy could not help crying
45 To form PAST PARTICIPLE you should add ____ to the verb: 2

1. - ing
2. - ed
3. - est
4. - ness
5 .-ly

46 Gerund Simple 4

1. to be known
2. being known
3. be reading
4. stealing
5. to have read

47 Choose the right verb form: We thought about ___ early. 1

1. leaving
2. leave
3. to leave
4. leaved
5. to leaving

48 Choose the sentence with Gerund: 1

1. Travelling is very interesting in any season

2. They were travelling along the U.K.
3. We like to travel
4. Jane has travelled all over the world
5. They travelled in Spain last year

49 Complete the sentence: I hope ___ you this weekend 2

1. will see
2. to see
3. to saw
4. saw
5. to seeing

50 Define the underlined word: My elder sister enjoys travelling. 1

1. gerund
2. infinitive
3. modal verb
4. participle
5. adverb

51 The words with [еэ] 5

1. bake
2. native
3. explain
4. age
5. stamp

52 The correct prepositions I don’t want to argue .. .you ... that matter at this time. 1

1. with / about
2. at / over
3. with / at
4. to / about
5. on / about

53 Choose the right preposition: to insist_____ 5

1. for
2. in
3. below
4. at
5. on

54 Reflexive pronouns 235

1. him
2. itself
3. yourself
4. our
5. myself

55 Read the fraction «5/6»: 13

1. five sixths
2. fifth over sixth
3. five over six
4. the fifth of six
5. fifth and sixth

56 Choose a countable noun: 34

1. running
2. information
3. minute
4. history
5. leather

57 Correct the Tense form Listen! They ... at each other again. 2

1. are shout
2. are shouting
3. be shouting
4. is shouting
5. are shooting

58 Replace the Direct Speech into Reported Speech: ‘’Where did you find the 5
book?” Ben asked.
1. Ben asked me where I found the book
2. Ben asked me where did I find the book
3. Ben asked where had 1 found the book
4. Ben asked where you had found the book
5. Ben asked where I had found the book

59 Participle I 145
1. They ran out of the school shouting
2. The children ran of the school shouting
3. The children running out of the school shouting
4. The boys ran out of the school shouting
5. The children ran out of the school shouting

60 Verbs used with Infinitive 124

1. threaten
2. manage
3. admit
4. plan
5. fancy

61 The most popular spirits in Ireland are Guinness and Whiskey. Ireland has its 5
own whiskey. The Irish learned to make whiskey from monks. They came to
Ireland from the continent of Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries. They
knew a lot about the way to make spirits. Irish whiskey is made differently
from Scotch whisky. It is also usually spelled differently Scotch whisky has no
"e". Irish whiskey tastes lighter and smoother than Scotch whisky. Just now
more people in the world drink Scotch whiskey. But some people like Scotch
whisky and some like Irish whiskey. In the American Civil War someone said
to President Lincoln that General Grant was drinking too much Irish whiskey.
Lincoln knew that Grant was a good general who knew about Irish Whiskeys.
So Lincoln's answer was: "Find out the maker of General Grant's whiskey.
Then give it to the other generals". Another popular spirit is Guinness. It's a
kind of beer. Guinness is made from barley, hops, yeast and water. Everything
in it is quite natural; there are no chemicals. The Irish have made or "brewed"
it in Dublin since 1759. The Guinness brewery in Dublin is bigger than any
other brewery in Europe. Today there are also Guinness breweries in Britain,
Nigeria, Malaysia. People drink more than seven million glasses of Guinness
every day around the world. Irish coffee is another interesting drink. This is
how to make it. First you put very hot coffee in a glass with some sugar. Then
you add whiskey. Then very carefully you add some cream which stays on top
of the whiskey and coffee. It is a very good way to drink whiskey!
What are the most popular drinks in Ireland?

1. tea and
2. whiskey and tea
3. Guinness
4. whiskey and coffee
5. beer and whiskey

62 The most popular spirits in Ireland are Guinness and Whiskey. Ireland has its 5
own whiskey. The Irish learned to make whiskey from monks. They came to
Ireland from the continent of Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries. They
knew a lot about the way to make spirits. Irish whiskey is made differently
from Scotch whisky. It is also usually spelled differently Scotch whisky has no
"e". Irish whiskey tastes lighter and smoother than Scotch whisky. Just now
more people in the world drink Scotch whiskey. But some people like Scotch
whisky and some like Irish whiskey. In the American Civil War someone said
to President Lincoln that General Grant was drinking too much Irish whiskey.
Lincoln knew that Grant was a good general who knew about Irish Whiskeys.
So Lincoln's answer was: "Find out the maker of General Grant's whiskey.
Then give it to the other generals". Another popular spirit is Guinness. It's a
kind of beer. Guinness is made from barley, hops, yeast and water. Everything
in it is quite natural; there are no chemicals. The Irish have made or "brewed"
it in Dublin since 1759. The Guinness brewery in Dublin is bigger than any
other brewery in Europe. Today there are also Guinness breweries in Britain,
Nigeria, Malaysia. People drink more than seven million glasses of Guinness
every day around the world. Irish coffee is another interesting drink. This is
how to make it. First you put very hot coffee in a glass with some sugar. Then
you add whiskey. Then very carefully you add some cream which stays on top
of the whiskey and coffee. It is a very good way to drink whiskey!

What does the word ‘yeast’ mean

1. a season of the year
2. vegetable from India
3. a baby’s toy
4. a type of beer
5. you need it to make a dough for bread

63 The most popular spirits in Ireland are Guinness and Whiskey. Ireland has its 1
own whiskey. The Irish learned to make whiskey from monks. They came to
Ireland from the continent of Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries. They
knew a lot about the way to make spirits. Irish whiskey is made differently
from Scotch whisky. It is also usually spelled differently Scotch whisky has no
"e". Irish whiskey tastes lighter and smoother than Scotch whisky. Just now
more people in the world drink Scotch whiskey. But some people like Scotch
whisky and some like Irish whiskey. In the American Civil War someone said
to President Lincoln that General Grant was drinking too much Irish whiskey.
Lincoln knew that Grant was a good general who knew about Irish Whiskeys.
So Lincoln's answer was: "Find out the maker of General Grant's whiskey.
Then give it to the other generals". Another popular spirit is Guinness. It's a
kind of beer. Guinness is made from barley, hops, yeast and water. Everything
in it is quite natural; there are no chemicals. The Irish have made or "brewed"
it in Dublin since 1759. The Guinness brewery in Dublin is bigger than any
other brewery in Europe. Today there are also Guinness breweries in Britain,
Nigeria, Malaysia. People drink more than seven million glasses of Guinness
every day around the world. Irish coffee is another interesting drink. This is
how to make it. First you put very hot coffee in a glass with some sugar. Then
you add whiskey. Then very carefully you add some cream which stays on top
of the whiskey and coffee. It is a very good way to drink whiskey!
Guinness is produced

1. Britain, Nigeria, Malaysia

2. in Wales
3. in Iceland
4. in Northern Ireland
5. in Irish republic, Britain

64 The most popular spirits in Ireland are Guinness and Whiskey. Ireland has its 2
own whiskey. The Irish learned to make whiskey from monks. They came to
Ireland from the continent of Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries. They
knew a lot about the way to make spirits. Irish whiskey is made differently
from Scotch whisky. It is also usually spelled differently Scotch whisky has no
"e". Irish whiskey tastes lighter and smoother than Scotch whisky. Just now
more people in the world drink Scotch whiskey. But some people like Scotch
whisky and some like Irish whiskey. In the American Civil War someone said
to President Lincoln that General Grant was drinking too much Irish whiskey.
Lincoln knew that Grant was a good general who knew about Irish Whiskeys.
So Lincoln's answer was: "Find out the maker of General Grant's whiskey.
Then give it to the other generals". Another popular spirit is Guinness. It's a
kind of beer. Guinness is made from barley, hops, yeast and water. Everything
in it is quite natural; there are no chemicals. The Irish have made or "brewed"
it in Dublin since 1759. The Guinness brewery in Dublin is bigger than any
other brewery in Europe. Today there are also Guinness breweries in Britain,
Nigeria, Malaysia. People drink more than seven million glasses of Guinness
every day around the world. Irish coffee is another interesting drink. This is
how to make it. First you put very hot coffee in a glass with some sugar. Then
you add whiskey. Then very carefully you add some cream which stays on top
of the whiskey and coffee. It is a very good way to drink whiskey!
Who is Grant?

1. whiskey
2. general of the army
3. the name of the brewery
4. the beer
5. Irish coffee

65 The most popular spirits in Ireland are Guinness and Whiskey. Ireland has its 3
own whiskey. The Irish learned to make whiskey from monks. They came to
Ireland from the continent of Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries. They
knew a lot about the way to make spirits. Irish whiskey is made differently
from Scotch whisky. It is also usually spelled differently Scotch whisky has no
"e". Irish whiskey tastes lighter and smoother than Scotch whisky. Just now
more people in the world drink Scotch whiskey. But some people like Scotch
whisky and some like Irish whiskey. In the American Civil War someone said
to President Lincoln that General Grant was drinking too much Irish whiskey.
Lincoln knew that Grant was a good general who knew about Irish Whiskeys.
So Lincoln's answer was: "Find out the maker of General Grant's whiskey.
Then give it to the other generals". Another popular spirit is Guinness. It's a
kind of beer. Guinness is made from barley, hops, yeast and water. Everything
in it is quite natural; there are no chemicals. The Irish have made or "brewed"
it in Dublin since 1759. The Guinness brewery in Dublin is bigger than any
other brewery in Europe. Today there are also Guinness breweries in Britain,
Nigeria, Malaysia. People drink more than seven million glasses of Guinness
every day around the world. Irish coffee is another interesting drink. This is
how to make it. First you put very hot coffee in a glass with some sugar. Then
you add whiskey. Then very carefully you add some cream which stays on top
of the whiskey and coffee. It is a very good way to drink whiskey!
What is another interesting Irish drink except whiskey and Guinness?
1. Irish pub
2. Irish tea with milk
3. Irish coffee
4. Irish brewery
5. Irish sparkling water

66 Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer of the 19th century, 2
Oscar Wilde was bom in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. His mother wrote poetry,
and she taught him to love literature. He was educated at Trinity College,
Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. Soon after leaving university his first
volume of poetry, "Patience" was published. Oscar Wilde married Constance
Lloyd in 1884 and the couple had two sons. When the boys were children
Wilde wrote fairy stories for them that were later published as "The Happy
Prince and Other Tales" (1888). Wilde’s tales are very beautiful. This was
followed two years later by the novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890)
and a book on the role of the artist, "The Soul of Man under Socialism"
(1891). However, it was a playwright that Wilde had his greatest success.
Comedies such as "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892), "A Woman of No
Importance" (1893), "An Ideal Husband" (1895) and "The Importance of
Being Earnest" (1895) made him cne of Britain's most famous writers. By
1895 Wilde had left his wife. Wilde was publicly accused by the Marquis of
Queensberry. Wilde sued for libel but he lost his case and was then himself
prosecuted and imprisoned. After being released from Reading Prison in 1897
Wilde moved to France. The following year he wrote "The Ballad of Reading
Gaol" a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly
damaged his health and he died in 1900. His books are read and his plays are
staged in many countries and in many languages.
Which of his novel made him one of the outstanding writers in Great Britain

1. "Lady Windermere's Fan

2. "The Importance of Being Earnest"
3. "The Picture of Dorian Gray"
4. "The Soul of Man under Socialism"
5. "A Woman of No Importance"

67 Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer of the 19th century, 1
Oscar Wilde was bom in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. His mother wrote poetry,
and she taught him to love literature. He was educated at Trinity College,
Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. Soon after leaving university his first
volume of poetry, "Patience" was published. Oscar Wilde married Constance
Lloyd in 1884 and the couple had two sons. When the boys were children
Wilde wrote fairy stories for them that were later published as "The Happy
Prince and Other Tales" (1888). Wilde’s tales are very beautiful. This was
followed two years later by the novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890)
and a book on the role of the artist, "The Soul of Man under Socialism"
(1891). However, it was a playwright that Wilde had his greatest success.
Comedies such as "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892), "A Woman of No
Importance" (1893), "An Ideal Husband" (1895) and "The Importance of
Being Earnest" (1895) made him cne of Britain's most famous writers. By
1895 Wilde had left his wife. Wilde was publicly accused by the Marquis of
Queensberry. Wilde sued for libel but he lost his case and was then himself
prosecuted and imprisoned. After being released from Reading Prison in 1897
Wilde moved to France. The following year he wrote "The Ballad of Reading
Gaol" a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly
damaged his health and he died in 1900. His books are read and his plays are
staged in many countries and in many languages.
According to the text

1. Oscar Wilde had good education.

2. Oscar Wilde had three children.
3. Oscar Wilde wrote only fairy tales
4. Oscar Wilde died in Reading Prison.
5. Oscar Wilde’s mother taught him in Trinity college.

68 Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer of the 19th century, 5
Oscar Wilde was bom in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. His mother wrote poetry,
and she taught him to love literature. He was educated at Trinity College,
Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. Soon after leaving university his first
volume of poetry, "Patience" was published. Oscar Wilde married Constance
Lloyd in 1884 and the couple had two sons. When the boys were children
Wilde wrote fairy stories for them that were later published as "The Happy
Prince and Other Tales" (1888). Wilde’s tales are very beautiful. This was
followed two years later by the novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890)
and a book on the role of the artist, "The Soul of Man under Socialism"
(1891). However, it was a playwright that Wilde had his greatest success.
Comedies such as "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892), "A Woman of No
Importance" (1893), "An Ideal Husband" (1895) and "The Importance of
Being Earnest" (1895) made him cne of Britain's most famous writers. By
1895 Wilde had left his wife. Wilde was publicly accused by the Marquis of
Queensberry. Wilde sued for libel but he lost his case and was then himself
prosecuted and imprisoned. After being released from Reading Prison in 1897
Wilde moved to France. The following year he wrote "The Ballad of Reading
Gaol" a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly
damaged his health and he died in 1900. His books are read and his plays are
staged in many countries and in many languages.
"The Picture of Dorian Gray" is a novel about

1. the man who had magic power and he could solve any problems
2. the man who lived in the farm and killed his slaves
3. the man who secretly helped poor people
4. the man who was cruel to his servants
5. the man who was always young and his picture grew old and ugly.

69 Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer of the 19th century, 4
Oscar Wilde was bom in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. His mother wrote poetry,
and she taught him to love literature. He was educated at Trinity College,
Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. Soon after leaving university his first
volume of poetry, "Patience" was published. Oscar Wilde married Constance
Lloyd in 1884 and the couple had two sons. When the boys were children
Wilde wrote fairy stories for them that were later published as "The Happy
Prince and Other Tales" (1888). Wilde’s tales are very beautiful. This was
followed two years later by the novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890)
and a book on the role of the artist, "The Soul of Man under Socialism"
(1891). However, it was a playwright that Wilde had his greatest success.
Comedies such as "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892), "A Woman of No
Importance" (1893), "An Ideal Husband" (1895) and "The Importance of
Being Earnest" (1895) made him cne of Britain's most famous writers. By
1895 Wilde had left his wife. Wilde was publicly accused by the Marquis of
Queensberry. Wilde sued for libel but he lost his case and was then himself
prosecuted and imprisoned. After being released from Reading Prison in 1897
Wilde moved to France. The following year he wrote "The Ballad of Reading
Gaol" a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly
damaged his health and he died in 1900. His books are read and his plays are
staged in many countries and in many languages.
In 1900

1. Wilde got sick

2. Wilde wrote his best novel.
3. Wilde lost his wife
4. Wilde got sick and died.
5. Wilde was imprisoned

70 Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer of the 19th century, 2
Oscar Wilde was bom in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. His mother wrote poetry,
and she taught him to love literature. He was educated at Trinity College,
Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. Soon after leaving university his first
volume of poetry, "Patience" was published. Oscar Wilde married Constance
Lloyd in 1884 and the couple had two sons. When the boys were children
Wilde wrote fairy stories for them that were later published as "The Happy
Prince and Other Tales" (1888). Wilde’s tales are very beautiful. This was
followed two years later by the novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890)
and a book on the role of the artist, "The Soul of Man under Socialism"
(1891). However, it was a playwright that Wilde had his greatest success.
Comedies such as "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892), "A Woman of No
Importance" (1893), "An Ideal Husband" (1895) and "The Importance of
Being Earnest" (1895) made him cne of Britain's most famous writers. By
1895 Wilde had left his wife. Wilde was publicly accused by the Marquis of
Queensberry. Wilde sued for libel but he lost his case and was then himself
prosecuted and imprisoned. After being released from Reading Prison in 1897
Wilde moved to France. The following year he wrote "The Ballad of Reading
Gaol" a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly
damaged his health and he died in 1900. His books are read and his plays are
staged in many countries and in many languages.
Wilde was imprisoned because

1. Marquis of Queensberry blamed Wilde in immoral behaviour.

2. Wilde lost the case against Marquis of Queensberry.
3. Wilde blamed Marquis of Queensberry in libel.
4. Wilde wanted Marquis of Queensberry to be imprisoned.
5. Marquis of Queensberry sued Wilde for libel.

71 Complete the idiom: 3

Keep an on someone

1. hand
2. leg
3. eye
4. ear
5. head

72 Choose the correct variant of the phrasal verb ”to meet” 3 get over

2. to get up
3. to get together
4. to get off
5. to get along

73 Finish the idiom: 4


1. rain
2. wind
3. air
4. waters
5. water

74 Complete the sentence: 2

You should not put _____ on table; there might be an argument in the house
before long.

1. dress
2. shoes
3. pens
4. toys
5. gloves

75 A quick opinion about someone or something 3

1. impressioned
2. impressed
3. impression
4. impress
5. impressive

76 Add suffix and prefix 2

Attract, responsible

1. ion, im -
2. ive, ir-
3. less, dis-
4. able, ir-
5. ir, able-

77 The correct suffix to the word “manage” 3

1. ty
2. ship
3. ment
4. ible
5. ful

78 Article the is used with . . . 5

1. Lake Michigan
2. Central Asia
3. Africa
4. Waterloo station
5. Globe theatre

79 Correct use of the articles 2

1. Can I ask question?

2. I have not got a computer.
3. There was a interesting programme on TV last night.
4. Rachel works in bank. •—
5. There is woman at the bus stop.

80 Article the is not used with . . . 1

1. streets
2. seas
3. canals
4. mountainous chain
5. oceans
81 Uncountable noun: 5

1. Lemons
2. Egg
3. Car
4. Toys
5. salt

82 “Fate” means the things that ... 2

1. control people
2. happen to someone
3. predict the future
4. help to overcome the problem
5. solve problems

83 The correct use of linking word 1

Robert didn’t study for the test;_______ he did very well.

1. nevertheless
2. therefore
3. Unless
4. Consequently
5. moreover

84 Choose the correct preposition: to insist....... 1

1. on
2. by
3. of
4. at
5. in

85 The correct use of linking word 2

Arlene Black has a yacht and a helicopter.________ , she has five cars.

1. Nevertheless
2. Furthermore
3. However
4. Consequently
5. In addition

86 Fill in a suitable pronoun: 5

___________artist has a great talent.

1. them
2. they
3. these
4. those
5. T h is

87 Choose the correct question word: 4

happened to your arm?

2. Why
4. What
5. How

88 Choose the correct variant of the pronoun: 4

Cat was eating ... meal.

1. her
2. it’s
3. hers
4. its
5. his

89 The correct variant of the numeral: 1


1. wo thousand and six

2. Twenty and six
3. Two hundred and six
4. Two zero six six
5. Two hundred and

90 The correct word: 5

It took us quite a long time to get here. It was journey.

1. a three-hours
2. three hour
3. third hour
4. a three-hour
5. three hours

91 Paraphrase: 5
About 59 million people live in Britain.

1. Britain's population is about fifty - nine million people

2. Britain’s population is about a fifty - nine million people
3. Britain’s population is about fifty nine millions people
4. Britain’s population is about fifty - nine millions people
5. Britain’s population is about fifty nine million people

92 The correct answer: 1

... winter month is January.

1. The coldest
2. The hottest
3. The warmest
4. Hottest
5. Coldest

93 the correct answer: 3

July is month in Kazakhstan.

1. the hotest
2. the coldest
3. the hottest
4. hotter
5. warm

94 The sentence with the correct comparative form: 2

The air in the city is than in the country

1. the most polluted

2. more pollute .
3. more polluted
4. pollute
5. polluted

95 Find an adverb of time: 2

1. suddenly
2. for a long time
3. a bit
4. badly
5. abroad

96 The verb in Past Perfect Active: 4

1. had take
2. has sold
3. was built
4. had swept
5. has brought

97 The right verb form is: 5

Can I borrow that book when you it?

1. will finishes
2. finishing
3. finishes
4. ‘s finish
5. ‘ve finished

98 Past Simple Passive form of the verb “understand”: 4

1. to understand
2. had been understood
3. to be understanding
4. was understood
5. to have been understand

99 After the first bell rang, our teacher____ us to the class. 3

1. disapper
2. leave
3. invited
4. run away
5. slip away

10 Choose the correct modal verb: 5

0 The gas tank is almost empty. We ... stop at the next service station.

1. had
2. can
3. may
4. could
5. had better

10 The correct modal verb is: 3

1 I’m so tired I ... sleep for a week.

1. could have
2. be able to
3. could
4. were able
5. be able

10 Complex Subject is not used with: 1

1.…. famous for...
2. ... was known to...---
3.... was said to ... -—
4 . ... was seen to...
5 . ... was supposed to......

10 Verb used with Complex Object 5

1. work
2. decide
3. try
4. avoid
5. expect

10 Choose the correct variant of Complex Object 3

1. I have never hear her sing.
2. I have never heard her sing.
3. I have never heard her to sing.
4. I have never heard her to be sing.
5. I have never heard to her sing.

10 We use the structure it+passive verb+clause with the verb of reporting. 1

1. avoid
2. let
3. do
4. warn
5. think

10 The appropriate endings of the sentence 4

6 Trevor said th a t...

1. he fixed the shelves this day

2. he is fixing the shelves
3. he would fix the shelves yesterday
4. he had fixed the shelves
5. he will fix the shelves

10 Report the sentence: ‘Have you seen John recently?’ She asked us 2
1. She asked us whether they had seen John recently
2. She asked us whether had we seen John recently
3. She asked us whether they have seen John recently
4. She asked us whether we had. seen John recently
5. She asked us whether have we seen John recently

10 Find the suitable forms of the verbs: 5

8 She (to believe) that Tom (to recover) soon.
1. Believe / Has recovered
2. Believes / are recovering
3. Would believe / Recovers
4. Believe / Had recovered
5. Believed / would recover

10 Change into indirect speech: 2

9 “I can see you tomorrow” she said.

1. She said she could to see me the following day.

2. She said she could see me the following day.
3. She said she will see me the following day. -
4. She said she can see me tomorrow.
5. She said she would see me the following day

11 Correct verb forms: 1

0 If only I ... him before he died! There .. .so many things I .. .him.

1. could have seen/were/ would have told

2. might have seen / were to be/ could have to tell
3. am to see/ were/ wished to be able to tell
4. can have to see/ am/ will tell
5. would see/ are/ might tell

11 Choose the right verb form: 4

1 If he a year older, he could join the army.

1. had been
2. has been
3. will be
4. was
5. Efis

11 Choose the right verb form: 1

2 If he a year older, he could join the army.

1. was
2. had been
3. has been
4. will be
5. is

11 Appropriate answer 2
3 It is a pity you drink too much. If only you so much.

1. won’t drink
2. didn’t drink
3. don’t drink
4. hadn’t drunk
5. haven’t drunk

11 Choose the correct modal verb: 3

4 You do harm to other people.

1. Should
2. Could
3. Shouldn’t
4. Might
5. May

11 Choose the equivalent. 4

5 He came out of the office and went home.

1. Have come out of the office, he went home

2. Come out of the office, he went home
3. Coming out of the office, he went home
4. Having come out of the office, he went home
5. Having coming out of the office, he went home

11 Define the part of speech of the underlined word: 3

6 She was fond of singing when she was a child.

1. Infinitive
2. Participle 2
3. Gerund
4. Adjective
5. Participle 1

11 Which of these verbs can take both gerund and infinitive with similar 4
7 meanings:

1. decide
2. buy
3. after, to stay
4. like, hate
5. speak

11 Complete the sentence: 4

8 We agreed_____

1. should go
2. going
3. to going
4. to go
5. go

11 Underlined word is: 4

9 I enjoy watching new films.

1. noun
2. present participle
3. predicate
4. gerund
5. adjective

12 Complete the sentence: 5

0 She likes ... expensive clothes.

1. To wearing
2. Wear
3. To wears
4. Wears
5. Wearing

12 The words with the silent letter 1

1. psycjology
2. receipt
3. optimist
4. psalm
5. prodigy

12 Choose the correct preposition: 5

2 The farmer was pleased the gift.

1. On
2. About
3. by
4. In
5. With

12 Choose the correct variant: 4

3 I prefer coffee tea.

1. with
2. against
3. over
4. to
5. for
12 Pronouns and determiners used before uncountable nouns: 234
1. every
2. some
3. little
4. a little
5. a great deal of

12 The appropriate answers 35

5 My watch is ... minutes slow.

1. a second
2. tenth
3. fifteen
4. twelfth —
5. twenty __

12 Complete the sentence: 1

6 The house looked ... nobody was living in it.

1. As if
2. as
3. So
4. If
5. As as

12 Correct answer: 4
7 We ... to wait because the man ....

1. told / was questioned

2. were telling / was questioned
3. were told / questioned
4. were told / was being questioned
5. are told / has been questioned

12 Reported speech 4
8 “We are having a party tomorrow’’, he said.

1. He said they were having a party the next day —.

2. She said that they having a party the next day
3. He said we are having a party tomorrow
4. He said that they were having a party the next day
5. He said that they had a party before day .

12 Complete the sentence: 1

9 I watched her tennis.
1. playing
2. played
3. was playing
4. adjective
5. to play

13 Verbs used with Infinitive 1

1. expect
2. mean
3. avoid
4. beg
5. mind

13 Every year I work at a summer camp for kids and I really enjoy seeing the 1
1 children doing things they never thought they could do. Nearly all the kids
know how to swim and play table - tennis before they come, but things like
rock climbing are new experiences for most. Some of them are very nervous,
but after a bit encouragement, they agree to try and they all get to the top in
the end, which makes them feel great. The kids stay several weeks and some
do miss home. We don’t let them (10-13 vear-oldsl to use their mobile phones
all the time. First we tell them they can phone home after lunch. Then when
they ask again, usually after dinner, we say it’s a bit too late to phone and
suggest doing it the next day. Most children are fine in a couple of days and at
the end of their stay, it’s amazing how many come and thank us because they
have had a great time. It’s not just the children who get lonely. We get parents
who are on the phone the whole time, asking how their child is getting on.
Often their child will be busy, playing games or doing something else, so we
have to tell parents to ring back another time. Some kids arrived dressed in
smart, designer, new clothes and they sometimes argue when we tell them to
change into something they won’t mind getting dirty, but before long they
realize what we mean.
What surprises the writer about the children

1. they seem grateful for their experience here

2. they miss meal times with their parents
3. they return their homes after several days
4. the youngest ones find it hard to be away from home
5. they complain if they can’t phone their parents

13 Every year I work at a summer camp for kids and I really enjoy seeing the 5
2 children doing things they never thought they could do. Nearly all the kids
know how to swim and play table - tennis before they come, but things like
rock climbing are new experiences for most. Some of them are very nervous,
but after a bit encouragement, they agree to try and they all get to the top in
the end, which makes them feel great. The kids stay several weeks and some
do miss home. We don’t let them (10-13 vear-oldsl to use their mobile phones
all the time. First we tell them they can phone home after lunch. Then when
they ask again, usually after dinner, we say it’s a bit too late to phone and
suggest doing it the next day. Most children are fine in a couple of days and at
the end of their stay, it’s amazing how many come and thank us because they
have had a great time. It’s not just the children who get lonely. We get parents
who are on the phone the whole time, asking how their child is getting on.
Often their child will be busy, playing games or doing something else, so we
have to tell parents to ring back another time. Some kids arrived dressed in
smart, designer, new clothes and they sometimes argue when we tell them to
change into something they won’t mind getting dirty, but before long they
realize what we mean.
What does the writer think about some parents?

1. they need to be reminded to phone their children

2. they should phone their children every 4 hours.
3. they shouldn’t allow their children to bring phones to camp
4. they should visit their children instead of phoning them
5. they don’t need to keep on phoning the camp

13 Every year I work at a summer camp for kids and I really enjoy seeing the 4
3 children doing things they never thought they could do. Nearly all the kids
know how to swim and play table - tennis before they come, but things like
rock climbing are new experiences for most. Some of them are very nervous,
but after a bit encouragement, they agree to try and they all get to the top in
the end, which makes them feel great. The kids stay several weeks and some
do miss home. We don’t let them (10-13 vear-oldsl to use their mobile phones
all the time. First we tell them they can phone home after lunch. Then when
they ask again, usually after dinner, we say it’s a bit too late to phone and
suggest doing it the next day. Most children are fine in a couple of days and at
the end of their stay, it’s amazing how many come and thank us because they
have had a great time. It’s not just the children who get lonely. We get parents
who are on the phone the whole time, asking how their child is getting on.
Often their child will be busy, playing games or doing something else, so we
have to tell parents to ring back another time. Some kids arrived dressed in
smart, designer, new clothes and they sometimes argue when we tell them to
change into something they won’t mind getting dirty, but before long they
realize what we mean.
What does the writer say about rock climbing at the camp?

1. Some children prefer to swim or play table - tennis

2. Some children refuse to take part
3. Some children already know how to do it
4. Some children find it more enjoyable than they expected to
5. Some children take part and get prizes

13 Every year I work at a summer camp for kids and I really enjoy seeing the 3
4 children doing things they never thought they could do. Nearly all the kids
know how to swim and play table - tennis before they come, but things like
rock climbing are new experiences for most. Some of them are very nervous,
but after a bit encouragement, they agree to try and they all get to the top in
the end, which makes them feel great. The kids stay several weeks and some
do miss home. We don’t let them (10-13 vear-oldsl to use their mobile phones
all the time. First we tell them they can phone home after lunch. Then when
they ask again, usually after dinner, we say it’s a bit too late to phone and
suggest doing it the next day. Most children are fine in a couple of days and at
the end of their stay, it’s amazing how many come and thank us because they
have had a great time. It’s not just the children who get lonely. We get parents
who are on the phone the whole time, asking how their child is getting on.
Often their child will be busy, playing games or doing something else, so we
have to tell parents to ring back another time. Some kids arrived dressed in
smart, designer, new clothes and they sometimes argue when we tell them to
change into something they won’t mind getting dirty, but before long they
realize what we mean.
What is the writer trying to do in the text?

1.Jadvise children how to behave at a summer camp

2. i ve recommendation to parents before choosing a summer camp
3. explain what it is like for children at a summer camp
4. suggest how parents should choose a summer camp for children
5. describe how children make friends at a summer camp

13 Every year I work at a summer camp for kids and I really enjoy seeing the 2
5 children doing things they never thought they could do. Nearly all the kids
know how to swim and play table - tennis before they come, but things like
rock climbing are new experiences for most. Some of them are very nervous,
but after a bit encouragement, they agree to try and they all get to the top in
the end, which makes them feel great. The kids stay several weeks and some
do miss home. We don’t let them (10-13 vear-oldsl to use their mobile phones
all the time. First we tell them they can phone home after lunch. Then when
they ask again, usually after dinner, we say it’s a bit too late to phone and
suggest doing it the next day. Most children are fine in a couple of days and at
the end of their stay, it’s amazing how many come and thank us because they
have had a great time. It’s not just the children who get lonely. We get parents
who are on the phone the whole time, asking how their child is getting on.
Often their child will be busy, playing games or doing something else, so we
have to tell parents to ring back another time. Some kids arrived dressed in
smart, designer, new clothes and they sometimes argue when we tell them to
change into something they won’t mind getting dirty, but before long they
realize what we mean.
Which postcard might a child at the camp send home?

1. It’s so unfair that everyone else can use their mobile phone, but they won’t
let me use mine.
2. I was annoyed when they suggested I put on old jeans, but I guess they were
3. I was really frightened every time we went rock climbing, so they let me do
something else instead.
4. I’ve made some good friends but we’re all bored because there isn’t much
to do here.
5. I am nervous and disappointed. I don’t want to do anything because I can’t
live without my mobile phone. It’s horrible.

13 On the day o f my first piano recital, I became more and more nervous. To 5
6 help me calm down, my piano teacher told me to place several cabbages in the
room where I practiced. 1 was so eager to get over my nerves that I was
willing to try anything. For the next few hours, I played to an audience of
cabbages. When the time of the recital finally arrived, I was still terribly
nervous. My hands felt like ice. When 1 finally walked across the stage, 1
looked out into the dark audience. I could not see anyone! All those people
out there could just as easily have been cabbages. As I sat down to play, my
hands relaxed. Before I knew it, I had played all my pieces without a mistake.
For the first time, the cabbage heads applauded.On the day of the recital the
music teacher ....

1. warned the writer not to look at the audience

2. had no patience with the writer because he was nervous too
3. couldn’t think of a way of helping the writer to stay calm
4. felt nearly as nervous about the recital as the writer did
5. advised the writer to put cabbages in the room where he practiced and play
for them

13 On the day o f my first piano recital, I became more and more nervous. To 3
7 help me calm down, my piano teacher told me to place several cabbages in the
room where I practiced. 1 was so eager to get over my nerves that I was
willing to try anything. For the next few hours, I played to an audience of
cabbages. When the time of the recital finally arrived, I was still terribly
nervous. My hands felt like ice. When 1 finally walked across the stage, 1
looked out into the dark audience. I could not see anyone! All those people
out there could just as easily have been cabbages. As I sat down to play, my
hands relaxed. Before I knew it, I had played all my pieces without a mistake.
For the first time, the cabbage heads applauded.The “recital” means

1. a time at which something happens

2. a social event at which people meet to celebrate something
3. a performance of music or poetry
4. a performance in a theatre v
5. a competition in which people’s skill is tested

13 On the day o f my first piano recital, I became more and more nervous. To 3
8 help me calm down, my piano teacher told me to place several cabbages in the
room where I practiced. 1 was so eager to get over my nerves that I was
willing to try anything. For the next few hours, I played to an audience of
cabbages. When the time of the recital finally arrived, I was still terribly
nervous. My hands felt like ice. When 1 finally walked across the stage, 1
looked out into the dark audience. I could not see anyone! All those people
out there could just as easily have been cabbages. As I sat down to play, my
hands relaxed. Before I knew it, I had played all my pieces without a mistake.
For the first time, the cabbage heads applauded.Very keen to do something or
enthusiastic about something that will happen.

1. designate
2. dislike
3. desire
4. deserve
5. demand

13 On the day o f my first piano recital, I became more and more nervous. To 5
9 help me calm down, my piano teacher told me to place several cabbages in the
room where I practiced. 1 was so eager to get over my nerves that I was
willing to try anything. For the next few hours, I played to an audience of
cabbages. When the time of the recital finally arrived, I was still terribly
nervous. My hands felt like ice. When 1 finally walked across the stage, 1
looked out into the dark audience. I could not see anyone! All those people
out there could just as easily have been cabbages. As I sat down to play, my
hands relaxed. Before I knew it, I had played all my pieces without a mistake.
For the first time, the cabbage heads applauded.The writer stopped feeling
nervous ....

1. before he walked onto the stage •

2. when the audience began to applaud
3. because he had practiced a great deal
4. as soon as the concert was over
5. when he found he couldn’t see the audience

14 On the day o f my first piano recital, I became more and more nervous. To 3
0 help me calm down, my piano teacher told me to place several cabbages in the
room where I practiced. 1 was so eager to get over my nerves that I was
willing to try anything. For the next few hours, I played to an audience of
cabbages. When the time of the recital finally arrived, I was still terribly
nervous. My hands felt like ice. When 1 finally walked across the stage, 1
looked out into the dark audience. I could not see anyone! All those people
out there could just as easily have been cabbages. As I sat down to play, my
hands relaxed. Before I knew it, I had played all my pieces without a mistake.
For the first time, the cabbage heads applauded.In the passage it is explained
that ....

1. the writer was always nervous on the day o f a concert

2. the room was so cold the writer’s hands felt like ice
3. the writer always practiced in where there were cabbages
4. the writer played to some cabbages because there was no real audience
5. the writer finally began to relax just before he began his recital

14 Complete the proverb 1

1 So many countries, so many____

1. customs
2. costumes
3. traditions
4. nationalities
5. dishes

14 The correct answer: 5

2 Like out of the water

1. frog
2. herring
3. tortoise
4. bird
5. fish

14 the verb with the same meaning is: 3

3 “To protect”

1. to begin
2. to harm
3. to defend
4. to pollute
5. to continue

14 A large area o f land with few plants and little water and where the weather is 4
4 always dry.

1. waste
2. dessert
3. wilderness
4. desert
5. lonely

14 Complete the proverb: 2

5 A good ... makes a good ending.

1. Ending
2. Beginning
3. Day
4. Man
5. Woman

14 The word with conversion is . . . 2

1. to ask
2. to guide
3. to write
4. to read
5. to speak

14 The meaning of “stop or keep a person from doing something” 4

1. improve
2. concentrate
3. measure
4. prevent
5. survey

14 Sentence with a mistake 1

1. We heard the news on the radio
2. What is the longest river in the world
3. The earth goes round the sun
4. Their train leaves from Platform 4
5. Have you ever crossed the equator

14 The countable noun is: 5

1. information
2. running
3. history
4. leather
5. banana

15 Choose the right variant: 3

0 We have English lessons_____

1. two a week
2. twice of week
3. twice a week
4. twice week
5. two times o f a week

15 Fill in a suitable article: 1

1 He broke his leg and he is in hospital now.

1. -
2. Am
3. An
4. A
5. The

15 The correct use of linking word 4

2 1 was on vacation;_______ , I didn’t get your letter.

1. even if
2. so that
3. however
4. therefore
5. although

15 The correct use of linking word 4

3 Dr. King gives interesting lectures;_______ , he is very popular with his

1. but also
2. contrary
3. however
4. consequently
5. not only

15 The correct use of preposition 5

4 I’m short_______money this week. Can you lend me some?

1. at
2. on
3. with
4. without
5. of

15 The correct preposition is: 3

5 What’s the difference _ _ _ _ _ football and rugby?

1. among
2. from
3. between
4. with
5. for

15 Choose the correct question word: 1

6 ... does it take you to get there?

1. How long
2. How many
3. How much
4. How
5. When

15 Complete the sentence with the correct pronoun: 5

7 At that age ... don’t have social problems.

1. our
2. your
3. them
4. me
5. they

15 Complete the sentence: 2

8 1 don’t play with toys. I’ve given to my sister.

1. them o f all
2. all of them
3. them all of
4. them all is
5. all them

15 Incorrect written number 3

1. fifty
2. fifth
3. fiveteenth
4. fifteen
5. five

16 The correct answer: 2

0 I’ll take the doll and 2 badges. How much is that?

1. These are $4.40 altogether

2. That’s $4.40 altogether
3. Their are $4.40 altogether
4. This is $4.40 altogether
5. It’s $4.40 altogether

16 Complex Subject is not used with the structure 2

1. It is said that...
2. It took ages to...
3. It was reported...
4. It is believed that...
5. ... is supposed to be.
16 Superlative form of the “Dangerous”: 3
1. The dangerous
2. More dangerous
3. The most dangerous
4. Dangerousest
5. Dangerouser

16 Appropriate answer 2
3 It’s loose, it isn’t v e ry _

1. sharp
2. tight
3. thick
4. straight
5. deep

16 The correct adverb is: My grandfather drives 3

1. carefully
2. downstairs
3. slowly
4. angry
5. wonderful

16 Choose the adverb of time: 2

1. often
2. now
3. over here
4. badly
5. very much

16 She _____________________ a lot of her free time reading. 4

1. has
2. does
3. spend
4. spends
5. makes

16 He doesn’t smoke now, but he a lot when he was young. 5

1. had smoked
2. was smoked
3. has smoked
4. smoked
5. used to smoke

16 Choose the passive form of the verb: 4

1. is doing
2. hade done
3. have done
4. was done
5. will be doing

16 Complete the sentence: 3

9 We were at home at 3 o’clock,_____

1. She was too

2. Too she was
3. So was he
4. So did he
5. So had she

17 Past form of the modal verb must 5

1. have to
2. was able to
3. could
4. would
5. had to

17 Let’s phone Ann. She______at home. 5

1. should be
2. can be
3. has to be
4. may be
5. might be

17 Complete the sentence: 2

2 My parents always want______the washing up.

1. that 1 did
2. me to do
3. for me to do
4. doing me
5. me do

17 Choose the correct sentence with Complex Object 3

1. Your husband’s passport is not valid. Why can’t you get him renew it?
2. Have you seen Jack go out?
3. My father wanted his daughter to make her bed.
4. There are a lot of dirty dishes in the sink. Do you expect me to washing up?
5. Can you help me with cleaning, please.

17 Correct answer 4
4 She saw a man in the road.

1. lied
2. is lying
3. lie
4. lying
5. was lying

17 Choose the correct variant of sentence with Complex Object: 1

1. My mother made me do my homework.
2. My mother made me to do my homework.
3. My mother made me done my homework.
4. My mother made to me does my homework.
5. My mother made me doing my homework.

17 Complete the sentence: 4

6 Ann and left

1. told me goodbye
2. said to me goodbye
3. said me to goodbye
4. said goodbye to me
5. said me goodbye

17 Choose the correct sentence: 5

1. They knew that they will manage somehow
2. They knew that they would managed somehow
3. They knew that they should managed somehow
4. They knew that they wouldn't managed somehow
5. They knew that they would manage somehow

17 Choose the right verb: 2

8 Tell me if there anything wrong.

1. are
2. is
3. to be
4. be
5. will
17 Change into indirect speech: 5
9 “What’s the time”? She asked.

1. She asked what is it

2. She asked what time
3. She asked what time was it
4. She asked what was the time
5. She asked what time it was

18 Complete the sentence: 3

0 What if I offered you a job?

1. would have said

2. would say you
3. would you say
4. will have say
5. will you say

18 Choose the right sentence form: 4

1 1 could do it if 1 had the time

1. present perfect
2. future simple
3. past perfect
4. conditional sentence
5. present simple

18 The 3rd conditional form: 1

1. lf+ past perfect, would + present perfect.
2. If+ past simple, present perfect
3. If + present simple, present simple
4. If+ present perfect, would + present perfect
5. If+ past perfect, past perfect

18 The correct word: 5

3 You won’t pass the exam ... you try a bit harder.

1. though
2. so if
3. despite
4. because
5. unless

18 Future form of the modal verb “can”: 4

1. would
2. could
3. was able to
4. will be able to
5. should

18 Perfect Participle Passive 4

1. Having done wrong the homework wasn’t accepted
2. Having finished my work I went home
3. Having received no answer, we wrote to him again
4. Having been translated into many languages the book became known
5. Having introduced we shook our hands

18 Which of these verbs can take both gerund and infinitive with similar 2
6 meanings:

1. buy
2. love, prefer
3. after, stay
4. speak
5. decide

18 Complete the sentence: 2

7 I hope you this weekend

1.' saw
2. to see
3. to seeing
4. to saw
5. will see

18 Define the underlined word: 3

8 My friend advised me changing my hairdo.

1. participle
2. infinitive
3. gerund
4. modal verb
5. adverb

18 Fill in a suitable form of the verb: 1

9 Saule Was surprised ... him last month.

1. To see
2. See
3. Saw
4. Have seen
5. To saw

19 Complete the sentence: 1

0 We’re again.

1. to see
2. saw
3. seeing
4. were seeing
5. see

19 The words with the silent letter 345

1. rehearsal
2. Buckingham
3. high
4. honour
5. hour

19 Fill in a suitable preposition: 4

2 The soap opera had a great influence my sister.

2. To
3. Of
4. O n
5. From

19 Complete the sentence: 1

3 What have we got for______ ?

1. dinner
2. to dinner
3. the dinner
4. an dinner
5. bnear fast

19 Choose the correct answer: Are these your pens? 234

1. No, they have books.
2. Yes, they are mine
3. Yes, they are my pens
4. No, these pens are his
5. Yes, they are me
19 Appropriate answer o f date 1
5 “25/05”

1. the twenty-fifth o f May

2. the twenty five May
3. the twenty fifth o f May
4. the twenty-five o f May
5. the twentieth five o f May

19 Find the general word for this group: 1

1. School
2. School children
3. Students
4. Teacher
5. Classroom

19 We not able to do the difficult exercises. 1

1. are
2. is
3. being
4. was
5. been

19 The Sequence of tenses: 14

8 “Dont close the window”, Marat said to Alan.

1. Marat asked Alan don’t close the window

2. He asked him not to close the window
3. He asks him not to close the window
4. Marat asked Alan not to close the window
5. Marat asked Alan to close not the window

19 Choose participle used as an adjective: 1

1. Look at that broken toy
2. 1 am feeling fine now
3. It was a beautiful film
4. He is always cheerful
5. I need some dried fruit to put in the cake

20 We can use either a to-infinitive or an -in g form after these verbs: 12

1. fail
2. continue
3. begin
4. mind
5. bother

201 On 28 August 2005, the US government told everyone in New Orleans to 2

leave the city. Scientists had been studying a hurricane in the Gulf o f Mexico.
It was moving towards city, The US government had been preparing for a
hurricane in New Orleans for a number o f years and had already decided on
a plan to get people out. People were able to leave the city quickly by using
both sides o f certain roads.When Hurricane Katrina hit the city on 29 August,
many people had already left. However, the government had not been ready
for the large number o f people who couldn’t, or didn’t, leave. More than
1,800 people died and tens o f thousands
of people lost their homes when winds o f 125 miles per hour hit the city. It
was one o f the worst disasters in the history o f the United States.
After the hurricane, around 80 % New Orleans was under water.
Give the title to this story. How do you call it?

1. dangerous wind
2. the worst tsunami in history
3. Scientists had been studying a hurricane
4. surviving
5. accident in New Orleans

202 On 28 August 2005, the US government told everyone in New Orleans to 4

leave the city. Scientists had been studying a hurricane in the Gulf o f Mexico.
It was moving towards city, The US government had been preparing for a
hurricane in New Orleans for a number o f years and had already decided on
a plan to get people out. People were able to leave the city quickly by using
both sides o f certain roads.When Hurricane Katrina hit the city on 29 August,
many people had already left. However, the government had not been ready
for the large number o f people who couldn’t, or didn’t, leave. More than
1,800 people died and tens o f thousands
of people lost their homes when winds o f 125 miles per hour hit the city. It
was one o f the worst disasters in the history o f the United States.
After the hurricane, around 80 % New Orleans was under water.
A true answer:

1. There was nobody in the city when hurricane hit

2. The government hadn’t been ready for the hurricane
3. People were not able to leave the city quickly
4. When Hurricane hit the city many people had already left
5. The government was ready for the large number o f people who couldn’t

203 On 28 August 2005, the US government told everyone in New Orleans to 2

leave the city. Scientists had been studying a hurricane in the Gulf o f Mexico.
It was moving towards city, The US government had been preparing for a
hurricane in New Orleans for a number o f years and had already decided on
a plan to get people out. People were able to leave the city quickly by using
both sides o f certain roads.When Hurricane Katrina hit the city on 29 August,
many people had already left. However, the government had not been ready
for the large number o f people who couldn’t, or didn’t, leave. More than
1,800 people died and tens o f thousands
of people lost their homes when winds o f 125 miles per hour hit the city. It
was one o f the worst disasters in the history o f the United States.
After the hurricane, around 80 % New Orleans was under water.
The US government had been preparing for a hurricane

1. and nobody lost his home

2. in New Orleans
3. and had decided to evacuate people
4. and had been ready for the large number of people who didn’t leave
5. for many years

204 On 28 August 2005, the US government told everyone in New Orleans to 5

leave the city. Scientists had been studying a hurricane in the Gulf o f Mexico.
It was moving towards city, The US government had been preparing for a
hurricane in New Orleans for a number o f years and had already decided on
a plan to get people out. People were able to leave the city quickly by using
both sides o f certain roads.When Hurricane Katrina hit the city on 29 August,
many people had already left. However, the government had not been ready
for the large number o f people who couldn’t, or didn’t, leave. More than
1,800 people died and tens o f thousands
of people lost their homes when winds o f 125 miles per hour hit the city. It
was one o f the worst disasters in the history o f the United States.
After the hurricane, around 80 % New Orleans was under water.
A sentence in the Past Perfect Tense

1. Government had been preparing for a hurricane

2. People were able to leave
3. Scientists had been studying a hurricane
4. A hurricane was moving towards the city
5. Many people had already left

205 On 28 August 2005, the US government told everyone in New Orleans to 3

leave the city. Scientists had been studying a hurricane in the Gulf o f Mexico.
It was moving towards city, The US government had been preparing for a
hurricane in New Orleans for a number o f years and had already decided on
a plan to get people out. People were able to leave the city quickly by using
both sides o f certain roads.When Hurricane Katrina hit the city on 29 August,
many people had already left. However, the government had not been ready
for the large number o f people who couldn’t, or didn’t, leave. More than
1,800 people died and tens o f thousands
of people lost their homes when winds o f 125 miles per hour hit the city. It
was one o f the worst disasters in the history o f the United States.
After the hurricane, around 80 % New Orleans was under water.
Hurricane Katrina was moving towards

1. the capital city o f Mexico

2. the capital city of the US
3. New Orleans
4. the Gulf of Mexico
5. the city winding in 25 miles per hour

206 Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian composer. Mozart was bom in 1756 in 2
Saltsburg. His father, a violin stand composer noticed wonderful talent o f his
son and taught him how to play musical instruments and to compose.
Being 4 years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was 5 or 6 years old he
started composing music. At the age o f 8—9 Mozart created his first
symphonies and at the age o f 10— 11 his first creations for musical theatre.
When he was 6 years old his father decided to take him and her sister to the
big cities o f Europe. Two children gave concerts in Germany, Austria,
France, England and Switzerland. The audience was delighted to see such a
small boy playing the clavier. When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He
could not imagine his life without music. By the age o f 19 he was the author
of ten major musical works. At the age o f 26 he moved from his native town
to Vienna. Though he didn't have a great success as a composer in Vienne,
Mozart wrote many songs, serenades, symphonies. Burdens of life, poverty
and disease speeded up his death. He died at the age o f 35.The flame came to
Mozart only after his death. Many people now know and like his music.
What is the reason of his death?

1. poverty
2. disease and poverty
3. a fame and popularity
4. disease
5. a lot o f money

207 Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian composer. Mozart was bom in 1756 in 1
Saltsburg. His father, a violin stand composer noticed wonderful talent o f his
son and taught him how to play musical instruments and to compose.
Being 4 years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was 5 or 6 years old he
started composing music. At the age o f 8—9 Mozart created his first
symphonies and at the age o f 10— 11 his first creations for musical theatre.
When he was 6 years old his father decided to take him and her sister to the
big cities o f Europe. Two children gave concerts in Germany, Austria,
France, England and Switzerland. The audience was delighted to see such a
small boy playing the clavier. When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He
could not imagine his life without music. By the age o f 19 he was the author
of ten major musical works. At the age o f 26 he moved from his native town
to Vienna. Though he didn't have a great success as a composer in Vienne,
Mozart wrote many songs, serenades, symphonies. Burdens of life, poverty
and disease speeded up his death. He died at the age o f 35.The flame came to
Mozart only after his death. Many people now know and like his music.
What does the phrase ‘to be delighted’ mean?

1. admire somebody or something

2. to be interested in something
3. to explain the idea o f something
4. to be engaged
5. to gossip about something

208 Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian composer. Mozart was bom in 1756 in 2
Saltsburg. His father, a violin stand composer noticed wonderful talent o f his
son and taught him how to play musical instruments and to compose.
Being 4 years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was 5 or 6 years old he
started composing music. At the age o f 8—9 Mozart created his first
symphonies and at the age o f 10— 11 his first creations for musical theatre.
When he was 6 years old his father decided to take him and her sister to the
big cities o f Europe. Two children gave concerts in Germany, Austria,
France, England and Switzerland. The audience was delighted to see such a
small boy playing the clavier. When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He
could not imagine his life without music. By the age o f 19 he was the author
of ten major musical works. At the age o f 26 he moved from his native town
to Vienna. Though he didn't have a great success as a composer in Vienne,
Mozart wrote many songs, serenades, symphonies. Burdens of life, poverty
and disease speeded up his death. He died at the age o f 35.The flame came to
Mozart only after his death. Many people now know and like his music.
What year did he die?

1. in 1897
2. in 1791
3. in 1719
4. in 1891
5. in 1789

209 Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian composer. Mozart was bom in 1756 in 2
Saltsburg. His father, a violin stand composer noticed wonderful talent o f his
son and taught him how to play musical instruments and to compose.
Being 4 years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was 5 or 6 years old he
started composing music. At the age o f 8—9 Mozart created his first
symphonies and at the age o f 10— 11 his first creations for musical theatre.
When he was 6 years old his father decided to take him and her sister to the
big cities o f Europe. Two children gave concerts in Germany, Austria,
France, England and Switzerland. The audience was delighted to see such a
small boy playing the clavier. When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He
could not imagine his life without music. By the age o f 19 he was the author
of ten major musical works. At the age o f 26 he moved from his native town
to Vienna. Though he didn't have a great success as a composer in Vienne,
Mozart wrote many songs, serenades, symphonies. Burdens of life, poverty
and disease speeded up his death. He died at the age o f 35.The flame came to
Mozart only after his death. Many people now know and like his music.
Where was Mozart born?

1. in Sweden
2. in Austria
3. in Switzerland
4. in Holland
5. in Germany

210 Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian composer. Mozart was bom in 1756 in 3
Saltsburg. His father, a violin stand composer noticed wonderful talent o f his
son and taught him how to play musical instruments and to compose.
Being 4 years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was 5 or 6 years old he
started composing music. At the age o f 8—9 Mozart created his first
symphonies and at the age o f 10— 11 his first creations for musical theatre.
When he was 6 years old his father decided to take him and her sister to the
big cities o f Europe. Two children gave concerts in Germany, Austria,
France, England and Switzerland. The audience was delighted to see such a
small boy playing the clavier. When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He
could not imagine his life without music. By the age o f 19 he was the author
of ten major musical works. At the age o f 26 he moved from his native town
to Vienna. Though he didn't have a great success as a composer in Vienne,
Mozart wrote many songs, serenades, symphonies. Burdens of life, poverty
and disease speeded up his death. He died at the age o f 35.The flame came to
Mozart only after his death. Many people now know and like his music.
Mozart an was at the age when his first concert occurred

1. four years old

2. nine years old
3. six years old
4. file years old
5. eleven years old

21 Find the synonym to the word “sad” 1

1. Mourning
2. escape
3. scanty
4. attractive
5. pregnant

21 Find the word with the opposite meaning: «To build»: 4

1. Relate
2. Team
3. Got
4. Destroy
5. Honestly

21 Choose the phrasal verb meaning ‘4o return to a place”: 2

1. to come off
2. to come back
3. to come in
4. to come along
5. to come across

21 Find a general word for the group: 4

1. arm
2. stomach
3. elbow
4. body
5. foot

21 The noun of the word “exist” is 5

1. existing
2. existful
3. existant
4. existness
5. existence

21 Give the equivalent: “having a pleasant flavour” 5

1. bad
2. junk
3. tasteless
4. good
5. tasteful

21 Find the word that refers to the topic “Library” 5

1. hair
2. museum
3. house
4. day
5. author

21 The correct use of Article ... Browns invited me to ... dinner. 5

1. the / an
2. - / the
3. -/ a
4. the / a
5. the / -

21 The plural form of the word "cliff' 4

1. cliffes
2. cliveses
3. clives
4. cliffs
5. clivs

22 An uncountable noun is: 2

1. chair
2. beauty
3. piano
4. dress
5. day

22 The plural form of the noun: 5

1. forget-mes-not
2. forgets-me-not
3. forgets-me-nots
4. forgets-mes-nots
5. forget-me-nots

22 An appropriate preposition: Paul will look ___ our dogs while we’re on 3
2 holiday.

1. into
2. on
3. after
4. at
5. for

22 Appropriate prepositions: Children ... sixteen years ... age are not admitted to 3
3 the bar ... their parents.

1. over/with/without
2. of/at/with
3. under/of/ without
4. at/of /with
5. under/of/ by x
22 Complete the sentence: ____ she can’t drive, she has bought a car. 2
1. Wheather
2. even though
3. as
4. while '— ,
5. when

22 The correct use of the preposition They are very similar. I often mistake one 2
5 ___ the other.

1. for
2. through
3. by
4. of
5. with

22 Complete the sentence: My sister turned the house down but she couldn’t find 2
6 her key ...

1. nothing
2. anywhere
3. some
4. somewhere
5. nowhere

22 Fill in a suitable pronoun: ... artist has a great talent. 1

1. This
2. they
3. them
4. those
5. these

22 Complete the sentence with a suitable question word. ___wants to translate 4

8 the text from English into Russian?

1. Which
2. When
3. How
4. Who
5. What

22 Correct written fraction 3/4 1

1. three quarters
2. four three
3. three four
4. quarter three
5. three over four

23 Choose the equivalent: In Britain women retire at the age of 60. 5

1. The retirement age is sixtieth for women in Britain
2. The retirement age is the sixty for women Britain
3. The retirement age is a sixty for women in Britain
4. The retirement age is sixtyth for women in Britain
5. The retirement age is sixty for women in Britain

23 The correct variant of the fraction “2/3” 2

1. second third
2. two thirds
3. twos third
4. two point three
5. two third

23 Choose a singular noun in the possessive case 3

1. Sportsmen's
2. Sportsmens'
3. Sportsman's
4. Sportsmans's
5. Sponsions'

23 The correct answer: Are Rolls Royce cars expensive? - Yes,__ 3

1. are the most expensive
2. they are the more expensive
3. they are the most expensive
4. it is the most expensive
5. it is the more expensive

23 The correct answer: It is ____ difficult for me to read books in English than in 1
4 Russian.

1. more
2. the most
3. most
4. the more
5. better

23 The correct answer: The oil- painting is ... than the water- colour. 3
1. expensive
2. expensivest
3. more expensive
4. expensiver
5. the most expensive

23 the correct form of passive: The constructor was building block of houses. 3
1. Have been build
2. Had built
3. Was being built
4. Will be build
5. Was build

23 We ______ all over the world. 4

1. will be traveling
2. is traveling
3. has been traveling
4. have traveled
5. were travelled

23 Put the adjectives into the correct order: 1

1. They are staying in an enormous old grey building
2. They are staying in an old enormous old grey building
3. They staying in an enormous old grey building
4. Enormous they old staying building grey are an in
5. They are staying in an grey old building

23 The telegram was received yesterday 5

1. Past Perfect Passive
2. Past simple Active
3. Past Continuous Passive
4. Past Perfect
5. Past simple Passive

24 Modal verb followed by “to”: 1

1. ought
2. may
3. need
4. will
5. should
24 Choose a suitable modal verb: The documents ... be sent as quickly as 2
1 possible.

1. Could
2. Must
3. Can
4. may
5. Need

24 My mother met ___at the cinema with the other friends. 5

1. our
2. he
3. she
4. we
5. them

24 Verb is used with Complex Object 1

1. want
2. water
3. win
4. wear
5. walk

24 The verb followed V-ing (Complex Object) 3

1. remember
2. hear
3. prevent
4. would like
5. intend

24 The sentence with the structure that expresses purpose. 1

1. The shop provides baskets for the customers to put their purchases in
2. It is important for drivers to take care
3. Alex is very sorry for what he did
4. There is no excuse for behavior like that. There is no need for it
5. I didn’t care for the film

24 Report the sentence: ‘I was waiting for you,’ she told Ben 2
1. She told Ben I had been waiting for him
2. She told Ben she had been waiting for him
3. She told Ben she was waiting for him
4. She told Ben I was waiting for him
5. She told Ben she is waiting for him

24 The right variant: 3

1. She knew he like English
2. She knows that the was doing his homework at 7 o’clock
3. She knows that he was doing his homework at 7 o’clock
4. She knew he has done his homework by 7 o’clock
5. She knew that he was doing his homework at 7 o’clock

24 Complete the sentence: I wonder if the weather ... fine tomorrow. 5

1. is
2. been
3. was
4. are
5. will be

24 Tense changes in reported speech: 2

1. going to > will be
2. past perfect > past perfect
3. past simple > present perfect simple
4. present perfect > present perfect tense
5. present simple > past continuous

25 Appropriate answer. This house better if they ___ it,___ the grass and flowers. 3
1. looked / painted / cut / planted
2. looks / painted / cut / planted
3. would look / painted / cut / planted
4. would look / paint / cut / planted
5. will look / painted / cut / plant

25 Choose an unreal conditional sentence: 5

1. If you did that again, I’ll punish you.
2. If you do that again, I’ll punish you.
3. If I was an astronaut, I’d travel all the planets.
4. If I am an astronaut. I’d travel all the planets.
5. If I were an astronaut, I’d travel all the planets.

25 Choose the right variant: Please remember to post the letter 1

1. Don’t forget to post the letter
2. Don’t post the letter
3. Forget to post the letter
4. Don't remember to post the letter
5. Remind to post the letter

25 The second conditional form: 4

1. present perfect, would + infinitive
2. past simple, future simple
3. present simple, future simple
4. past simple, would + infinitive
5. present simple, would + infinitive

25 Present Participle Passive 5

1. While watching the film she forgot about everything
2. The building painting is a new school
3. The house built in our street is very beautiful
4. The room facing the garden is much more comfortable than this one
5. While being examined, the boy could not help crying

25 To form PAST PARTICIPLE you should add to the verb: 2

5 1. ing
2. ed
3. est
4. ness
5. ly

25 Gerund Simple 4
1. to be known
2. being known
3. be reading
4. stealing
5. to have read

25 Choose the right verb form: We thought about ___ early. 1

1. leaving
2. leave
3. to leave
4. leaved
5. to leaving

25 Choose the sentence with Gerund: 1

1. Travelling is very interesting in any season
2. They were travelling along the U.K
3. We like to travel
4. Jane has travelled all over the world
5. They travelled in Spain last year

25 Complete the sentence: 1 hope you this weekend 2

1. will see
2. to see
3. to saw
4. saw
5. to seeing

26 Define the underlined word: My elder sister enjoys travelling. 1

1. gerund
2. infinitive
3. modal verb
4. participle
5. adverb

26 The words with [еэ] 1

1 2
1. bake 3
2. native
3. explain
4. age
5. stamp

26 The correct prepositions I don’t want to argue .. .you ... that matter at this 1
2 time.

1. with / about
2. at / over
3. with / at
4. to / about
5. on / about

26 Choose the right preposition: to insist ___ 5

1. for
2. in
3. below
4. at
5. on

26 Reflexive pronouns 235

4 1. him
2. itself
3. yourself
4. our
5. myself

26 Read the fraction «5/6»: 13

1. five sixths
2. fifth over sixth
3. five over six
4. the fifth of six
5. fifth and sixth

26 Choose a countable noun: 34

1. running
2. information
3. minute
4. banana
5. history

26 Correct the Tense form Listen! They ... at each other again. 2
1. are shout
2. are shouting
3. be shouting
4. is shouting
5. are shooting

26 Replace the Direct Speech into Reported Speech: "Where did you find the 5
8 book?” Ben asked.

1. Ben asked me where 1 found the book

2. Ben asked me where did I find the book
3. Ben asked where had I found the book
4. Ben asked where you had found the book
5. Ben asked where I had found the book

26 Participle I 125
1. They ran out of the school shouting
2. The children ran out of the school shouting
3. The children ran of the school shouting
4. The children running out of the school shouting
5. The boys ran out of the school shouting

27 Verbs used with Infinitive 124

1. Threaten
2. manage
3. admit
4. plan
5. fance

27 The most popular spirits in Ireland are Guinness and Whiskey. Ireland has its 5
1 own whiskey. The Irish learned to make whiskey from monks. They came to
Ireland from the continent of Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries. They
knew a lot about the way to make spirits. Irish whiskey is made differently
from Scotch whisky. It is also usually spelled differently Scotch whisky has
no "e". Irish whiskey tastes lighter and smoother than Scotch whisky. Just
now more people in the world drink Scotch whiskey.
But some people like Scotch whisky and some like Irish whiskey. In the
American Civil War someone said to President Lincoln that General Grant
was drinking too much Irish whiskey. Lincoln knew that Grant was a good
general who knew about Irish Whiskeys. So Lincoln's answer was: "Find out
the maker of General Grant's whiskey. Then give it to the other generals".
Another popular spirit is Guinness. It's a kind of beer. Guinness is made
from barley, hops, yeast and water. Everything in it is quite natural; there are
no chemicals. The Irish have made or "brewed" it in Dublin since 1759. The
Guinness brewery in Dublin is bigger than any other brewery in Europe.
Today there are also Guinness breweries in Britain, Nigeria, Malaysia. People
drink more than seven million glasses of Guinness every day around the
Irish coffee is another interesting drink. This is how to make it. First
you put very hot coffee in a glass with some sugar. Then you add whiskey.
Then very carefully you add some cream which stays on top of the whiskey
and coffee. It is a very good way to drink whiskey!What are the most popular
drinks in Ireland?
1. Tea and coffee
2. Whiskey and tea
3. Guinness
4. Whiskey and coffee
5. Beer and Whiskey

27 The most popular spirits in Ireland are Guinness and Whiskey. Ireland has its 5
2 own whiskey. The Irish learned to make whiskey from monks. They came to
Ireland from the continent of Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries. They
knew a lot about the way to make spirits. Irish whiskey is made differently
from Scotch whisky. It is also usually spelled differently Scotch whisky has
no "e". Irish whiskey tastes lighter and smoother than Scotch whisky. Just
now more people in the world drink Scotch whiskey.
But some people like Scotch whisky and some like Irish whiskey. In the
American Civil War someone said to President Lincoln that General Grant
was drinking too much Irish whiskey. Lincoln knew that Grant was a good
general who knew about Irish Whiskeys. So Lincoln's answer was: "Find out
the maker of General Grant's whiskey. Then give it to the other generals".
Another popular spirit is Guinness. It's a kind of beer. Guinness is made
from barley, hops, yeast and water. Everything in it is quite natural; there are
no chemicals. The Irish have made or "brewed" it in Dublin since 1759. The
Guinness brewery in Dublin is bigger than any other brewery in Europe.
Today there are also Guinness breweries in Britain, Nigeria, Malaysia. People
drink more than seven million glasses of Guinness every day around the
Irish coffee is another interesting drink. This is how to make it. First
you put very hot coffee in a glass with some sugar. Then you add whiskey.
Then very carefully you add some cream which stays on top of the whiskey
and coffee. It is a very good way to drink whiskey!What does the word ‘yeast’

1. a season of the year

2. vegetable from India
3. a baby’s toy
4. a type of beer
5. you need it to make a dough for bread

27 The most popular spirits in Ireland are Guinness and Whiskey. Ireland has its 1
3 own whiskey. The Irish learned to make whiskey from monks. They came to
Ireland from the continent of Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries. They
knew a lot about the way to make spirits. Irish whiskey is made differently
from Scotch whisky. It is also usually spelled differently Scotch whisky has
no "e". Irish whiskey tastes lighter and smoother than Scotch whisky. Just
now more people in the world drink Scotch whiskey.
But some people like Scotch whisky and some like Irish whiskey. In the
American Civil War someone said to President Lincoln that General Grant
was drinking too much Irish whiskey. Lincoln knew that Grant was a good
general who knew about Irish Whiskeys. So Lincoln's answer was: "Find out
the maker of General Grant's whiskey. Then give it to the other generals".
Another popular spirit is Guinness. It's a kind of beer. Guinness is made
from barley, hops, yeast and water. Everything in it is quite natural; there are
no chemicals. The Irish have made or "brewed" it in Dublin since 1759. The
Guinness brewery in Dublin is bigger than any other brewery in Europe.
Today there are also Guinness breweries in Britain, Nigeria, Malaysia. People
drink more than seven million glasses of Guinness every day around the
Irish coffee is another interesting drink. This is how to make it. First
you put very hot coffee in a glass with some sugar. Then you add whiskey.
Then very carefully you add some cream which stays on top of the whiskey
and coffee. It is a very good way to drink whiskey!Guinness is produced

1. Britain, Nigeria, Malaysia

2. in Wales
3. in Iceland
4. in Northern Ireland
5. in Irish republic, Britain

27 The most popular spirits in Ireland are Guinness and Whiskey. Ireland has its 2
4 own whiskey. The Irish learned to make whiskey from monks. They came to
Ireland from the continent of Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries. They
knew a lot about the way to make spirits. Irish whiskey is made differently
from Scotch whisky. It is also usually spelled differently Scotch whisky has
no "e". Irish whiskey tastes lighter and smoother than Scotch whisky. Just
now more people in the world drink Scotch whiskey.
But some people like Scotch whisky and some like Irish whiskey. In the
American Civil War someone said to President Lincoln that General Grant
was drinking too much Irish whiskey. Lincoln knew that Grant was a good
general who knew about Irish Whiskeys. So Lincoln's answer was: "Find out
the maker of General Grant's whiskey. Then give it to the other generals".
Another popular spirit is Guinness. It's a kind of beer. Guinness is made
from barley, hops, yeast and water. Everything in it is quite natural; there are
no chemicals. The Irish have made or "brewed" it in Dublin since 1759. The
Guinness brewery in Dublin is bigger than any other brewery in Europe.
Today there are also Guinness breweries in Britain, Nigeria, Malaysia. People
drink more than seven million glasses of Guinness every day around the
Irish coffee is another interesting drink. This is how to make it. First
you put very hot coffee in a glass with some sugar. Then you add whiskey.
Then very carefully you add some cream which stays on top of the whiskey
and coffee. It is a very good way to drink whiskey! Who is Grant?

1. whiskey
2. general of the army
3. the name of the brewery
4. the beer
5. Irish coffee

27 The most popular spirits in Ireland are Guinness and Whiskey. Ireland has its 3
5 own whiskey. The Irish learned to make whiskey from monks. They came to
Ireland from the continent of Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries. They
knew a lot about the way to make spirits. Irish whiskey is made differently
from Scotch whisky. It is also usually spelled differently Scotch whisky has
no "e". Irish whiskey tastes lighter and smoother than Scotch whisky. Just
now more people in the world drink Scotch whiskey.
But some people like Scotch whisky and some like Irish whiskey. In the
American Civil War someone said to President Lincoln that General Grant
was drinking too much Irish whiskey. Lincoln knew that Grant was a good
general who knew about Irish Whiskeys. So Lincoln's answer was: "Find out
the maker of General Grant's whiskey. Then give it to the other generals".
Another popular spirit is Guinness. It's a kind of beer. Guinness is made
from barley, hops, yeast and water. Everything in it is quite natural; there are
no chemicals. The Irish have made or "brewed" it in Dublin since 1759. The
Guinness brewery in Dublin is bigger than any other brewery in Europe.
Today there are also Guinness breweries in Britain, Nigeria, Malaysia. People
drink more than seven million glasses of Guinness every day around the
Irish coffee is another interesting drink. This is how to make it. First
you put very hot coffee in a glass with some sugar. Then you add whiskey.
Then very carefully you add some cream which stays on top of the whiskey
and coffee. It is a very good way to drink whiskey!What is another interesting
Irish drink except whiskey and Guinness?

1. Irish pub
2. Irish tea with milk
3. Irish coffee
4. Irish brewery
5. Irish sparkling water

27 Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer of the 19th century, 2
6 Oscar Wilde was bom in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. His mother wrote poetry,
and she taught him to love literature. He was educated at Trinity College,
Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. Soon after leaving university his first
volume of poetry, "Patience" was published. Oscar Wilde married Constance
Lloyd in 1884 and the couple had two sons. When the boys were children
Wilde wrote fairy stories for them that were later published as "The Happy
Prince and Other Tales" (1888). Wilde’s tales are very beautiful. This was
followed two years later by the novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890)
and a book on the role of the artist, "The Soul of Man under Socialism"
(1891). However, it was a playwright that Wilde had his greatest success.
Comedies such as "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892), "A Woman of No
Importance" (1893), "An Ideal Husband" (1895) and "The Importance of
Being Earnest" (1895) made him one of Britain's most famous writers. By
1895 Wilde had left his wife. Wilde was publicly accused by the Marquis of
Queensberry. Wilde sued for libel but he lost his case and was then himself
prosecuted and imprisoned. After being released from Reading Prison in 1897
Wilde moved to France. The following year he wrote "The Ballad of Reading
Gaol" a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly
damaged his health anij he died in 1900. His books are read and his plays are
staged in many countries and in many languages.
Which of his novel made him one of the outstanding writers in Great Britain

1. "Lady Windermere's Fan"

2. "The Importance of Being Earnest"
3. "The Picture of Derian-Gray”
4. "The Soul of Man under Socialism"
5. "A Woman of No Importance"

27 Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer of the 19th century, 1
7 Oscar Wilde was bom in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. His mother wrote poetry,
and she taught him to love literature. He was educated at Trinity College,
Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. Soon after leaving university his first
volume of poetry, "Patience" was published. Oscar Wilde married Constance
Lloyd in 1884 and the couple had two sons. When the boys were children
Wilde wrote fairy stories for them that were later published as "The Happy
Prince and Other Tales" (1888). Wilde’s tales are very beautiful. This was
followed two years later by the novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890)
and a book on the role of the artist, "The Soul of Man under Socialism"
(1891). However, it was a playwright that Wilde had his greatest success.
Comedies such as "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892), "A Woman of No
Importance" (1893), "An Ideal Husband" (1895) and "The Importance of
Being Earnest" (1895) made him one of Britain's most famous writers. By
1895 Wilde had left his wife. Wilde was publicly accused by the Marquis of
Queensberry. Wilde sued for libel but he lost his case and was then himself
prosecuted and imprisoned. After being released from Reading Prison in 1897
Wilde moved to France. The following year he wrote "The Ballad of Reading
Gaol" a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly
damaged his health anij he died in 1900. His books are read and his plays are
staged in many countries and in many languages.
According to the text

1. Oscar Wilde had good education.

2. Oscar Wilde had three children.
3. Oscar Wilde wrote only fairy tales.
4. Oscar Wilde died in Reading Prison.
5. Oscar Wilde’s mother taught him in Trinity college.

27 Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer of the 19th century, 5
8 Oscar Wilde was bom in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. His mother wrote poetry,
and she taught him to love literature. He was educated at Trinity College,
Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. Soon after leaving university his first
volume of poetry, "Patience" was published. Oscar Wilde married Constance
Lloyd in 1884 and the couple had two sons. When the boys were children
Wilde wrote fairy stories for them that were later published as "The Happy
Prince and Other Tales" (1888). Wilde’s tales are very beautiful. This was
followed two years later by the novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890)
and a book on the role of the artist, "The Soul of Man under Socialism"
(1891). However, it was a playwright that Wilde had his greatest success.
Comedies such as "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892), "A Woman of No
Importance" (1893), "An Ideal Husband" (1895) and "The Importance of
Being Earnest" (1895) made him one of Britain's most famous writers. By
1895 Wilde had left his wife. Wilde was publicly accused by the Marquis of
Queensberry. Wilde sued for libel but he lost his case and was then himself
prosecuted and imprisoned. After being released from Reading Prison in 1897
Wilde moved to France. The following year he wrote "The Ballad of Reading
Gaol" a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly
damaged his health anij he died in 1900. His books are read and his plays are
staged in many countries and in many languages.
"The Picture of Dorian Gray" is a novel about

1. the man who had magic power and he could solve any problems
2. the man who lived in the farm and killed his slaves
3. the man who secretly helped poor people
4. the man who was cruel to his servants
5. the man who was always young and his picture grew old and ugly.

27 Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer of the 19th century, 4
9 Oscar Wilde was bom in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. His mother wrote poetry,
and she taught him to love literature. He was educated at Trinity College,
Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. Soon after leaving university his first
volume of poetry, "Patience" was published. Oscar Wilde married Constance
Lloyd in 1884 and the couple had two sons. When the boys were children
Wilde wrote fairy stories for them that were later published as "The Happy
Prince and Other Tales" (1888). Wilde’s tales are very beautiful. This was
followed two years later by the novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890)
and a book on the role of the artist, "The Soul of Man under Socialism"
(1891). However, it was a playwright that Wilde had his greatest success.
Comedies such as "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892), "A Woman of No
Importance" (1893), "An Ideal Husband" (1895) and "The Importance of
Being Earnest" (1895) made him one of Britain's most famous writers. By
1895 Wilde had left his wife. Wilde was publicly accused by the Marquis of
Queensberry. Wilde sued for libel but he lost his case and was then himself
prosecuted and imprisoned. After being released from Reading Prison in 1897
Wilde moved to France. The following year he wrote "The Ballad of Reading
Gaol" a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly
damaged his health anij he died in 1900. His books are read and his plays are
staged in many countries and in many languages.
In 1900

1. Wilde got sick

2. Wilde wrote his best novel.
3. Wilde lost his wife
4. Wilde got sick and died.
5. Wilde was imprisoned

28 Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer of the 19th century, 2
0 Oscar Wilde was bom in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. His mother wrote poetry,
and she taught him to love literature. He was educated at Trinity College,
Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. Soon after leaving university his first
volume of poetry, "Patience" was published. Oscar Wilde married Constance
Lloyd in 1884 and the couple had two sons. When the boys were children
Wilde wrote fairy stories for them that were later published as "The Happy
Prince and Other Tales" (1888). Wilde’s tales are very beautiful. This was
followed two years later by the novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890)
and a book on the role of the artist, "The Soul of Man under Socialism"
(1891). However, it was a playwright that Wilde had his greatest success.
Comedies such as "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892), "A Woman of No
Importance" (1893), "An Ideal Husband" (1895) and "The Importance of
Being Earnest" (1895) made him one of Britain's most famous writers. By
1895 Wilde had left his wife. Wilde was publicly accused by the Marquis of
Queensberry. Wilde sued for libel but he lost his case and was then himself
prosecuted and imprisoned. After being released from Reading Prison in 1897
Wilde moved to France. The following year he wrote "The Ballad of Reading
Gaol" a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly
damaged his health anij he died in 1900. His books are read and his plays are
staged in many countries and in many languages.
Wilde was imprisoned because

1. Marquis of Queensberry blamed Wilde in immoral behavior

2. Wilde lost the case against Marquis of Queensberry.
3. Wilde blamed Marquis of Queensberry in libel.
4. Wilde wanted Marquis of Queensberry to be imprisoned.
5. Marquis of Queensberry sued Wilde for libel

28 "Under the weather" means .... 4

1. pay careful attention to a situation or person because something bad
may happen
2. find something difficult
3. to put someone into a situation where they might be harmed
4. fее1 not well
5. if the weather is suitable

28 I looked_______ some information in the library. 5

1. at
2. after
3. in
4. forward to
5. up

28 Find the word with the opposite meaning to the word “tasteless” 2
1. disgusted
2. tasteful
3. well
4. junk
5. wealthy

28 Complete the sentence: 3

4 The traffic lights green and he pulled away.

1. got
2. turns
3. turned
4. gone
5. became

28 Relieve" is matched with: 2

1. the symptoms
2. the disease
3. epidemics
4. spread
5. vaccine

28 Choose the right variant: 3

6 We have English lessons__

1. twice of week
2. two times of a week
3. twice a week
4. two a week
5. twice week

28 Use two nouns together. A luggage 3

1. clock
2. camera
3. trolley
4. racket
5. cycle

28 Sentence with a mistake 4

1. Excuse me, where is the bus station, please?
2. Could you close the door, please?
3. How often do you go to the dentist?
4. Would you like apple?
5. I have a problem. Can you help me?

28 Choose the abstract noun 1

1. intelligence
2. tennis
3. bread
4. art
5. history

29 ’’the” is used: 3
1. with the nouns in a general sense
2. with meals
3. before uncountable nouns
4. with a unit of measurement
5. in exclamation

29 ’’the” is used: 5
1. with a unit of measurement
2. in exclamation
3. with the nouns in a general sense
4. with meals
5. before uncountable nouns

29 The correct preposition: 1

2 The car park is ___________________ to the restaurant

1. next
2. opposite
3. near
4. in front
5. behind

29 Choose the correct variant 3

3 Sheila is very' fond ... telling other people what to do.

1. At
2. In
3. Of
4. To
5. On

29 Choose the right preposition: 4

4 She was standing ________the front door.

1. from
2. of
3. under
4. at
5. in

29 The correct use of preposition 3

5 His courage is w orthy_______the highest praise.
1. with
2. at
3. of
4. about
5. for

29 Choose an appropriate pronoun 4

6 There were _________ people at the party that I didn’t know.

1. Anybody
2. Anything
3. Nothing
4. Some
5. Somebody

29 Choose the correct variant of pronoun: 3

7 He put ______ hands into ______ pockets.

1. my/mine
2. your/yours
3. his/his
4. they/them
5. our/her

29 Fill in the gap with a suitable pronoun: 4

8 Who are you? - ______am Harry Brown.

1. You
2. We
3. They
4. I
5. He

29 Appropriate answer 1
9 It is 12:40.

1. It is twenty to one
2. It is fourty past one
3. It is twelfth to one
4. It is twenty past one
5. It is twelve to one

30 The correct variant of the number: 2

0 «207»

1. two hundred seven

2. two hundred and seven
3. two and seven
4. twenty seventh
5. twenty and seven

301 Odd one 5

1. thirty-eight
2. fifty-six
3. ninety-five
4. forty-two
5. seventy one

30 Adjectives of material: 1
1. steel
2. splendid
3. awful
4. bath
5. green

30 The correct word: 1

3 The version of the film I saw had been______ censored.

1. heavily
2. great
3. well
4. deeply
5. strongly

30 Choose the correct answer: 1

4 It was ... film I have ever seen.

1. the best
2. well
3. good
4. bad
5. worse

30 Adjectives of qualities 3
1. wonderful
2. plastic
3. important
4. American
5. New
30 Find the passive form of the verb: 2
1. have been estimating
2. was estimated
3. was estimating
4. had estimated
5. will estimate

30 Paraphrase this sentence: 2

7 He led Mr. Pickwick to a large room where Mr. Perker was sitting.

1. Mr. Perker led him to a large room where Mr. Pickwick was sitting
2. Mr. Pickwick was led to a large room where Mr. Perker was sitting
3. Mr. Perker was sitting and he was led by Mr. Pickwick
4. He was led by Mr. Pickwick to a large room where Mr. Perker was
5. To a large room was led Mr. Pickwick by Mr. Perker where he was

30 No sooner he _______than he ________ ill. 2

1. arrives / has fallen
2. had arrived / fell
3. arrived / will fall
4. had arrived / falls
5. is arriving / is falling

30 the verb in Future in the Past: 5

1. would done
2. shall be
3. will be
4. would have done
5. would be

31 Assel has lost her wallet. I think she ____________it in the shop. I sure. 3
1. may leave
2. might leave
3. must have left
4. had left
5. should have left

31 Find the modal verb: 2

1. look like
2. should
3. used to
4. to get
5. to have

31 The sentence formulated correctly is 3

1. George made me that I told the truth
2. George made me to tell the truth
3. George made me tell the truth
4. George made me to telling the truth
5. George made me telling the truth

31 The correct verb form is: 3

3 She is said ________ a very talented ballet-dancer.

1. been
2. had been
3. to be
4. was
5. being

31 The sentence formulated correctly is 5

1. Mr.Maclin would like that his son becoming an actor
2. Mr.Maclin would like his son not become an actor
3. Mr.Maclin wouldn’t like his son become an actor
4. Mr.M aclin wouldn’t like that his son will become an actor
5. Mr.Maclin wouldn’t like his son to become an actor

31 a suitable form of the verb. 2

5 I heard her ________the door and go out.

1. opens
2. open
3. having open
4. to open
5. opened

31 Fill in a suitable form of the verb: 2

6 She ... they would finish the work soon.

1. Promising
2. Promised
3. Promise
4. Promises
5. Should promise
31 Choose the correctly composed sentence: 4
1. The doctor said that he comes the next day
2. The doctor said that he should come the next day
3. The doctor said he will come the next day
4. The doctor said that he would come the next day
5. The doctor said that he shall come the next day

31 The appropriate endings of the sentence 2

8 I was sure that...

1. they discussed the problem now

2. they would discuss the problem
3. they has discussed the problem
4. they have discussed the problem
5. they will discuss the problem

31 Report the sentence: 3

9 Fred said: “It is stuffy here”.

1. Fred said it is stuffy here

2. Fred said it had been stuffy there
3. Fred said it was stuffy there
4. Fred said it is stuffy there
5. Fred said it was stuffy here

32 The correct verb forms: 2

0 If he ... English well, he ... the article without difficulty yesterday.

1. knew / would translate

2. would know / had been translated
3. know / had been translated
4. would have known / would have translated
5. would know / will translate

32 Complete the sentence: 1

1 As soon as they ________, I _________ you.

1. arrive, ‘ll contact

2. arrive, contact
3. ‘ll arrive, contact
4. arrived, contact
5. arrived, contacted

32 Complete the sentence: 2

2 I______ help you if you______ me more.
1. could, trust
2. could, trusted
3. could, will trust
4. will be able to, will trust
5. can, trusted

32 Appropriate answer 4
3 We live in the city. We wish we _________ in the country.

1. live
2. had lived
3. have lived
4. lived
5. living

32 Complete the sentence: 5

4 While ... the article he had to look up some words in the dictionary.

1. read
2. is reading
3. reads
4. was reading
5. reading

32 Complete the sentence: 2

5 I hope … you this weekend

1. to saw
2. tо see
3. will see
4. to seeing
5. saw

32 Make up Gerund for the verb «Come»: 1

1. Coming
2. To have been coming
3. To come
4. To be coming
5. To have come

32 Define the underlined word: My elder sister enjoys listening to music. 4

1. infinitive
2. modal verb
3. adverb
4. gerund
5. participle

32 Define the function of gerund in sentence: Swimming is healthy for you. 5

1. object
2. predicate
3. attribute
4. adverbial modifier
5. subject

32 Define the underlined word: I’m fond of skiing. 4

1. infinitive
2. modal verb
3. participle
4. gerund
5. adverb

33 Define the function of infinitive in the following sentence: I was the first to 2
0 come.

1. adverbial modifier
2. attribute
3. subject
4. predicate
5. object

33 “еа” is pronounced differently in the word______ 3

1. meal
2. sea
3. meadow
4. meager
5. steal

33 Choose the right preposition: I prefer mineral water ___ juice. 5

1. in
2. over
3. against
4. than
5. to

33 Choose prepositions of movement: 1

1. to, from, out of
2. in, on, at
3. from, until, since
4. by, in, after
5. in, to, from, after

33 The correct pronoun in the sentence is: 1,3

4 The film ___we saw last week was very exciting.

1. that
2. this
3. which
4. how
5. whom

33 Correct ordinal number “the 30th” 5

1. the thirteenth
2. the thorty
3. the thirty
4. threeth
5. the thirtieth

33 The correct answer: “The Alfa River is 100 km long. The Beta River is 200 2
6 km long.” means: The Beta River is ... the Alfa River.

1. long as
2. longer than
3. as longer
4. the longer
5. shorter than

33 Correct answer: Students ... their tests and now they .... 1
1. have written / are handing
2. are writing / are handing
3. are writing / handed
4. had written / hand
5. wrote / will hand

33 Indirect speech 125

8 1. He said that he had been hiding
2. he repeated that he wouldn’t do that again
3. We have to find a boy
4. I can fly a ballon
5. They told that it seemed strange

33 Choose the gerund: 23

1. Steve and Jack were being dressed
2. I enjoy travelling in summer
3. I’m tired of being alone
4. Jane is being taught at home
5. I have been studying at this

34 The Gerund from in the given sentences: 15

1. My brother is keen on getting fit.
2. The reading of the article took him only a few minutes
3. He took part in the second meeting
4. Be careful at the street crossing
5. He was fond of reading books about travels

34 The Amish people are a religious group who came to America from 2
1 Switzerland and South Germany in the 18th century. They have become very
famous by keeping old traditions and refusing to accept new ways of life. The
men wear black hats and have beards, but not moustaches. They all wear
homemade clothes, which are blue, green, purple, brown and black in colour.
No bright colours are allowed. For this reason they are known as “Plain
People”. The women do not wear any kind of jewellery. The Amish people do
not use electricity. In 1919 Amish leader decided not to connect to electric
power lines. They thought that it wouldn’t keep their life simple. Now they
have no television, radio or refrigerators. No telephones. No cars. They drive
horses and buggies. They use gas and gas lamps light their homes. The Amish
are excellent farmers, but they often refuse to use modem farm machinery'.
Children go to Amish one-room schools and leam reading, writing, arithmetic
and region. Before and after classes they help their parents to milk cows,
gather eggs, feed domestic animals and do gardening. The Amish family
usually has between eight and twelve children. Home-produced food is
important in supporting large families. Amish culture is unique in American
society. Who are Amish people?

1. educated people from Switzeland

2. a religious group from America
3. people who live in South Germany
4. people who used to live in the USA
5. Americans who live in Germany

34 The Amish people are a religious group who came to America from 5
2 Switzerland and South Germany in the 18th century. They have become very
famous by keeping old traditions and refusing to accept new ways of life. The
men wear black hats and have beards, but not moustaches. They all wear
homemade clothes, which are blue, green, purple, brown and black in colour.
No bright colours are allowed. For this reason they are known as “Plain
People”. The women do not wear any kind of jewellery. The Amish people do
not use electricity. In 1919 Amish leader decided not to connect to electric
power lines. They thought that it wouldn’t keep their life simple. Now they
have no television, radio or refrigerators. No telephones. No cars. They drive
horses and buggies. They use gas and gas lamps light their homes. The Amish
are excellent farmers, but they often refuse to use modem farm machinery'.
Children go to Amish one-room schools and leam reading, writing, arithmetic
and region. Before and after classes they help their parents to milk cows,
gather eggs, feed domestic animals and do gardening. The Amish family
usually has between eight and twelve children. Home-produced food is
important in supporting large families. Amish culture is unique in American
society.Why do Amish people wear homemade clothes?

1. they have no money for clothes

2. they live too far from the shopping centre
3. they want to demonstrate their individuality
4. they don’t like brand clothes
5. its acceptable in the Amish society

34 The Amish people are a religious group who came to America from 5
3 Switzerland and South Germany in the 18th century. They have become very
famous by keeping old traditions and refusing to accept new ways of life. The
men wear black hats and have beards, but not moustaches. They all wear
homemade clothes, which are blue, green, purple, brown and black in colour.
No bright colours are allowed. For this reason they are known as “Plain
People”. The women do not wear any kind of jewellery. The Amish people do
not use electricity. In 1919 Amish leader decided not to connect to electric
power lines. They thought that it wouldn’t keep their life simple. Now they
have no television, radio or refrigerators. No telephones. No cars. They drive
horses and buggies. They use gas and gas lamps light their homes. The Amish
are excellent farmers, but they often refuse to use modem farm machinery'.
Children go to Amish one-room schools and leam reading, writing, arithmetic
and region. Before and after classes they help their parents to milk cows,
gather eggs, feed domestic animals and do gardening. The Amish family
usually has between eight and twelve children. Home-produced food is
important in supporting large families. Amish culture is unique in American
society.Why do the Amish people have large families because

1. all the Amish have very big houses

2. the Amish people like children
3. they are nit well educated
4. they need many helpers
5. of the religion

34 The Amish people are a religious group who came to America from 3
4 Switzerland and South Germany in the 18th century. They have become very
famous by keeping old traditions and refusing to accept new ways of life. The
men wear black hats and have beards, but not moustaches. They all wear
homemade clothes, which are blue, green, purple, brown and black in colour.
No bright colours are allowed. For this reason they are known as “Plain
People”. The women do not wear any kind of jewellery. The Amish people do
not use electricity. In 1919 Amish leader decided not to connect to electric
power lines. They thought that it wouldn’t keep their life simple. Now they
have no television, radio or refrigerators. No telephones. No cars. They drive
horses and buggies. They use gas and gas lamps light their homes. The Amish
are excellent farmers, but they often refuse to use modem farm machinery'.
Children go to Amish one-room schools and leam reading, writing, arithmetic
and region. Before and after classes they help their parents to milk cows,
gather eggs, feed domestic animals and do gardening. The Amish family
usually has between eight and twelve children. Home-produced food is
important in supporting large families. Amish culture is unique in American
society.What does the phrase ‘home produced food’ mean?

1. the cooked food for quests

2. the food cooked only by mother
3. the cooked at home food
4. the cooked food for selling in the street
5. the favourite in the family food

34 The Amish people are a religious group who came to America from 2
5 Switzerland and South Germany in the 18th century. They have become very
famous by keeping old traditions and refusing to accept new ways of life. The
men wear black hats and have beards, but not moustaches. They all wear
homemade clothes, which are blue, green, purple, brown and black in colour.
No bright colours are allowed. For this reason they are known as “Plain
People”. The women do not wear any kind of jewellery. The Amish people do
not use electricity. In 1919 Amish leader decided not to connect to electric
power lines. They thought that it wouldn’t keep their life simple. Now they
have no television, radio or refrigerators. No telephones. No cars. They drive
horses and buggies. They use gas and gas lamps light their homes. The Amish
are excellent farmers, but they often refuse to use modem farm machinery'.
Children go to Amish one-room schools and leam reading, writing, arithmetic
and region. Before and after classes they help their parents to milk cows,
gather eggs, feed domestic animals and do gardening. The Amish family
usually has between eight and twelve children. Home-produced food is
important in supporting large families. Amish culture is unique in American
society.Why don’t the Amish children learn History or Geography?

1. they don’t know about other subjects

2. they don’t need any other school subjects
3. they care only about their community
4. they have no any schools
5. they have no a teacher

34 The Tower of London The Tower of London is one of the most imposing and 1
6 popular of London's historical sites. It comprises not one, but 20 towers. The
oldest of which, the White Tower, dates back to the 11th century and the time
of William the Conqueror. Nowadays a lot of tourists visit the Tower of
London, because of the Tower's evil reputation as a prison. The Tower is
famous as home of the Crown Jewels. Today they can be viewed in their new
jewel house. They include the Crown of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
which contains the celebrated Indian diamond. Many stories associated with
British history come from the Tower. In 1483 King Edward IV's two sons
were murdered in the so-called Bloody Tower. Over two centuries later the
skeletons of two little boys were found buried beneath steps in the White
Tower. Traitor's Gate has steps leading down to the River Thames. Countless
prisoners, including the future Queen Elizabeth I of England, were brought to
the Tower by barge and ascended the steps before being imprisoned. For many
it was their last moment of freedom before their death. But Elizabeth was
released from the Tower and became Queen. The King's second wife, Anne
Boleyn, was brought to trial there in 1536 and beheaded. Six years later her
cousin, Catherine, Henry VIII's fifth wife, suffered the same fate. Sir Thomas
More was beheaded there in 1535. Of course, no visit to the Tower would be
complete without seeing the ravens; huge black birds who are an official part
of the Tower community. Legend states that if the ravens were to leave the
Tower the Crown will fall, and Britain with it. Under the special care of the
Raven Master, the ravens are fed a daily diet of raw meat. And there is no
danger of them flying away, because their wings are clipped.According to the
text ___ people were beheaded in the Tower of London.
1. 3
2. 1
3. 7
4. 2
5. 5

34 The Tower of London The Tower of London is one of the most imposing and 2
7 popular of London's historical sites. It comprises not one, but 20 towers. The
oldest of which, the White Tower, dates back to the 11th century and the time
of William the Conqueror. Nowadays a lot of tourists visit the Tower of
London, because of the Tower's evil reputation as a prison. The Tower is
famous as home of the Crown Jewels. Today they can be viewed in their new
jewel house. They include the Crown of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
which contains the celebrated Indian diamond. Many stories associated with
British history come from the Tower. In 1483 King Edward IV's two sons
were murdered in the so-called Bloody Tower. Over two centuries later the
skeletons of two little boys were found buried beneath steps in the White
Tower. Traitor's Gate has steps leading down to the River Thames. Countless
prisoners, including the future Queen Elizabeth I of England, were brought to
the Tower by barge and ascended the steps before being imprisoned. For many
it was their last moment of freedom before their death. But Elizabeth was
released from the Tower and became Queen. The King's second wife, Anne
Boleyn, was brought to trial there in 1536 and beheaded. Six years later her
cousin, Catherine, Henry VIII's fifth wife, suffered the same fate. Sir Thomas
More was beheaded there in 1535. Of course, no visit to the Tower would be
complete without seeing the ravens; huge black birds who are an official part
of the Tower community. Legend states that if the ravens were to leave the
Tower the Crown will fall, and Britain with it. Under the special care of the
Raven Master, the ravens are fed a daily diet of raw meat. And there is no
danger of them flying away, because their wings are clipped.
The ravens in the Tower would not fly away only because....

1. the Crown will fall

2. their wings are clipped
3. they live in the tower many years
4. Raven Master feeds them
5. the Queen will die

34 The Tower of London The Tower of London is one of the most imposing and 5
8 popular of London's historical sites. It comprises not one, but 20 towers. The
oldest of which, the White Tower, dates back to the 11th century and the time
of William the Conqueror. Nowadays a lot of tourists visit the Tower of
London, because of the Tower's evil reputation as a prison. The Tower is
famous as home of the Crown Jewels. Today they can be viewed in their new
jewel house. They include the Crown of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
which contains the celebrated Indian diamond. Many stories associated with
British history come from the Tower. In 1483 King Edward IV's two sons
were murdered in the so-called Bloody Tower. Over two centuries later the
skeletons of two little boys were found buried beneath steps in the White
Tower. Traitor's Gate has steps leading down to the River Thames. Countless
prisoners, including the future Queen Elizabeth I of England, were brought to
the Tower by barge and ascended the steps before being imprisoned. For many
it was their last moment of freedom before their death. But Elizabeth was
released from the Tower and became Queen. The King's second wife, Anne
Boleyn, was brought to trial there in 1536 and beheaded. Six years later her
cousin, Catherine, Henry VIII's fifth wife, suffered the same fate. Sir Thomas
More was beheaded there in 1535. Of course, no visit to the Tower would be
complete without seeing the ravens; huge black birds who are an official part
of the Tower community. Legend states that if the ravens were to leave the
Tower the Crown will fall, and Britain with it. Under the special care of the
Raven Master, the ravens are fed a daily diet of raw meat. And there is no
danger of them flying away, because their wings are clipped. Bloody tower is
the place where:

1. two skeletons were found

2. two skeletons were found on the steps
3. two boys were found
4. King Edward’s two sons were imprisoned
5. King Edward’s two sons were murdered

34 The Tower of London The Tower of London is one of the most imposing and 3
9 popular of London's historical sites. It comprises not one, but 20 towers. The
oldest of which, the White Tower, dates back to the 11th century and the time
of William the Conqueror. Nowadays a lot of tourists visit the Tower of
London, because of the Tower's evil reputation as a prison. The Tower is
famous as home of the Crown Jewels. Today they can be viewed in their new
jewel house. They include the Crown of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
which contains the celebrated Indian diamond. Many stories associated with
British history come from the Tower. In 1483 King Edward IV's two sons
were murdered in the so-called Bloody Tower. Over two centuries later the
skeletons of two little boys were found buried beneath steps in the White
Tower. Traitor's Gate has steps leading down to the River Thames. Countless
prisoners, including the future Queen Elizabeth I of England, were brought to
the Tower by barge and ascended the steps before being imprisoned. For many
it was their last moment of freedom before their death. But Elizabeth was
released from the Tower and became Queen. The King's second wife, Anne
Boleyn, was brought to trial there in 1536 and beheaded. Six years later her
cousin, Catherine, Henry VIII's fifth wife, suffered the same fate. Sir Thomas
More was beheaded there in 1535. Of course, no visit to the Tower would be
complete without seeing the ravens; huge black birds who are an official part
of the Tower community. Legend states that if the ravens were to leave the
Tower the Crown will fall, and Britain with it. Under the special care of the
Raven Master, the ravens are fed a daily diet of raw meat. And there is no
danger of them flying away, because their wings are clipped.If you go to the
Tower of London you can visit home of...

1. Indian diamond
2. the Queen Mother’s jewelry
3. the Crown Jewels
4. the Crown of Queen Elizabeth
5. the old jewel house

35 The Tower of London The Tower of London is one of the most imposing and 2
0 popular of London's historical sites. It comprises not one, but 20 towers. The
oldest of which, the White Tower, dates back to the 11th century and the time
of William the Conqueror. Nowadays a lot of tourists visit the Tower of
London, because of the Tower's evil reputation as a prison. The Tower is
famous as home of the Crown Jewels. Today they can be viewed in their new
jewel house. They include the Crown of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
which contains the celebrated Indian diamond. Many stories associated with
British history come from the Tower. In 1483 King Edward IV's two sons
were murdered in the so-called Bloody Tower. Over two centuries later the
skeletons of two little boys were found buried beneath steps in the White
Tower. Traitor's Gate has steps leading down to the River Thames. Countless
prisoners, including the future Queen Elizabeth I of England, were brought to
the Tower by barge and ascended the steps before being imprisoned. For many
it was their last moment of freedom before their death. But Elizabeth was
released from the Tower and became Queen. The King's second wife, Anne
Boleyn, was brought to trial there in 1536 and beheaded. Six years later her
cousin, Catherine, Henry VIII's fifth wife, suffered the same fate. Sir Thomas
More was beheaded there in 1535. Of course, no visit to the Tower would be
complete without seeing the ravens; huge black birds who are an official part
of the Tower community. Legend states that if the ravens were to leave the
Tower the Crown will fall, and Britain with it. Under the special care of the
Raven Master, the ravens are fed a daily diet of raw meat. And there is no
danger of them flying away, because their wings are clipped. “Fate” means the
things that...

1. control people
2. happen to someone
3. predict the future
4. help to overcome the problem
5. solve problems

351 Complete the proverb 1

So many countries, so many _

1. customs
2. costumes
3. traditions
4. nationalities
5. dishes

352 The correct answer: 2

Like out of the water

2. herring
4. bird
5. fish

353 the verb with the same meaning is: 3

“Tо protect”

1. to begin
2. to harm
3. to defend
4. to pollute
5. to continue

354 A large area of land with few plants and little water and where the weather 4
always dry.
1. waste
2. dessert
3. wilderness
4. desert
5. lonely

355 Complete the proverb: 3

1. A good ... makes a good ending.

2. Ending
3. Beginning
4. Day
5. Man

356 The word with conversion is 5

1. to ask
2. to guide
3. to write
4. to read
5. to speak

357 The meaning of “stop or keep a person from doing something” 4

1. improve
2. concentrate
3. measure
4. prevent
5. survey
358 Sentence with a mistake 3

1. We heard the news on the radio

2. What is the longest river in the world ?
3. The earth goes round the sun
4. Their train leaves from Platform 4
5. Have you ever crossed the equator
359 The countable noun is: 5

1. information
2. running
3. history
4. leather
5. banana

360 Choose the right variant: 3

We have English lessons
1. two a week
2. twice of week
3. twice a week
4. twice week
5. two times of a week

361 Fill in a suitable article: 1

He broke his leg and he is in hospital now.

1. -
2. Am
3. An
4. A
5. The

362 The correct use of linking word 4

I was on vacation;_______ , I didn’t get your letter

1. even if
2. so that
3. however
4. therefore
5. although

363 The correct use of preposition 5

I’m short_______money this week. Can you lend me some?

1. at
2. on
3. with
4. without
5. of

364 The correct preposition is: 3

What’s the difference_______football and rugby?

1. among
2. from
3. between
4. with
5. for

365 Choose the correct question word: 1

... does it take you to get there?

1. How long
2. How many
3. How much
4. How
5. When

366 Complete the sentence with the correct pronoun: 5

At that age ... don’t have social problems.

1. our
2. your
3. them
4. me
5. they

367 Complete the sentence: 2

1 don’t play with toys. I’ve given to my sister.

1. them of all
2. all of them
3. them all of
4. them all is
5. all them

368 Incorrect written number 3

1. fifty
2. fifth
3. fiveteenth
4. fifteen
5. five

369 The correct answer: 5

I’ll take the doll and 2 badges. How much is that?

1. These are $4.40 altogether

2. That’s $4.40 altogether
3. Their are $4.40 altogether
4. This is $4.40 altogether
5. It’s $4.40 altogether

340 Complex Subject is not used with the structure 2

1. It is said that...
2. It took ages to ...
3. It was reported...
4. It is believed that...
5. ... is supposed to b e...
341 Superlative form of the “Dangerous”: 3

1. The dangerous
2. More dangerous
3. The most dangerous
4. angerousest
5. Dangerouser

342 Appropriate answer 2

It’s loose, it isn’t very _

1. sharp
2. tight
3. thick
4. straight
5. deep

343 The correct adverb is: My grandfather drives__________ 1

1. carefully
2. downstairs
3. stawly
4. angry
5. wonderful

344 Choose the adverb of time: 2

1. often
2. now
3. over here
4. badly
5. very much

345 She ____________________ a lot of her free time reading. 4

1. has
2. does
3. spend
4. spends
5. makes

346 He doesn’t smoke now, but he -- a lot when he was young. 5

1. had smoked
2. was smoked
3. has smoked
4. smoked
5. used to smoke

347 Choose the passive form of the verb: 4

1. is doing
2. had done
3. have done
4. was done
5. will be doing

348 Complete the sentence: 3

We were at home at 3 o’clock,_____

1. She was too

2. Too she was
3. So was he
4. So did he
5. So had she

349 Past form of the modal verb must 5

1. hive to
2. was able to
3. could
4. w'ould
5. had to

350 Let’s phone Ann. She at home. 5

1. should be
2. can be
3. has to be
4. may be
5. might be

351 Complete the sentence: My parents always want_____ the washing up. 4
that I did
1. me to do
2. for me to do
3. doing me
4. me do

352 Choose the correct sentence with Complex Object 3

1. Your husband’s passport is not valid. Why can’t you get him renew'
2. Have you seen Jaclrgo out?
3. My father wanted his daughter to make her bed.
4. There are a lot of dirty dishes in the sink. Do you expect me to
5. Can you help me with cleaning, please

353 Correct answer 4

She saw a man in the road.

1. lied
2. is lying
3. lie
4. lying
5. was lying

354 Choose the correct variant of sentence vvilh Complex ( )b jcct: 1

1. My mother made me do my homework.

2. My mother made me to do my homework.
3. My mother made me done my homework.
4. My mother made to me does my homework.
5. My mother made me doing my homework.

355 Complete the sentence: 5

Ann and left

1. told me goodbye
2. said to me goodbye
3. said me to goodbye
4. said goodbye to me
5. said me goodbye __

356 Choose the correct sentence: 5

1. They knew that they will manage somehow

2. They knew that they would managed somehow
3. They knew that they should managed somehow
4. They knew that they wouldn’t managed somehow
5. They knew that they would manage somehow

357 Choose the right verb: 1

Tell me if there anything wrong.

1. are
2. is
3. to be
4. be
5. will

358 Change into indirect speech: 5

“What’s the time”? She asked.

1. She asked what is it

2. She asked what time
3. She asked what was the time
4. She asked what’s the time
5. She asked what time it was

359 Complete the sentence: 3

What if I offered you a job?

1. would have said

2. would say you
3. would you say
4. will have say
5. will you say

360 Choose the right sentence form: 4

I could do it if I had the time

1. present perfect
2. future simple
3. past perfect
4. conditional sentence
5. present simple

361 The 3rd conditional form: 1

1. If+ past perfect, would + present perfect.

2. If+ past simple, present perfect
3. If + present simple, present simple
4. If+ present perfect, would + present perfect
5. If+ past perfect, past perfect

362 The correct word: 5

You won’t pass the exam ... you try a bit harder.

1. though
2. so if
3. despite
4. because
5. unless

363 Future form of the modal verb “can”: 4

1. would
2. could
3. was able to
4. will be able to
5. should

364 Perfect Participle Passive 4

1. Having done wrong the homework wasn’t accepted

2. Having finished my work I went home
3. Having received no answer, we wrote to him again
4. Having been translated into many languages the book became known
5.Having introduced we shook our hands

365 Which of these verbs can take both gerund and infinitive with similar 1

1. buy
2. love, prefer
3. after, stay
4. speak
5. decide

366 Complete the sentence: 2

1 hope you this weekend

1. saw
2. to see
3. to seeing
4. to saw
5. will see

367 Define the underlined word: 3

My friend advised me changing my hairdo.

1. participle
2. infinitive
3. gerund
4. modal verb
5. adverb

368 Fill in a suitable form of the verb: 1

Saule was surprised ... him last month.

1. To see
2. See
3. Saw
4. Have seen
5. To saw

369 Complete the sentence: 1

We’ re sure... .you again.

1. to see
2. saw
3. seeing
4. were seeing
5. see

370 The words with the silent letters 234

1. rehearsal
2. Buckingham
3. high
4. honour
5. hour

371 Fill in a suitable preposition: 4

The soap opera had a great influence my sister.

1. With
2. To
3. Of
4. On
5. From

372 Complete the sentence: 1

What have we got for______ ?

1. dinner
2. to dinner
3. the dinner
4. an dinner
5. bnear fast

373 Choose the correct answer: Are these your pens? 23

1. No, they have books.

2. Yes, they are mine
3. Yes, they are my pens
4. No, they aren’t my
5. Yes, they are me
374 Appropriate answer of date 1
1. the twenty-fifth of May
2. the twenty five May
3. the twenty fifth of May
4. the twenty-five of May
5. the twentieth five of May

375 Find the general word for this group: 5

1. Classmate
2. School children
3. Students
4. Teacher
5. Classroom

376 We notable to do the difficult exercises. 1

1. are
2. is
3. being
4. was
5. been

377 The Sequence of tenses: 24

“Dont close the window”, Marat said to Alan.

1. Marat asked Alan don’t close the window

2. He asked him not to close the window
3. He asks him not to close the window
4. Marat asked Alan not to close the window
5. Marat asked Alan to close not the window

378 Choose participle used as an adjective: 15

1. Look at that broken toy

2. I am feeling fine now
3. It was a beautiful film
4. He is always cheerful
5. I need some dried fruit to put in the cake

379 We can use either a to-infinitive or an—ing form after these verbs: 13

1. fail
2. continue
3. begin
4. mind
5. bother

380 On 28 August 2005, the US government told everyone in New Orleans to 5

leave the city. Scientists had been studying a hurricane in the Gulf of
Mexico. It was moving towards city. The US government had been
preparing for a hurricane in New Orleans for a number o f years and had
already decided on a plan to get people out. People were able to leave the
city quickly by using both sides of certain roads. When Hurricane Katrina
hit the city on 29 August, many people had already left. However, the
government had not been ready for the large number of people who
couldn’t, or didn’t, leave. More than 1,800 people died and tens of
thousands of people lost their homes when winds of 125 miles per hour hit
the city. It was one of the worst disasters in the history of the United States.
After the hurricane, around 80 % New Orleans was under water Give the
title to this story. How do you call it?

1. dangerous wind
2. the worst tsunami in history
3. Scientists had been studying a hurricane
4. surviving
5. accident in New Orleans

381 On 28 August 2005, the US government told everyone in New Orleans to 4

leave the city. Scientists had been studying a hurricane in the Gulf of
Mexico. It was moving towards city. The US government had been
preparing for a hurricane in New Orleans for a number o f years and had
already decided on a plan to get people out. People were able to leave the
city quickly by using both sides of certain roads. When Hurricane Katrina
hit the city on 29 August, many people had already left. However, the
government had not been ready for the large number of people who
couldn’t, or didn’t, leave. More than 1,800 people died and tens of
thousands of people lost their homes when winds of 125 miles per hour hit
the city. It was one of the worst disasters in the history of the United States.
After the hurricane, around 80 % New Orleans was under water. A true

1. There was nobody in the city when hurricane hit

2. The government hadn’t been ready for the hurricane
3. People were not able to leave the city quickly
4. When Hurricane hit the city many people had already left
5. The government was ready for the large number of people who couldn’t

382 On 28 August 2005, the US government told everyone in New Orleans to 3

leave the city. Scientists had been studying a hurricane in the Gulf of
Mexico. It was moving towards city. The US government had been
preparing for a hurricane in New Orleans for a number o f years and had
already decided on a plan to get people out. People were able to leave the
city quickly by using both sides of certain roads. When Hurricane Katrina
hit the city on 29 August, many people had already left. However, the
government had not been ready for the large number of people who
couldn’t, or didn’t, leave. More than 1,800 people died and tens of
thousands of people lost their homes when winds of 125 miles per hour hit
the city. It was one of the worst disasters in the history of the United States.
After the hurricane, around 80 % New Orleans was under water.The US
government had been preparing for a hurricane

1. and nobody lost his home

2. in New Orleans
3. and had decided to evacuate people
4. and had been ready for the large number of people who didn’t leave
5. for many years

383 On 28 August 2005, the US government told everyone in New Orleans to 5

leave the city. Scientists had been studying a hurricane in the Gulf of
Mexico. It was moving towards city. The US government had been
preparing for a hurricane in New Orleans for a number o f years and had
already decided on a plan to get people out. People were able to leave the
city quickly by using both sides of certain roads. When Hurricane Katrina
hit the city on 29 August, many people had already left. However, the
government had not been ready for the large number of people who
couldn’t, or didn’t, leave. More than 1,800 people died and tens of
thousands of people lost their homes when winds of 125 miles per hour hit
the city. It was one of the worst disasters in the history of the United States.
After the hurricane, around 80 % New Orleans was under water. A sentence
in the Past Perfect Tense

1. Government had been preparing for a hurricane

2. People were able to leave
3. Scientists had been studying a hurricane
4. A hurricane was moving towards the city
5. Many people had already left

384 On 28 August 2005, the US government told everyone in New Orleans to 3

leave the city. Scientists had been studying a hurricane in the Gulf of
Mexico. It was moving towards city. The US government had been
preparing for a hurricane in New Orleans for a number o f years and had
already decided on a plan to get people out. People were able to leave the
city quickly by using both sides of certain roads. When Hurricane Katrina
hit the city on 29 August, many people had already left. However, the
government had not been ready for the large number of people who
couldn’t, or didn’t, leave. More than 1,800 people died and tens of
thousands of people lost their homes when winds of 125 miles per hour hit
the city. It was one of the worst disasters in the history of the United States.
After the hurricane, around 80 % New Orleans was under water.Hurricane
Katrina was moving towards

1. the capital city of Mexico

2. the capital city of the US
3. New Orleans
4. the Gulf of Mexico
5. the city winding in 25 miles per hour

385 Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian composer. Mozart was bom in 1756 2
Saltsburg. His father, a violin stand composer noticed wonderful talent of
his son and taught him how to play musical instruments and to compose.
Being 4 years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was 5 or 6 years old
started composing music. At the age of 8—9 Mozart created his first
symphonies and at the age of 10— 11 his first creations for musical theatre.
When he was 6 years old his father decided to take him and her sister to the
big cities of Europe. Two children gave concerts in Germany, Austria,
France, England and Switzerland. The audience was delighted to see such a
small boy playing the clavier. When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He
could not imagine his life without music. By the age of 19 he was the
author of ten major musical works. At the age of 26 he moved from his
native town to Vienna. Though he didn't have a great success as a
composer in Vienne, Mozart wrote many songs, serenades, symphonies.
Burdens of life, poverty and disease speeded up his death. He died at the
age of 35.The flame came to Mozart only after his death. Many people now
know and like his music.
What is the reason of his death?

1. poverty
2. disease and poverty
3. a fame and popularity
4. disease
5. a lot of money
386 Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian composer. Mozart was bom in 1756 1
Saltsburg. His father, a violin stand composer noticed wonderful talent of
his son and taught him how to play musical instruments and to compose.
Being 4 years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was 5 or 6 years old
started composing music. At the age of 8—9 Mozart created his first
symphonies and at the age of 10— 11 his first creations for musical theatre.
When he was 6 years old his father decided to take him and her sister to the
big cities of Europe. Two children gave concerts in Germany, Austria,
France, England and Switzerland. The audience was delighted to see such a
small boy playing the clavier. When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He
could not imagine his life without music. By the age of 19 he was the
author of ten major musical works. At the age of 26 he moved from his
native town to Vienna. Though he didn't have a great success as a
composer in Vienne, Mozart wrote many songs, serenades, symphonies.
Burdens of life, poverty and disease speeded up his death. He died at the
age of 35.The flame came to Mozart only after his death. Many people now
know and like his music.
What does the phrase ‘ to be delighted’ mean?

1. admire somebody or something

2. to be interested in something
3. to explain the idea of something
4. to be engaged
5. to gossip about something

387 Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian composer. Mozart was bom in 1756 2
Saltsburg. His father, a violin stand composer noticed wonderful talent of
his son and taught him how to play musical instruments and to compose.
Being 4 years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was 5 or 6 years old
started composing music. At the age of 8—9 Mozart created his first
symphonies and at the age of 10— 11 his first creations for musical theatre.
When he was 6 years old his father decided to take him and her sister to the
big cities of Europe. Two children gave concerts in Germany, Austria,
France, England and Switzerland. The audience was delighted to see such a
small boy playing the clavier. When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He
could not imagine his life without music. By the age of 19 he was the
author of ten major musical works. At the age of 26 he moved from his
native town to Vienna. Though he didn't have a great success as a
composer in Vienne, Mozart wrote many songs, serenades, symphonies.
Burdens of life, poverty and disease speeded up his death. He died at the
age of 35.The flame came to Mozart only after his death. Many people now
know and like his music.
What year did he die?

1. in 1897
2. in 1791
3. in 1719
4. in 1891
5. in 1789

388 Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian composer. Mozart was bom in 1756 2
Saltsburg. His father, a violin stand composer noticed wonderful talent of
his son and taught him how to play musical instruments and to compose.
Being 4 years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was 5 or 6 years old
started composing music. At the age of 8—9 Mozart created his first
symphonies and at the age of 10— 11 his first creations for musical theatre.
When he was 6 years old his father decided to take him and her sister to the
big cities of Europe. Two children gave concerts in Germany, Austria,
France, England and Switzerland. The audience was delighted to see such a
small boy playing the clavier. When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He
could not imagine his life without music. By the age of 19 he was the
author of ten major musical works. At the age of 26 he moved from his
native town to Vienna. Though he didn't have a great success as a
composer in Vienne, Mozart wrote many songs, serenades, symphonies.
Burdens of life, poverty and disease speeded up his death. He died at the
age of 35.The flame came to Mozart only after his death. Many people now
know and like his music. Where was Mozart born?

1. in Sweden
2. in Austria
3. in Switzerland
4. in Holland
5. in Germany

389 Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian composer. Mozart was bom in 1756 3
Saltsburg. His father, a violin stand composer noticed wonderful talent of
his son and taught him how to play musical instruments and to compose.
Being 4 years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was 5 or 6 years old
started composing music. At the age of 8—9 Mozart created his first
symphonies and at the age of 10— 11 his first creations for musical theatre.
When he was 6 years old his father decided to take him and her sister to the
big cities of Europe. Two children gave concerts in Germany, Austria,
France, England and Switzerland. The audience was delighted to see such a
small boy playing the clavier. When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He
could not imagine his life without music. By the age of 19 he was the
author of ten major musical works. At the age of 26 he moved from his
native town to Vienna. Though he didn't have a great success as a
composer in Vienne, Mozart wrote many songs, serenades, symphonies.
Burdens of life, poverty and disease speeded up his death. He died at the
age of 35.The flame came to Mozart only after his death. Many people now
know and like his music. Mozart was at the age when his first concert

1. four years old

2. nine years old
3. six years old
4. five years old
5. eleven years old

390 Find the synonym to the word “Sad”: 1

1. mourning
2. escape
3. scanty
4. attractive
5. pregnant

391 Find the word with the opposite meaning: 4

«To build»:

1. Relate
2. Team
3. Got
4. Destroy
5. Honestly

392 Choose the phrasal verb meaning “to return to a place”: 2

1. to come off
2. to come back
3. to come in
4. to come along
5. to come across

393 Find a general word for the group: 4

1. arm
2. stomach
3. elbow
4. body
5. foot

394 The noun of the word "exist” is 5

1. existing
2. existful
3. existant
4. existness
5. existence

395 Give the equivalent: “having a pleasant flavour” 5

1. bad
2. junk
3. tasteless
4. good
5. tasteful

396 Find the word that refers to the topic “Library” 5

1. hair
2. museum
3. house
4. day
5. author

397 The correct use of Article 5

... Browns invited me to ... dinner.

1. the / an
2. -/ the
3. -/ a
4. the / a
5. the / -

398 The plural form of the word "cliff" 4

1. cliffes
2. cliveses
3. clives
4. cliffs
5. clivs

399 An uncountable noun is: 2

1. chair
2. beauty
3. piano
4. dress
5. day

400 The plural form of the noun: 5

1. forget-mes-not
2. forgets-me-not
3. forgets-me-nots
4. forgets-mes-nots
5. forget-me-nots

401 an appropriate preposition: 3

Paul will look_______________ our dogs while we’re on holiday.
1. into
2. on
3. after
4. at
5. for

402 Appropriate prepositions: 3

Children ... sixteen years ... age are not admitted to the bar ... their parents.

1. over/with/without
2. of/at/with
3. under/of/ without
4. at/of /with
5. under/of/ by

403 Complete the sentence: 2

she can’t drive, she has bought a car.

1. wheather
2. even though
3. as
4. while
5. when

404 The correct use of the preposition 2

They are very similar. I often mistake one the other.

1. for
2. through
3. by
4. of
5. with

405 Complete the sentence: 2

My sister turned the house down but she couldn’t find her key ...

1. nothing
2. anywhere
3. some
4. somewhere
5. nowhere

406 Fill in a suitable pronoun: 1

... artist has a great talent.

1. This
2. they
3. them
4. those
5. these

407 Complete the sentence with a suitable question word. 4

_______wants to translate the text from English into Russian?

1. Which
2. When
3. How
4. Who
5. What

408 Correct written fraction 1


1. three quarters
2. four three
3. three four
4. quarter three
5. three over four

409 Choose the equivalent: 5

In Britain women retire at the age of 60.

1. The retirement age is sixtieth for women in Britain

2. The retirement age is the sixty for women Britain
3. The retirement age is a sixty for women in Britain
4. The retirement age is sixtyth for women in Britain
5. The retirement age is sixty for women in Britain

410 The correct variant of the fraction “2/3” 2

1. second third
2. two thirds
3. twos third
4. two point three
5. two third

411 Choose a singular noun in the possessive case 3

1. Sportsmen's
2. Sportsmens'
3. Sportsman's
4. Sportsmans's
5. Sponsions'
408 Correct written fraction 1

6. three quarters
7. four three
8. three four
9. quarter three
10.three over four

409 Choose the equivalent: 5

In Britain women retire at the age of 60.

1. The retirement age is sixtieth for women in Britain

2. The retirement age is the sixty for women Britain
3. The retirement age is a sixty for women in Britain
4. The retirement age is sixtyth for women in Britain
5. The retirement age is sixty for women in Britain

410 The correct variant of the fraction “2/3” 2

6. second third
7. two thirds
8. twos third
9. two point three
10.two third

411 Choose a singular noun in the possessive case 3

6. Sportsmen's
7. Sportsmens'
8. Sportsman's
9. Sportsmans's

408 Correct written fraction 1


11.three quarters
12.four three
13.three four
14.quarter three
15.three over four

409 Choose the equivalent: 5

In Britain women retire at the age of 60.
1. The retirement age is sixtieth for women in Britain
2. The retirement age is the sixty for women Britain
3. The retirement age is a sixty for women in Britain
4. The retirement age is sixtyth for women in Britain
5. The retirement age is sixty for women in Britain

418 The telegram was received yesterday 5

1. Past Perfect Passive

2. Past simple Active
3. Past Continuous Passive
4. Past Perfect
5. Past simple Passive

419 Modal verb followed by “to”: 1

1. ought
2. may
3. need
4. will
5. should

420 Choose a suitable modal verb: 2

The documents ... be sent as quickly as possible.

1. Could
2. Must
3. Can
4. may
5. Need

421 My mother met at the cinema with the other friends. 5

1. our
2. he
3. she
4. we
5. them

422 Verb is used with Complex Object 1

1. want
2. water
3. win
4. wear
5. walk
423 The verb followed V-ing (Complex Object) 3

1. remember
2. hear
3. prevent
4. would like
5. intend

424 The sentence with the structure that expresses purpose. 1

1. The shop provides baskets for the customers to put their purchases in
2. It is important for drivers to take care
3. Alex is very sorry for what he did
4. There is no excuse for behavior like that. There is no need for it
5. I didn’t care for the film

425 Report the sentence: ‘I was waiting for you,’ she told Ben 2

1. She told Ben I had been waiting for him

2. She told Ben she had been waiting for him
3. She told Ben she was waiting for him
4. She told Ben I was waiting for him
5. She told Ben she is waiting for him

426 The right variant: 5

1. She knew he like English

2. She knows that the was doing his homework at 7 o’clock
3. She knows that he was doing his homework at 7 o’clock
4. She knew he has done his homework by 7 o’clock
5. She knew that he was doing his homework at 7 o’clock

427 Complete the sentence: 5

I wonder if the weather ... fine tomorrow.

1. is
2. been
3. was
4. are
5. will be

428 Tense changes in reported speech: 2

1. going to > will be

2. past perfect > past perfect
3. past simple > present perfect simple
4. present perfect > present perfect tense
5. present simple > past continuous

429 Appropriate answer. 3

This house _____ better if they _____ it, _____the grass and _____flowers.

1. looked / painted / cut / planted

2. looks / painted / cut / planted
3. would look / painted / cut / planted
4. would look / paint / cut / planted
5. will look / painted / cut / plant

430 Choose an unreal conditional sentence: 5

1. If you did that again, I’ll punish you.

2. If you do that again, I’ll punish you.
3. If I was an astronaut, I’d travel all the planets.
4. If 1 am an astronaut, I'd travel all the planets.
5. If I were an astronaut. I’d travel all the planets.

431 Choose the right variant: 1

Please remember to post the letter

1. Don’t forget to post the letter

2. Don’t post the letter
3. Forget to post the letter
4. Don’t remember to post the letter
5. Remind to post the letter

432 The second conditional form: 4

1. present perfect, would + infinitive

2. past simple, future simple
3. present simple, future simple
4. past simple, would + infinitive
5. present simple, would + infinitive

433 Present Participle Passive 5

1. While watching the film she forgot about everything

2. The building painting is a new school
3. The house built in our street is very beautiful
4. The room facing the garden is much more comfortable than this one
5. While being examined, the boy could not help crying

434 To form PAST PARTICIPLE you should add to the verb: 2

1. mg
2. ed
3. est
4. ness
5. –ly

435 Gerund Simple 4

1. to be known
2. being known
3. be reading
4. stealing
5. to have read

436 Choose the right verb form: 1

We thought about early.

1. leaving
2. leave
3. to leave
4. leaved
5. to leaving

437 Choose the sentence with Gerund: 1

1. Travelling is very interesting in any season

2. They were travelling along the U.K
3. We like to travel
4. Jane has travelled all over the world
5. They travelled in Spain last year

438 Complete the sentence: 2

I hope you this weekend

1. will see
2. to see
3. to saw
4. saw
5. to seeing

439 Define the underlined word: 1

My elder sister enjoys travelling.

1. gerund
2. infinitive
3. modal verb
4. participle
5. adverb
440 The words with [еэ] 123

1. bake
2. native
3. explain
4. age
5. stamp

441 The correct prepositions 1

I don’t want to argue .. you ... that matter at this time.

1. with / about
2. at / over
3. with / at
4. to / about
5. on / about

442 Choose the right preposition: to insist 5

1. for
2. in
3. below
4. at
5. on

443 Reflexive pronouns 235

1. him
2. itself
3. yourself
4. our
5. myself

444 Read the fraction 13


1. five sixths
2. fifth over sixth
3. five over six
4. the fifth of six
5. fifth and sixth

445 Choose a countable noun: 34

1. running
2. information
3. minute
4. banana
5. history

446 Correct the Tense form 2

Listen! They ... at each other again.

1. are shout
2. are shouting
3. be shouting
4. is shouting
5. are shooting

447 Replace the Direct Speech into Reported Speech: 5

“’Where did you find the book?” Ben asked.

1. Ben asked me where I found the book

2. Ben asked me where did I find the book
3. Ben asked where had I found the book
4. Ben asked where you had found the book
5. Ben asked where I had found the book

448 Participle I 145

1. They ran out of the school shouting

2. The children ran out of the school shouted
3. The children ran of the school shouting
4. The boys ran out of the school shouting
5. The children ran out of the school shouting

449 Verbs used with Infinitive 124

1. threaten
2. manage
3. admit
4. plan
5. fancy

450 The most popular spirits in Ireland are Guinness and Whiskey. Ireland 5
has its own whiskey. The Irish learned to make whiskey from monks. They
came to Ireland from the continent of Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries.
They knew a lot about the way to make spirits. Irish whiskey is made
differently from Scotch whisky. It is also usually spelled differently Scotch
whisky has no "e". Irish whiskey tastes lighter and smoother than Scotch
whisky. Just now more people in the world drink Scotch whiskey.
But some people like Scotch whisky and some like Irish whiskey. In
the American Civil War someone said to President Lincoln that General
Grant was drinking too much Irish whiskey. Lincoln knew that Grant was a
good general who knew about Irish Whiskeys. So Lincoln's answer was:
"Find out the maker of General Grant's whiskey. Then give it to the other
Another popular spirit is Guinness. It's a kind of beer. Guinness is
made from barley, hops, yeast and water. Everything in it is quite natural;
there are no chemicals. The Irish have made or "brewed" it in Dublin since
1759. The Guinness brewery in Dublin is bigger than any other brewery in
Europe. Today there are also Guinness breweries in Britain, Nigeria,
Malaysia. People drink more than seven million glasses of Guinness every
day around the world.
Irish coffee is another interesting drink. This is how to make it. First
you put very hot coffee in a glass with some sugar. Then you add whiskey.
Then very carefully you add some cream which stays on top of the whiskey
and coffee. It is a very good way to drink whiskey! What are the most
popular drinks in Ireland?

1. tea and coffee

2. whiskey and tea
3. Guinness
4. whiskey and coffee
5. beer and whiskey

45 Complete the sentence: 2

1 I ______ help you if you______ me more.

1. could, trust
2. could, trusted
3. would , will trust
4. will be able to, will trust
5. can, trusted

45 Appropriate answer 4
2 We live in the city. We wish we ________ in the country.

1. live
2. had lived
3. have lived
4. lived
5. living

45 Complete the sentence: 5

3 While ... the article he had to look up some words in the dictionary.

1. read
2. is reading
3. reads
4.was reading
5. reading

45 Complete the sentence: 2

4 I hope … you this weekend

1. to saw
2. to see
3. will see
4. to seeing
5. saw

45 Make up Gerund for the verb «Come»: 1

1. Coming
2. To have been coming
3. To come
4. To be coming
5. To have come

45 Define the underlined word: 4

6 My elder sister enjoys listening to music.

1. infinitive
2. modal verb
3. adverb
4. gerund
5. participle

45 Define the function of gerund in sentence: 5

7 Swimming is healthy for you.

1. object
2. predicate
3. attribute
4. adverbial modifier
5. subject

45 Define the underlined word: 4

8 I’m fond of skiing.

1. infinitive
2. modal verb
3. participle
4. gerund
5. adverb

45 Define the function of infinitive in the following sentence: 2

9 I was the first to come.

1. adverbial modifier
2. attribute
3. subject
4. predicate
5. object

46 “еа” is pronounced differently in the word ______ 3

1. meal
2. sea
3. meadow
4. meager
5. steal

46 Choose the right preposition: 5

1 I prefer mineral water ____ juice.

1. in
2. over
3. against
4. than
5. to

46 Choose prepositions of movement: 5

1. at, in, before
2. in, on, at
3. from, until, since
4. by, in, after
5. to, from, out of

46 The correct pronoun in the sentence is: 13

3 The film …… we saw last week was very exciting.

1. that
2. this
3. which
4. how
5. whom

46 Correct ordinal number “the 30th” 5

1. the thirteenth
2. the thorty
3. the thirty
4. the threeth
5. the thirtieth

46 The correct answer: 2

5 “The Alfa River is 100 km long. The Beta River is 200 km long.” means: The
Beta River is ... the Alfa River.

1. long as
2. longer than
3. as longer
4. the longer
5. shorter than

46 Correct answer: 1
6 Students ... their tests and now they ....

1. have written / are handing

2. are writing / are handing
3. are writing / handed
4. had written / hand
5. wrote / will hand

46 Indirect speech 245

1. I won’t do this again
2. He repeated that he wouldn’t do that again
3. We have to find a boy
4. He said that he had been hiding
5. They told that it seemed strange

46 Choose the gerund: 23

1. Steve and Jack were being dressed
2. I enjoy travelling in summer
3. I’m tired of being alone
4. Jane is being taught at home
5. I have been studying at this

46 The Gerund from in the given sentences: 15

1. My brother is keen on getting fit.
2. The reading of the article took him only a few minutes
3. He took part in the second meeting
4. Be careful at the street crossing
5. He was fond of reading books about travels

47 The Amish people are a religious group who came to America from 2
Switzerland and South Germany in the 18th century. They have become very
famous by keeping old traditions and refusing to accept new ways of life. The
men wear black hats and have beards, but not moustaches. They all wear
homemade clothes, which are blue, green, purple, brown and black in colour.
No bright colours are allowed. For this reason they are known as “Plain
People”. The women do not wear any kind of jewellery. The Amish people do
not use electricity. In 1919 Amish leader decided not to connect to electric
power lines. They thought that it wouldn’t keep their life simple. Now they
have no television, radio or refrigerators. No telephones. No cars. They drive
horses and buggies. They use gas and gas lamps light their homes. The Amish
are excellent farmers, but they often refuse to use modem farm machinery.
Children go to Amish one-room schools and learn reading, writing, arithmetic
and region. Before and after classes they help their parents to milk cows,
gather eggs, feed domestic animals and do gardening. The Amish family
usually has between eight and twelve children. Home-produced food is
important in supporting large families. Amish culture is unique in American
society.Who are Amish people?

1. educated people from Switzeland

2. a religious group from America
3. people who lived in South Germany
4. people who used to live in the USA
5. Americans who live in Germany

47 The Amish people are a religious group who came to America from 5
1 Switzerland and South Germany in the 18th century. They have become very
famous by keeping old traditions and refusing to accept new ways of life. The
men wear black hats and have beards, but not moustaches. They all wear
homemade clothes, which are blue, green, purple, brown and black in colour.
No bright colours are allowed. For this reason they are known as “Plain
People”. The women do not wear any kind of jewellery. The Amish people do
not use electricity. In 1919 Amish leader decided not to connect to electric
power lines. They thought that it wouldn’t keep their life simple. Now they
have no television, radio or refrigerators. No telephones. No cars. They drive
horses and buggies. They use gas and gas lamps light their homes. The Amish
are excellent farmers, but they often refuse to use modem farm machinery.
Children go to Amish one-room schools and learn reading, writing, arithmetic
and region. Before and after classes they help their parents to milk cows,
gather eggs, feed domestic animals and do gardening. The Amish family
usually has between eight and twelve children. Home-produced food is
important in supporting large families. Amish culture is unique in American
society.Why do Amish people wear homemade clothes?

1. they have no money for clothes

2. they live too far from the shopping centre
3. they want to demonstrate their individuality
4. they don’t like brand clothes
5. its acceptable in the Amish society

47 The Amish people are a religious group who came to America from 5
2 Switzerland and South Germany in the 18th century. They have become very
famous by keeping old traditions and refusing to accept new ways of life. The
men wear black hats and have beards, but not moustaches. They all wear
homemade clothes, which are blue, green, purple, brown and black in colour.
No bright colours are allowed. For this reason they are known as “Plain
People”. The women do not wear any kind of jewellery. The Amish people do
not use electricity. In 1919 Amish leader decided not to connect to electric
power lines. They thought that it wouldn’t keep their life simple. Now they
have no television, radio or refrigerators. No telephones. No cars. They drive
horses and buggies. They use gas and gas lamps light their homes. The Amish
are excellent farmers, but they often refuse to use modem farm machinery.
Children go to Amish one-room schools and learn reading, writing, arithmetic
and region. Before and after classes they help their parents to milk cows,
gather eggs, feed domestic animals and do gardening. The Amish family
usually has between eight and twelve children. Home-produced food is
important in supporting large families. Amish culture is unique in American
society.Why do the Amish people have large families because

1. the Amish have very big houses

2. the Amish people like children
3. they are nit well educated
4. they need many helpers
5. of the religion

47 The Amish people are a religious group who came to America from 3
3 Switzerland and South Germany in the 18th century. They have become very
famous by keeping old traditions and refusing to accept new ways of life. The
men wear black hats and have beards, but not moustaches. They all wear
homemade clothes, which are blue, green, purple, brown and black in colour.
No bright colours are allowed. For this reason they are known as “Plain
People”. The women do not wear any kind of jewellery. The Amish people do
not use electricity. In 1919 Amish leader decided not to connect to electric
power lines. They thought that it wouldn’t keep their life simple. Now they
have no television, radio or refrigerators. No telephones. No cars. They drive
horses and buggies. They use gas and gas lamps light their homes. The Amish
are excellent farmers, but they often refuse to use modem farm machinery.
Children go to Amish one-room schools and learn reading, writing, arithmetic
and region. Before and after classes they help their parents to milk cows,
gather eggs, feed domestic animals and do gardening. The Amish family
usually has between eight and twelve children. Home-produced food is
important in supporting large families. Amish culture is unique in American
society.What does the phrase ‘home produced food’ mean?

1. the cooked food for quests

2. the food cooked only by mother
3. the cooked at home food
4. the cooked food for selling in the street
5. the favourite in the family food

47 The Amish people are a religious group who came to America from 2
4 Switzerland and South Germany in the 18th century. They have become very
famous by keeping old traditions and refusing to accept new ways of life. The
men wear black hats and have beards, but not moustaches. They all wear
homemade clothes, which are blue, green, purple, brown and black in colour.
No bright colours are allowed. For this reason they are known as “Plain
People”. The women do not wear any kind of jewellery. The Amish people do
not use electricity. In 1919 Amish leader decided not to connect to electric
power lines. They thought that it wouldn’t keep their life simple. Now they
have no television, radio or refrigerators. No telephones. No cars. They drive
horses and buggies. They use gas and gas lamps light their homes. The Amish
are excellent farmers, but they often refuse to use modem farm machinery.
Children go to Amish one-room schools and learn reading, writing, arithmetic
and region. Before and after classes they help their parents to milk cows,
gather eggs, feed domestic animals and do gardening. The Amish family
usually has between eight and twelve children. Home-produced food is
important in supporting large families. Amish culture is unique in American
society.Why don’t the Amish children learn History or Geography?

1. they don’t know about other subjects

2. they don’t need any other school subjects
3. they care only about their community
4. they have no any schools
5. they have no a teacher

47 The Tower of London 1

5 The Tower of London is one of the most imposing and popular of London's
historical sites. It comprises not one, but 20 towers. The oldest of which, the
White Tower, dates back to the 11th century and the time of William the
Conqueror. Nowadays a lot of tourists visit the Tower of London, because of
the Tower's evil reputation as a prison. The Tower is famous as home of the
Crown Jewels. Today they can be viewed in their new jewel house. They
include the Crown of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother which contains the
celebrated Indian diamond.
Many stories associated with British history come from the Tower. In 1483
King Edward IV's two sons were murdered in the so-called Bloody Tower.
Over two centuries later the skeletons of two little boys were found buried
beneath steps in the White Tower.
Traitor's Gate has steps leading down to the River Thames. Countless
prisoners, including the future Queen Elizabeth I of England, were brought to
the Tower by barge and ascended the steps before being imprisoned. For many
it was their last moment of freedom before their death. But Elizabeth was
released from the Tower and became Queen. The King's second wife, Anne
Boleyn, was brought to trial there in 1536 and beheaded. Six years later her
cousin, Catherine, Henry VIII's fifth wife, suffered the same fate. Sir Thomas
More was beheaded there in 1535.
Of course, no visit to the Tower would be complete without seeing the ravens;
huge black birds who are an official part of the Tower community. Legend
states that if the ravens were to leave the Tower the Crown will fall, and
Britain with it. Under the special care of the Raven Master, the ravens are fed
a daily diet of raw meat. And there is no danger of them flying away, because
their wings are clipped.According to the text ______ people were beheaded in
the Tower of London.

1. 3
2. 1
3. 7
4. 2
5. 5

47 The Tower of London 2

6 The Tower of London is one of the most imposing and popular of London's
historical sites. It comprises not one, but 20 towers. The oldest of which, the
White Tower, dates back to the 11th century and the time of William the
Conqueror. Nowadays a lot of tourists visit the Tower of London, because of
the Tower's evil reputation as a prison. The Tower is famous as home of the
Crown Jewels. Today they can be viewed in their new jewel house. They
include the Crown of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother which contains the
celebrated Indian diamond.
Many stories associated with British history come from the Tower. In 1483
King Edward IV's two sons were murdered in the so-called Bloody Tower.
Over two centuries later the skeletons of two little boys were found buried
beneath steps in the White Tower.
Traitor's Gate has steps leading down to the River Thames. Countless
prisoners, including the future Queen Elizabeth I of England, were brought to
the Tower by barge and ascended the steps before being imprisoned. For many
it was their last moment of freedom before their death. But Elizabeth was
released from the Tower and became Queen. The King's second wife, Anne
Boleyn, was brought to trial there in 1536 and beheaded. Six years later her
cousin, Catherine, Henry VIII's fifth wife, suffered the same fate. Sir Thomas
More was beheaded there in 1535.
Of course, no visit to the Tower would be complete without seeing the ravens;
huge black birds who are an official part of the Tower community. Legend
states that if the ravens were to leave the Tower the Crown will fall, and
Britain with it. Under the special care of the Raven Master, the ravens are fed
a daily diet of raw meat. And there is no danger of them flying away, because
their wings are clipped.The ravens in the Tower would not fly away only
1. the Crown will fall
2. their wings are clipped
3. they live in the tower many years
4. Raven Master feeds them
5. the Queen will die

47 The Tower of London 5

7 The Tower of London is one of the most imposing and popular of London's
historical sites. It comprises not one, but 20 towers. The oldest of which, the
White Tower, dates back to the 11th century and the time of William the
Conqueror. Nowadays a lot of tourists visit the Tower of London, because of
the Tower's evil reputation as a prison. The Tower is famous as home of the
Crown Jewels. Today they can be viewed in their new jewel house. They
include the Crown of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother which contains the
celebrated Indian diamond.
Many stories associated with British history come from the Tower. In 1483
King Edward IV's two sons were murdered in the so-called Bloody Tower.
Over two centuries later the skeletons of two little boys were found buried
beneath steps in the White Tower.
Traitor's Gate has steps leading down to the River Thames. Countless
prisoners, including the future Queen Elizabeth I of England, were brought to
the Tower by barge and ascended the steps before being imprisoned. For many
it was their last moment of freedom before their death. But Elizabeth was
released from the Tower and became Queen. The King's second wife, Anne
Boleyn, was brought to trial there in 1536 and beheaded. Six years later her
cousin, Catherine, Henry VIII's fifth wife, suffered the same fate. Sir Thomas
More was beheaded there in 1535.
Of course, no visit to the Tower would be complete without seeing the ravens;
huge black birds who are an official part of the Tower community. Legend
states that if the ravens were to leave the Tower the Crown will fall, and
Britain with it. Under the special care of the Raven Master, the ravens are fed
a daily diet of raw meat. And there is no danger of them flying away, because
their wings are clipped.Bloody tower is the place where:

1. two skeletons were found

2. two skeletons were found on the steps
3. two boys were found
4. King Edward’s two sons were imprisoned
5. King Edward’s two sons were murdered

47 The Tower of London 3

8 The Tower of London is one of the most imposing and popular of London's
historical sites. It comprises not one, but 20 towers. The oldest of which, the
White Tower, dates back to the 11th century and the time of William the
Conqueror. Nowadays a lot of tourists visit the Tower of London, because of
the Tower's evil reputation as a prison. The Tower is famous as home of the
Crown Jewels. Today they can be viewed in their new jewel house. They
include the Crown of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother which contains the
celebrated Indian diamond.
Many stories associated with British history come from the Tower. In 1483
King Edward IV's two sons were murdered in the so-called Bloody Tower.
Over two centuries later the skeletons of two little boys were found buried
beneath steps in the White Tower.
Traitor's Gate has steps leading down to the River Thames. Countless
prisoners, including the future Queen Elizabeth I of England, were brought to
the Tower by barge and ascended the steps before being imprisoned. For many
it was their last moment of freedom before their death. But Elizabeth was
released from the Tower and became Queen. The King's second wife, Anne
Boleyn, was brought to trial there in 1536 and beheaded. Six years later her
cousin, Catherine, Henry VIII's fifth wife, suffered the same fate. Sir Thomas
More was beheaded there in 1535.
Of course, no visit to the Tower would be complete without seeing the ravens;
huge black birds who are an official part of the Tower community. Legend
states that if the ravens were to leave the Tower the Crown will fall, and
Britain with it. Under the special care of the Raven Master, the ravens are fed
a daily diet of raw meat. And there is no danger of them flying away, because
their wings are clipped. If you go to the Tower of London you can visit home
of ...

1. Indian diamond
2. the Queen Mother’s jewelry
3. the Crown Jewels
4. the Crown of Queen Elizabeth
5. the old jewel house

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