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The topic of my presentation is Travel and its problems.

There are many reasons

why we travel. Some are for leisure, some are related to history, some are related
to work, etc.
Today I will tell you about the problems experienced during these journeys.
I have built my presentation on 6 problems
Getting lost
The first problem is getting lost while traveling. It is a problem that can happen to
us from time to time. People can disappear anywhere, regardless of location. I
think the reason for this is to get to know the places in your dreams.
We can use different electronic maps to solve this problem. For example, Google
map can be an example of this. He can show us anywhere we want and tell us
how to go.
Running out of money
One of the second problems we may face is running out of money. It may sound a
little scary, but I think this is the human condition.
Let's look at the solution to the problem
Before you travel research the country you're visiting. You want to have an idea of
the general cost of living so you can budget properly. Another solution is that we
can carry additional funds with us.
Baggage not arriving
Due to a technical problem during the trip, our luggage does not reach us. The
reason for this can be different. This is one of those infuriating surprise travel
problems. You check your bags in, get the boarding pass, enjoy the flight and then
your bags don't arrive with you.
It's a huge inconvenience, but you can survive.
If your bags don't arrive be sure to speak with the airline staff and find out the
procedure. You may have to phone them or they call you
Missing a flight
Sometimes our flights are delayed for various reasons.
At this time, we must remain calm and find out the reason. At this time, you need
to get information from the airport management.

Not speaking the language

Another problem when traveling is not knowing the language. That's why we
sometimes have problems.
Not being able to communicate with the people around you can lead to all kinds
of emotions:
Let's look at the solution to this problem.
Study languages as much as you can before you travel. It's an incredible form of
respect that will be appreciated worldwide if you make the effort. Even if it's just a
few words or phrases it will help. There are hundreds of apps, guides and
language programs you can try.
Food poisoning
During the trip, we sometimes come across food that seems strange to us.This is a
problem that depends on you. Symptoms can be different. To solve this problem,
do not eat every food you see. Pay attention to the production and expiration
dates. Keep each food in its own condition.”

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