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X-radiation, known as X-rays, is a special kind of invisible light. It can go through skin and muscles but
gets stopped by bones. Doctors use it to take pictures inside the body. It's also used in factories and labs
to check things and take pictures to see what's inside them.


Describe where x rays found

X-rays can be found in the electromagnetic spectrum between ultraviolet (UV) radiation and gamma


compare and contrast its wavelength

X-rays have shorter wavelengths than UV radiation but longer wavelengths than gamma rays.


compare and contrast its frequency

X-rays possess higher frequencies than UV radiation but lower frequencies than gamma rays.


compare and contrast its energy

X-rays exhibit higher energy than UV radiation but lower energy than gamma rays.


Main risk

X-rays in large amounts can harm tissues, causing radiation sickness or increasing the chance of cancer.
They can also change DNA, possibly affecting future generations.


Common sources of exposure

X-ray exposure often comes from medical tests like X-rays and CT scans, as well as radiation therapy.
Industries also use X-rays for testing and security scans, contributing to exposure.


Tech used

Ways to reduce exposure to X-rays include using protective gear like lead aprons, minimizing
unnecessary exposure following safety principles, and using advanced technology for lower radiation
doses in imaging.


X-radiation is used in medical imaging like X-rays and CT scans to create pictures inside the body. As X-
rays pass through, different tissues absorb them differently; bones absorb more, forming an image that
shows the body's internal structures for medical diagnosis.

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