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+6281358901846 | |

Madiun, Indonesia
Fresh graduate in Information technology who is skilled in Web Developer, Design and Data Analyst. Iam
Passionate about creating web , I also like graphic design, I realy enjoy every step of how to create meaningfull
interactions. Iam a curios person who loves to learn and to explore something new as well as to look for solution
to any problem. I have a positive mind and good ability to adapt. I have intermediate English skills to
communicate both written and verbal

Work Experiences
Departement of Education and Culture of Sragen City - Sragen Apr 2022 - May 2022
Web Developer
Departement of Education and Culture of Sragen City is a government implementing unit in the education sector which is under the
auspices of the regional government.
Created a website for integrated management of letter disposition between the management and the secretary effective and efficient
Help employees prepare for meetings, such as printing documents, and arranging meeting rooms

Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia - Aug 2022 - Dec 2022
Cybersecurity Analyst
Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia is in charge of information and communication affairs. has the task of
carrying out government affairs in the field of communications and information technology to assist the President in administering state
Attend training classes to support in carrying out assigned tasks
Create articles and content about the materials studied in training class then upload them to websites and YouTube
Install Wazuh and Cisco Packet Tracer applications then complete the assigned tasks
learn the types of cyber attacks and how to overcome cyber attacks

Education Level
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta - Surakarta Aug 2019 - Aug 2023
Bachelor Degree in Bachelor Degree in Informatic Engineering, 3.79/4.00
The final project entitled “design and construction of an e-ticketing information system at Lake Gebel Ponorogo” is an application that
contains the ticket sales process for the Ngebel Lake tourist attraction which aims to help manage tourist attraction data, make it
easier for tourists to get information about tourist attractions, purchase tourist tickets, make it easier for employees to manage ticket
sales data, this application is designed using the waterfall method. Using the PHP programming language and the Laravel Framework
as well as the MySQL database.

Organisational Experience
LPIDB Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta - Surakarta Oct 2020 - Jul 2021
English Tutor
Tutored 10 first-year students to ensure that they learn proper grammar , writing, speaking, and reading comprehension
Prepare material to be taught at meetings once a week
Provide examples of questions and material that will be tested in the Test of English Proficiency (TOEP) exam

Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika UMS - Surakarta Jan 2021 - Dec 2022
Staff of Student Affairs
Collaborated with 18 team members to manage 4 work programs
Created proposal for student activity
Created a plan for financial expenditure for the work program

Skills, Achievements & Other Experience

Soft Skills: Creative thingking, Good time management, innovative, Communication, Critical Thinking, Adaptability, Creativity, Good
time management, growth mindset, Motivated to learn new things
Hard Skills: Experience using tools like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, ABSS Acounting, Wondershare
Filmora, Canva, Photoshop, Alice, Wireframe, Figma, Desain User Interface, Cisco Packet Tracer, Spreadsheet, Google Form, Docs
and proficient in PHP, HTML and CSS.

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