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Alexa Vazquez

Professor Oscar Martinez

ENGL 1301-108

7 November 2023

“Time to cheat” Analysis

In the powerlifting, bodybuilding and weightlifting community there has been a ton of

methods being practiced on how to gain more muscle mass while training, since growing muscle

mass has a two-person job, dieting and training. When this type of community started to grow in

the 1950’s, Joe Weider was a bodybuilder and knew some new methods in the 1930’s once he

started his journey. The cheating principle was introduced in the 1950’s and was used by

champions like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rich Gaspari.

The cheating principle is when a lifter uses weight that is not as heavy as your PR and

they slightly swing the weight in the beginning of the movement when doing reps and pushes

through the sticking points to get to the last reps since those are the most important ones. “Joe

went on to discover that the strict training methods of the past prevented the iron athlete from

passing through these sticking points during the last reps when the set is more productive.”, this

is an example of logos appeal since the author explains Joe used other methods but it still didn’t

satisfy his progress. Joe having personal experience with all of the method’s he’s used and testing

out which one is better makes new lifters or a current one wants to learn his method since he’s

seen what’s good or bad. The only thing that can be risky is getting badly injured since your

body is not used to moving that much weight before and also depends on how your diet can be, if
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you’re not eating enough doing these things can be pointless since you’re not developing any


Getting PR’s to go higher can be really challenging if you’re trying to go up in weight

and still can’t get used to the weight. It can be a really common factor that other parts of your

body aren’t as strong as other muscles. Training each muscle part has an important role to play in

your lifting. “Joe overcame the weak link by brining more powerful muscles into play at the start

of the movement”, this is a logos appeal since the author is explaining what Joe had to do to

become stronger with heavier weights. This makes a lifter do the same as Joe to work on muscle

parts that haven’t been used before or any lifts.

This method had become very popular in the 1950’s when more bodybuilders and

powerlifters started to expand. “Joe applied this principle to the training routines of such greats

as reg park, Marvin Eder, and Leroy Colbert who were stuck in their quest for greater gains in

size and strength.”, this is an ethos appeal because the author explains to the audience that after

years of this method being known it is still being used by huge bodybuilders. “used by champs

like Arnold in the late ‘60s and ‘70s and Rich Gaspari in the ‘90s.”, this is also an ethos appeal

since the author is describing the people that have won in bodybuilding while using this method.

Lifters will see the type of method their favorite bodybuilder is using or lifters will see a

champion use this method thinking they can end up like them if they start doing the cheating

principle as well.

Many methods have been used to try to gain more muscle mass but the most effect

one can be ego lifting while using slightly swings in your movements. The cheating principle has

a lot of pros yet cons but as long as you keep a healthy lifestyle and fueling up with protein and

carbs it can help lifters grow rapidly in muscle mass.

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