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Geomorphology, 5 (1992) 59-76 59

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

A physical basis for drainage density

David G. Tarboton a, Rafael L. Bras b and Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbec

aUtah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA
bDepartment of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
¢Instituto Internacional de Estudios Avanzados, Caracas, Venezuela
(Received April 19, 1991; accepted after revision October 19, 1991 )


Tarboton, D.G., Bras, R.L. and Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., 1992. A physical basis for drainage density. In: R.S. Snow and L.
Mayer (Editors), Fractals in Geomorphology. Geomorphology, 5: 59-76.

Drainage density, a basic length scale in the landscape, is recognized to be the transition point between scales where
unstable channel-forming processes yield to stable diffusive processes. This notion is examined in terms of equations for
the evolution of landscapes that include the minimum necessary mathematical complexity. The equations, a version of the
equations studied by Smith and Bretherton (1972), consist of conservation of sediment, an assumption that sediment
movement is in the steepest downslope direction, and a constitutive relationship which gives the sediment transport rate
as a function of slope and upslope area. The difference between processes is embedded in the constitutive relation. Insta-
bility to a small perturbation can be determined according to a criteria given by Smith and Bretherton and results when
the sediment transport rate is strongly dependent on upslope area, whereas stability occurs if the main dependence is on
slope. Where multiple processes are present, the transition from stability to instability occurs at a particular scale. Based
on the idea that instability leads to channelization, the transition scale gives the drainage density. This scale can be deter-
mined as a maximum, or turn over point in a slope-area scaling function, and can be used practically to determine drainage
density from digital elevation data. Fundamentally different scaling behavior, an example of which is the slope-area scal-
ing, is to be expected in the stable and unstable regimes below and above the basic scale. This could explain the scale-
dependent fractal dimension measurements that have been reported by others.

Introduction cently, however, there has been considerable

interest in notions of scaling and self similar-
In analyzing, characterizing, and trying to ity, including attempts to characterize land-
understand landscape form, a problem at the scapes and other morphological features by
heart of geomorphology, the notion of drain- fractal dimensions. Fractals generally arise due
age density, defined by Horton ( 1932, 1945 ) to a lack of fundamental scales, something that
is fundamental. Drainage density is defined as: is not the case if we are still to believe Dd is an
important parameter.
Dd=LT/A (1)
We present a theory for the explanation of
where L-r is the total length of streams and A is drainage density in terms of the physical pro-
contributing area. Dd has inverse length units, cesses present in the landscape. The basic
and the inverse Of Dd gives a length scale asso- length scale is recognized as a point of transi-
ciated with the landscape in consideration. Re- tion between the stable smoothing effects of
diffusive processes at small scale and the un-
Correspondence to: D.G. Tarboton, Utah Water Research stable effects of concentrative processes, such
laboratory, Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA. as overland or open channel flow, at large scale.

0169-555X/92/$05.00 © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.


Since different scaling regimes exist below and procedures such as use of contour crenulations
above this transition point, the theory offers to "extend" the network. He concludes that
insight about this scaling. first-order basins defined from contour crenu-
lations on 1:24,000 maps do exist as topo-
Literature review graphic features in the field. However, the form
has often been simplified by cartographic gen-
There has been considerable work done on eralization. Most first-order basins defined on
quantifying the structure and scale of river net- the map contain more than one fluvial channel
works among which are the notions of stream in the field. Accordingly, the exterior links
order (Horton, t932, 1945; Strahler, 1952, drawn by contour crenulations do not repre-
1957 ) and magnitude (Shreve, 1966). These sent unbranched channels. However, a ques-
are topological, dimensionless, measures of size tion arises in the context of scaling and fractals
and need to be related to the physical size (Mandelbrot, 1983 ) as to whether this notion
(area) of the basin. This relationship is through of scale is well founded or whether the river
the drainage density (eqn. 1 ) which is a mea- networks dissect the landscape infinitely, re-
sure of the degree to which a basin is dissected quiring characterization as a scaling phenom-
by channels. Horton ( 1945 ) suggested that the ena. This idea was recognized early by Davis
average length of overland flow or hillslope ( 1899, p. 495 ) who wrote:
length could be approximated by ½Dd. Horton
also related drainage density to the length of "Although the river and hillside waste do not resemble
first-order streams, basin area, and stream each other at first sight, they are only the extreme mem-
bers of a continuous series and when this generalization
length and bifurcation ratios. Smith (1950) is appreciated one may fairly extend the 'river' all over its
measured the fundamental scale of topography basin and up to its very divide.Ordinarilytreated the river
in terms of a texture ratio - - the number of is like the veins of a leaf; broadly viewed it is the entire
contour crenulations divided by contour leaf".
length. Smith essentially showed that texture
was correlated with Dd SO the notion of a well The scaling in channel networks has tradi-
or poorly drained basin corresponds to the no- tionally been described in terms of Horton's
tion of fine or coarse texture. Melton (1958) ratios (Horton, 1932, 1945; Strahler, 1952,
showed that stream frequency (the number of 1957 ). The ratio of number of streams, length
streams per unit area) was strongly correlated of streams, are of streams and slope of streams
with drainage density. Others (Shreve, 1967; between successive orders is approximately
Smart, 1978) have related mean link length constant. A semi-log plot of the number, length,
and link frequency (the number of links per area and slope of streams against order is
unit area) to drainage density. Thus, there are roughly a straight line. The ratio or "Horton
many roughly equivalent measures of a basic number" is obtained from the slope of the
length scale associated with the dissection of straight line fit to such plots, the procedure
the landscape by the river network. The deter- being called a "Horton analysis." Mathemati-
mination of this length scale is generally de- cally the ratios are:
pendent on the resolution of the map used.
Rb=Nw_t/Nw, Rl=Lw/Lw_~, (2)
Historically, workers have called for the high- Ra=Aw/Aw-l, R~=Sw_I/S~
est resolution maps a n d / o r field work to mea-
sure these quantities.
Mark (1983) discusses the differences be- where Nw is the number of streams of order w,
tween drainage networks obtained from maps Lw is the mean length of streams of order w, Aw
and field surveys and the merits of various is the mean area contributing to streams of or-

der w, and Sw is the mean slope of streams of tuting in Horton's area and slope laws, Flint
order w. Rb, Rl, Ra, and R~ are bifurcation, (1974) obtains:
length, area and slope ratios, respectively. Since
0= In Rs/ln Ra (5)
the ratios are approximately constant within a
drainage network, the above geometric de- This again shows the connection between
scriptors are called "Horton's laws." The area power law scaling with area and exponential
law above was not explicitly stated by Horton, scaling with order (Horton's slope law).
and is due to Schumm (1956). Leopold and This sort of power law scaling is the focus of
Miller (1956) extended and explained Hor- considerable recent research in the context of
ton's ideas by showing that the log of many hy- self similarity, fractals, multifractals and self-
draulic variables are approximate linear func- organized critically (Bak et al., 1987; Gupta
tions of basin order. This behavior is due to and Waymire, 1989; Tarboton et al., 1989;
the fact that most quantities depend strongly Rodriguez-Iturbe et al., 1992a, b).
on the size of the drainage basin, measured in Mandelbrot (1977) found that many natu-
terms of basin area. The relationship is often ral lines, such as coastlines, contours, political
obtained from a straight line fit on a log-log boundaries (sometimes consisting of rivers or
plot, i.e., a power law. The fact that the area coastlines), etc., seemed to have fractal di-
law relates order to the log of the size measure, mensions near 1.2-1.3. He also noted that
area, leads to Horton's laws. It has been shown simulations of fractional brownian surfaces
previously (La Barbera and Rosso, 1989; Tar- with D=2.3 looked remarkably like the real
boton et al., 1988, 1990; Tarboton, 1989) how landscape. He took this as evidence that land-
the planform scaling described by the bifurca- scapes were fractal characterized by D-~2.3.
tion and length ratios can be used to determine Following Mandelbrot the fractal dimension of
the fractal dimension of channel networks.. topography has been investigated by many
It is widely recognized that elevation, re- (Mark and Aronson, 1984; Ahnert, 1984;
lated to potential energy, is an important part Culling, 1986; Culling and Datko, 1987; Mat-
of the network and there is a need to under- shushita and Ouchi, 1989; Goodchild and
stand the structure and scaling of river net- Mark, 1987; Gilbert, 1989; Huang and Tur-
works with the third dimension elevation in- cotte, 1989, 1990; Goff, 1990), using diverse
eluded. Qualitatively, streams are steep near techniques (variograms, Richardsons method,
their sources and flatter downstream. Horton's Fourier transforms, etc. ). In many cases there
slope law quantifies this: is nonlinearity which has led to the suggestion
that fractal models are questionable (Gilbert,
Sw=(RsS~)R~ =R~SI e x p ( - w l n R~) (3) 1989) or limited to a range of scales (Good-
child and Mark, 1987). There are sometimes
distinct domains with different fractal dimen-
This is an exponential decrease of slope with sions (Mark and Aronson, 1984; Culling and
order. Flint (1974), building on the power law
Datko, 1987, fig. 6; Matshushita and Ouchi,
relationships of Wolman ( 1955 ), Leopold and 1989 ) which suggests a possible interpretation
Maddock ( 1953 ), Leopold and Miller ( 1956 ),
in terms of different processes operating or
and Leopold et al. (1964), finds slope, S, em- dominating at different scales. However, the
pirically related to the contributing area, A, by: link between fractal dimensions and processes
S=CA -° (4) is not straightforward. Newman and Turcotte
(1990) suggest a model for the scaling of land-
where C is a constant and the exponent 0 ranges scapes based on a cascade in the fourier wave-
from 0.37 to 0.83 with a mean of 0.6. Substi- length space, somewhat analogous to historical

models of turbulence. The physical basis for growth, otherwise, smooth hillslopes would
such a model is not yet clear. prevail. Loewenherz ( 1991 ) re-evaluates the
When considering channel network and Smith and Bretherton stability criterion, dem-
landscape geometry, it is important to have an onstrating its rigor and validity. She also sug-
appreciation of the processes that have and are gests a short wavelength cutoff to represent the
continuing to sculpt the landscape. Ultimately, lower scale limit of validity of the continuum
the objective is to understand the relationship equations for surface deformation. This re-
between geomorphological form and processes suits in a slight shift in the stability threshold.
and to make quantitative statements about the The Smith and Bretherton (1972) formula-
processes from detailed analysis of the form. tion which assumes the constitutive function
Hydrologists are particularly interested in run- F(S, q), parameterizes the sediment transport
off processes and movement of water; their in- in terms of slope and flow which is related to
terest in geomorphology is based upon a need upslope area. This is most appropriate in a
to address the problem of prediction from un- transport limited situation where the sediment
gauged basins. By embracing geomorphology, load is in equilibrium with slope and flow. F is
hydrologists are attempting to deduce pro- actually the sediment transport capacity of the
cesses from land form and channel network surface flow. Where the removal of sediment
morphology. is limited by weathering and hillslope devel-
It has been suggested that the evolution of opment depends on variations in weathering
channel networks and hillslopes may be rate another approach is needed. Carson and
thought of as an "open dissipative system" Kirkby (1972) discuss many of the factors
(Leopold and Langbein, 1962; Scheidegger, which affect weathering rate. Luke (1972,
1970; Thornes, 1983; Hugget, 1988). Carson 1974) generalizes the Smith and Bretherton
and Kirkby ( 1972 ) provide a good review of formulation by instead treating sediment flux,
the early work on evolution of hillslopes, relat- or load, as a variable and including an addi-
ing form to processes. K.irkby (1971) and tional equation to represent the erosion or de-
Smith and Bretherton (1972) write equations positon of sediment. Luke (1974) shows how
for the evolution of landscapes based on con- under conditions of instability, troughs de-
servation of mass with the assumption that velop into shock discontinuities, interpreted as
sediment is transported in a downslope direc- channels. However, no general condition for
tion and surface runoff is generated uniformly. instability of his set of equations, analogous to
Based on these, Smith and Bretherton ( 1972 ) eq. (6) above is known.
use a linear stability analysis to show that land- The stability behavior of the conservation
scape evolution is unstable in the sense that equations given by Smith and Bretherton
small perturbations grow when: ( 1972 ) is clearly dependent on the form of the
sediment transport flux function F(S, q). If
F-qOF/Oq<O (6)
flux F is proportional to S we get the widely
where F is the sediment flux and q surface flow. studied linear diffusion equation which Cull-
Smith and Bretherton ( 1972 ) also show that a ing (1960, 1963, 1965) analyzed in the con-
one-dimensional equilibrium or constant form text of slope development. I f F is dependent on
solution is concave when eq. (6) is satisfied S nonlinearly, there is nonlinear diffusion. In
and convex when it is not. Therefore, there is fact, if the main contribution to variation of F
an equivalence between concavity of a one-di- is S, then the process will be predominantly
mensional profile and instability in the two-di- diffusive; whereas if the main contribution to
mensional landscape. Instability, as character- variation of F is q, the flow volume related to
ized above, would leacl to rilling and channel the carrying capacity of the concentrated flow,

the process is advective. In diffusive processes parameter values. These show convex profiles
F is predominantly dependent on slope S and for soil creep progressing to concave profiles
the term OF/Oqin eq. (6) is small, which leads for rivers.
to eq. (6) being positive and, consequently Kirkby (1980) focuses on the instability cri-
stability of the landscape evolution under this terion of Smith and Bretherton (1972) and
process. However, if the process has an advec- notions of dominant domains and transition
tive component, there is always some flow large thresholds. He suggests that when the land-
enough to make the term q(OF/Oq) dominate scape is unstable, small hollows will grow into
eq. (6) and result in instability. The effects of valley heads. He shows that where a combina-
convergence and concentration of flow even- tion of creep and wash sediment transport pro-
tually dominate. Kirkby (1987) explains this cesses are present, there is a critical area ac
instability: where instability [according to eq. (6) ] oc-
curs. He suggests that for a landscape with fully
" W h e r e flows o f water a n d s e d i m e n t converge, the com- developed drainage, the area drained per unit
b i n e d water flow drives a s e d i m e n t t r a n s p o r t greater t h a n length of channel bank must be less than a¢,
the sum o f the s e d i m e n t inflows, so t h a t there is a n excess
t r a n s p o r t i n g capacity which is able to enlarge the hollow."
which results in a lower bound on drainage
Thus advective processes result in channel ini- Dd > 1/2a¢ (8)
tiation and development. Kirkby suggests that for efficient networks,
A common form of F used to parameterize this approaches equality and provides a way to
many processes is (Kirkby, 1971; Table 1 ): estimate drainage density. The notion of a crit-
F= fla"S" (7) ical area or critical hillslope length is also rec-
ognized by Dunne (1980) who points out that
where fl, m and n are coefficients and " a " is sheet flow can still occur in the stable domain
upslope area, i.e., the area drained per unit and rilling and channelization occur some way
contour width. Kirkby ( 1971 ) takes discharge beyond the point (down a hillslope) where
q as proportional to "a" with an exponent of sheet flow occurs. Dunne suggests that this may
0.75 to 1. Table 1, excerpted from Kirkby be because of the diffusive, leveling influence
( 1971 ), gives typical m and n for various pro- of rainsplash. The instability occurs where the
cesses. Mathier et al. (1989) and Julien and unstable sheet flow dominates transport.
Simons ( 1985 ) also discuss overland flow sed- Thornes (1983) also emphasizes the impor-
iment transport parameterizations of this form. tance of defining domains where different pro-
Kirkby ( 1971 ) studied the solution to the con- cesses dominate and what the transitions be-
tinuity equations in one dimension and iden- tween domains are. An additive form to the
tified characteristics profiles under different sediment transport function can be used to
represent the sum of different processes. Smith
and Bretherton ( 1972 ) and Band ( 1985 ) used
Typical values of exponents rn and n in the empirical rela- the form:
tionship F = p a " S "
F = K S + otqmS " (9)
Process m n where K and c~ are constants. This is a sum of
Soil creep 0 1.0
creep and wash processes. Band (1985 ) notes
Rain splash 0 1-2 that the relative magnitude of diffusive and
Soil wash 1.3-1.7 1.3-2 surface wash rates are crucial to the resulting
Rivers 2-3 3
slope shapes. Kirkby (1987) uses this equa-
From Kirkby ( 1971 ). tion with runoff generated according to the

topographic model of Beven and Kirkby profiles. He suggests that the concave (wash
(1979). dominated) part of a profile represents the
Kirkby (1987) also gives a formulation for longitudinal profile of streams and the convex
a combination of landslide and creep or splash part (shaped by diffusive mass movements)
sediment removal, resulting in concave and, represents the valley side slopes.
presumably, unstable profiles beyond a critical Recently WiUgoose ( 1989 and Willgoose et
distance downslope. Landsliding is formulated al., 1991a, b) developed a catchment and
as an erosion limited process. This raises a channel network evolution model. The model
question on the validity of the interpretation is based on sediment transport continuity but
of concavity as implying instability because the postulates an explicit difference between sedi-
sediment flux is not in the form F ( S , q) re- ment transport on a hillslope and in a channel.
quired to apply the Smith and Bretherton This is implemented numerically by using a
( 1972 ) result. Sediment flux could be written sediment transport function F, dependent on
in Luke's ( 1972, 1974) more general formu- an index of channelization Y. Y is an indicator
lation but to our knowledge stability of the re- variable taking the value 1 in channels and 0
sulting more general system has not been in- on hillslopes. Willgoose uses the following par-
vestigated. Kirkby (1987) also mentions a ameterization of transport:
difficulty with this formulation is that it does
flOt q msn Y= 0
not require hollows to be occupied by streams,
something that is usually the case in field
F(S,q, Y)=
l flqmS n Y= 1

Andrews and Bucknam (1987), in the con-

where again fl, m and n are coefficients. The
text of scarp degradation, have suggested:
factor Ot gives the relative differences between
S sediment transport on hillslopes and in chan-
F=go 1- (S/f) 2 (10) nels. Willgoose suggests that channelization
occurs (the switch from Y=0 to Y= 1 ) when a
wherefis a friction or sliding slope and K0 is a
channel initiation function exceeds a certain
constant. This form is derived from consider-
threshold. He uses sediment transport argu-
ation of the distance a particle travels before
ments to suggest an initiation function of the
sliding to a stop after it has been given an ini-
tial velocity (perhaps from a raindrop or ani-
mal hoof). This is a nonlinear diffusion term CI( S, q ) = fl'q m's ~' (12)
that could be used instead of K S in equation
(9). where fl', m' and n' are coefficients, in general
Ahnert ( 1987 ) describes a slope denudation different from those in eq. (11). Willgoose
model developed over the past three decades. ( 1989 and Willgoose et al., 1991 a,b) show that
This is based on the continuity equation with simulations based on this model result in real-
the added feature that sediment removal is a istic looking channel networks. He compared
function ofregolith (i.e., soil cover) thickness. Horton ( 1945 ) and Tokunaga ( 1978 ) scaling
This allows the modeling of weathering-lim- ratios as well as hypsometric properties to
ited and transport-limited situations. The ef- demonstrate how well the model reproduces
fect of weathering-limited denudation is only properties of natural channel networks. Will-
explored in a limited way. Ahnert ( 1987 ) also goose et al. (1990) also showed that the model
notes that the surface wash form of sediment reproduced the slope-area scaling at channel
transport results in concave slope profiles and heads observed by Montgomery and Dietrich
diffusive sediment transport results in convex ( 1988 ). The notion of sediment transport rate

being different on hillslopes and channels is in- ficient to model the essence of landscape evo-
tuitively appealing, although it has not been lution are:
observed in the field or experimentally justi- Oz/Ot= - V.nF( [ Vz[, a) (13)
fied. The date of Priest et al. (1975) used by
Willgoose (1989) suggest Or=0.4 which may and:
not be significantly different from Ot= 1. The 1 (14)
Willgoose model is distinct in that channels are
imposed when the channel initiation criterion
is met. This needs not in general coincide with Vz
n= - - - (15)
the development of shock discontinuities de- - I Vzl
scribed by Luke (1974) or the instability where z, elevation, and a, upslope area, are the
threshold of Smith and Bretherton (1972), eq. dependent variables that vary over space
(6). (x, y) and time t and n is a unit vector in the
downslope direction. The equations are con-
A theoretical model for landscape evolution servation of sediment mass (eq. 13 ) and cal-
culation of upslope area (eq. 14). The defini-
tions of downslope directions (eq. 15 ), and the
Here we suggest that a reformulation of the sediment transport function, F ( I V z l , a)
continuity equations suggested by Smith and =F(S, a), are constitutive relationships. Fig-
Bretherton (1972) and Kirkby ( 1971 ) with ure 1 illustrates the definition of area per unit
sediment flux F, a function of slope S and up- contour width or upslope area "a". The only
slope area "a", rather than flow q, provide difference between these equations and those
minimum necessary complexity sufficient for of Smith and Bretherton (1972) is that the in-
instability, the formation of discontinuities and dependent variable q in F(S, q) has been re-
channel networks. An assumption of dynamic placed by "a". This can be done by simple sub-
equilibrium leads to a relationship between stitution if one assumes there exists a function
slope and upslope area. This is a scaling func- q(a):
tion which characterizes the landscape and has
a form dictated by the landform evolution pro- F(S, q(a) ) = F ( S , a) (16)
cesses. We show how different sediment trans- Kirkby ( 1971 ) used a power function for q(a);
port processes manifest themselves in terms of
this scaling. Where multiple processes are
present, changes in upslope area can result in a
switch in the dominating process and a corre-
sponding switch in the stability criterion
(Smith and Bretherton, 1972) indicating a J" a

threshold upslope area for the formation of
channels. An advantage of the formulation in
terms of a slope-area scaling function is that it
can be measured using topographic or digital
elevation model (DEM) data. The slope-area
scaling function dictates a support area with
which channel networks should be extracted
from DEM's and hence gives a drainage
density. Fig. 1. Sketch defining partial c a t c h m e n t area per u n i t
The basic equations which we regard as suf- c o n t o u r with " a " .

however different, perhaps more complicated recognizing that eq. (17) defines a function
functions may be required to model the partial S(a ) implicitly, we can write:
response of hillslopes with variable contribut-
F(S(a),a)=Ua (19)
ing areas. The F(S, a) construct also allows
more generality since surface flow could be which upon differentiation and multiplication
functionally dependent on slope, i.e. q(S, a), by "a" gives:
to perhaps model slope dependent runoff gen-
eration mechanisms. All parameterizations of a-~ -~ + a~a = U a = F (20)
different sediment transport processes are in-
corporated in the function F(S, a) which dic- This can be rewritten:
tates the landforms and drainage density that
results. In general, we would expect the sedi-
OF d S = F - OF
a-~ da a~-~ ( 21 )
ment flux to also be a function of many other
variables perhaps including vegetation, ero- Here the right-hand side is equivalent to the
sion resistance and whether or not the flow is stability criterion of Smith and Bretherton
channelized. Then one could write F(S, a, R, (1972). For F-a(3F/Oa) <0, small pertur-
V, Y, ... ). However, here we assume that these bations grow into rills and ultimately chan-
effects are subservient to the effects of slope nels. For F - a (OF/Oa) > 0, small perturba-
and upslope area which are the focus of our tions do not grow so the landform remains
analysis. The other variables may be responsi- smooth, i.e., hillslopes. Now, on the left-hand
ble for some of the apparently random scatter side ofeq. (21), "a" is always positive and OF/
in the results. OS we expect to be positive so stability depends
An assumption of dynamic equilibrium, or on the sign of the gradient dS/da, d S / d a < 0
constant average degradation rate, seems rea- results when there is instability and channeli-
sonable for a sufficiently localized region and zation, otherwise dS/da > 0. This suggests that
has been widely used (Davis, 1899; Hirano, a break or change in gradient of the S(a ) func-
1975 ). Within the present framework this is tion is a dividing scale, separating the dis-
equivalent to assuming that the sediment tinctly different regimes of channels and hill-
transport past every point is proportional to slopes. (Note: The term gradient is used for the
upslope area (Willgoose et al., 1991 c ): slope of a graph or function and the term slope
F(S,a)=Ua (17) for the slope of the ground. ) Equation ( 18 )
considered only one sediment transport func-
For U given and the functional form F ( . ) tion under dynamic equilibrium. In principle,
known, this is an implicit relationship between many sediment transport processes may oper-
slope S and area a. In this expression, U does ate at the same scale (Tarboton, 1989; Will-
not have to be restricted to uplift but can be goose, 1989; Willgoose et al., 1991c). Con-
thought of as average degradation rate. With sider the presence of two mechanisms and
F(- ) given by ,Oa'S n, as in eq. (7), this rela- assume that the total sediment flux is the sum
tionship can be explicitly solved: of contributions from each mechanism:
I/ U~ 1/"
S=~) a -On-l)/n (18) F(S, a) =El (S, a) +F2(S, a) (22)
Equating the above to Ua as in eq. (19) and
This is a power law scaling of slope with area solving for S(a), the slope-area profile under
and has been used by WiUgoose et al. ( 1991 c) dynamic equilibrium for combined sediment
to explain the empirical observations de- transport is obtained. This is given in Fig. 2 for
scribed by eq. (4). For a more general F ( . ), three different plausible mass wasting type

~ 1- 1 ~

1 0 - 1 ~ 10 -1 10-1
10 -1 1 10 10 2 10 -1 1 10 102 10 -1 1 10 102
Area Area Area

Fig. 2. Equilibrium slope profiles for combinations of transport functions. The following four sediment transport func-
tions in dimensionless units are assumed:
A: F = a 2.sS 3 for rivers (Leopold and Maddock, 1953; Kirkby, 1971 ); B: F = S for soil creep (Kirkby, 1971 ); C: F = S - 0.3
for landsliding (Kirkby, 1971 ); D: F = S / [ 1 - (S/0.7) 2] for sliding (Andrews and Bucknam, 1987).
Each figure shows the solutions to: F ( S , a ) = a for each of the two mechanisms selected, and the solution to:
F~ (S,a) + F2 (S,a) = a. These represent the slope-area scaling under dynamic equilibrium for each single mechanism, and
the resultant slope area scaling if the two mechanisms exist together.

sediment transport functions combined with a scapes is that slope and upslope area can be
wash sediment transport function. This figure measured using digital elevation model
shows that in all three cases a slope-area pro- (DEM) data. Tarboton ( 1989 ) and Tarboton
file that changes from a positive, or near zero et al. ( 1991 ) describe techniques to detect the
gradient, to a negative gradient is obtained. break in slope-area scaling and estimate the
This change over is accompanied by a switch corresponding drainage density for 21 U.S.
in the process that dominates the sediment Geological Survey grid based DEM datasets
transport. At small contributing areas, or small comprised of several adjacent DEM quadran-
scale, the sediment transport is dominated by gles in most cases. These were selected to rep-
the mass wasting process; whereas, for large resent a broad range of landscape types, but
contributing areas or scale, wash erosion dom- were constrained by the availability and cost
inates and due to the instability the landscape of DEM data for complete fiver basins. To un-
will become channelized. derstand the analysis and processing of DEM's
Thus, the break in slope-area scaling repre- it is necessary to define the procedures and ter-
sents the transition point between hillslope and minology used, which follows the work of
channelized regimes. This analysis points out O'Callaghan and Mark (1984), Mark (1988)
the importance of slope-area plots in the anal- and Jenson and Domingue ( 1988 ).
ysis of landforms. These plots are the signature Elevations are stored in an elevation matrix
of processes on the landscape, provide infor- arranged in a grid with each entry giving the
mation about the fundamental scales, and sug- elevation of a point. The location within the
gest how the scaling in between these scales can matrix implies the spatial location of the point,
be interpreted in terms of sediment transport so only elevation values need to be stored (as
processes. opposed to the alternative DEM data storage
structures, triangular irregular networks that
Examples using digital elevation data have to store x and y location and elevation
data for each point and contour-based struc-
An advantage of this perspective on land- tures that store strings of x and y locations

along a contour). A pit is defined as a point or evation difference of adjacent pixels; however,
set of adjacent points surrounded by neighbors this is unreliable because of the discrete nature
that have higher elevations. A drainage direc- of the data as well as data errors so a small av-
tion matrix contains a set of pointers from each eraging length is used to effectively smooth the
grid cell or pixel to one of its neighbors. Usu- slope estimates. This is achieved by extracting
ally pointers are in the direction of steepest a pseudo channel network with small support
slope. The drainage direction matrix defines a area and calculating slope for each link of this
drainage direction network as a forest of rooted network. The averaging length is determined
sub trees. A drainage accumulation function is by the support area used. Table 2 gives typical
defined as an operator which given the drain- averaging lengths associated with different
age direction matrix and a weight matrix de- support areas. The area associated with each
termines an accumulated area matrix such that link is obtained from the accumulated area
each element in the area matrix represents the matrix at the downstream end of each link.
sum of the weight of all elements in the matrix Figure 3 shows the slopes and areas for one da-
which drain to that element. If the weights are taset with a support area of 50 pixels. There is
all set at one, then the area matrix gives the to- still considerable scatter in the individual
tal contributing area in number of elements or slopes; however, a moving average of 100
pixels. slopes yields a smooth trend. A break in the
O'Callaghan and Mark (1984) suggest iden- slope scaling analogous to Fig. 2 can be de-
tifying channels on a DEM as all points with tected using two-phase regression (Hinkley,
accumulated area above some threshold. Mark 1969; Solow, 1987). The break point gives the
( 1988 ) notes that at horizontal scales of 10 m transition from stability to instability under the
or greater, true pits or closed depressions are criterion identified by Smith and Bretherton
rare in natural earth topography, being re- ( 1972 ); as such, the break point gives the sup-
stricted to a few special geomorphic environ- port area that should be used for extraction of
ments (e.g., glaciated or karst). Pits occur fre- channel networks from DEM's.
quently in DEMs due to data errors and Tarboton (1989) and Tarboton et al. ( 1991 )
sampling effects (e.g., a narrow channel may used the support area corresponding to this
pass between grid points). Mark (1988 ) sug- break in slope scaling to estimate drainage
gests pit removal based on actual drainage pat- density for 21 different DEM datasets in the
terns (in the form of digitized stream chan- U.S. It is not clear what averaging length as de-
nels) or by a local "flooding" procedure where terrnined by support are threshold (see Table
pits are filled in and made to drain towards the 2) is most appropriate for determination of
point at which water would overflow from the slope, so a range of support areas (from 1 to 50
pit. Jenson and Domingue ( 1988 ) describe an pixels) was used with the two-phase regression
algorithm that does this. applied to all points. Figures 4 to 6 give exam-
The procedure for identifying channels that ples from the full set of results in Tarboton
we used based on these principles is: (1989). The data plotted are the moving av-
( 1 ) pit removal by raising to the level where erages of individual slope values with the num-
they overflow or flood and calculation of
drainage direction matrix; TABLE2
(2) calculation of the accumulated area Mean link length associated with different support area for
matrix; the W 15 DEM dataset
(3) define channels as pixels exceeding an
Support area (No. of pixels) I 5 10 20 50
accumulated area threshold. Mean link length (m) 30 84 116 177 365
The determination of slope can be from the el-

~:s,~, ~.. b:~. ~'~,~:,

•" ~ : ' , , n ~. ~ . : . - ~ ....
, . •

• ,v->~'° r'~" ." . . •

: .~ ~ ~ " ,. : ::.; -~.. . ". , . •

.-.,.,.;... .. : =.':.,.%. "; .. j" . •

" : ' " ; - • .. . ,.. . ." .~ " ~ . '.... . • . .
...... - °. . . ~:.. .. o°..~ °. .. ~ . - - . .



• . • . ' . " • • •


• Mean of 100 Links
J Two Phase Recjress~on f i l

'~ 10 5 10 a = 10 7 10 a 10 9
Area m

Fig. 3. Big Creek basin, Idaho: link slopes with support area of 50 pixels used to extract network.

1 5 1

~1~ =

-I- F=Ix,mIm ( 5 0 0 )
Support Arm,', 5 ( I 0 0 )
0 S u p p o r t A r i a 10 ~ 1 0 0 )
S u p p o r t ArQa 2 0 ( 1 0 0 )
Two P h o a o RogreB61on

1 t~ TM I I I I

lo" lo ~ lo" , lo" lo ° lo ?


Fig. 4. W 15 subbasin in Walnut Gulch Arizona: slope versus area and two-phase regression plot. The numbers in paren-
theses in the legend indicate the number o f individual slope data values averaged together to smooth the data. (Data from
U.S.G.S. 30 m resolution 7.5 minute D E M Quadrangles, Hay Mountain and Tombstone, Arizona)

1I~ 1 --

-t- P1xela (200)
1 ~ Z -- Support ~ o 10 (100)
0 ~uppor'L ArQo 20 (100~) 0
1 Suppo~ At'co 50 (100)
Two Phoae ReQt'emslon

i 5n I I I I ] I
I 0~ 1d 1 0 4, I 0B I 0e 1 07 10a 10°

Fig. 5. Big Creek basin, Idaho: slope versus area and two-phase regression plot. The numbers in parentheses in the legend
indicate the number of individual slope data values averaged together to smooth the data. (Data from U.S.G.S. 30 m
resolution 7.5 minute DEM Quadrangles, Calder NE, NW, SE and SW, Idaho)

ber of points used in the moving average indi- Equation (23) was used to compute eleva-
cated in parentheses in the legend. Some tions on a 51 × 102 grid with spacing of 30 m
problems occur with this procedure. First, the schematically shown in Fig. 7. A random mea-
break in gradient is often not distinct; in some surement error simulated from a zero mean
cases (e.g. Fig. 6) it appears to be dependent Gaussian distribution with variance up to four
on support area threshold and, hence, slope was added to each elevation and then rounded
averaging length. Also, the break in gradient of to the nearest meter for storage as an integer
the overall regression is often not to a positive value as with real DEM data. Slope-area pro-
gradient at small upslope area, although if a files were then computed using the same pro-
single averaging length were used it would be. cedures as for digital elevation models. As il-
These problems may be due to errors in the lustrated in Fig. 8, the results show, even for
DEM data, so to understand the effect of er- the relatively small errors simulated, a large ef-
rors in our procedures, we constructed a data fect on the slope-area relationship. The theo-
set with predetermined slope-area functions retical line is obtained from eq. (24) using a
and applied random additions of noise. A one- pixel size of 30 m. Area per unit contour width
dimensional hillslope profile was specified as: "a" is calculated as contributing area A di-
z= 2 5 0 - x2 /9000 (23) vided by 30 m. Thus the theoretical line in Fig.
8 is given by:
where z is elevation and x distance from the
divide. For a one-dimensional profile x = a, and
S=A/30/4500=A/135,000 (25)
the slope scaling is:

S= =a/4500 (24) The good data is with no added measurement

QX noise and has scatter due to the rounding of


-t- Plx41*. (5o0)
15 = Support Area 10 (100)
O S u p p o r t Ar'oo 2 0 (~100) n
.~, Support: /~-eo 5 0 ( 1 0 0 )
T w o Ph,ose RegresEl|ort 0

I | I I I
d ,d ,d ,~ ,d ~d o"
A~IO ~n

Fig, 6. East Delaware basin: slope versus area and two-phase regression plot. The numbers in parentheses in the legend
indicate the number of individual slope data values averaged together to smooth the data. (Date from D.M.A. 3 arc
second resolution (60 × 90 m ) 1 ° × 1 ° D E M Quadrangle, Binghampton, New York)

elevations to the nearest meter. In the noisy

Profile data, the errors introduce a negative correla-
tion between slope and area which tends to re-
duce the positive slope of the slope-area
curves. This may cause the negative slopes in
51 pixels = 1530 m H the slope-area data (Figs. 4 to 6 ), to the left of
the break in scaling, at scales or areas we inter-
pret as hillslopes.
To understand this effect, consider an error
in the elevation o f a single pixel. If the error
reduces the apparent elevation of a pixel, the
apparent slope is reduced. This is because the

Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of simulated slope profile.


(a) resolution and bias introduced by the sam-

oo° pling procedures. In comparing, for example,
the asterisks and circles on Fig. 6 we are com-
paring slopes calculated from links with sup-
~ 1t5 a -
port areas of ten and twenty pixels. When a
tO support area of twenty pixels is used the links
/ Theoretfcal that have support area just larger than twenty
+ Goocl DOtO
1 £S"3 - C) N o i s y D ~ t a e--O.5 will be first order and may be very short, lead-
ing to uncertainty in the estimated slope. When
the support area is reduced, to say ten pixels,
t I i

102 1 DJ laO4 10 ~ lO" these short links are extended upwards to in-
Aroe m
clude more pixels that have smaller area and
hence steeper slopes. This would have the ef-
(b) fect of eliminating the " h o o k effect" near the
~ar 0 threshold o f twenty. However it would still be
0 O O , ,,,~lIF r-,.~ 0 0 O
1~ ~ a problem near the new support area threshold
of ten. It is worth noting that this problem is
most severe for the East Delaware river basin
which is from a low-resolution 3 arc second
/ Theo retlcoI (60 X 90 m ) DEM dataset and is not as notice-
-t- Cood Dora
0 Nol@y D a t a u--2.0 able in the higher-resolution datasets. Further
work with high-resolution data is probably
"1(~4 _ - -
warranted to fully resolve these issues.
1D a
The break in slope-area scaling gives a pro-
cedure for obtaining channel support area and,
Fig. 8. Slope-area plots for simulated hillslope profile. (a) hence, drainage density that is physically jus-
Added noise standard deviation= 0.5 m; (b) Added noise tifiable in terms of the hillslope transport pro-
standard deviation=2.0 m. Note: Data with slope=0
omitted from graph. cesses. Tarboton (1989) and Tarboton et al.
( 1991 ) showed that, despite the errors, drain-
slope of a pixel is measured as the difference in age density obtained in this m a n n e r compares
elevation between the pixel in consideration fairly well to drainage density obtained using
and its downslope neighbor, divided by the other techniques.
distance between pixels. Also, adjacent pixels
are more likely to drain towards the pixel in Conclusions
consideration due to its reduced elevation, thus
increasing the apparent area that it drains. The fact that there are fundamental or basic
Similarly, an error that increases the apparent scales where the slope-area scaling breaks sug-
elevation, increases slope, and reduces area, so gests different processes above and below the
the net effect is that errors result in a negative break. The difference between stable diffusive
correlation between slope and area or negative processes and unstable channel-forming pro-
gradient in slope-area plots. cesses, under the Smith and Bretherton ( 1972 )
In some of the results, Fig. 6 in particular, stability criterion has been shown to be equiv-
there is a strong dependence o f the break in alent to a change in the sign o f the slope-area
scaling on support area or averaging length. We scaling function gradient. Thus, the break can
have not yet fully resolved the causes for this be interpreted as the scale at which stability
but think that the explanation lies in issues of changes and as such can be used to determine

drainage density. Where there are multiple der basin. The modeling of Willgoose et al.
sediment transport processes present, the break ( 1991 a-c), however, takes an alternative per-
point is the point where domination by stable spective. Channel heads and consequently
diffusive processes yields to domination by drainage density are controlled by an activator
unstable channel-forming processes. function not related to the stability threshold.
Much of fluvial geomorphology has focused Slope-area scaling with a negative exponent
on the slope-area scaling relation S , - , A - ° can (and in their simulations does) still exist
which may be explained in terms of dynamic on hillslopes above the channel head in their
equilibrium and wash processes (eq. 18 ). This perspective. Future work with perhaps higher-
cannot hold down to the limit of zero area as it resolution data and field measurements of
implies infinite slope. Diffusive slope-depen- transport processes may be required to resolve
dent transport mechanisms will always domi- this point.
nate as area gets small and slope gets large, re- This work has provided a physical basis for
suiting in a limit to this scaling. This transition distinct scaling regimes in the landscape and
may, however, be at a scale too small to re- the land-forming processes under the trans-
solve, given the data resolution. Thus, it is only port-limited formulation presented. Future
useful to characterize the landscape as scaling work should extend the stability analysis to a
above or below this limit or basic scale. more general formulation that includes ero-
On either side of the basic scale the differ- sion-limited processes. Future work should also
ential equations governing landform evolution investigate the relationship between landscape
are in different stability regimes. Below the ba- fractal dimension and area-slope scaling within
sic scale they are stable, while above it they are the stable and unstable scaling regimes. The
unstable. Therefore, we should expect funda- multiscaling of slopes with area (Tarboton et
mentally different scaling behavior in the two al., 1989) still lacks a physical explanation. The
scaling regimes. Perhaps this explains the notion of self-organized criticality (Bak et al.,
change of fractal dimension with scale that has 1987, 1988; Hwa and Kardar, 1989) has been
been reported by others (Mark and Aronson, used to describe the physics of fractals in other
1984; Culling and Datko, 1987 ). contexts. The idea is that power law scaling and
Here we have shown that considerable un- fractal properties arise as the minimally stable
derstanding of landscape structure can be states of dynamical systems with extended
gleaned from the parameterization of sedi- spatial degrees of freedom. These minimally
ment transport in terms of the topographic stable states are called critical states by the
variables, slope, and upslope area. Analysis in analogy with thermodynamics and the scaling
terms of the slope-area scaling function can be behavior of substances near the thermody-
done theoretically for specified processes and namic critical point. There are indications that
practically in terms of measured slope and area. the landscape at scales larger than the drainage
A break in this scaling function indicates dif- density scale may be in such a critical state. The
ferent regimes of stability and instability and governing eqs. ( 13 and 14) are unstable, but
can be used to determine drainage density. The perturbations cannot grow without bound, due
connection between drainage density and the to the presence of diffusive mechanisms. Self-
land-forming processes is one more step to- organized criticality is also characterized by
wards understanding the link between pro- power law distributions of energy dissipation
cesses and morphology. and this has been used to characterize the three-
This work has taken the perspective that the dimensional scaling and structure of river bas-
stability threshold defines drainage density and ins (Rodriguez-Iturbe et al., 1992a, b). We feel
the location of channel heads within a first-or- that there are deep physical principles involv-

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