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Feminist Criticism

A. How are women’s lives portrayed in the work?

The female characters in “The Great Gatsby”, in addition to being unaware of the oppression, are mostly
portrayed as shallow. Society has taught them to be submissive and that they are unable to empower
themselves. Women are told that to survive they need men.
B. Is the form and content of the work influenced by the writer’s gender? In "The Great Gatsby," some people
believe that F. Scott Fitzgerald's gender may have influenced how the characters and themes are portrayed in
the novel. For instance, the male perspective of the narrator, Nick Carraway, might reflect some of Fitzgerald's
own experiences and the societal norms of his time. However, different readers and experts may have varying
opinions on the degree of this influence, making it a topic for interesting literary discussions.
C. How do male and female characters relate to one another? Are these relationships sources of conflict? Are
these conflicts resolved? In "The Great Gatsby," male and female characters have intricate relationships, often
leading to conflicts, particularly in matters of love and societal dynamics. A prime example is the love triangle
involving Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, and Tom Buchanan, which creates significant tension throughout the
story. While the novel doesn't neatly tie up all these conflicts with resolutions, it portrays the complexities of
these characters' interactions, reflecting the societal and moral intricacies of the era in which the story
unfolds, contributing to the novel's tragic undertones.
Examples from the Work

“My sincerest apologies. I... I seem to have lost my temper.” (pg.

“God knows everything you've been doing! Grabbing his wife’s
hair he presses her face to the window. You might fool me but you
can’t fool God!” (pg. 111)
“Daisy, don’t scamper. There’s so many dashing young officers
here, and from such illustrious family’s” (pg. 88)
Directed by Baz Luhrmann, “The Great Gatsby,” displays various aspects
of feminist philosophy by reflecting opposing principles of society’s
model through multiple female characters. By using a range of female
characters the film shows how difficult it was for women to defy the
norms of society.

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