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I have never been the best writer, but my mind has always been tuned to analysis.

When I am passionate about topics, the connections in my mind start to flow. That does not
necessarily mean I am infallible, but it does pull out my best work.
I am very familiar with Portugal due to living there for two and half years. During
this time, I traveled from north to south, residing in some of the country’s biggest cities and
important cultural heritage sites. These analyses I have included here cover practices and
products which I have learned about and witnessed the influence they had on the country of
Portugal. In addition, these papers have been vetted by two professors in whom I confide
the most. Not because they told me what I wanted to hear, but because they told me what
was hard to hear. Dr.Halling and Professora Cowley both have high standards, but also
contain extensive knowledge of Portugal and its culture.
The two papers included here are about Portuguese symbols and nationalism. The
first paper is about the Lusiadas, the obra prima or greatest cultural product of Portuguese
literature that showcases uniquely Portuguese identities and attitudes. This is especially
relevant today considering that what it means to be Portuguese has taken center stage with
Portugal becoming one of the biggest centers for immigration in Europe. So what does it
mean to be Portuguese and what worthy accomplishments should we base our identity on?
Is it enough to revel in the past or must we venture into the unknown? This research paper
asks these questions while putting them in their appropriate context. Giving the Lusiadas
context was a little harder than expected in part because the work did not become famous
until shortly after the death of the author. So although Camões had a specific context for
which he created it, the people interpretations of those who read it might have been
completely different from what he intended. Assumptions had to be made, but my analysis
takes into account these considerations.
The second piece I have included is about the cultural practice of the use of the
Esfera Armilar. My report on this highlights the frequency of its use and exactly what the
symbol means. I had many other presentations written on this symbol, but those focus on
how it relates to the other symbols, which directs the mind more tohow it dialogues with
others instead of what the symbol means and does by itself. That is why I chose to write
this paper focusing solely on the Esfera Armilar, because by isolating the Esfera, I could
focus on why it’s so widely used in Portuguese culture and what it means to those who see
As a doctor, I hope to continue learning about what certain products and practices
mean to people. I believe this experience will help me to keep an open mind while I work
with people who are very different from me. Even though I may not agree with the medical
value other cultures place on certain symbols or rituals, continually learning about these
things will help me be able to see their value and appreciate them even if I may not fully
agree with their use.

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