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Laura Sofía Zamora

Ingles 5-6
Second Task

One history of literature

“Literature is news that stays news.”
― Ezra Pound, ABC of Reading
Before referring to Literary Studies in Colombian Universities, it is absolutely essential to
explain what literature is. Literature is defined by Cambridge Dictionary as “written artistic
works, especially those with a high and lasting artistic value”. However, there has been no
only one meaning in the history. For example, the earliest civilisations developed a concept
related to writing. Nonetheless, many texts handed down by oral tradition. After the
invention of the moveable type on the printing press by Johann Fust, Peter Schoffer and
Johannes Gutenberg around 1440 into the industrial age, writing became more important
than oral tradition.
In view of the above, Literature is a concept has been changing. It also happens with the
faculties of Literature Studies in Colombia. The most recognized faculties are in UN and
PUJ. UN not as old as PUJ but it is one of the best universities in the whole continent. In a
similar way, PUJ is one of the most traditional and well renowned in Colombia. In 1969,
Literature Department at Javeriana School was founded by Enrique Gaitan. After he was
studying in France, he established te first degree of literary studies in Colombia. At the
beginnig of the degree, PUJ had emphasized in formalist studies which were only text
based. Some years later, things turned round. The degree find out other perspectives about
literature. Such as what opinión has the reader or what intention of the author is.
On the other hand, UN started its degree with 28 students in 1988. When the faculty started,
it was close to linguistic and foreign languages department. But now it start to be focused at
literary theory, literary criticism and editorial managment. Both faculties have been
changing over the years. That is why literature is being done new everytime someone
decides to write or read stories about love, dead, and life. The main reason for learning
about literature in our society is our difficulty to listen to each other. We get used to give
our own opinion as “The One Truth” withouth heard what the other are thinking. But when
we are reading, all of us are quiet and we can heard what the book wants to tell us and we
may look forward another ideas that we had never thought.
Finally, my active role as a Javeriana student is to try to carry out what I can do to help
others from my career. And also to found out a way to be a part of solutions that our
country needs. I hope to promote the development and best use of the skill I´ve learned in
this years not just in a job for earning money, also for being a better person, profesional and
How did you feel working on this task?
I felt well but sometimes I would like to know more connectors to explain my ideas. It was
a hard exercise. But finally, I could write something else to timeline and also, try to share
my ideas about literature and this role in our society.
Wich were your learnings?
I´ve learning a lot with this exercise. I practiced present perfect, passive voicephrasal verbs
ans statements within question. Also, I learned a lot of connectors like In view of the above,
On the other hand, and That is why.
In which areas do you think you need to improve?
I need to improve in english thinking. In other words, I need to thinking in english and don
´t try translate every single word. If I do that, I can improve my english.

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