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Reception Newsletter

Week beginning Sunday 1st October 2023

Literacy – Reading
This week we will continue our new topic ‘Unique me’. We will be reading the story, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
The children will learn why we need to eat healthy. They will be introduced to different healthy foods. Teachers will
model sentences like, "Is this healthy? We will listen to and talk about how it makes us feel when we eat healthy.
Children will be encouraged to share their experiences of what they think is healthy.

Literacy – Writing
We will revise all the Jolly Phonics songs and have them link the song with the action for the letters.
The children will be encouraged to free-draw to reflect their understanding of the story and learn the
initial sounds. The children will be encouraged to use play dough and white boards to practice forming
the letters in their names and the phonic sounds learnt to date.

The children will be encouraged to sort and categorise based on size, colour, pattern, and ways of moving. Practicing
counting skills by counting. Ordering numbers 0–10 and beyond, exploring patterns with mark-making, we will revise all
the colours, numbers and shapes they have learned.

Expressive Art & Design

The children will be learning songs such as "Exercise songs. With the help of the teacher, the children will do painting of
healthy food and many art and crafts activities with cutting and sticking.

Understanding the World

The children will be learning about what foods are healthy and what foods are not. Different songs. We will revisit rules
of the classroom and outside play areas.

Important Dates Class reminders

5th October Pink day Please make sure your child wears the school uniform and
black shoes without laces for PE
Please provide a healthy lunch for your child.
No metal water bottles are allowed. Please NO Nuts

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