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YourDoctor: an emergency medical app for life saving support.

Abstract: In emergency situations, quick and effective medical support can make a crucial
difference in life and death. The advancement in mobile have opened up new ways of
delivering immediate medical assistance to the ones who are in distress. This abstract
introduces “YourDoctor”, an innovative emergency medical app designed to provide medical
assistance, critical information, and support during times of crisis.
YourDoctor is a user-friendly and effective mobile application that bridges the gap between
people in crisis and emergency medical support providers, by offering quick access to
emergency assistance, by just a click on a button. This app will store the medical profile of
the user when they register in the app. In any critical emergency situation, the user can user
the app to communicate with the emergency service providers nearby them. The app will
detect the location of the person who is seeking medical support with the help of GPS,
perform real time communication between the patient and the emergency support providers,
provide assistances like ambulance, CPR, first aid, doctor on spot (if needed), etc. Once the
user logs in the application, they are not logged out until the user wants to, to provide quick
service at the times of crisis.
In summary, YourDoctor can be a vital tool in emergency medical service by empowering
people in crisis to effectively handle emergency situations, and enhancing the communication
between them and the emergency service providers.

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