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Establishment of a
Secure Connection
A user activates their VPN software, which
connects to a VPN server, acting as a
secure internet gateway. Both parties
authenticate each other through
encryption protocols, ensuring a secure

Tunneling Protocol
Tunneling involves encapsulating and
encrypting user data packets, forming a
secure 'tunnel' for their journey over the
internet. This process, governed by
tunneling protocols, protects the data from

external threats and interceptions

Virtual Private Network Data Transmission
After establishing the secure tunnel, the
user's internet data, now encrypted, is
transmitted to the VPN server.
A technology that establishes a
secure and encrypted connection
over a less secure network like the
internet. It serves to protect data
transmission on public networks
Data Decryption at the
by routing traffic through a
VPN Server
Upon reaching the VPN server, the
configured remote server encrypted data is decrypted, meaning the
server removes the encryption layer to
managed by a VPN host. Thus, it access the original data. The server then
encrypts user data, safeguarding forwards this data to its intended online
destination, such as a website, maintaining
it from interception, and enhances the data flow's continuity and integrity.
online privacy and security.

Receiving Responses
Responses from the internet, like website
content, are first sent to the VPN server,
where they are encrypted and transmitted
back to the user. The VPN client on the
user's device then decrypts these
responses, allowing the user to securely
and privately access the requested

By Ninad
Azy’s Bby

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