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“The tree stands so patiently,

Not asking, "What can I be?, What can I be?"

For a tree is as sure as a tree can be,
That its purpose in life is to be a tree,
Without a doubt, it knows its worth,
Roots delving deep into the Earth,
Branches standing strong and proud,
Pointing at the passing clouds,
All of nature loves the tree,
In its beautiful simplicity,
And without speaking, it teaches me,
To be happy with just being me.”
Good morning and Jai Hind to all the teachers, beloved friends, and the
respected Admins and Dignitaries, it's an honour to stand before you all today
on this bittersweet occasion—our last assembly. We are not calling it farewell
because it is said that “You can take the person out of the place but not the
place out of the person”. The memories we have made together, the laughter
we heard in the corridors and the lessons which were always more than our
heavy textbooks, that would always enlighten our deepest heart and soul. As we
gather here, I am filled with a bag of emotions—gratitude, nostalgia, and
excitement for the journey that awaits each one of us.
We laughed together, cried together, and learned together. Our teachers
nurtured our minds and shaped us into the individuals we are today. For us, any
amount of words would not be sufficient to describe what we actually feel for
them. Their dedication and unwavering support have been the guiding light of
our educational voyage.
Thinking back to the moments that define our time here—the school plays that
sparked our creativity, the victories on the sports field that united us in
celebration, and the late-night study sessions that cemented our bonds of
camaraderie. These memories will forever hold a special place in our hearts,
serving as a testament to the incredible journey we've shared and, together. Our
journey was not merely about academics; it was about the friendships
cultivated, the lessons learned, and the growth that transcends textbooks and
classrooms. To my juniors, always remember individuality matters. Each one of
you is special with their own creativity and spark and you can achieve whatever
you wish to.
To the students who were the part of this event especially the dance team,
mementoes team, music team, anchoring team and the editing team, and
dedicated their whole self into it, thank you for your tireless efforts, patience,
and dedication. I really don’t think without you this event was even practical to
Thank you for the laughter, the lessons, the beautiful memories and this
wonderful event.
Thank you so much for making our school chapter turns out with this wonderful
Thank you & jai hind!

gramin school (microscope)

Now, I would like to call ___________ ma’am, principal sunbeam gramin school
along with the students to ascend the stage to receive a small token of gratitude
from the outgoing science batch.

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