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INTERMEDIATE PLUS UNIT 3 B Mark whether have is the main verb or an

auxiliary verb in each sentence. Then listen
3.1 again and repeat.

1 A WORD STRESS: syllables Complete the table with the PRONUNCIATION TIP
adverbs in the box.
When have is an auxiliary verb it has weak stress /əv/.
amazingly bravely cheerfully clearly desperately I should have baked a cake.
literally realistically typically undoubtedly /aɪ ʃədəv beɪkt ə keɪk/
When it is the main verb it has strong stress /hæv/.
0o 0oo o0oo
I have to bake a cake.
/aɪ hæftə beɪk ə keɪk/

5A 3.5 INTONATION: sounding
tactful Complete the conversations with the
missing words. Then listen and check.
1 A: Hello, what do you want?
B: I w i y
B 3.1 Listen, check and repeat. c turn the music down. I’m
trying to sleep.
2A 3.2 Listen and add the adverbs to the table in
A: Oh, okay, sorry. Of course.
Exercise 1A. There is one word that doesn’t fit.
2 A: Can I help you?
apparently certainly definitely honestly obviously B: W y b a to
personally seriously pass the salt?
A: Yeah, sure. No problem.
B Which is the most common word stress pattern? Which 3 A: How can I help you, Sir?
word doesn’t follow any of the stress patterns? B: I bought this the other day but
3A 3.3 Listen to the sentences and mark the stressed unfortunately it’s the wrong colour.
B: P Ic
words. Are the adverbs stressed?
change it for another one.
1 Police bravely rescued the dog from the river.
A: Certainly, Sir. If you’ll just follow me.
2 Marta had clearly cheated on the test.
4 A: What’s the matter?
3 British people typically drink tea.
B: I’m not feeling very well. I’m
4 Don’t take everything he says literally.
5 Nigel cheerfully accepted his punishment.
p I could stay home.
6 Jon desperately wanted to see the film.
A: All right, fine. You stay here.
7 They are undoubtedly the best band at the festival.
5 A: Is everything all right with your meal,
8 She’s such an amazingly talented singer.
9 We need to think realistically about what we’re going to
B: Not really, my soup is cold.
take on the trip.
M y c heat
B Listen again and repeat the sentences. it up?
A: Immediately. My apologies.
B 3.6 Listen to the conversations again
4A 3.4 HAVE: auxiliary vs main verb Listen and write and take the place of the person making a
the sentences. request.
When being tactful it is important to have the
right body language. In English, this means making
eye-contact and not crossing your arms. Open body
5 language and a sincere tone are your objectives.

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Speakout Pronunciation Extra Intermediate Plus Unit 3.indd 50 16/06/18 9:22 PM

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