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The paradox of tumor-associated neutrophils:

Fueling tumor growth with cytotoxic substances

A. McGarry Houghton

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Cell Cycle 9:9, 1732-1737; May 1, 2010; © 2010 Landes Bioscience

The paradox of tumor-associated neutrophils

Fueling tumor growth with cytotoxic substances
A. McGarry Houghton
Division of Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care Medicine; Department of Medicine; University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute; University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine;
Pittsburgh, PA USA

Key words: neutrophils, inflammation, cancer, proteinases, microenvironment

Abbreviations: PMN, polymorphonuclear leukocyte; ROS, reactive oxygen species; NE, neutrophil elastase; CG, cathepsin G;
PR3, proteinase-3; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; A1AT, alpha1-antitrypsin; ECM, extracellular matrix;
TAN, tumor-associated neutrophil

Human cancers are comprised of numerous cell types including demonstrated to play vital roles in tumorigenesis beyond creating
neutrophils. Although often ignored, neutrophils are frequently a chronic inflammatory milieu in which neoplastic transforma-
present at sites of tumorigenesis including the kidney, breast, tion can occur.3
colon and lung. These cells possess substances such as reactive A recent concept in tumor-associated inflammation is that
oxygen species and proteinases that are capable of modifying cancer cells themselves are able to manipulate the host’s immune
tumor growth and invasiveness. This review addresses recent response by perpetuating inflammation and polarizing inflamma-
reports describing both pro-host and pro-tumor roles for tory cell responses through the release of bioactive substances.4,5
neutrophils and neutrophil-derived substances and will The cellular composition of tumors is the result of a complex
examine the alterations in neutrophil behavior that explain biological process that involves intricate crosstalk mediated by
this apparent biological discrepancy. Unfortunately, with the
cytokines and chemokines, which influence cell behavior and
exception of investigator driven manipulation of neutrophil
movement. It is noteworthy that only about half of the cells
function, these cells function overwhelmingly against the
host in the setting of cancer. Many cancers are capable of contained within many tumor types are actually malignant. In
recruiting neutrophils to sites of tumorigenesis where they addition to the cancer cells themselves, tumors are comprised of
enhance tumor growth. Identification of the neutrophil- stromal cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, pericytes, CD4 + and
derived substances that promote tumor growth may yield CD8 + lymphocytes, NK cells, macrophages and neutrophils,
novel therapeutic approaches to inhibit cancer progression. among others.3 Even this description is quite limited, with many
Alternatively, strategies designed to generate highly activated of these cell types capable of displaying different phenotypes,
and cytotoxic neutrophils within the tumor microenvironment such as Th1 and Th2 CD4 + lymphocyte subsets, and M1/M2
may provide a means to unleash the tumoricidal potential of macrophages.6
the host’s innate immune response. Of all cell types residing within the tumor microenviron-
ment, neutrophils have received the least amount of attention.
Although commonly encountered, only recently have these
short-lived professional phagocytes been considered more than
Introduction an inconsequential bystander. This is somewhat surprising given
that neutrophils possess substances known to alter tumor growth
The association between inflammation and cancer dates to clas- when elaborated from other sources. However, cynics would
sic observations made by the anatomist Galen, when, in the 2nd point to their short half-life and lack of “intellect,” rendering
century A.D., he postulated the Greek version of the famous them incapable of meaningfully impacting tumor cell behavior.
four symptoms of inflammation: rubor, calor, dolor and tumor.1 This review will dispel conventional wisdom regarding tumor-as-
The more modern concept that tumors arise in areas of chronic sociated neutrophils (TAN), address recently described roles for
inflammation is not as modern as one would think, having been these cells within the tumor microenvironment, and re-address
discovered by Virchow in 1863.2 Although Virchow’s hypothesis the tumoricidal potential of neutrophils when manipulated into
remains intact, it is only in the recent past that we have broken highly activated states.
new ground, where specific inflammatory cell types have been
The Neutrophil
Correspondence to: A. McGarry Houghton;
Email: To understand the roles that polymorphonuclear leukocytes
Submitted: 01/21/10; Accepted: 01/25/10 (PMNs or neutrophils) may play within the tumor microenvi-
Previously published online: ronment, it is important to understand established physiologi-
cal and patho-physiological roles for these cells. Simply put,

1732 Cell Cycle Volume 9 Issue 9

review REVIEW

neutrophils exist to defend the host from invading microorganisms. quantities of oxygen radicals and proteinases11 at the tumor cell
They also assist in wound healing. Neutrophils are the most surface, but they do elaborate modest concentrations of enzyme
common leukocyte type found in the bloodstream, constantly to the host’s detriment. However, neutrophils can be induced
on the ready to respond to chemotactic stimuli and fight acute to function in a tumoricidal or cytotoxic fashion when highly
infection. They have very short half-lives, on the order of just activated.19 It is likely that the description of both pro-host
a few hours, but survive much longer within inflammatory and pro-tumor PMN is a function of differential neutrophil
environments.7 activation.
Neutrophils have been supplied with toxic substances to kill
invading pathogens. They have gone to great lengths to keep Impact of Neutrophil Infiltrates in Human Cancers
these substances under lock and key, so as not to inadvertently
damage host tissues.8 During the myelomonocytic stages of bone Historically, neutrophils were considered a means of host defense
marrow development, PMN synthesize large quantities of serine- against cancers, albeit a largely ineffective one. PMN would pre-
proteinases [neutrophil elastase (NE), cathepsin G (CG), pro- sumably be recruited to sites of tumorigenesis by macrophages (as
teinase-3 (PR3)]. PMN later synthesize metalloproteinases [neu- is the case in acute infection) where they would attempt to kill
trophil collagenase (MMP-8), gelatinase B (MMP-9)], which, tumor cells using the same substances with which they kill bacte-
like serine proteinases, are stored within cytoplasmic granules ria. This does not appear to be the case. Although few in number,
for later use.9 Neutrophils have apparently adapted this strategy all of the clinical studies regarding tumor-associated neutrophils
for the purpose of rapid dispersal of enzymes to the phagolyso- have demonstrated that their presence is associated with poor
some while sequestering them from vital parts of the cell. When clinical outcomes, including decreased survival. The few stud-
functioning properly, PMNs respond to chemotactic stimuli to ies that would challenge this notion were performed prior to the
enter sites of acute infection where they engulf foreign patho- use of advanced immunohistochemical techniques, and therefore
gens. Antimicrobial peptides (e.g., defensins), reactive oxygen examined simple H&E stained sections, an unreliable method to
species (ROS) and serine-proteinases are then rapidly shuttled distinguish between the different inflammatory cell types.
to phagolysosomes where they kill invading microorganisms.10 More recently, Jensen et al. demonstrated that intra-tumoral
Small amounts of proteinases are also released into the extracel- neutrophils, defined as CD66b + cells, were an independent
lular matrix in quantum micro-bursts to transiently overwhelm predictor of mortality in renal cell carcinoma.20 In their study,
their inhibitors to accomplish focused proteolysis.11,12 intra-tumoral neutrophils decreased the five-year recurrence free
Only under dire circumstances, such as severe sepsis or frus- survival rate from 87 to just 53%. Previous reports in different
trated phagocytosis, will neutrophils spill large quantities of these tumor types have reached similar conclusions. Neutrophil infil-
substances into the extracellular space in the form of neutrophil trates within alveolar spaces in bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma
extracellular traps (NETs) or free oxygen radicals and protei- (BAC), a subtype of lung adenocarcinoma, was associated with
nases.13 These highly activated neutrophil sub-types can be cyto- poor clinical outcome.21 Interestingly, tumor cells in BAC pro-
toxic to neighboring cells. The resultant tissue damage can result duced interleukin-8 (IL-8), a known chemoattractant for neu-
in mortality for the host, especially when it occurs in the form of trophils. Thus it appears that cancers are capable of recruiting
acute lung injury, which is largely caused by neutrophil-derived PMN to the tumor microenvironment, a concept elaborated
proteinases.14 Evolution has tolerated these “side effects” of neu- upon below.
trophil activity, as intact neutrophil function is essential for sur- Several investigators have used an assay designed to recognize
vival of the host. Disorders of neutrophil function in humans are immuno-reactive neutrophil elastase to demonstrate that its’ pres-
characterized by recurrent invasive infections and early mortal- ence in breast cancer homogenates correlated with poor clinical
ity.15 Similarly, genetic deletion of NE caused increased mortality outcomes.22-24 Although highly specific for PMN, NE could theo-
in infection models in mice, as NE is a potent broad-spectrum retically be produced by a poorly differentiated cancer cell. Since
antimicrobial enzyme.16,17 IHC was not performed, the source of NE in these studies cannot
Unlike immune cells that display alternative phenotypes be definitively determined. Additional studies have demonstrated
(i.e., M1 vs. M2 macrophages),18 neutrophil activation states likely increased lung cancer susceptibility when NE activity overcomes
follow a linear progression. There are certainly different degrees that of its endogenous inhibitor, alpha1 antitrypsin.25,26
of PMN activation, but neutrophils tend to use more of a given In addition to intra-tumoral PMN, there is some evidence
substance, rather than to use different substances, to achieve dif- that peripheral blood neutrophil content may predict clinical
ferential function. As an example, quiescent PMN do not release outcome in some cancers. Increased peripheral blood neutrophil
NE, wound-associated and tumor-associated PMN release some counts have been associated with poor outcomes for colorectal
NE, and activated neutrophils fighting infections release signifi- carcinoma,27 small-cell lung cancer28 and metastatic melanoma.29
cant quantities of NE. In practical terms, there are four different Because many confounders influence blood neutrophil counts in
types of neutrophils: (1) naïve circulating PMN, (2) mildly acti- cancer patients (chemotherapy, infection, use of bone marrow
vated PMN (wound-associated and tumor-associated), (3) acti- stimulants, etc.), correlation of these findings with the presence
vated PMN (acute infection) and (4) highly activated (frustrated of PMN at sites of tumorigenesis will be required to validate the
phagocytosis, sepsis, cytotoxic). Naïve circulating PMN, when use of blood neutrophil counts as a surrogate for the tumor-asso-
recruited to sites of tumorigenesis, do not release or “dump” large ciated neutrophil content. Cell Cycle 1733

Tumor-Associated Neutrophils: Friend or Foe? The major caveat when considering the therapeutic potential
of highly activated and cytotoxic PMN (N1) is the consequence
There appears to be a difference between how neutrophils typi- to neighboring host tissues. Severe pneumonias and sepsis, both
cally function within the tumor microenvironment and how they characterized by the presence of highly activated PMN, are con-
can be manipulated to function within the tumor microenviron- ditions in which acute lung injuries (ALI) and acute respiratory
ment. The clinical outcome data discussed above and pre-clinical distress syndrome (ARDS) arise.37 The occurrence of these dis-
studies employing simple PMN depletion approaches point to the eases is not trivial, with mortality rates reaching approximately
deleterious nature of tumor-associated neutrophils.30,31 Notably, 40%.38 The SM16 treatment protocol employed by Fridlender
Sparmann and Bar-Sagi were able to demonstrate that the pres- et al. was just one week in the LSL-K-ras model, and an assess-
ence of mutant K-ras drives the expression of neutrophil recruit- ment of lung injury was not performed. Therefore, it remains
ing CXC chemokines resulting in neutrophil accumulation at to be seen what the cost of N1 neutrophils will be to the host.
sites of tumorigenesis.32 Furthermore, depletion of PMN in this Nevertheless, the therapeutic potential of cytotoxic PMN should
setting substantially reduced tumor growth. Similarly, our group not be ignored.
has demonstrated that K-ras mutant lung tumors in mice recruit
PMN to the tumor microenvironment via CXC chemokine Neutrophil-Derived Molecules in Cancer Progression
release.33 Thus it appears that the recruitment of PMN can be a
tumor-driven process, and doesn’t necessarily represent a means Neutrophils predominantly use proteinases and ROS to exert
of host defense. their influence. These molecules include the serine-proteinases
In contrast, there are also reports of tumoricidal activity dis- NE, CG and PR3; matrix metalloproteinases MMP-8 and
played by neutrophils using tumors engineered to overexpress MMP-9; and reactive oxygen species. Neutrophils are also capa-
specific interleukins or chemokines.19,34,35 These approaches have ble of synthesizing bioactive molecules such as cytokines and
taken advantage of the fact that PMN possess toxic substances chemokines, known to affect tumor growth when elaborated
capable of killing tumor cells, and have manipulated the neutro- from other sources. The impact of each of these molecules on
phil to release these substances in concentrations not typically tumor growth is discussed in detail below, with the omissions of
encountered within the tumor microenvironment. Thus TAN CG and PR3, neither of which has been adequately studied in
usually function against the host but possess the potential to cancer models.
become valuable assets if their behavior can be safely manipu- Neutrophil elastase (NE). NE is a neutrophil-derived protei-
lated and properly controlled. nase with broad substrate specificity, including the rather inert
The recent description of N1 and N2 tumor-associated neu- matrix protein, elastin.37 The enzyme is quite neutrophil specific,
trophils brilliantly illustrates this point. Fridlender and col- although certain subsets of activated monocytes also express
leagues used syngeneic tumor xenografts and LSL-K-ras tumors NE.39 Our group has recently shown that NE promotes lung
in mice to study the effects of SM16, a TGFβ receptor kinase tumor growth in the Lox-Stop-Stop (LSL)-K-ras mouse model of
antagonist.36 As expected, depletion of PMN in control tumors lung adenocarcinoma.40 LSL-K-ras/NE-/- mice displayed increased
resulted in decreased tumor growth, establishing a pro-tumor role survival and decreased lung tumor growth and proliferation rates
for these resident TAN. However, treatment of mice with SM16 when compared to LSL-K-ras/NE+/+ mice. We initially suspected
caused abundant neutrophil infiltration and actually decreased that NE was functioning as a traditional matrix-degrading
tumor growth. These neutrophils were highly activated and were enzyme and releasing bioactive molecules that were sequestered
able to kill tumor cells in in vitro assays. Depletion of these cyto- within the extracellular matrix (ECM). However, after an exten-
toxic PMN resulted in increased tumor growth. The authors con- sive search, we were unable to identify any differences in candi-
cluded that typical TAN (N2) promote tumor growth, and that date growth factors between the two groups of mice.
the alteration in cytokine and chemokine milieu created by SM16 Further study demonstrated that NE directly induced tumor
therapy produced a cytotoxic (N1) neutrophil capable of killing cell proliferation. NE produced differential effects on tumor cell
tumor cells. An analysis of cytokine, chemokine and other bioac- proliferation over a dose range, with modest concentrations of
tive molecule production showed differential expression between enzyme producing cell proliferation, and excessive concentrations
N1 and N2 neutrophils. producing cell death. Again, these observations highlight the
Although mostly semantics, one could argue that N1 PMN importance of neutrophil activation states on tumor behavior.
are simply more activated neutrophils than N2, and not really NE-induced tumor cell proliferation occurs via a complex
alternatively activated, like M1/M2 macrophages. Additional alteration of tumor cell signaling ultimately leading to phosphati-
studies of tumor-associated PMN activation states are certain to dylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) hyperactivity (Fig. 1). NE entered
follow in the near future. The challenge to investigators will be tumor cell endosomes where it encountered potential substrates.
not only to recognize quiescent PMN (? N0), modestly activated One of these substrates was insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1),
PMN (N2), and highly activated PMN (N1), but to determine a known binding partner of the p85 regulatory subunit of PI3K.41
which end-effectors dictate tumor cell behavior. We predict that Upon the degradation of IRS-1 by NE, the pool of bio-available
the molecules used by N1 and N2 neutrophils will be the same PI3K increased, and was free to interact with more potent growth
(ROS, NE, MMPs, etc.), but that N1 cells will simply elaborate factors, such as the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and
these molecules in greater concentrations. PDGF-receptor (PDGFR) complex. The activation of PI3K led

1734 Cell Cycle Volume 9 Issue 9

Figure 1. Tumor endosomal NE induces cell proliferation. Tumor associated neutrophils secrete NE near the tumor cell surface where it enters into
tumor endosomes via clathrin pit and is located within early-endosomal antigen-1 (EEA-1)+ endosomes. NE degrades IRS-1, a homeostatic binding
partner of PI3K pathway activity via of its interaction with the p85 regulatory subunit of PI3K within lung cancer cells. The loss of IRS-1 increases the
pool of bio-available PI3K, which is recruited by more potent growth factors such as PDGF-PDGFR. The net result is PI3K pathway activation and subse-
quent tumor cell proliferation.

to increased pAkt production, which was observed both in vitro roles for MMP-9 in tumorigenesis. MMP-9-/- mice have been
and in vivo. used to confirm deleterious roles for the enzyme in the Lewis
The most notable finding in this study was the entrance Lung Carcinoma (LLC) model of lung metastasis, HPV16 model
of NE into tumor endosomes. This was the first descrip- of skin carcinogenesis, and the RIP1-Tag2 model of pancreatic
tion of a secreted proteinase gaining access to a cell beyond its islet carcinoma.44,45 It remains debatable whether or not cancer
plasma membrane (the only exception being the engulfment cell-derived MMP-9 mediates basement membrane degradation
of apoptotic PMN by macrophages that places NE within during vascular invasion and metastasis formation.46 However,
macrophage phagolysosomes). NE entered clathrin pits and was it is clear that inflammatory cell-derived MMP-9 drives tumor-
taken into early endosomes. There was specificity to this mecha- associated angiogenesis. Bone marrow transfer studies have been
nism, as NE specifically did not enter caveolae. The ability of a used to demonstrate that inflammatory cell-derived MMP-9 pro-
secreted proteinase to gain access to tumor endosomes generates teolytically releases vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
an entirely novel means by which proteinases may alter tumor sequestered within the ECM.47 Although numerous proteinases
cell growth and expands the list of potential substrates for these are capable of releasing VEGF, MMP-9 is especially efficient in
enzymes to include proteins previously considered restricted this regard.48 This VEGF is bioactive and available for use by
access. neighboring tumor cells, which in turn augments tumor-associ-
Neutrophil-derived NE may prove to be a viable therapeutic ated angiogenesis and ultimately tumor growth.
target for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Synthetic inhibi- The exact source of inflammatory cell-derived MMP-9
tors of the enzyme were previously generated for the treatment remains debatable, and likely varies by tumor type. Mast cells,
of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and emphy- macrophages and neutrophils all possess MMP-9 and can be
sema, although never thoroughly tested for a number of rea- found infiltrating cancers. Nozawa and colleagues used a com-
sons.42 We utilized one of these inhibitors (ONO-5046, ONO bination of bone marrow transplantation in MMP-9-/- mice fol-
Pharmaceutical) to inhibit lung tumor growth in LSL-K-ras mice lowed by antibody-mediated PMN depletion to diminish tumor
by three-fold. Additional studies are underway in our laboratory growth and angiogenesis in RIP1-Tag2 tumors.47 Although
to establish NE as a therapeutic target in NSCLC. this strongly implicates neutrophil-derived MMP-9 in tumor-
Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). Gelatinase B (MMP- associated angiogenesis, it should be noted that the Gr-1 anti-
9) is a relatively ubiquitous enzyme expressed by many cell types body utilized here recognizes both Ly6C (monocyte) and Ly6G
including neutrophils.43 It displays broad substrate specificity (granulocyte) antigens and therefore depletes both monocytes
including against basement membrane structures. Within neu- and neutrophils. Nevertheless, the early infiltration of neutro-
trophils, MMP-9 is housed within secondary (specific) granules phils and neutrophil-derived MMP-9 is essential for blood vessel
alongside MMP-8. Numerous studies have established pro-tumor formation and tumor growth. Cell Cycle 1735

Matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8). Neutrophil collage- As one would expect, high quantities of PMN-derived ROS
nase (Collagenase-2 or MMP-8) is a potent type I collagenase are tumoricidal, but at the expense of cytotoxicity to host tissues.
predominantly produced by PMN.43 It was the first MMP dem- ROS kill tumor cells via increased oxidative stress and increased
onstrated to function in a pro-host capacity within the tumor signal transduction down pro-apoptotic pathways. The most
microenvironment, a concept now extended to other MMPs, injurious of the ROS is likely hypochlorous acid (HOCl). PMN-
including MMP-12.49 The use of bone marrow transfer experi- derived HOCl primarily kill tumor cells via lysis, or directly
ments allowed investigators to demonstrate that neutrophil- damaging cell membranes.55 The induction of apoptosis may also
derived MMP-8 reduced the number of skin cancers developed be involved in ROS-mediated cytotoxicity.56
in response to 7,12 dimethylbenzanthracene (DBMA) and tet- Neutrophil-derived cytokines. Neutrophils are also capable
radecanoylphorbol acetate (TPA).50 In this study, MMP-8 was of impacting their microenvironment by the de novo synthe-
required both for the initial influx of neutrophils into sites of sis and secretion of bioactive molecules, such as cytokines and
tumorigenesis and for proper resolution of neutrophil inflam- chemokines. Therefore, TAN are likely capable of altering the
mation. The authors concluded that the genetic instability cre- cellular composition of the tumor microenvironment, and may
ated by persistent inflammation in the absence of MMP-8 led to even participate in polarizing the phenotypes of other immune
increased tumor growth. The means by which MMP-8 partici- cells. PMN have been shown to express several cytokines includ-
pates in the resolution of inflammation remains unclear. MMP8 ing TNFα, IL-1β, IL-12, and members of both the CC and CXC
cleaves the neutrophil chemokine CXCL-5 generating a more family of chemokines.57 Specifically, PMN synthesize IL-8 and its
potent chemoattractant, which does explain the observed differ- murine counterparts (CXCL-1, -2), CXCL-10 (IP-10), CXCL-11,
ences in acute PMN influx. It was suspected that MMP-8 likely and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), among others. The most
degraded other neutrophil chemokines to eliminate chemotac- notable of these is IL-8, a prototype CXC chemokine that binds
tic gradients during resolution. However, subsequent studies CXCR-2 receptors located on endothelial cells and PMN.58 As
have demonstrated that KC and MIP-2, the major neutrophil such, IL-8 promotes both angiogenesis and neutrophil recruit-
chemoattractants in mice, are not substrates for MMP-8.51 Thus ment. It is easy to speculate that PMN-derived IL-8 production
the exact contribution of neutrophil-derived MMP-8 within the within the tumor microenvironment would generate a positive
tumor microenvironment remains obscure. feedback loop to ensure continual re-population of TAN, how-
Tumor-derived MMP-8 has subsequently been shown to ever, this has not been proven. Furthermore, the production of
retard tumor growth. B16 melanoma cells engineered to express the ELR- CXC chemokines (i.e., CXCL-10) by PMN could drive
MMP-8 display reduced metastasis formation when compared to a Th1 response,59 ultimately suppressing tumor growth.
WT cells.52 Mechanistically, MMP-8-expressing tumor cells show There are two definitive reports of tumor cell induced
increased adherence to matrix structures, which may interfere with expression of PMN-derived bioactive molecules. Neutrophil-
their invasive potential. Studies of MMP-8 in human breast can- derived HGF has been correlated with increased tumor growth
cer have confirmed the pro-host nature of tumor-derived MMP- in lung cancers.60 Additionally, breast cancer cells induce PMN
8. However, given the proposed mechanism by which MMP-8 to produce oncostatin M, which requires both the release of
inhibits tumor growth and invasiveness, it is unlikely that these GM-CSF, and direct cell-cell interaction between tumor cell
functions are relevant to neutrophil-derived MMP-8. and PMN.61 Oncostatin M then interacts with tumor cells to
Reactive oxygen species (ROS). Neutrophils are an abundant induce the expression of VEGF, thereby fueling tumor-associ-
source of reactive nitrogen and oxygen species. These agents are ated angiogenesis.
essential for host defense against microorganisms, a fact high-
lighted by the clinical syndrome of chronic granulomatous disease Conclusions
(CGD). CGD is characterized by recurrent invasive infections and
early mortality, which results from a genetic mutation in NADPH Neutrophils possess substances capable of altering tumor cell
oxidase, rendering these PMN incapable of generating ROS.15 behavior and are present in sufficient numbers at sites of tum-
ROS play two major roles within the tumor microenviron- origenesis to do so. The major theme regarding TAN function is
ment: genotoxicity and cytotoxicity. Consistent with the con- that their impact on tumor growth is a product of their activation
cept that differential states of PMN activation dictate tumor state. The commonly encountered TAN is moderately activated
behavior, it would appear that modest concentrations of ROS and promotes tumor growth and invasiveness via release of ROS
are genotoxic (pro-tumor) and high concentrations are cyto- and proteinases. The mechanisms involved here go well beyond
toxic (pro-host). The genotoxic capacity of neutrophil-derived simple remodeling of ECM, and continue to be uncovered. In
ROS have been demonstrated using mutatect tumors.53 Using contrast, when neutrophils are highly activated, they release these
mutations in the Hprt locus as a measure of genotoxicity, same substances in concentrations toxic to tumor cells. Going
Wilkinson and colleagues were able to demonstrate that these forward, the challenge to investigators will be to develop reliable
mutations correlated with the level of neutrophil infiltration.54 means to either inhibit these PMN-derived molecules altogether,
Furthermore, manipulation of IL-8 expression, which regulates or to devise a safe means to generate cytotoxic neutrophils within
tumor-associated PMN content, was sufficient to alter the level the tumor microenvironment, while limiting damage to host
of genotoxicity observed. tissues.

1736 Cell Cycle Volume 9 Issue 9

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