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ONCOLOGY NURSING Differentiation: Poor Molecular Process involves 3 stages:

Body Defenses Against Tumor
Terms used in Oncology: Encapsulation: (-) 1. Initiation
NEO - new ● T cell System/ Cellular Immunity 2. Promotion
PLASIA - growth Cytotoxic T cells kill tumor cells Metastasis: (+)
3. Progression
PLASM - substance Prognosis: Poor
TROPHY - size ● B cell System/ Humoral immunity Treatment Modalities: Surgery, Irradiation,
-OMA - tumor B cells can produce antibody Carcinogenesis: Etiology & Predisposing
Chemotherapy, BM Transplant Factors
STATIS - location
● Phagocytic cells
A - none ● Genetics
ANA - lack Macrophages can engulf cancer CANCER CLASSIFICATION ● Immunosuppression
HYPER - excessive cell debris
META - change By the type of tissue in which the cancer ● Viral (HPV, EBV, Hepa-B)
DYS - bad, deranged originates (histological type) ● Environmental

WHAT IS ONCOLOGY? By primary site, or the location where the Physical

Branch of medicine that deals with the study, cancer first developed - Radiation, UV rays, Nuclear explosion
detection, treatment, and management of - Chronic irritation, direct trauma
cancer. Classification - Histological Type
From a histological standpoint there are Chemical
DEFINITION OF CANCER hundreds of different cancers, which are - Acids, alkalis, hydrocarbons, dye
● Cancer is a disease process whereby grouped into six major categories: - Food (high fat, low fiber) & food additives
cells proliferate abnormally, ignoring Pathophysiology of Malignant Process (nitrites)
growth-regulating signals in the Genetically mutated cells acquire various - Drugs, hormones
● Carcinoma – epithelial (glandular,
environment surrounding the cells. capabilities involving: - Smoking
1. Proliferative Patterns
● Sarcoma – connective or supportive
● It is not a single disease with a single 2. Characteristics
(bone, adipose, etc...)
cause; it is a group of distinct diseases 3. Invasion and Metastasis ● Myeloma – plasma cells DETECTION AND PREVENTION
with different causes, manifestations, ● Leukemia – hematopoietic cells (WBC, Screening and Diagnostic Testing
treatments, and prognoses. Classification of Neoplasia RBC, lymphocytes)
Uncontrolled growth of Abnormal Cells Warning/danger signs of cancer
● Lymphoma – lymphocytes (lymph nodes)
CANCER NURSING PRACTICE ● Benign ● Mixed Types – combination of other (CAUTION US)
● Overlaps numerous nursing specialties ● Malignant categories
● Covers all age groups and is carried out ● Borderline
Change in bowel/bladder habits
in various settings such as acute care
Classification – Primary Site A sore that does not heal
institutions, outpatient centers, Neoplasia DIFFERENCES
rehabilitation facilities, home, and long- BENIGN (Tumor) The most common sites in which cancer Unusual bleeding/discharge
term care facilities. Differentiation: Well develops include:
Thickening of a lump in breast or elsewhere
● Involves the care of patients from Encapsulation: (+)
prevention to end-of-life care. Metastasis: (-) ● Skin Indigestion/dysphagia
Prognosis: Good ● Lungs Obvious change in a wart or mole
Cancer Nursing Practice - Care Trajectory Treatment Modalities: Surgery ● Female Breasts
Nagging cough/hoarseness
● Prostate
● Colon and Rectum Unexplained anemia
● Cervix and Uterus Sudden weight loss
CANCER DIAGNOSTICS ❖ Gently lift each testicle, each one STAGING OF CANCER Clinical Diagnosis of Cancer
should feel like an egg, firm but not
Classifies the clinical aspects of CA
● Biopsy (most definitive) hard and smooth without lumps
● CT, MRI Stage 0 carcinoma in situ
● Tumor Marker ❖ Using both hands, place middle
fingers underside of each testicle and Stage I tumor limited to the tissue of
EARLY DETECTION OF CANCER thumbs on top and gently roll the origin, localized tissue
testicles (lumps, swelling, or mass) growth
● Mammography
● Pap smear DIAGNOSIS OF CANCER Stage II limited local spread
● Stool for occult blood
● Sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy Grading and Staging of Cancer Stage III extensive local and
● Breast self-examination ➢ Lymphatic (most common) regional spread
● Testicular self-examination ➢ Hematogenous (blood-borne,
● Skin inspection Stage IV metastasis
commonly to liver and lungs)
➢ Direct spread (surrounding organs) MANAGEMENT OF CANCER
Breast self-examination (BSE) Medical and Nursing Care
Uses the T-N-M staging system
- based on the microscopic features of T- tumor
- Done 7-10 days after menses the cells which compose a tumor and Cancer treatment modalities:
- Postmenopausal or S/P Hysterectomy: N- Node
is specific for the tumor type. M- Metastasis
specific day of the month Staging SURGERY
- is based on clinical, radiological and
T category describes the original (primary) tumor
Inspection surgical criteria, such as tumor size, ❖ Prophylactic: For premalignant conditions
❖ In front of the mirror with arms at involvement of regional lymph nodes, or strong familial history of cancer
sides, arms over head and arms at and presence of metastases.
hips (changes in shape, dimpling of - Usually has prognostic value ❖ Curative : Removal of all gross and
skin or any changes in the nipple) microscopic tumors
Palpation: ❖ Control (cytoreductive): "debulking"
❖ While in the shower/bath or lying down Classifies the cellular aspects of CA procedure to decrease cancer cells
with folded towel under the breast Grade I - cells differ slightly from : increase the chance of other
N category describes whether or not the cancer has
being examined normal cells treatment will be successful
reached nearby lymph nodes
- well-differentiated
❖ Use the right hand to examine the left - (mild dysplasia) ❖ Palliative: Improves quality of life during
breast and vice versa survival time
Grade II - cells are more abnormal : Decrease pain; relieves obstruction
❖ Use the pads of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th (airway, GI, or GU)
- moderately
fingers : Relieves pressure (brain & spinal
- (moderate dysplasia) cord)
❖ Use small, circular motions in spiral or : Prevent hemorrhage, remove
in an up-and-down motion to examine infected or ulcerated tumors or drain
Grade III - cells are very abnormal
the entire breast and under the arm abscesses
- poorly differentiated M category determines distant metastases (spread of
(lump, hard knot, or thickened tissue)
- (severe dysplasia) cancer to other parts of the body)
❖ Reconstructive or Rehabilitative:
Testicular self-examination (TSE) Grade IV - cells are immature improves quality of life by restoring
(anaplasia) maximal function and appearance (breast
Same day, every month, right after a warm - undifferentiated reconstruction, S/P mastectomy)
shower (scrotal skin is moist and relaxed)
CHEMOTHERAPY Renal damage: increase uric acid Methods of delivery BRACHYTHERAPY RADIATION
○ Allopurinol as ordered
➢ Kills cancer cells and rapidly producing Neuro disturbance: peripheral neuropathy 1. Internal - utilizes injection / Source: INTERNAL RADIATION (sealed or
cells (skin, hair, BM, reproductive tract, ○ Skin, hand and foot care implantation of radioactive isotopes unsealed)
GIT) Skin: erythema, redness, irritation and proximal to cancer sites for specified
sloughing of tissue
period of time ● For a period of time, the patient emits
Types of chemotherapy drugs: - Assist in bathing the patient radiation and poses a hazard to others
- Force fluids
● Antimetabolites - N₂ mustard - Avoid lotion, talcum powder; may use ➔ Sealed: within a container; don’t
cornstarch or olive oil contaminate with body fluids Unsealed radiation source:
● Plant alkaloids - Vincristine & Vinblastine
➔ Unsealed: e.g Phosphorus 32
● Alkylating agents - Methotrexate ➔ Administered PO, IV, or instillation into
BM depression: same as in chemotherapy 2. External - uses electromagnetic body cavities
● Hormones (DES)/steroids
GIT disturbance: Dysgeusia (foul, salty, rancid, or metallic waves (e.g Cobalt) ➔ It enters the body fluids, eliminated via
● Antineoplastic antibiotics taste sensation persists in the mouth) various excreta (radioactive & harmful
Nursing Interventions for Major Side Effects - decrease taste sensation especially TELETHERAPY / BEAM RADIATION to others especially the 1st 48 hrs)
with internal implant
- Oral care; avoid hot and cold foods Sealed radiation source:
Hair: alopecia Source: EXTERNAL RADIATION

○ Encourage patient to wear wigs, RADIATION ● Patient does not emit radiation and does ➔ Temporary or permanent solid implant
caps not pose a hazard to others within tumor target tissues
○ Hair regrows in 3-6 months after last ❖ Uses ionizing radiation to kill cancer ➔ The patient emits radiation while the
chemotherapy treatment cells and rapidly growing cells, and ➢ Wash area with water and mild soap, implant is in place, but the excreta is not
BM: depression inhibit their growth radioactive
using the hand then a washcloth, rinse
and pat dry with soft towel ➔ Place the patient in a private room with
○ Anemia: CBR, O2 as ordered Types of energy:
private bath
○ Leukemia: reverse isolation, strict 1. Alpha rays: don’t penetrate skin tissue
handwashing, asepsis 2. Beta rays : penetrate skin (internal DON’T REMOVE RADIATION MARKINGS ➔ Place a caution sign on the patient’s
○ Thrombocytopenia: bleeding radiation) FROM THE SKIN door
precaution 3. Gamma rays: penetrate skin deeper, ➔ Organize nursing tasks to minimize
underlying tissues (external radiation) ➢ No powder, ointment, lotion or cream exposure to radiation source
GIT: nausea and vomiting on area unless ordered ➔ Nursing staff assignments should be
● Antiemetics 4-6 hours pre- & post-chemo Factors affecting delivery rotated; a nurse should never care for
as ordered ➢ Wear soft clothing over the area; avoid more than 1 patient with radiation
● NPO temporarily 1. Half-life - time required for the ½ of the constrictive garments implant at a time; avoid assigning a
● Bland diet post-chemo radioisotope to decay pregnant nurse
2. Time - less time, less exposure ➢ Avoid sun & heat exposure
➔ Limit time to 30 minutes per care
❖ Stomatitis: oral care; ice chips or 3. Distance - the farther the source, the provider/shift
popsicles lesser the exposure ➢ Watch for weeping of skin (moist
➔ Wear a dosimeter film badge to measure
❖ Diarrhea: antidiarrheals; monitor VS, I/O,4. Shielding desquamation) & if noted, cleanse the
radiation exposure
watch for DHN - Alpha and beta rays can be blocked by area with warm water & pat dry, apply
➔ Wear a lead shield
● Watch for paralytic ileus (with Vincristine) gloves antibiotic or steroid cream as ordered
➔ Do not allow children <16 y.o. or
- Gamma rays can be blocked by thick, & expose the site to air
pregnant women to visit the patient
Reproductive tract: sterility lead gown and concrete ➔ Limit visitors to 30 minutes /day, at least
6 feet from the patient
○ Encourage sperm banking for
➔ Save bed linens & dressings until the
source is removed then dispose
➔ Other equipment can be removed from
the room at any time

Dislodged sealed radiation source

➔ Do not touch it with bare hands; use

long-handled forceps to place the source
in a lead container kept in the patient’s
room and notify the physician
➔ If unable to locate the radiation source,
ban visitors from entering patient’s room
and notify the physician

Removal of sealed radiation source

➔ Patient is no longer radioactive

➔ Inform the patient that sexual partner
cannot “catch” CA
➔ Patient may resume sexual intercourse
after 7-10 days for cervical or vaginal
➔ Perform povidone-iodine douche as
ordered for cervical implant
➔ Administer fleet enema as ordered
➔ Notify the physician if N/V/D, frequent
urination, vaginal or rectal bleeding,
hematuria, foul-smelling vaginal
discharge, abdominal pain/distention or
fever occurs

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