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In a small town there was a six-year-old boy named Marlos, this was a man who as a child was very

happy, especially at Christmas, but when he turned twelve, he stopped getting excited about Christmas.

Until one night something strange happened to him.


I'm the ghost of Christmas past

and I am here to show you their past Christmas together, what they would have to change and think
about their actions.Marlos said that he agreed and the ghost took it and began to fly what looked was
the same town but changed the streets looked new was It was snowing but Mrlos was not cold and the
ghost took him to his old house it looked like a warm and safe place was full of people and food and in
the center a large tree with many gifts and children opening them the ghost told Marlos that now they
would see I took another memory when he was 12 years old and it made him remember why he hated
Christmas it was because his mother just died at Christmas his father lost his job and his grandparents
had died for no more than a month then the ghost told him here I already I'm done now it's my brothers'
turn and said that he disappeared and suddenly everything changed and he was at his house but it was
daytime and by his side the ghost of Christmas present appeared who told him to show him Christmas It
is from this year so he showed him a vision that Marlos was seen alone and sad in his house the ghost
said that if he did not change soon it would end so he also told him

-I know that you have suffered in the past and that it is normal for you to feel sad but the past is the past
and the present is the present and what happened to the past, well my time is up, there is only one fan
left for Christmas future.

So the ghost after saying that disappeared and the ghost of future Christmas appeared and showed him
a grave with the name of Marlos then the ghost said that he could still change and if he changed his life
would last many more years and Marlos from that night He changed his way of being he began to be a
better person and to be happy again at Christmas.

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