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La Salle

Speaking Part 3

2 Period

Ximena Cabrera Jasso

Ana Paola Merlos García

Group AG2

Teacher’s name: Alma Noemí Rivera


A: Hi Xime, how have you been?
X: I’ve been fine thanks, how about you?
A: I’ve been doing great but now that you ask, have you ever thought about why
students might want to learn certain skills?
X: Actually… no, but that’s such a good question, I have noticed that in my classroom
everybody wants to draw well, I used to think that it was one of the requirements for
Area 1. And it is such a great tool for the people who want to study architecture too.
A: Oh, you’re right! I think it could be helpful for the designers too, but also in your
daily life, even if you don’t study something related to design. Apart from this, I think
that playing sports is another skill people of our age would like to practice a lot even
if they are not good enough.
X: Yeah, I agree. I think that there are a lot of students who like to practice sports,
some of them like to do it like a hobby, while others do it more professional. They
use is a way to travel to other countries so they can have competitions. Most of the
students are focused on getting an academic scholarship so they can study on
expensive universities.

A: Of course, that’s such a great way to get a benefit from something you started
doing as a hobby, but to be honest, I have always been terrible at playing sports ha
ha. I would prefer to learn how to cook, what about you?
X: Well, When I was a kid, I have always wanted to learn how to cook and make my
own dishes. My mom used to make delicious food. My personal favorite was
scrambled eggs with bacon and some fruit on the side. You should try it sometime
ha-ha. Personally, I think making our own food can be helpful when we travel to
places where we don’t know their gastronomy, when we are home alone or when we
are just so bored that we decide to prepare exotic dishes.
A: I will consider your invitation, breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, and those
scrambled eggs sound good. Yet, in college, most of the students live by themselves,
that’s why knowing how to cook is a very helpful skill. It is healthier and it a good way
to save money too.
X: Totally true! But students need some time to clear their minds too. Playing an
instrument could be the perfect solution to that. They distract from school a little bit
and they learn a new skill for their daily life.
A: Of course, and you never know... what if they become the next Freddie Mercury
and you have the chance to say they went to school with you? Can you imagine?
It could help to develop some parts of the brain, and to impress your friends too.
X: It’s a possibility though. Well, personally I love French music, don’t you?
A: Not really, I only like French food to be honest ha,ha. Do you know French?
X: Yes, I’ve been practicing since I was in fourth grade. Speaking a foreign language
can be useful in a student’s life. It is easier to be chosen for academic exchanges.
A: I couldn’t agree more. If you consider yourself as adventurous or friendly, this skill
is perfect for you. Also having more chances to travel or meet new people by knowing
a foreign language. It can also help when you are looking for a job, it gives you huge
advantages over the others who applied for the same job.
X: I like your point of view, I’ve never thought about it to be honest, but I guess we
will take all of these to practice now that we almost start college.
A: Totally, all of this sound important but the most useful one for me could be knowing
a foreign language.
X: I think that too, traveling certainly will give us another perspective of live and more
experience on talking with people without being ashamed of being judged.
A: In real world, this one will be the one that bring us more chances to grow as a
person and a certain advantage over people who haven’t traveled.
X: I hope someday we have the chance to travel together, it could be fun right?
A: Sure, but first let's finish college ha ha.

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