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Rec 21/08 jacig * Design of Relnforced concrete Structure: * Objectives of Design — 1) stability — to aver Sliding or overturning: Nole~ Self weight is the strength agaihet sliding § Overt turning 2) Strength 5 ; vy - ate is acheived by both atabi! atrenah. aii ry 5 5) eee UY — No Deflections , Cracking, vibratons 3* and 1 should be Durable (Corsi od Resictant 4, five Resistant) 4 Economy = 5) Wsthe+tHes kK Most widely Used congtucHon material ja Concrete: Because — \) Tt Can be casted using less Skilled Labour 2) Economic D Tt can be casted into any shape - x 3 Durability 5 Tt 18 considerably good In Compression _Note— concrete ig Considerably Weak in Tension. Tensile Strength = Jo. of compreaciv re ; of Concrete of coma y stp *& AS Concrete is @eak in Tension, 1 jg Strengthened C Reinforced) Wilh Anolhee material having good Tensile stiength, this Prcess is known ag Reinforcement Steel is usually adopted Por Reinforcement The New composte material so formed is Know aS Relrforced concrete » atee| is placed in Tension Zone of the member ce > — tt SSS 5 carHlever becm —— i Sey eitpertd tem FY 4 Fixed Bano fr i KZ — as + 9 A klhy steel only Used as Relnforcement % * Recquse Concrete & Steel have Same Coefficient of Theemal expaneton. (x = taxie® /* ) * Steain Compati bility Csame stain) internal stresses Are absent: Good bonding \9 developed * Why cteel Is used in column 7 Pr steel ig very good In Com pression ag wel}. this TT ae Reduction of e/a area of ‘col will be there K Material of Reinforced concrete Re) — )Water- T1 should be potable CpH +6) Tt ig Used for HydtaHon of Cement @hich produces, cement paste having adhesive property @bi ch inturn holds all the-aggregateg together. 71 Is expressed inderms Cf W/c Ratio: Wie Ratlo reqd or Complete tHlydraction Ig 0.25 Achial provided w/e Rocio ranges Feem to oes in order td vide wWorkabilfy - as Wie Ratio increases, Strength of cone decreases AN lle Ee S000 {Fee | Cohort teem modulus ) Tt depends on grade ef conensher Cres Je) Long term Modulus Soveiiene Of ElastcHy Ece = \ Fc I+o '@= uUlHmate Meep CoeFFictent = ultimate creep sivaip Thstantapoug steain, Note~ ex and Ec are material Properties * Characteristic Load — “ S= oldi deviations jeri chavacterisHes Steength, Fee Fm tka Road 6 K = Nes for Sf proba bilrty Fk = Fm+ bos 3 charadleriche Load is the aa ie ie (eee “Prebabil Hy of not being excoede | [ife Span of -the structre- TE is not a material property . « ENGINEERING, ACA | 7 = més | /! & T+ isthe ooth clay Compress! ve ' Seen gi of cone. below [abe ah | Rod more ‘ihan 4. ef Reouits ' are expected -to-faf], = >sleength This a Macter iol Property Note—characterishe Steength 1S Less “than Mean steength.\ C charac: Load > mean Load) * Mean steength ig a strength for which bel More than TOs of the -lecl Resulls are allowed to fell * Tf charac. strenglb ig defined as the slrepglb below which nol more than Sofe oF desl Results are allowed to falldthen , a) hal 1s He expression ae Tek = ro ) what ia the value of kK’ — K=o k @rade of concrete correspond sto its charac Steen gth: M— mix ho — charac. sttaglh — og day cube Comp steeng-th: ¢ Jso X|Somm cube *) Gaade of Cone proportion Ceasar > | M16 ligi6 MIS |.2"4 Mao whois M a8 1 ee M 3° mix design by Tso262_ " * 7 day strength = 674+ of 28 day ot) lg day airength = 877- of 98 day ct. culinder otrength = O88 x cube comp: ot [somm x 300mm) CReduction in cteength by20q4e due +o Slendernes 9 _) dk Glauctysal Conereke = 0 67 Lek Cat 15 due-fo slendetness, eect § Twpmpee curing ) 2 Flexural steength /Modulua of Rupture (F ex) Tt ig gteess at which inHia) Cracks are cleveloPed, “Te 0Slop fa) Juxe—s cracking ; Comin Fai jure —s Com presston y Ne max Tensile sivas is reached in concrete: Fer = Fete = Oo 7ST TH 18 a material prpeety Pio ow fer 4) Crackin \ ng Moment (Mer) — at he L Bnch 1st crack |9 observed: [Mer = for 2 Geomete}oal property a. Metteriad Property (0-1 y =) split Tensile strength — P oplit tendle steength =_ 2? * ri P ‘ "9 mel -— hs \ - asi] fa » | DL+ LL+WL] }-2 wo | ro = \ O8 oe - " [DerlrteL | be fo bap a phe | ong. | — lorg Fe Ry Lateral Weading * Design of Rc BEAM As Concrete ig very weak in Tension, al! the 4 Lensile Stresses are -taken by steel § rere by concrete j.2 conc. below WA IS Use of concrete below NA ) To hold the Relpfercement 2} To provide Corrosion § fire a wesistance ignored c fe 3) Tt increases flexural stiffness of the s]c D) +t prvide Shear § torsional Res! stance too +# Concrete above Neuteal axis experien Slresses x Types of Section! @ = ) Balanced Section - €e=-lesoo8s 1) Bcth Tensile stealn, steel Values simuHanous) i) Simutonoas. Initiation. ey= O87) place ces Comp Comp: steatn in cone: aeach thelt ofp Maximum of yielding a ii) this secton is also knowe as Caldical section o& Economical Pectin: avnene VU MOM OME S ocd a TS of steel & crushing of conc: -takes | OF 7 iis xu (20th -= RNA ShiFlS Gog at ) Upward ay < Aumax 2) Underelmfirced Section — : b> a fi [re Balared s/c Undereeinfirced s/o i) for undevseintirced jc Ast prwvided ¥ Act (palarad s/ Ne chifts Teeny ive Seva sin : ale) it) Steel Reaches HS max Steain First. Glee] Peaches Its max glyegg -Arct: WWevertually Failure @lIl ocrut When cone Reaches ils maximum strain [stress Cby application of additional Loadin W) jee ons Stee conc are Stressed “to their maximum slresses/ Limrls » ry V) The failute gives Warning ‘Coracking in conc) 3) over Reinforced SecHon — aa Cert mu NI tut K. shifts “downwards BS ORS 1) Astprovided > Ast (Balanced) xu 7 Cumax steain i concrele reaches Hirst ( Stress also) ii) due to which enuching of cone -lLakee place § member collapses ww) ac no fasther Loading 1S applied stee) cannot be Glreased “fo THs Max Umit 1g Glreased fo Its Max” stress ire Only Cone | ax Hence failure is sudden @Mhout giving any warning C Brittle failure ) x ism Assumptions _ ok : leased curve lobw cura} cone —tdesign cur sf ezine) 1 1S EK re 9.0085 ) max: steain In concrete is 0.0085 2) strain ip Steel Po, $ o87-fy + 9099 © £9 eprset 3) steqin vasiation la linear over the clepth- he a Sle before bending Remains plane arfle x end! | 2) Tenaile oirength of Concrete is ignored: fe conc. below NA jig ignored. - Set F OSTA +0000 CUF C+ 6 ‘ CH= O86 Fk. by For equilibrium, cu>Ty acting af 0.49.2 “ Lever Aime d- 0:42, Le *k To deteemine Xumgx | Re Cumax ean, ath tiall es | | 0:00 35 O87FY 4 noose 4 tJ - Es j | cCumax _ ~ 010035 {ee v K a S8Y +5. o0ge — +0: 0055 Dumey. a C depends on qrade of ole! only ) Grade of cteel> Fyaso Feglg Feso @umay /4 oss 048 hed axumax osaq 048d = 3 ) PNA & Xumay }s also Known a9 Limrting pepth > Cmax Depih of NAD xX To determine My! cs ie 036 toffee = 0:87 agen ey = o.a7fy-Ast 0.36 -Tck: b Q. What is the type of Secon, (te 415 M20) t psotung xu = 200mm (given ) q aeqoo, Cymax = 0: 48X 400 tflooe = |gaco mM cu Xumax —> over Reinforced S)c k Analy sig oF singly Relnfotced SecHon | Roth cone § Steel ave Gtregged to thelr Max” ermissible values: i.e crushing of Cone § yielding of tension slee)dakes place. 3 Moment Resisting Capacity of Balanced slo Muk = Cuz = (0:36 fo. b 2u) Cd-0:49 Umax’) = Tez = ©:87 AAS) (4-042 MUipax) 2Cumax epends ep Grade of stee], ) for Feqis , Sumax= 0424 Muy = o36tkb (oged) [d-orga(oag d)] Mur = 0-198 feck bd 2 er Fe500, Muy = 0193 Pei bd . 8 for Fy2S0, Muy = 0'/43 -fir: bd? umax Mur | yield steqin 0: l99feiehd? 0:003| o4adq 013g Fick. bd 0 0039 aed 0: 133 feK. bP | 0 004 * Mux of Balanced s]o ig Also Knowh as Limiting Moment Caraylng Capacty of Slo (Mu him? 2) -for Underaeinforced sle both conc & steel ate stress ice both crughing of Cone & Crot simutanoaaly ) Cuz ed to thelr tnax™ Limits: Ylelding stakes pla ce- = 0 86-ftr-bxu Cd-ogoru ) Tu.2 = O87 Fy. Act Cd-0-4o Xu ) —> steel has yielded tu < Tumax Cu < Cu CRalanced s/o) Tu < Tu Chalanced sic) | Mu < Matin 3) for overreinforced sle : pniy Concrete is Stressed to rls max™ Jim it Ccteel is not yielded at failure ) Muy = 0:86-fck: bu Cd-o: 42700) ive Mur = Ty.2 ig pot Used ag Pol F OR TAY FSi. < 0-87Fy Herve, xu 7 Fumax Cu > CA(Raly Tan > Tu Cpa) Muy > Mu Jimi > Resteict Muy -to Muy lim# +to avold sudden -failure : Mier yon a given fig, determine “type of SJ yclepth PNA a Mur. Ferso, Moo z pee Mur = olge feck b 42 Cumax = oSad = 0-53v500 ' ° = 245m ; 463 ceaepa ary = og 7 hy Ast oO 36 4éke.b ~_0-87X250X1\963 = |q76 mm Tese X2 0X 300 as KU S Lumax— tt is Underreinforced ajc. 8 De pth of N'A = 197-6 mrp Muy = 0.96 Pee-baxru Cd-04o7ud ) = 0.96 X20X300% la7E CSDO- 042X147 6) = | aco NM or Muy = Ta 2 = 0:87: 44 Ast Cd—o-4a 04) ' = 200 kim Gud elev mine Mu fer a beam with b= 200mm, Ar ae0mM Asim $,20%m, MIS, Fe250 Mug oiaetsxeceX C400)” ai-kum Mulim = 72 KN Scamax = 653d = 212 mM Lu = 01 $7 KAS X 12 56.63 = 253107 0.36 x 1Sx 206 ay > Tumax — > ORS o Mur? O36 x 45x 200% 253,07 (Goo 0.40 %253:07) = 80-27-kNem “Murs 72 KN Ms Determine Magnrty de ce er ghee stress block wy — 7000S ns “jor Cy = O67 eK (bx Su) 4 | 7 5 canes F a6 7K20 (bx Sau) . S = ang bev é © acting af (+x S-xu ) fom tp face Q2ohowu eetiog al ($x 4-0) Cus Chee = 956 btu cy ( i, 1 erp Pore) C bX ATU ) : Lew o.grye2o (ox gou) « « ¢ © qe (oon Pox EM Tppace =o / ones , * Cpe & Conga ru der co (0:49 myth te OOTY 1 \(osrat) seh Ot] hy dca Muliry o pP Dor tmembers under nee: Spe * P Wi Cag” earthquake ) neversible altesses: ") peflection 4 4 5 Re ue to chrinkage § spare jess For 4 RI secon than th y S sector that oF” ee RIP section . P é % ——_ 0.45-FeK Age m4 la = (0187-44) Ast ° gree a re r = : o3e ay oes ~ ‘ e ; i, oa am " afer) #(oe— 94ST Asc \ \ ded 7 : sede ee Ase) C= 4") 7 10 Nt Ca’ ment | yt g capactty Fok yi 20) fees pAst- oaoomm — I enslon a as yielded » ynertype of Sle 5 ) on i io 0 7 6 = if acy < Te ender Rif sechon ENGI ahi ad in Mur expression: SA eee a entette Te determine (0-06 Tek. b wa 3 Fse - fst = O36. tac. baw +097 ans— > xu = Osnreoxe 4 ec As qu a £ le, aK ANANSI OF Flangect Section: ae aay Case 1D, VON lie within -plange: = Y yp otek ) Cu= BeAst Ose lore bi Or => | Zhen Cus 6s 7% , = : z= d-0-42 TU > grog Ty = O87 Ast PS Et ied eed for Balancect ale, Mur = Mulimit = Cy. Zan - = o.d6-Tte bp Fumax i ecEGepe sas) Ss Ta- Zmogligmpre? Fu: Ast Cd— 0°42. mar) Poy Undenrelnferced slo ; Goad Mur = Cuz = 0'9¢ Fok. We cu (d-0.4a eu) eS | fy Ast (d ofa) Pe For over x)t ofey SS Mur~ Mulim = 0:36 -Tek: br: Humax Ca- ° Gaxtumar ) { j > 1S a» Nate- aS One below NA be 10 Tension 20" - wy any ©ay ignoved the langed S/e wrth WA ying . > in Flagg Cxcu < DF or Hus a) pehaves 2° a. Reclarquh ddb br section of wi oh lat pf) % cage-2) If NA Jjeo in W f > a) flange under uniform stees (Bocu> oF y = Zi A Cw © 36 fick DCbo xu) acis of anda. cu, POTD TR do . - bio THO'87RY Aste. Ch = © 45-fek YC be bw) DF) acts at DF a fom top Zw = d-o-42xu 2f 4 ete Dt /e Mur = Cz = Coz Cf 2p -Xumax —> BS § ORD wu —> Uke case 3) flange is Under Non-untrm steess: ogame, cw a o87-fy Ast Cw = 036-Fek: bw: Cu . acts at 0428 ~feom-top » Zu= do PIy Caer pee A. : INL - a bs Cre OaateK Chr bw) Sf | acting at Af: a. oe. . oarfyte 9 OP AE Sa NE SNe om, ——am ‘mmue Muy = Cw 20+ Cr 2p, ; 40 [xe = Oo 6S PF + O15 IY x s cu 7 ORG § XUmax— oRs | BS | 2 Deda Actual” 9. Determine Muaflowable CM20,Fe250) > 0:53d = 9:58%¥400 = 2/2 Inn 4 oF |_fssume NA lies in flange Caupr) ' 4 Caan O86-Fcek bf su = 037 -FYy-Ast cu = 0+ Siehy Ast 0:36 Fee. bE oculs 0:8 7%250x 4xh @o)* 0:36 X20x740 = 5! mr a asumpton 'o Giiimect acNeg Df ke NA lies wrthin flange. & gection is behove as a aectangular Section. Cu < Lumax— > Under rf section Muy = 0:36 -fck- bf OCU (d-0-42Xu = O.86X20X74G0XS1 (400-0'42x51) = Joa KN-M to VM VPSOR EC UE Yo OY t. € & w& Ue Ue Ve Ve et Se a SFD (ut\— Wt 4 auld Keonsian! © hed 7 ca\\ed 4 Aypese |S * shear span ~ a4 15 the span In which is cP Constant | & hen Zev cheargforce 1S acting: - - - - * shear span Ratro = _% = shear spar > Tether ey tt is meaguie of sel ative magn) tude of flexu Stress § shear stress k ghear stresg = GW = Vu = ohear Force (VX) bd Resisting a7mea Te = Shear strength of Rc Sechon Th ig due +o Shear veaetance oF uneracked partion * of the Concrete. due to vertical component of . aggregate +e’ Interlocking , due to dowel acHon of Tension Relnforcement - KR Ya Te —> Safe in shear tay 1514 casemate unsafe in shear « . | Te are oblained -fom TS code feam G Cone § sf) Tension RA es Note Le value depends on both grade of conc ‘ Fe RP CPL » ~ co — we weer ererEerLaew ee ae of - cline * A Tension-fai lure: Cracking | B—> Crucbing @ faikne. ) Diagonal compress ion Failue (PLB) = (SE= boo) "TL occurs cohen Ty. a Emax C1. emav> Shear Resi Nace of cone materia) ') * Tengcle pends upon Grade ef Cone only Tos Moo=arg » M25— 9:\6 M30- 3 Mpa “at is sudden by Crushing of cone / brittle Pailure thus not atl excapted § the Section Needs “to be Nedesigned ces ty Incyeasing~ the grade of Concrete . ov ii) by Inerea sing the cla area - ’ occurs in Comte S| a Zone Near the Su pporl 2) Dlagona} Tension Failure ( point-4) — *" T41 occurs if Tension Zone neax-the SUP port * 45° cracks are > oboe aE , Ya Reto = 2:5 +06 * Failure jo by ein, § Can be aesisted by Using hear Reinforcement ~C Tr > Te) 9) flexural Failure ( point-c) — /4 wato > 6 Th occurs jp ‘Tension Zone where shear Rigi o Ys minimum ~ gee cracks Ore fin med. * prevented by Using Longitudinal Tension R/p 4) Flexure shea failure (point- dD) ~ *T1 is -flexure induced shear Crack. * Crack dangle © = 4stto qo° * at 18 observed in -bt4 to “Eth span ftom Suppord- KK Design of sheay Case t) a teats = ote hut bt Ws ors te wis very Sa yHene even Minimam ghear 4ft Ceg ~ glab, lt ha jja’s Footing elo) ; fe ip cheay if wm, < Te 2 Safe 19 cheat oy side provid minimum Cases) if &* bat ato be O a@hean Sit o:4 o-g7 ty cad otra pa_only } th the FIM er Vert! cases) ‘TA —> ¥ psafe in aber ay 8 {eer addrHona)-force Vus hence Pry yde Var Ve Nus = vu -Ve Vasl= Vis Te:bd us 1s the gorce 4o be resisted by cheat RAY inthe fam of — 5 cheat gif is provided in Vertca) stamps Vus = 0-97 Fy Asv:d Sv stamps Vus —-0.g7ty Asv.d Cslnv4Cose’) sv - Cx zangle of shrups witb horizon a) anclined Bentup bers us = 0 g7-Fy-Asv. SInx « | Le 7 LI | J i e SFrnps i 2-leqged a s 3-\eqgod silvups * Aw =oxXiILg 2 2 Ac = aK Eg 2 1 MBerup bars Can hel be used alone. bent up bay »3Bentup bars can be used along with elther vertical , 7) Vertical § inclined atiamips can be Ueged alone. wececunuuunwe www buuvUuUvULUUY k Sv forsd fou VerHca) Stans 1 Sy “ 300 MM _}eminimum of +00? x sf ees Sv pd Inclined SHrmups —— Sy + s00Mr0_ _| Note —Yanclined Stivmpsate move efficient than vevH cal Stamps Tegists only upto Sof of Vug Ov THdlined SHIM ps Que - Determine stivwps Spactng« e300 Given: FealS, M2o Temay = 2-8 Mpa, Te a Asv= 2 legged yert cal stirnips of ace O° Bmm ¥ of Ay250 ‘ Vu > loo kN -90I, T= Nu = 100%108 = 074 Mpa bd 450 300 Y450 yee Tema (2:8) — Safe 1p diagonal corop:-fai)ure 7 Te unsafe in Shear : - bd eo Nag = Yun Te = {00— (0:7%300 X 4504107) = SS KN NI GIR BE Ay Av d Nuss = 0.87 xX a50x(2x-Ex é)x 450 S 5 X [009 Gy = [006 Mp Sv + 075d = o.75*450=5 337mm & sxoommM Sv 4 based on min sheay RP crtteria, Sy ~ Asy. og7fy - Qx Bx 62 )x0.g7¥250 = |02 mm o4Xb OG X 906 - i Prvide Sys loo mm Cmin of above 3) eater Que Vu soe KN i) so \hlooce 3) y= Na = _S0bX109 = 0.97 Mpa bd 300XG 56 Tomax Cos = sve HORS Ww < Ve (0:7) > pry * Sv= loo mm ide min shear R/-f * Caitical Section or Shear !— ay for memberg with Spports under Com pression — Critica) aecHon Nes at distance ‘el’_-feom Pace Of SU pert b) ex members with “support Under Tendo | \ a % Ale Critical slo les ‘ * PERS ot the one’ J cilticalsfe curt = vie Tees of tt 10,9" jcod eae P concerteated witedisle ©) when heavy Load ig acting @thin dist } ‘od! Fom face of suppor +hen critica alc wil) be at dhe face of support _ Q-ubat is caftical sfe -fermomber 4,4 B S - - > Lib SAE ali'stance*)'-om-ace > = ot support Ccounp - 4 i > { 4 -falce of support aa Ry _ 5 , & Nomina) shear stress for Tapered gecton Cvarying depth ) Vunet = Vu + Muy tao fF w here , Ss ot act crt cal ale xesp Vu 4 Mu are sf 4 mome B- angle of Taper ing: Nig = Sunet Gde= de pth at erttical 3]e.) Bide 1g used when in aglved dir? bet BM S4- wk + sign increageg-08 ‘d’ decreases & viceverSa - ‘—' sign Is used when In a given dir? betb BM 4d’ increages - — ia = v - —f | — -_s aM 4 TBM - ay Uae Sup aml dl —_ (- i | TersTon (Twisting moment ) x Types of Torsion — > Paimary Tor slop — algo Known A -torsion ag is developed +o mai equilibrium wilh eterna Load » €qg- beams supporting Learleral overhang!ng Projections CTeolated [- beam) 3 equiliba! um plato Gletic 3 ee ~ ate vi “l i se Ta: lL beam Beams curved |n plan C Gravity loading ) ot muad be considered In design ©) secondary ‘Torsion Compatibilrty Torsion) — AL is iptyoduced in a member as a gecondayy effect: Ceg- by wtations Applied at one or More points along length of membee ‘the’ Secondary beams F 4 * primary — AE) DH Csimple ‘ ea _ yy eH CComnucw’) Secondary — BF, cq A 8 Cc D : a) 7 va, * Bending moment of © Os ‘o' ein eer Second ary beam produces Sec beam Twisting mome lon primary beam at the connections * Torsional Resistance is offered by Tel sti 9g / dporsiobal stiprness of primary beam § flexura) stiffness of secondary beam. « ao! Torsion Can be oliminated by me leaclng Redundan Rresteaints / - as analysis involves corppati bil Fry 0g? Cstatical Incletee mince membet) it 1S Called Compattbtly TQ, syory: + If His possible to elimincde this -orsion, bo 8 pect design 1g aeqi) * Skew Bending The § Space Truss Ahbalogy a7® Used ‘to determine “forsiona} strength af the membee & Desigh For Torsion : ; fi beam experiencin Torsion shall be design fox epfective ghear fice (Ve) § effective moment Me) eppective | equivalent gheas force Ve = xk Ve= vVutl Stu (KN) Wes aie - bd if ve < Tomax, section iS safe \P I Wet Tomax ) \4 Tye < 5 Te , Ignore the diagon a| Comp: secton is unsafe In diagonal comp. and needs +o be aedlesigned « Torsion effect je Tu =o hence cheav a/- ngt aequited « tf Te = ONS Tc sf TveS Te —2 Sate \gnove torsion offee je TU=O and min shear is vet: Kev = 04 b- SV 087 fy if We > Te , Torstop shal! be considered ,i eTuF 0 Vas Sv Tu. Sv oe ea | ores) ae oer Fy bi Al Ave £ yer Lo. b. Sv Ofer Fy, b) 4) ate cle distance bet? Corner longitudinal bar along wich § depth resp, 2 ue 4) Are short = of the recfe utatigeea sages: Mole only vou col erfivnu ps hall be © SVN eX » xt) Useot -Pyy beam experiencing ' Torsion: $ 300 xX Equivalent moment - Me, = Mut My My = uy. D° rer Lit b ) te Mp7 M4, provid compression &/-f Meo = Mt~ Mu Provide Tension &/- Por Me} <=" oa. Mbes\oD Bond in @ Reinforced MNne Refers “to bet Steel bar Saamundi ng cConmete: ng of Rein for iO7 if the bond 1s Inadequattm ci bar fakes place deslmylog lho compo sile action: Bond in Re } Chemical Adhesion feictonal Resistance due-to Surface apughness 2. of velmfor cing bae Mechanical interface fre due do SUrftico pr+suslon = K Design for BOND member ja due -to ~ of deftxmed bar x There are two types of Bond - i) Flexural BOnd — TH is observed in flexural members where there 19 varjation in bending. moment Os Where there is shear -foyce M = Mure Fe tr”~«SS ax M4 an= G44T)2 “Muy ye AM= atz @) LURUNUNUNUR SUUNUNUN sR Sit sU NY NE NLL Me SORE HCNE NE DERE OU GUN Ia ame Flexural bond stress = Note- (#0) ae is = Mido oa 1 (20 perimeter x no of = v Fo. bars ) 20.2 ) for Spans wHh constant moment ( IM/dx =o) there will be bo -flexuras bond stresg provid ed that the Slo IS UNeTacked 2) flexural bond Stress iia maximum oct Locations wheare Shear force |3 max” 3) Flexura) bond stregg -Can be minlmized by prviding lange no: of smallee dia bar CbYy \ncre asing =o) ees ay Also Known as Development Bond. as this bond develops max™ -+ensile / \ a compress! ve stress carrying capacity at canttet OF itical Slo H jc mefered a9 Development one As bone: ancherage 15 weg te develop Full bond strength iH Is Knowh as Anchorage bond. Lun Bond attength= P “p = max bond of [+ vp = SsbA a eae fer =og7ty: Ast P= Thd XT HL Ted TPL! ~ Tee lq - Seg 4Tbd A pevelopment Ld = © 87S a 4 Td are based oD Value given In 78 code egare base Jrvade of cone: only tha valu 6M plane mild steel bar under_tensio? ” ¢ on Is applied increase Ted by je upto 25 Thd- nysp bar incterse ted by sorfe i? upto 6 Thd for Hyep in compression increase ie Increased upto 2007 (2. Ved ae the Tod_by loot 125 Td 4-6e 17° td) - | Anchorage value Tq Reqt =’ 4 aoe id | ff | 4 Thd | [3- | ap La-4¢ Et 4» Laas | |eae os La- lag | igs oar gd = O87Xa50x% 4 Ub ZX Po ‘ - aeaap 45°3) of ; | ! \ ! ' ti)-for qo" bend compression Ldaqd = ld~ 49 = oa7x250b~ go eh clasials 4 XPQXIT —— Coney tte Development length aeq4 -foy Bundled Bars + 2 bos bundle — Ldvreqd for each bar shal] be -Laken as bild & bar bundle — Layeqd = [ald 4 bar bundle — Lqregd = 13 Ld xk ra code spectfications for Stitrups — ‘di ial e, ms only 35° pment Length — + check For Develo 2 mtinucus /-Arved La jae — co > simply supported + La -_Ml + ble a fee = | $ J whichever is qreaice - 4d ce bel” anchorag © 8 zero Bending DLe = distan moment pole or Anchorage Length beyond ze moment Locetol Por 898) Ccentee of support > pee Ipttecbi Tension prrvide a ice Lap length / splice +9 fq vee Length K 30f + for Bending Ten gie?, splice + Ld \ heart c af) . por compress ion, splice + dq 9 i. atin ele St fon d> 36mm, welding lo adopled: K TS code specifications on Longttud nal Reliy) force mer D min distance bet? longitudinal bass — previ de to —Nsuve that conc I¢ S areund +he bars: Smin * MSA + Jaced het? smn Smin * max. bar dia 2) maximum 5 acing of Smax — (300 mm 4 - 34 longitudinal bar min of two 8) mini mun vertical Spacing of , Longitudinal bay’ Smin % Snr = ; shi cheves +4 Max bar aia a max <£ |5™ mM Wy eI Simin Doo) Lo 0 ° Qur— what 18 mins Vertical apacing Fox 1 mm p feng eet! bar wh Is msa~ Smin & 15 X¥2 = Cmax™ size agg) jomm 3 Smin ¢ max bay dia=lam~m x 1S mm “Smin = |S orm 4) Minimum Area of Longitudinal Reinforcement Astmin = O85 us PE that,” ABtanlD x Joo bd Fy a Peigin = yj PSP bs “Fy Fe 500 ak ee ee { ‘ ' 6) Mavimum Longtiadinat Rel lorenent Ast max 6.04 bD for ORS, Ast max oogs bp CtT40) Kt as code specificelions fo, load palteen Nc -to oblain May™ sagging a) ut pep PT ©) -Fe obtain max™ Hogglng By Cred , 7" a pope (ag 8) To oblain minimum saqging 8M gerry ET al ce toad is Jea9 than 9h, of design » dead toad (tix 2p), 39 code permits ' Vgnore 2° ie “r Aipresent Live Load pectteens S on all-lhe spans: » and cole ay ne uate pee y Dans 3p WNote-a-f Design tiv All at . * DLs Lint pt emt dU lyeo tet mitt 1 = Cawotl) ys ‘6. Max sagq!Ng Gve) BM will be a| the mid of endepan M4umax = a Wu: ot h Wy LL J ° EDA L + Max Hogging Eve) BM will be at Tbe Support next to end support 2 Mumax = ag Nas bis® a La * Shea 1 force coetficienls 6D! OSSD PAD. foer toe sp a to psd p- Guna CRD ; te els Ae , was Fest t= (wu tt)’ arHal! ctterior tT iG. Parettall supp Partially Yr resita)ned| lnsteained KMay oF occurs at Suppert next te end support © exper ss kk Desig Va = (Wu DL + Wall tor 6 pn _of Column: Umit Pace state of Compression colM is a slender Compression mem ber Max: slenderness Ratio \may = Leth = Slenderness RatHo = it Joep = affective ze BM points CL= L k Q 7 = Lateral ength = cs dimension. Aen TmiIn b K+ L = distance bet® Unaupported length’) = dist bei" Plooy & Shallowce beam = Racha depending on Support And Hon . ico meteicad short colM Xmax = dmax 212 —2 long /slende colli B) Based on type of R/P Used » = coon ty 7 hi ofuctar) \ steel me / ac 1) Hed Col 2) pple) con? 3) composite. co e I compacthess 1S More. So strengihis p thatot Hed col™ Im spiral co Inceeased by 5 4+ tha Pu spiral = Vos Pwd coi) c) Based on Type of Loading 5) axially Loaded com b ene S 0: H 4 | ay ey =o \ + Mx =o Ab My =o ay Uni ax! ally Loaded col® Bp “_ he efo i - f ME pre AL = L re op Moc = +. <3 My = ex Nete—=rs code Spectfrea every col” -to be designed with minimudm eccentelcHy (Cmind IA is due +o- i) Missalignment 2) duo +o Cuteral Loadg pet considered in design 3) underesHmeled slendetness of fect : * Por Rectangular gecHon + min (py = a ao 20mrp 2 min Fat + b (B) an 1s F 20MM C¥L = unsupported length 9 * -fer circular CNop Rectangular s)e) emin - Lett 20mm 300 emir er enin.p caecrwen eee a |e te ee ot aw Design of axially doaded: short VE wy” Emin oO) ~ Oo CdD AND. To check se3d — Aviality emin(b) < eoslb) K Ssc = 0.87TFy MS = o74Fy = Feqio 0.79 fy—> Fe 30 en) ~_ | ~s oy P= Gas tek: boo 9st Ase Dt ORT YASS > Pe oagfee bD + (ox7 ty- 245 Fer 2 Pu = o4fek bd + @ 67 fy-o14-Fek JAse Loaded [Ps AK. Note — Max. compressive strain Per_gxially - [~ coIM jg 010090 P™* #-for axially Loaded shor} col Pu will be , [» Pu- Los [ o4felx: b+ Co67 yao: 4feK) Ase J f~ Py kK Pealgn of Volaxtall Loaded short col: PS emin > > O05D OR emingb) > 0055 zone emo °F | cl ef esorcus , | enaxno cess EminX OT) Noa NA lies outside of sic . ° efo, e 05D | AND Emin) > 0:05b j (Muse a Mu ys | : : \ Moc} 7 Muy} 3 + Mux; Moy) -> applied factored woment Magy, M¥gy—> Untaxial momert capacttes Wr Major § minor axlg wesp: Xp = Pa Cc" Pu = factored Comp Force Pug Puz = Load Capacity = 01954 bD-+ 09 TOISR-o4aFek TAsc) Que - column clo oGox%sco bas unsupported fength of |1om with Fixed supports what is the design crMeria fey column a) Short column LB) Long column c) Pedestal 4d) None — > dmax = Act b = O.65L b Bape OXI ox [ee 250 Xmaxr = O¢ AS Amex >(2,H is long column Que - what should be the design criteria for given colM gfe with ursupported Jength 3m 4 Fi xed-Hinged Support: a) Short Column b) Long ‘column LY unraxially loaded shert om ef) Bioviallgtoaded eek co — dmaxt tere = oeb b b = O- ax axle aso & qe < | => short Col +P f20mm ‘ iL, eminn = we tao = S000 4 Sv = 02°67 S00 | 306 eminp = 22-67 = 20MM also § emink = sho + -& = 9000 4 250 =14:33 Mm emin(p) < oo8Dd 22.67MM — (Q.oGXSVO =2 50MM) Emin(b) SF 056 20mm (oosxese =la5mm) Hence UNiaxially Loaded short col® — Determine ultimate Load Carrying Capacity of Col® with -followlng details , Meo ii) Re Short col with Square c/s (300x300) il) 4,206 longrtudtna bars of Fe 4/5 1) under +the acHon of cone. qxlal comp: Load . Y? ignore the veducHon of area ef Cone due to steel bais — > Pu = 0.4 fe bD + 067 Fy. Ase = O:gX 20% 960X906 +t Oo7KAIS X (4X FxI6 ) = |oeq KN Que- fot a circular spiral col® of dia Soo mp with Pt = lee determine Pu for M20 grade of conc § ty4l5 — Pl = “cae i 2 Asc ¥ joo Ie) -Bxa00* s Asc = 706 mi pa =< bs C04 Few: Agt erty -o4 feck Ase BRS [O4x 20x tx 300) + 167% 41 5)— (04x20) 706 7 Pu = wena Hl ' Ga for RC col with 4oomm squave chs- what ] ) is the maximum uniaxlal eccentelctty foe which factored Load @go KN Can he APplied Serfely . be tee _ Pu = _8 40x 107 Fee. bd 20X40 XqGvo au = oo Mw 4 Rae “Mus pre Pee bpP #ck. bp> Ci Mus prep og = Pp @ : Fek.bp> pe = 0:9 fee: b D> = 0:3X%20 x 4o0XgGoo— 640 X|03 = Goo mam Cmax e ceemt)lcty Balanced °) K XS code s specifications on Rel rfirce ment » vengitud in Ina! Reinforcement To ensure nominal Flexural Resistance under enforce, 19 encenteicity 1D pr feyscene Leading AMID area (Accmin) = 018 fe DD =ocg bD - To prevent yielding of bay due to Creep pimewe effect _# Max prea (Asemaxy= © 7/> bD . 44 ai. Recommended ) Asc max = 104 bp To avold congestion oF Rejnfor cement Note— minimum Aeea (A scmin) for pedestal = oO |S bD & Min bar diametes = 2mm *& min no. ef bays =4 Rectangular /squave = polugen With ND’ Csners a -& Citculay go mm whi cheves & clear cover(min) to R/f bar dig 's Max "ou 2) Tian naverse Relnfoscement « tie diamete: (be) Fteg ines en . tie spacing (st) < b S le Asong Corin XE 300 Mm + for spiral /Helical RIP plich G&) ~< 7501 < Also st x FooTTNG Sai) = PU__ iL must be lessthan Safe Beating Asotl Capacity of soil (sac) Hence Area of feoting needs to be increased Foundation ~~ Reap “> Shall ote (Footing) R Types of Footing - ) arsclated Footing Flat Footing _ ae) stepped Footing Foe ting 2) Combined Footing — JERS adopted @hen feasting of two adjacent columos overlapped (1solated “Goa * rt is also used When there is property line Con Ste aint - eo « 2p combined poting @Dhene three Oo ol Or Mose columns are aligned in a one line His Known as ' eT Steip Foeting » | fay ER a KCADE “FY eprgerty line SHIP Peoting 3) ) Raft ips ‘Mat footing - Tis provided When soil is very Asa in SBC 4 Soadg ane very Lage. 16 1S” algo provided when there L ——_1 1S Chance of differential setiemend eq Black cotton sei) ) a a ae eee ee ae eee feel) Je, Pike « o = _fu ‘Te = Ba. (kay? ) =p tI *h add Hi - tu ITF Corb a itien for DL of Footing) af ee Aw aS ag & | \ is a ey 1) es a * \ Lo “fe yoaarvan NGINEERING | pl 7 be by | Po ‘Amex * E+ pe e=-0 Pp ok Mcpe ) a fo EB 3 = > es. ; cae ee: 3 le—conc 1) > — | 4c aa" depeior S c ohieh G fic oe =_M e>t AA Timex PM b= =z ec Se eee p= pe Nere =(sxU)< (ex) ve “Amar =F + She BL 8P 1 ce Troy = ote saz oer | tu |? 2 a 5S ‘o< '. c LF « ¢ © © © « Note —+Thus column Should be placed within Middle ard porto of Beting Ci e ork ) + The Load at any point ina gfeuctural mem b ee -Lran sters through Bearing Ccemp-Loacl) py # load Transfer at Column Base- ~ Thr s 0:45 fek * Cp CL, max bearing Strength ~ fox. far ae ap | (fhxdmax Waa. aaa = A _ * fbtypox = 9-4 foel= 2469 & if at the colm base, bearing efresses ( (42) is less than Tht max Pce fecting Can be Adopted T+ iS also known as Pedestal kK Design of pedestal / pce Footin tan ¥ 7 09 [estan Tmax + | = ck SAU, UWL, 5 ~ ae a Ue op 7 [ora [iontimae #1 | CP) Design of RC footing '— j i Oreo oe ‘ical s|c ic taken at the Desig nngror =face of Support Mu = forcey dictance ra = oX ACO EF GH) xg I we! seneig Cab oy: ils@k) ] eb WULULUYTUCUtC OG UIA )Desig n-foe one-way Sheas/ beam shear — Support 1s unde com pression ) Critical s]c for one way sheat is ct distance ‘d’ Rom Lace of column CColM ig in Compress! on) SFr Vu- qox A (EFOH) = qox(tb-4)8 a Ve . Bxde wwually Tw < 5. Te hence no need of ever min Shear R/P u Design ov Two Way shear/ punching ° shear section ig La! rom” Face of Support urtcal Wy ivectt¢ in both the © ya ie We | f= 4o[ 6xt)— Codd x (b+ 49] vu Re ae {foe | - Terie ors mtv + ‘Temax de Tw. Kk Te RES ols FRE SHY Pe = short side Leng side K Te = 098) FoR SUAS kK Design of slab—- ) _One w lab i— . Load 1aahefee is in one direction only (long short side ) aot > 2 wrth Supports on all edges as Zp: wee ML fe Ee RY R EE Ds ek LTE Main R/T 1s prided along Short ee 3 iL y ca ee Side. (4eansfer of Load) ot A Th this case “4 <2 but supports i} 3m ave only in one direction hence i+ 7 ig algo One way slab a ol coay Slab iS designed as abear of ottip width ©qual +o (oco mm (1m) 2) Two Way glab — Load transfee is'9 both -the dive chong Ce and beams onal edges malin RIF ate provided in beth , Flelsd ey ry the directions: het *) bt SR oe LED L LWUULUL DL — ra fl Me on Shortee.s pan t = Ware Cexdax a?) Me hee te P= wide dy 4 YUYNUEBDOWEULYE Lint Lets A* Design cf one Way Slab: TS Code Spectficationg — ) to avoid cracking § to improve bond rt }s bette “to provide Several smal) dia bar than Feuer barge dia bar. thug Ts code limHs mar bar dia ip slab = -b x total thickness of slab * Min: Qrea of main RIF, Ast min = ola bd —> for Hysp = ols} bD => For oms Tw mins Qrea of dist bution RAP Astmin = ola+h bd — Hysip = of5+.40 — Ms Spacing of main RLF gb 3q which evet Fr 309MM S Fs min- Spacing of dict RIF) Spb sd - 45°mmM & Design of Two May Slab: 4) for simply supported slah Csupported ob Dal). > corners are bot Restrained. E ae + Rankine~CrasheFf Theory is Used For Analysic . A Mug = oe: Our ty > aeng shorter side (main’r/) May = 4 cu 44° —> along lenge Slde Crain re) B® for slab With Corners Restrained. Reve 1S No yvertCal teanslati on ctt +he edges accordingly ‘g’ diferent Configut ct ong of qestqined slab art possible - e € ¢€ € ¢€ € e € ¢ © e 3 € - - €. re e ¢ € & £ © Hy ee lll A ne dk ee ee oe trnnenn ~ eevee Ce UU es eo ; te jae a) 4 "i k { © fs | ie “ Apa J = | Ware awe os . fee feok fe} | 4 R Sig 7 a Sa , Leetle aS | a ‘ ss Marcu's corrections: (corners Restrained) a | | fot | | J] a oot = q+ Po. KoA te . No ve Tet] TT Be 44/g By = O75hy Easy = dJosty middle stetp Sage steip + Marcu's comrections are plied fo Rankine-grachofr Theory: / . | » slab is divided into edge stelp of width 24 8.90 Ch Ger fa § 0125 24) where “Pope is Provided Perpendicular +o ste + bottors StHip Cmiddie) of width “ex 8 J Ay, ahert bottom R/f 1S provided. Kk Mut = At wy. — > middle Sleip along shorf edge (Ast) Muy~ = aq Wu Dy — Hosging momett ib edge tips 44 /s + Comers Qre Provided] wth Torsional R/_ A Ba ieg Bye A) HY point = Corner worth both edges d\scontinu ous Ast = 075 Astat 8 point —s Comer with one edge di scontinucus Ast = oa75 Asta “C'polnt —> Comet with both edges Cont ny ou * no tyssiona) R/-f IS teqt K+ Thickness of slab haacd on Deflection Crtter/@ - AX < 35 —9ss8 7 Ms 4x = qo — Continuo B Slab Aa Y2e — ss HySD Sa 32 Cort a2 yee nuot > Slab ke = STATRCASE — O%, ct ‘ca H parang *qoitg Landy ak Types Based on Geomeiey LIME TI | : ) ateaight siaicate 2) quarter tum stancae * may no of Steps |p one going ave Io T DRAKE AND ECNNVIPADVIIV ESD VRP Oe wee Aim me! a! GubbLLULULLILN Wisb dd bucuc buy | =) 3) pog- Legged a s) spiral ka Stuctuval classi-ficct! 4) Open wel} Staitcage [Til] IT 6) Helicoidal one On of Staircase 1) Tranversely Loaded staincage — 4) support ed by Stringer beam @wau) = s = dyad act, ,_ a, Latha pets serif o - cai 8 PEE 1) auppovied by Spandrel Beam —<)suppovied by Spirebergy, beam _ [CA i ae ae may Aid, al Ds FIT 50 9 f 85 (min) aay 7 cyanesl id sping, pean Hat is subjecedto Torsional Moments 2) Statyease ing arc t a * _Loada — ic Load— waist slob SW) cy cpje-a6 ku/m! a el = 25D kif Coal Goag top of) Live Load —>.9 N/m Resi dental S KN/m —> Commercial aa soya) | ZZ a [toad = we ° fie i TF Le C / L ” i { Geavity load in_plao {_ mi 2 wh= ob [a load=«/t! VI t rd q kk 2! = wR ATs Further, pl of waist slab in-st plan ye AK O' = (2 3D) )R = a) ey Tr We aS GLEE HPTTNGT PPE ST CHOTA CON DDDD END nn RETAINING WALL oY Retained soil applies action of HS weight onthe Retaining wall as Lateral / Horizontal earth pressure which inturn 4ties to slide or overturn the Rw ) Qravity Retaining wal) Stability is Achelved by vie a Usually buildin stone masonat ‘occasionally tp plane Concrete: Plan conc. gravity Walls are Dot used for heights greater than 3M CUneconomical) 2) Cantllever Retaining wall ! + Economica) Upto Height of 8m eM § Tt consist of Stem slab, Heel Slab § jab Tee slab al) thsee Component behave as Ap ono way Cantilever slab . stability is acheived by a@t of earth oh Hee) Slab4 Self ot oF Ste ucture - tue ofits own @elght 3) Counteefort Relalning wall — ill * ceconom)c for Height Fo + counterforls are transverse Support mY Placed at vequiay inetval of LHtodSH + Trter connecting Stem Slab to Hee} slab —)" Coumer-fort behaves As & Vertical CanHleves beam of T Sect on of ' Vavying depth ' + Spacing bet? courterfort 's zh totH ss Wall — 4) Botte » Bulfresses are transverse Sudpo a Ppo rt ae Jorolng y connecting Ste m1 Slab +o on Toe Slab * BaHlress is slructuraly more fF clent |] than countefort: but Countertorts are tad pe sh) prefered. asit Provide eee _USgbe Space ® Loads on Rw aw $ | tept coo-ftef Lateral earth prescuge & Active earth Pt(kq) passive earth py {kp) Sal MOveg away fo SE. | chee cards Wall Pa ¢ Ka ~esing are kg =ttsing 10, Tang Kp> ka, Note — Active earth pre scurre (Pa) ig considered For design of Retaining wal) stability Requirements — ) for overtirning @ toe Fos (= Resisting Moment X oF Overtuy ning Moment = og woe) Bh4 (A Pax 5) 4) fos Sliding Fog = Resisting force Mog sliding force a (i dh= Coerf of = avo ely static fer ction Pa beth soit & Cane = %45— silt ; = 06> —> Rrugh weck ) Se VPN O VRAD AON SOM? oe ee ee ee ee ee TOFD eG S. 2 f Hed DEP OEE |

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