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[Does Zagyg retain the surname of Yragerne in the CZ books?]

No. [EGG]

[Is Zagyg's history as well-known on Erde/TRoB as it is on Greyhawk or will he be a more reclusive historical
figure? I was wondering if he was mayor of Yggsburgh at one point a la Greyhawk.]

No. That is qualified � by possible development. [EGG]


[ Will the key for CASTLE ZAGYG include where to place DUNGEONLAND, LAND BEYOND THE MAGIC

Not on your life!

Those are the copyrighted property of Wizards of the Coast. If a GM wishes to have a transporter located
somewhere in the dungeon levels of Castle Zagygthat takes PCs to such adventure modules, that will be up
to him. [EGG]

An other-world locale could be devised for a dungeon transporter, although they are usual for cursed scrolls
only. Perhaps a strange red-soiled planet with about half the gravity of the normal world for PCs. There
miight indeed be six-limded humanoids and beasts roaming about there... but then again, the GM can
always create such places for his own campaign, just as my lads used to get sent off to a place a lot like the
Carabas of the planet Tchai where aliens hunted humans therein who in turn were seeking valuable sequin-
like deposits contained in rock geodes. [EGG]

I have never been in communication with Carl Sargeant, so i can supply no information. [EGG]

Encounters with dragons were not common, quite rare, all things considered. Mordenkainen encountered
several over his years of adventuring, subdued two red ones, the very old Gorki and the young Porki (thank
you for naming them Rob...)

During a wilderness excursion Robilar met one hiding in a cave, the beast being served by a human flunky
that brought in heroic victims to feed it. It was sleeping, but as Robilar entered the cave, the flunky shouted
a warning, but luckily for Our Hero, his reactions were much quicker than the awakened dragon, so both it
and its treacherous servant were slain.

On the other hand I has a small one that had a couple of spells that sent Melf packing, glad to escape with
his life

I posted a pair of dragons on a dungeon level, and those were loosed by the main adventurers in the
dungeons--Tenser, Robilar, Terik, and some associated PCs who I can't recall. [EGG]

Yes, the shadow dragon was encountered--nasty meeting that the details of which I but vaguely remember.
The cloud and mist versions of dracos were in an area of wilderness adventure that I had laid out for PCs to
get transported to, but that never happened. As nearly as I can remember, there was only one random
encounter with a cloud dragon in my campaign. [EGG]

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