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Yarn used

Katia peru
Chunky Cabled Capelet 5 100g balls in shade 018

Approx amount used


8mm straight
6.5mm circular

1 marker
Cable needle
Tapestry needle

3.5sts-5 rows-1 inch
6.5mm needle-stocking

Finished measurements
after a gentle block
Circumference around
bottom edge-120cms
Circumference around top

RS:Right side
PM:Place marker
C6B: Cable six stitches
back. Slip next 3sts onto
cable needle, hold at back.
For a printer Knit next 3sts, knit sts from
friendly version. cable needle.
Select to print C6F:Cable six stitches
pages 2 and 3 in forward. Slip next 3sts onto
cable needle, hold at front.
printer set up.
Knit next 3sts, knit sts from
cable needle.
P2TOG:Purl two stitches

Using 8mm needle(s) cast on loosely, 58sts.

Pattern for main body

Rows 1 & 5:(RS) sl1, knit to end

Rows 2,4 & 6: k3, purl to end

Row 3: sl1, (C6B) nine times, k3

Row 7: sl1, k3, (C6F) eight times, k6

Row 8: k3, purl to end

Note: The three garter sts will be the bottom edge of your capelet.

Repeat rows 1-8 for a total of 176 rows ending row 8.

With RS’s facing each other, sew the two ends together.

Pattern for Top

Using 6.5mm circular needle, with RS facing. around top edge of

work, (a stitch in each selvedge loop) pick up 8sts, M1, pick up
40sts, M1, pick up 40sts. (90sts) PM for beginning of round.

Rnd 1: knit

Rnd 2: Knit

Rnd 3: knit

Rnd 4: Purl
Repeat Rnds 1-4 twice more

Rnds 13-15: knit

Rnd 16: *p7, p2tog; repeat from * to end (80sts)

Rnds 17-19: knit

Rnd 20: *p6, p2tog; repeat from * to end (70sts)

Rnds 21-23: knit

Rnd 24: *p5, p2tog; repeat from * to end (60sts)

Cast off loosely weave in all ends and block gently.

© Copyright 2014. Brian Smith. All rights reserved. For personal use only

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