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Bella Burkel

COMM 200
Profile Writing Assignment

Champion from All Angles

Amid the streets of Greenbush, Minnesota, the inspiring tale of eight-year-old Hennessy

stands as a living testament to unwavering resilience and indomitable determination, as

community members state. Her life journey, marred by the complexities of Chiari malformation,

long QT syndrome, and associated health challenges, paints a portrait of the fortitude and

unyielding perseverance many associate with Hennessy.

Frequent trips to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota have etched a constant

presence in Hennessy's life, each visit a testament to her daily struggle against health adversities.

Yet, amidst these battles, she stands as a stalwart advocate within the Jr. Champions Club at the

University of North Dakota. Her commitment transcends mere participation; it's an embodiment

of strength and empathy, extending unwavering support to children and families navigating

similar medical hurdles, her mother states. "The hospital visits can be tough, but Jr. Champions

makes it better. I get to help others and show them they're not alone," Hennessy says with a

determined voice, her spirit unwavering.

Her participation extends beyond the Jr. Champions club, encompassing her fervor for

various sports. Basketball, softball, and figure skating serve as avenues to display her tenacity

and spirit. "Playing sports makes me feel strong and happy. I won't let my condition stop me

from doing what I love," she affirms, her determination resonating in each word.

However, her journey delves further into diverse activities like 4H, Bio Girls, and

equestrian engagements, each a testament to her unyielding spirit and unwavering enthusiasm for
life's myriad experiences, as many stated. Through each pursuit, she reaffirms that her medical

conditions do not diminish her passion for life. In the depth of her struggles, Hennessy finds

profound inspiration in her five siblings. "My brothers and sisters cheer me on. I want to show

them that I'm strong, and nothing will stop me," she shares with a radiant smile. Their

unwavering support and belief in her abilities serve as a guiding light in her journey.

Hennessy’s aspirations for the future gleam brightly. Inspired by her eldest sister's

academic journey at the University of North Dakota, Hennessy dreams of pursuing higher

education at the same institution. "I want to follow in my sister's footsteps. She's so smart, and I

want to go there too, it is so cool and looks so nice," she shares with a spark of determination and

hope in her eyes.

Delving deeper into Hennessy's remarkable story, a conversation with Stacy Reese, her

mentor in Bio Girls, unveiled insightful perspectives. Stacy Reese's vivid depiction of Hennessy

illuminates a vibrant and uplifting presence that significantly influences the community. "Her

effervescent spirit and tenacity radiate wherever she goes, uplifting those around her. She

transforms spaces with her infectious enthusiasm and unyielding dedication," Stacy adds. Reese's

words emphasize how Hennessy's influence extends far beyond her individual achievements,

profoundly impacting the environment around her.

Moreover, in our in-depth conversation, Stacy Reese expresses how Hennessy's presence

in Bio Girls symbolizes an unwavering spirit that resonates deeply within the organization.

"Within Bio Girls, Hennessy is a cornerstone. Her unwavering determination and a positive

outlook on life uplift the spirits of everyone around her. She exudes resilience and becomes a

guiding light for the girls in our program," Reese shares, illustrating the powerful influence

Hennessy exerts in fostering a sense of hope and determination among her peers.
Hennessy’s spirit and unwavering determination resonate far beyond her medical battles,

illuminating the path of courage within the University of North Dakota community, a Jr. Club

assistant stated. Hennessy’s mother further provided insight into Hennessy’s passion for Jr. Club,

“Hennessy's involvement with the Jr. Champions club at the University of North Dakota

illustrates her commitment to supporting children and families navigating similar medical

hurdles. Her passionate engagement in advocating for the cause reflects her empathy and

strength, fostering a sense of unity and hope within the university community. Her contributions

go beyond the club, reflecting her resilience and unyielding determination in her various sports

and extracurricular activities.”

Additionally, Hennessy's unwavering support for the UND football team and her close

relationship with a member of the team underscores her enthusiasm for the university's

community. Regular attendance at games and her strong connection not only portray her love for

sports but also showcase her involvement and spirit within the university's social fabric, a UND

Football player stated.

Hennessy's journey is riddled with obstacles due to her health conditions. Despite these

challenges, she continuously demonstrates resilience and determination, offering a shining

example of overcoming hurdles with unwavering positivity.

Specific moments in her life display her unwavering spirit, perseverance, and ability to

surpass the adversities she faces daily, becoming a beacon of strength and courage within the

University of North Dakota community. Her journey's impact echoes far beyond her personal

struggles, inspiring and fostering a sense of resilience, unity, and hope within the university


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