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Student’s Name: In His Almighty Name

_________________ Tehran International School (Girls) Final Approval Administration

Grade:__12__ A B Subject:Economics

Date: Teacher’s Name: Shadan Yousef

2022-2023 Total mark out of ______


Teacher’s Name and Signature: Moderator’s Name and Signature:

Mark (in figures): Mark (in figures):
Mark (in letters): Mark (in letters):
Date: Date:
No. Mark F/H/N

1- What are the characteristics of the developed economies?

2- Explain the differences in economic development and the causes (Differences in
industrial structure, differences in education, healthcare and factor productivity)?
3- Show how countries can become trapped in low economic development in a graph?
4- Explain GDP as an indicator of living standards?
5- What is absolute poverty?
6- Name the factors that cause poverty and explain 3 of them?
7- Explain how the standard of living in a developing country might be improved?
8- What are the causes of the population change?
9- What are the reasons for differences in birth rates between countries?
10- Analyze the reasons for differences between the expected age structure of the
population of a developing country and a developed country?
11- Explain how international migration can have economic implications?

Exam mark
Progress mark CA mark Total mark
Oral Paper

1out of ….

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