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Noor Naga

Good afternoon I’m Ashley Portigo and I’ll be discussing an

Essay Arabs on the Beach by Noor Naga. But before we
tackle the main idea of this essay, let’s tackle first who is
Noor Naga?
- Is an Alexandrian author, she was born in Philadelphia
and raised in Dubai. She attended the University of
Toronto where she also received an MA in Creating
Writing. She is a winner of the 2017 Bronwen Wallace
Award, the 2019 Disquiet Fiction Prize, and the 2019
Graywolf Press Africa Prize. He creative work has been
published in Granta, The Walrus, The Common, The
Sultan’s Seal, and more. Her debut book of poetry Washes,
Prays is forthcoming in spring 2020 from McClelland and
Stewart of Penguin Random House Canada. Her debut
novel American Girl and Boy from Shobrakheit is
forthcoming from Graywolf Press in fall 2021. And her
famous works are ‘If an Egyptian Cannot Speak” and
“Washes, Prays”

The form of the essay is personal narrative essay, it is

methodical structure of an essay Noor Naga wrote it in the
Year of 2013 a formidable summer in Egypt at Cleopatra
Beach. She uses POV of First Person View which is her POV
on what is her experience and observation vacationing in
the Cleopatra Beach in Egypt. She uses the literary devices
of First, Allegory which is to understand her essay in a
deeper concept, she express the loves of Arabs in the
beach without explicitly talking about it. Second, is motif
which is the city dwellers and desert dwellers in Egypt and
the Arabs which sometime called ‘Bedouins”. Third, is
Foreshadowing where she asks some of Bedouins
questions about the past of their culture and other stuffs
and the guard in the essay say “there are Arabs on the
beach” and “don’t get too closed”. Fourth, POV which is
almost the whole essay was her POV because that’s what
she does, she examines the lives of Bedouin which is the
Arabs and city dwellers and desert dwellers in Egypt. Lastly
is Exposition she wrote the essay in a narrative form of
essay so that the reader would understand the main idea
of her essay.
And now let’s now talk about the main idea of her essay,
the main idea of her essay is to give a glimpse of
complicated lives of Arabs in Egypt. And it tackles blood
money, crime, vengeance, and tribe politics. This also
tackle the treatment of city dweller to desert dwellers and
the Bedouins of Egypt are not Egyptians They are thought
to be the descendants of tribes from the Arabian Peninsula
who migrated with the Arab-Muslim conquest at the end
of the seventh century, bringing a foreign blood and
tongue and custom.

The Purpose of the Author & Significance and Relevance

for the Time It Was Written or for the Personal Life of the
Author is to examine the rejection of Egyptians on the
Arabs and African people, Egyptians city dwellers view
themselves as superior to the Bedouins based on their
imagined nativity, as well as their education and
modernity. Noor Naga wanted to know why Egyptians are
rejecting and belittling the non-Egyptians people.

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