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Gwyneth Chloe F.



Prof. Rebecca T. Gorospe

Strategic Management

Intramurals Reflection

The Intramurals event, which took place from November 15, to November 18 was a dynamic
celebration of athleticism. Good fellowship within our academic community. As both a participant and
spectator I had the privilege of witnessing the convergence of talent and teamwork across disciplines.
One aspect that truly stood out for me was actively supporting the Business Administration team during
their games.

Immersing myself in the excitement of the Intramurals I couldn't. Be captivated by the intensity
and passion displayed by all the athletes those from the Business Administration team. Whether it was a
contested basketball match and skill were clearly evident. Cheering on the Business Administration team
filled me with pride as I witnessed their determination and exceptional sportsmanship firsthand. The
fellowship among supporters, coupled with the electrifying cheers and palpable energy in the
atmosphere created an ambiance. My involvement, in cheering and supporting behind the Business
Administration team chanting slogans and rejoicing in their victories fostered a sense of unity and school
spirit that transcended differences.

Looking back, the Intramurals event proved to be so much more than just a series of games. It
was a powerful experience that united our academic community, strengthening the relationships
between us. Rooting for the Business Administration team not only allowed me to bond with my peers,
but also instilled in me a newfound appreciation for the core principles of teamwork, discipline, and
persistence. The event served as a poignant reminder of the positive impact that sports can have on
cultivating a sense of unity and school spirit. As the echoes of the roaring cheers and memories of the
exhilarating moments continue to resonate, I am left with an enduring impression of the invigorating
and cohesive nature of athletic events in creating a dynamic and interconnected academic atmosphere.


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