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Without communication, neither an individual nor human society as a whole

can exist. Communication for a person is his habitat. Without
communication, the formation of a person’s personality, his upbringing,
intellectual development, and adaptation to life are impossible.
Communication is necessary for people both in the process of joint work and
to maintain interpersonal relationships,
A telephone is a device that converts electrical vibrations into sound. The
telephone has long been part of our lives and has become an integral element
of it, but recently new possibilities have emerged for this wonderful means of
transmitting and receiving information. Based on their operating principle,
telephones are divided into two main types: analog and digital. Analog are
the most common rotary telephones that operate with an electrical signal.
It is not always possible to speak directly with a partner or client. Therefore,
very often we have to turn to the phone. Thanks to the telephone, the
efficiency of resolving a huge number of issues increases; there is no need to
send letters, telegrams or go to another institution, enterprise or company.
Telephone communication provides continuous two-way exchange of
information at any distance.
Telephone etiquette rules
If the thought of calling comes to your mind, do not immediately grab the
handset. First of all, you need to understand for what purpose you are going
to call and what the content of the conversation should be.
Before calling another city or reputable partners, it is useful to jot down on a
piece of paper the main points of the upcoming conversation, so that in
excitement or haste you do not miss certain important points.

6.1. If you are calling.

Before the conversation:
1. Think about whether this conversation is really necessary.
2. Define its purpose.
3. Have paper, a pencil (pen), as well as a calendar and materials necessary
for the conversation on hand.
During a conversation:
1. The one who calls always introduces himself first.
2. Speak directly into the phone.
3. Speak words clearly.
4. Find out whether you are talking to who you need.
5. Ask if the other person has time to talk or if it’s better to call back later.
6. Try to create a positive mood.
7. Do not object directly to your interlocutor if you want to achieve a
favorable outcome of the conversation.
8. Listen carefully to the interlocutor, do not interrupt him.
9. Speak in a calm voice, do not shout.
10. When talking on the phone, be sure to smile. The interlocutor does not
see this, but feels it. Remember, when you smile, your voice becomes more
pleasant. So, smile more often. Some phone pros place a mirror in front of
them so they can see their facial expressions while they talk. All this allows
you to control the presence of a smile on your face.

A high level of speech culture is an integral feature of a cultured person.

Improving our speech is the task of each of us. To do this, you need to
monitor your speech in order to avoid mistakes in pronunciation,

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