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What is communication etiquette?

Communication etiquette refers to the accepted ways of communicating with others in the workplace.
Good communication etiquette includes behavior and strategies that can help you relay information
clearly while maintaining positive relationships with your supervisors, colleagues and clients.

The importance of good communication etiquette

Effective communication within a workplace is a vital aspect of efficient business operations. Proper
communication can ensure that employees/colleagues interpret the meaning of your message as
intended. The resulting decrease in misunderstandings can contribute to stronger workplace
relationships and more productive interactions. It can also label you as an effective communicator,
suggesting that you possess leadership qualities and potentially leading to greater professional
opportunities in the future.

Speech is an important form of communication. Every time you open your mouth, you reveal something
about yourself to someone else, not just in what you say, but also how you say it

Remember, communication etiquette is about more than being courteous. The tone and manner of
how you communicate could determine whether you win, lose, satisfy or disappoint the
person on the other side.

There are a few etiquettes to bear in mind while making conversation:

• Don’t hijack the conversation (Listen): Conversation should be a two-way process where you find out
what the other person thinks about a topic as well as tell them your views on the same topic. O b s e r v
e the other person’s body language and take clues of when he/she is ready to talk or has heard enough.

• Give people time to speak: Not everyone finds it easy to say what they want to say. Don’t be afraid of
a few silences during your conversation.

• Invite others in: If you see someone struggling to say something, help them out. Paraphrase if needed
to elicit a response and if they do not seem understand. But do not patronize.

• Ask questions: Make questions easy to understand and respond to. That will prompt the person
you’re talking to and help them relax while talking to you.

• Give people time and a chance to answer: And make sure you listen. Some people jump straight in
with an answer; others like to ponder a question and give a thought o u t response. Either of these
options is fine, so make sure you leave time for an answer to be given

• Respect others opinions: People are entitled to their opinion and you don’t have to launch a single-
handed campaign to convince them of the error in their ways. Unless someone is likely to be harmed by
holding a particular opinion, leave it alone.
• Don’t be a know-it-all: You may have a wealth of wisdom and knowledge to pass on to someone on a
topic, but unless you do it in the right way, it won’t be appreciated.

• Don’t make disagreement personal: It is fine to differ in opinions, even with friends and loved ones..
A difference of opinion doesn’t have to cause a row and it can actually lead to an interesting
conversation if you approach it right.

Determine the correct medium:

In the workplace, there are several modes of communication you can choose from, including:

 Email
 Telephone calls
 Instant messaging
 Text messaging

Before you contact anyone, try to determine which mode of communication is the most suitable for a
particular situation.

How we communicate helps shape how others see us, and appropriate communication is essential to
successful business operations. Effective, concise, thorough communication can help develop business
relationships. When considering good communication, consider the following when deciding which
communication works best for the issue at hand:

 Decide on the required formality of the communication

 The importance or need for good documentation
 The urgency of response required
 The level of detail needed in the communication
 The number of people being communicated with
 The sensitivity of the information being communicated

Assessing these points will help you decide how to communicate.

Here are some basic guidelines for proper usage of telephone

• Identify yourself immediately to the other person.

• Focus yourself clearly on the purpose of the call and the person you are speaking with.

• Don't eat or drink while you are on the phone. You may not be aware of how well the person at the
other end of the line can hear you chewing or swallowing and the impression you leave will not be a
good one

• Be prepared before you dial, know the reason for your call and be ready to discuss

• When leaving a message for someone you have called, speak slowly and clearly. Leave your name,
contact number and a brief message

• If you need to transfer a call, explain the reason for the transfer to the caller. Monitor the line to be
certain that the transfer was completed successfully.

• When you call someone, ask if they have a moment to talk with you rather than assuming that they
have enough time to talk to you.

• All incoming calls should be answered in a timely manner.

• If you get the wrong number, apologize to the person who answers the phone, do not just hang up.

• Sometimes you may be required to answer someone else's phone while they are away from their desk.
The best response is to take a message. Be sure there are phone message pads and pen where you
answer the phone. Ask for the caller's name, contact number (repeat for accuracy), reason for the call
and the best time to return the call. Add your name or initials, and the date and time of the call to the

 Let It Vibrate: If you have your cell phone turned on in meetings, workshops, workstations etc. set it
to vibratory mode. If you have to attend to a call, excuse yourself and answer your phone in a
private corner.

• Do not Shout: If the background noise is disturbing, go to a quieter place. If the problem is a bad
connection, talking louder will not help so just end the call and try again from a place where the
reception is better.

• Choose Your Spot: When choosing a spot to take or make a call, make sure you are far enough away
from other people & that they are not forced to listen to your conversation.

• Ringtones: Set the ring tone at a low level with a tune that is soft, gentle and not annoying. The more
crowded the situation, the quieter and softer the volume of voice and ring.

• Keep business private: Many personal and business conversations contain information that should
remain confidential or private. Before using a mobile phone in a public location to discuss private
business or issues, make sure that there will be enough distance to keep the content private. Judicious
and appropriate use of your cell phone can be a valuable business asset.
 Before a conversation, consider disclosing any information pertaining to the privacy of the
 If other people are listening to the conversation, let the other speaker know, and ask for permission
to activate the speakerphone.
 During the conversation, try your best to actively listen. Treat the person as though they were in
front of you by listening carefully and taking notes on the details they provide.
 Don’t Use a Speakerphone. If it’s a call you need to take hands-free, use a headset or find a private
room to avoid distracting your coworkers.
 Don’t answer your phone when meeting with others — it signifies that whoever is on the phone is
more important.

When placing Cell calls:

 Keep the time in mind: Be familiar with the hours of operation when trying to reach
someone at his or her place of business. Avoid calling right at closing time. If you have been
given permission to contact someone at his or her personal cell phone number, never call
before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m.
 Be polite to everyone with whom you speak: Never be rude to administrative secretaries or
other support staff who may answer your call.
 Identify yourself: Clearly state your first and last name to the person answering the call, and
let them know the reason for your call.
 Ask if this is a good time to talk: Once you’ve been connected to the person for whom you
were calling, ask him or her if this is a good time to talk. This is especially important if you
anticipate that your call will last longer than a few minutes.
 When leaving messages - on an answering machine or voicemail, speak in a pleasant tone,
be concise and to the point, and be sure to leave your first and last name, the current date
and time, your cell phone number, and brief explanation of the purpose of your call. Be sure
to speak clearly and slowly enough so the listener won’t have to replay the message
repeatedly to gather the information.

When answering calls:

 Use a friendly tone and greeting: Smile as you pick up the phone and say, “Hello.” Smiling
while talking on the phone affects the way you speak, causing you to sound more pleasant.
 Hold the telephone about two finger widths away from your mouth to ensure that you do
not sound muffled.
 Be mindful of the volume and speed of your speech.
 Always ask permission: before placing someone on speaker phone or on hold. These
features should only be used if absolutely necessary.
 End calls on a pleasant note: Thank the person for calling you and wish them a nice day.
 Your voicemail or answering machine: Make sure that the recorded message on your
voicemail or answering machine is professional sounding in case you should happen to miss
a call from a professional or business contact. Make sure the message is polite and states
your name. Avoid being funny or clever on your outgoing message, and do not use slang.
Return all calls as soon as possible.

Points to Remember:

● Avoid multi tasking

● Switch off in public gatherings
● Speak softly
● Keep it short & sweet
● Avoid loud speaker in public
● Avoid loud music
● Handle cell with care
● Have pleasant hallow tunes & ring tones

Disability communication & etiquette

Words can have a powerful effect. When talking to a person with disability, or speaking with someone
about disability, it is important to use suitable language and terminology.

If you are unsure how to talk to a person with a disability, just ask.

1. Ask before you help: Adults with disabilities are independent people. Treat them as one and
offer help only if the person needs it.
2. Be sensitive about physical contact: Some people with disabilities depend on their arms for
balance. Avoid patting a person on the head or touching their wheelchair, scooter or cane.
People with disabilities consider their equipment part of their personal space.
3. Think before you speak: Always speak direct to the person with a disability, not to their
companion, aide or sign language interpreter. Talk to them as with anyone else. Respect their
privacy. Consider if it is necessary to ask about the disability. If it isn't, then don't.
4. Don't assume: People with disabilities are the best judge of what they can or cannot do. Don't
decide for them about engaging in activities.
5. Respond graciously to requests: When people who have a disability ask for an adjustment to
their workplace, it shows they feel comfortable enough to ask for what they need

When you're describing someone who has a disability, use 'people first' language - Put the person first.
Don't make the disability the person's defining feature. If you are unsure of the correct words to use,
don't be afraid to ask the person with disability.

Try to relax and just focus on the person, rather than their disability - offer an apology if you feel you've
said something wrong, keep it light and be willing to communicate.
Communication with a person with a disability
Suitable language Avoid

Person with disability Disabled person

Person using a wheelchair Wheelchair bound, confined to a wheelchair

Person who is deaf or blind Deaf person, blind person

Person with an intellectual disability Retarded, mentally handicapped

Person with a mental illness Crazy, nuts, mental

How you present yourself in writing is extremely important to how your coworkers perceive your level
of professionalism. Being able to communicate in writing, in a professional manner, and having good
etiquette will affect your entire career.

E-mail has become a part and parcel of today’s business communication. Here are some rules one
should follow for writing and Forwarding e-mails

• Don’t forward anything without editing out all the forwarding i.e other e-mail addresses, headers,
and commentary from all the other forwarders.

• If you cannot take the time to write a personal comment at the top of your forwarded e-mail to the
person you are sending to, then you should not forward it at all.

• If you must forward an e-mail to more than one person, put your e-mail address in the To: field and all
the others you are sending to in the Bcc: field to protect their e-mail address from being published to
those they do not know. This is a serious privacy issue.

• Use the Subject field to enter a clear concise indication of what the e-mail is about. This is a very useful
field and can be helpful to the recipient if used judiciously, so make it informative.

• Avoid mixing subjects in your email. Unless otherwise needed by your superior or work culture , mixing
subjects in one e-mail message might confuse your readers.
• One should type in capitals only if he means to SHOUT. It is ill-mannered to shout, so one should type
in lower case.

• It is alright to intersperse your replies between a whole bunch of questions, just be sure to reply in a
different coloured text so that your replies stand out. It would help to start the reply with the customary
greeting and then refer the recipient to the answers written below each question.

• Avoid sending copies or forwarding emails to persons not directly involved in the subject matter.

• Think carefully before you decide to click "reply to all".

• Do not request a delivery receipt or that the email has been read unless such information is vital.

• Avoid ambiguity to stop a further exchange of emails seeking clarification.

• Keep the contents clear and to the point.

• Always proof read your e-mail prior to sending it. It may take you a minute or may be ten but you shall
atleast be sure that the message you sent is free of grammatical, vocabulary and appropriate usage

 Adjust your tone: It can be challenging to gauge the correct tone in your writing, but you can also
prevent misunderstandings with a few adjustments. Often, rewording questions as indirect
questions can seem friendlier, such as stating "I was wondering whether you could help" rather than
"Can you help?" Also, expressions of gratitude, such as a simple "thank you," can show that you
appreciate a recipient's time and consideration.
 Proofread your writing: When you've finished writing an email, text message or instant message,
consider reading it again and checking for errors. While proofreading, also check that you've
included the correct recipients and that you've remembered to provide any necessary attachments.
 Acknowledge others: When you receive messages from others, particularly written communication
or voicemail, try to respond in order to confirm your understanding. If the message is an
announcement or memo, an expression of thanks can show you appreciate the sender providing the
 DON’T USE ALL CAPS. Using all caps indicates an aggressive tone, or a lack of digital skills, neither of
which will be appreciated by coworkers. The only time caps are acceptable in the workplace is when
you are sending “CONGRATULATIONS!” to celebrate an achievement.
 Use Styles Appropriately.  Bold/italics have a tendency to draw the attention of the eye, so if a
random word is bolded or italicized it can be confusing and distract viewers from the message itself.
 Use a professional email address, preferably one that includes your given name rather than a
nickname that may be inappropriate for the workplace.
 Be careful with humor. What you find funny, others might find offensive. When in doubt, err on the
side of caution.
 Always think and review before hitting send on any email. As for the content of the message,
address the following:
Subject Line – explain clearly what the message is about

Consider the formality of how you address the recipient(s) – is it “Hey Rahul” or “Mr. Rahul”

Overall tone – it can be hard not to sound condescending, aggressive, flippant or impatient in an email;
attempts at humor should be avoided unless it’s a personal message or you and the recipient
understand each other very well

Grammatical correctness and spelling – people will forgive occasional minor errors, but more than this is
damaging to you personally and shows your company in an unprofessional light

 Have an e-mail address that is mature and professional-sounding: Potential employers and
business contacts will not see you as professional if you have an e-mail address like Be aware of what image your e-mail address conveys to others.
Using your first and last name, or initials and last name, etc. are safer bets.
 Include an appropriate subject line: In the subject line of the e-mail, include a short and to
the point description which accurately reflects the subject of the e-mail. Appropriate subject
lines help recipients sort and locate specific e-mails in their inboxes
 Use your manners! Say please and thank-you in the appropriate places throughout your e-
mail. If you don’t, you will come across as disrespectful or rude.
 Address your recipient appropriately: Business e-mails should contain the recipient’s name.
Be sure to use formal titles (Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Dr.) unless the recipient has asked you to use
his or her first name. If you are unsure whether a female recipient is married or not, use Ms.
 Be aware of your tone: You want to sound friendly and approachable in e-mails. Proofread
your business e-mail before sending to make sure that your tone does not come across as
disrespectful, aggressive, or demanding.
 Remove emotion from your e-mail correspondences; never use e-mail to convey anger or
 Do not type in all capital letters, as IT APPEARS AS THOUGH YOU ARE SHOUTING. Using all
lowercase letters is also inappropriate.
 Get to the point: Try to keep your e-mail brief, while still getting your point across. Don’t
ramble or repeat information, but also don’t sound too short with the person. Be friendly
and clear, but get to the point.
 When replying to someone else’s e-mail, be sure to provide answers to any inquiries they
made to save time and eliminate the need for follow-up e-mails.
 Avoid emoticons, abbreviations, and fancy formatting: Emoticons do not convey
professionalism in an e-mail. Abbreviations that are now common also appear
unprofessional, and may not be understood by everyone.
 Fancy fonts, formats, and layouts can be distracting, so it is best to stick to plain text when
composing a professional e-mail.
 Use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation: Misspelled words and improper use of
grammar and punctuation look unprofessional. Proofread your message before sending
 Include your full name at the bottom of your e-mail: This will ensure that the recipient
knows who has sent them the e-mail. It is also a good idea to have your contact information
in your signature, including your postal mailing address and phone number.
 Reply quickly: When someone sends you an e-mail that requires a response, be sure to reply
within 24 hours. If possible, reply as soon as you receive their e-mail. If it will require longer
than 24 hours for you to appropriately respond to the e-mail, at least send a reply to the
person acknowledging their e-mail and stating that you are working on acquiring necessary
information to respond properly.
 Do not attach large or unnecessary files: Only send attachments that are relevant. Sending a
lot of unnecessary or large attachments can slow the recipient’s computer system.
 Do not send or forward jokes, chain letters, virus hoaxes, etc: Do not e-mail this type of
material to your professional e-mail contacts. It is unprofessional and wastes the time and
inbox space of the recipient. Additionally, never send or forward an e-mail that contains
potentially offensive, obscene, or defamatory content.
 Take care with confidential information: Keep in mind that e-mail is not guaranteed to be
confidential. If you need to relay sensitive information, it may be best to handle it in person.

Points to Remember:

● Be concise and to the point

● Answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions

● Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation

● Use templates for frequently used responses

● Answer swiftly

● Do not attach unnecessary files & do not send unnecessary & unwanted mails

● Use proper structure & layout

● Do not overuse the high priority option

● Do not write in CAPITALS

● Don't leave out the message thread

● Add disclaimers to your emails

● Read the email before you send it

● Do not overuse Reply to All

● Take care with abbreviations

Dress/Appearance It takes approximately 7 seconds to make a first impression, so make every second
count starting with how you dress, which is the first thing people will notice. Research: As each industry
is different, the best way to know how to dress on the job is to research what other employees are
wearing and follow suit. Dress Code: Become aware of policies related to how to dress in your work
place. Remember that as an employee, how you dress reflects not only yourself but an image the
company conveys to its clients and customers. For more clothing tips, check out the Etiquette Tips
website. Well Groomed Hair: Your hair should always look neat and professional. Avoid strong scents:
Be sure to adhere to any policies your office may have related to the use of scents and fragrances. Also
avoid having strong odours on your clothes (i.e. smoke or food). Body According to experts, body
language represents 55% of our overall communication. With such a high percentage, make sure your
body language conveys a positive message. Posture: Sit up straight or stand tall to convey confidence.
Rest arms at your sides or fold your hands. Do not cross arms over your chest as it displays
defensiveness and anger. Eye contact: Look the person straight in the eye as it conveys interest in
others. Facial expressions: Smile and look pleasant as your facial expressions will always override your
words to the person you are speaking with. Personal space: Respect others’ personal space so you do
not make them feel uncomfortable. Our North American culture indicates that personal space is
generally 1-4 feet so be sure to allow this space when communicating in professional environments.
Handshake: Your handshake should be firm but not forceful. Shake 2-3 times from your elbow and
release your hand. Click here for a demonstration. Gestures: Try not to fidget as it may indicate that you
are nervous or impatient (i.e. drumming your fingers or playing with your hair).


Body language is a form of non-verbal communication. It uses stylized gestures, postures, and
physiologic signs which act as cues to other people. Humans, unconsciously, send and receive these non-
verbal signals all the time.

Maintain Eye Contact: Eye contact is powerful way to communicate. When one looks at the other
person, you show interest. When you fail to make eye contact, you give the impression that you are not
interested. But how much eye contact is important?. One should maintain eye contact about 60% of the
time in order to look interested, but not aggressive. • Facial Expressions: Facial expression is another
form of nonverbal communication. A smile sends a positive message and adds warmth and an aura of
confidence. Others will be more receptive if you remember to check your expression. • Relaxed Mouth:
Your mouth gives clues, too, and not just when you are speaking. Mouth movements, such as pressing
your lips or twisting them to one side, can indicate that you are thinking about what you are hearing or
that you are holding something back. • Arms & Legs: How receptive you are is suggested by where you
place your arms. Arms crossed or folded over your chest say that you have shut other people out and
have no interest in them or what they are saying. This position can also say, "I don't agree with you."
(You might just be feeling cold, but unless you shiver at the same time, the person in front of you may
get the wrong message.) Legs talk, too. A lot of movement indicates nervousness. How and where you
cross them tells others how you feel. The preferred positions for the polished professional are feet flat
on the floor or legs crossed at the ankles. The least professional and most offensive position is resting
one leg or ankle on top of your other knee. Some people call this the "Figure Four." It can make you look
arrogant. • Alert & Interested Posture: The angle of your body gives an indication to others about what's
going through your head. ‘Leaning In’ says, "Tell me more." ‘Leaning Away’ signals you've heard enough.
Adding a nod of your head is another way to affirm that you are listening. Posture is just as important.
Sit or stand erect if you want to be seen as alert and enthusiastic. When you slump in your chair or lean
on the wall, you look tired. No one wants to do business with someone who has no energy. • Visible
hands and their movements: Control your hands by paying attention to where they are. In the business
world, particularly when you deal with people from other cultures, your hands need to be seen. This
means that you should keep them out of your pockets and you should resist the urge to put them under
the table or behind your back. Having your hands anywhere above the neck, fidgeting with your hair or
rubbing your face, is unprofessional too. • Maintaining appropriate Distance: The distance you keep
from others is crucial if you want to establish good rapport. Standing too close or "in someone's face"
will mark you as pushy. Positioning yourself too far away will make you seem standoffish. Neither is
what you want so find the happy medium. Most importantly, do what makes the other person feel
comfortable. You may not be aware of what you are saying with your body, but others will get the
message. Make sure it is the one you want to send. Standing or sitting up straight, appearing confident,
looking at people in the eye, and having a smile or pleasant expression gives people the impression that
you are polite, confident and pleasant. Scowling, crossing your arms, slouching, or staring off into the
distance may make people think that you are angry, unapproachable, or disinterested.

Physical Appearance:

When attending a professional function or meeting with a professional contact:

Dress appropriately for the situation. It is better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed. Never
wear wrinkled, worn, dirty, stained, or faded clothing.

Avoid headwear, shorts, jeans, sweats or athletic clothing, t-shirts, flip-flops, and athletic shoes. Never
wear anything that fits too snugly, is low-cut, or otherwise revealing.

Shoes should be clean, conservative, free of scuffs, and in good condition. Jewelry should be kept
simple and minimal.

Any visible piercings other than earrings should be removed.

Visible tattoos should be covered. Opinions on body art vary, so it is best not to risk being judged by
your tattoos if you have them.
Grooming is important. Men should either be clean-shaven or keep facial hair well-groomed. Avoid
outlandish hairstyles. Keep fingernails clean and neatly trimmed or filed. Women should keep make-up
simple and fresh-looking. Never groom yourself in public.

Use perfume or cologne with caution. Some people are very sensitive to smells, so it is best to limit your
use of perfume or cologne, or not wear any at all.


State your first and last name when introducing yourself.

Wear nametags on the right side of your shirt when at a function where nametags are being used. This
makes it easy for others to view the nametag as you are shaking hands.

Keep your right hand free for shaking hands. During an introduction, stand up if you are not already
doing so. Always extend your right hand to shake hands with the other person. When you shake hands
with someone, the web of your hand (the area between your thumb and forefinger) should touch theirs.
Your grip on their hand should be firm, but not uncomfortable. Handshakes typically should last around
3 seconds and consist of 3 up-and-down shakes.

Maintain eye contact with the person to whom you are introducing yourself, or to whom you are being
introduced, until the introduction is complete. Remember to smile.

Make a closing statement at the conclusion of your conversation such as, “It was a pleasure to meet
you.” Never simply walk away after an introduction.


Use proper grammar and vocabulary. When conversing with others in a professional environment, be
sure to speak in a grammatically correct manner, avoid the use of slang words or phrases, and never use
foul language.

Show interest and respect by using good listening skills. Look at the speaker while he or she is speaking
to you, and give that person your full attention. Do not interrupt. Stay focused on what the speaker is
saying. When it is your turn to speak, make comments or ask questions about that topic. This will let the
other person know that you were in fact actively listening.

Avoid topics that could be controversial. A meeting with a professional contact is not the time to debate
controversial subjects. Topics that should be avoided in conversations with business contacts include:
religion, politics, money, and illegal or questionable activities. Also remember keep romantic details and
details involving health conditions within the bounds of good taste.

Stick to safe topics when making small talk with professional contacts. Examples of safe topics include:
the topic of your meeting or the event you are attending, current events, and books and articles which
relate to the industry in which the other person is involved.
Don’t forget your body language. When engaged in a conversation with another person, it is important
to make sure that your non-verbal communication is just as positive as what you are verbally stating.
Good posture, head-nodding, eye contact, and smiling all convey positive messages. Tightly crossed
arms, fidgeting, slumping, leaning on objects, and looking away from the other person all indicate
something negative (you appear uncomfortable or disinterested.)

Dress Code/ Clothing Etiquettes

One must dress as per the occasion. Avoid wearing jeans, capris, shorts, T - Shirts or sleeveless dresses
to work. Follow a professional dress code. Make sure you feel comfortable in whatever you wear. It is
not always necessary to wear expensive clothes rather wear something which looks good on you.
Choose professional colours like black, blue, brown, grey for official attire. Bright colours look out of
place in corporate. Light and subtle colours exude elegance and professionalism and look best in offices.
Make sure your clothes are clean and ironed. One should never go shabbily dressed to work. Prefer
wrinkle free clothes. Hair should be neatly combed and kept short. Spikes hairstyle looks good only in
parties and informal get together. Females should tie their hair. It gives a neat look. Male Employees
Male employees ideally should combine a simple shirt with trousers. Make sure the colours are well
coordinated. Prefer a light colour shirt with a dark trouser and vice a versa. Do not wear designer shirts
to work. Prefer plain cotton or linen wrinkle free shirts in neutral colours. Go for brands like Zodiac,
Arrow, Colorplus, Louis Philippe, Allensolly etc. These brands offer good collection of formal office shirts.
The shirt should be properly tucked into the trouser for the professional look. Prefer full sleeves shirts
at workplace. Never roll up your sleeves. Silk ties look best on professionals. Don’t go for designer ties.
The tie should neither be too short nor too long. The tip of the tie ideally should touch the bottom of
the belt buckle. Slim ties are not meant for offices. Wear leather belts to work preferably in black or
brown shades. Do not wear belts with flashy and broad buckles. Socks must be well coordinated with
the outfit. Don’t wear shoes that make noise while walking. Prefer soft leather shoes in black or
brown colour. Make sure your shoes are polished and laces properly tied. Never wear sports shoes or
sneakers to work. Shave daily. Use a good after shave lotion and make sure your skin does not look
dry and flaky. Body odour is a big turn off. One must always smell good in public. Use a mild perfume
or deodorant. Female Employees Diploma in Management Odisha State Open University 14 Females
should not wear revealing clothes to work. Avoid wearing outfits which expose much of your body
parts. Wear clothes which fit you best. Don’t wear too tight or loose clothes. Understand the basic
difference between a party wear and office attire. Never wear low neck blouses to work. Blouses with
deep back or noodle straps are a strict no no at the workplace. Avoid transparent saris. Females who
prefer westerns can opt for light coloured shirts with dark well fitted trousers. A scarf makes you look
elegant. Never wear heavy jewellery to work. Avoid being a make up box. Nude make up does
wonders. Nails should be trimmed and prefer natural shades for nail paint. Avoid wearing sharp pointed
heels to work. The colour of the handbag must coordinate with the outfit. Eyebrow, naval, lip
piercing must be avoided at the workplace.
The first thing people notice about one is the way they look and it leaves a lasting impression. Putting
forth a nice appearance does not mean that you have to spend a lot of money on clothes or accessories.
Clean, ironed and well fitted clothes go a long way in contributing towards a positive appearance. A well
maintained beard /clean face also contributes towards a positive image. A smart haircut and neatly
combed hair is a must. Greasy-looking, unkempt, or poorly maintained hair can sink the best of all look.
Dandruff can also negate a clean, streamlined look, so keep a lookout for flakes. Check your nails often
to see if they need cleaning or filing. The basics of nail care for women and men include neatly
manicured nails and cuticles. In addition to taking care over your appearance, it is also important to
consider if your appearance is appropriate for the situation. You may look lovely in your party clothes or
feel confident in your business suit, but these would look out of place in a more casual setting such as at
a picnic or at a movie. The same goes for accessories and make up: glitter eye shadow and elaborate hair
might be fun after work, but look odd for a business meeting. Think about what the majority of people
will be wearing in the situation and wear something that fits in and makes one feel comfortable.

Manners are something used every day to make a good impression on others and to feel good about
oneself. No matter where you are - at home, work, or with friends - practicing good manners is

If you practice good manners, you are showing those around you that you are considerate of their
feelings and being respectful. You are also setting standards for other’s behavior and encouraging them
to treat you with similar respect. Every culture and individual may have different rules or feelings about
what is polite or not polite. The goal of this manual has been to recapitulate some of the basic and
common rules of polite behavior in our society.

At the end of the day everyone likes to be in the company of a well behaved and well- mannered
person, be it during business or informal get together. These little tips may help all of us to gear up for a
more sophisticated and polished ambience. “Growing together in harmony is progress and living
cordially together is friendship
कार्यस्थल शिष्टाचार
सं चार शिष्टाचार क्या है ?
ू रों के साथ सं वाद करने के स्वीकृत तरीकों को सं दर्भित करता है । अच्छे
सं चार शिष्टाचार कार्यस्थल में दस
सं चार शिष्टाचार में व्यवहार और रणनीतियाँ शामिल हैं जो आपके पर्यवे क्षकों, सहकर्मियों और ग्राहकों के
साथ सकारात्मक सं बंध बनाए रखते हुए जानकारी को स्पष्ट रूप से रिले करने में आपकी मदद कर सकती
हैं ।

अच्छे सं चार शिष्टाचार का महत्व

कार्यस्थल के भीतर प्रभावी सं चार कुशल व्यावसायिक सं चालन का एक महत्वपूर्ण पहलू है । उचित सं चार
यह सु निश्चित कर सकता है कि कर्मचारी/सहयोगी आपके सं देश के अर्थ की व्याख्या करें । गलतफहमी में
परिणामी कमी मजबूत कार्यस्थल सं बंधों और अधिक उत्पादक बातचीत में योगदान कर सकती है । यह
आपको एक प्रभावी सं चारक के रूप में भी ले बल कर सकता है , यह सु झाव दे ता है कि आपके पास ने तृत्व
के गु ण हैं और सं भावित रूप से भविष्य में अधिक पे शेवर अवसरों की ओर अग्रसर हैं ।

भाषण सं चार का एक महत्वपूर्ण रूप है । हर बार जब आप अपना मुं ह खोलते हैं , तो आप अपने बारे में किसी
और को बताते हैं , न केवल आप जो कहते हैं , बल्कि यह भी कि आप इसे कैसे कहते हैं

याद रखें , सं चार शिष्टाचार विनम्र होने से कहीं अधिक है । आप जिस तरह से सं वाद करते हैं उसका स्वर
और तरीका यह निर्धारित कर सकता है कि आप दस ू रे पक्ष के व्यक्ति को जीतते हैं , हारते हैं , सं तुष्ट करते हैं
या निराश करते हैं ।

बातचीत करते समय कुछ शिष्टाचारों को ध्यान में रखना चाहिए:

• बातचीत को हाईजै क न करें (सु नो): बातचीत एक दोतरफा प्रक्रिया होनी चाहिए जहां आपको पता चले
कि दस ू रा व्यक्ति किसी विषय के बारे में क्या सोचता है और साथ ही उन्हें उसी विषय पर अपने विचार
बताएं । ओ बी एस ई आर वी ई दस ू रे व्यक्ति की बॉडी लैं ग्वे ज और सु राग लें कि वह बात करने के लिए
तै यार है या पर्याप्त सु ना है ।

• लोगों को बोलने का समय दें : हर किसी के लिए यह कहना आसान नहीं होता कि वे क्या कहना चाहते हैं ।
अपनी बातचीत के दौरान कुछ चु प्पी से डरो मत।

ू रों को इसमें आमं त्रित करें : यदि आप किसी को कुछ कहने के लिए सं घर्ष करते हुए दे खते हैं , तो
• दस
उनकी मदद करें । यदि आवश्यक हो तो एक प्रतिक्रिया प्राप्त करने के लिए और यदि वे समझ में नहीं
आते हैं , तो पै राफ् रे श करें । ले किन उपकार मत करो।
• प्रश्न पूछें: प्रश्नों को समझने में आसान बनाएं और उनका उत्तर दें । यह उस व्यक्ति को प्रेरित करे गा
जिससे आप बात कर रहे हैं और आपसे बात करते समय उन्हें आराम करने में मदद मिले गी।

• लोगों को समय और जवाब दे ने का मौका दें : और सु निश्चित करें कि आप सु नते हैं । कुछ लोग सीधे उत्तर
के साथ कू द पड़ते हैं ; अन्य किसी प्रश्न पर विचार करना और उस पर विचार करना पसं द करते हैं । इनमें से
कोई भी विकल्प ठीक है , इसलिए सु निश्चित करें कि आपने उत्तर दिए जाने के लिए समय दिया है

• दस ू रों की राय का सम्मान करें : लोग उनकी राय के हकदार हैं और आपको उनके तरीकों में त्रुटि के लिए
उन्हें समझाने के लिए एक हाथ से अभियान शु रू करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है । जब तक किसी विशे ष राय
रखने से किसी को नु कसान होने की सं भावना न हो, इसे अकेला छोड़ दें ।

• पूरी जानकारी न रखें : किसी विषय पर किसी को बताने के लिए आपके पास ज्ञान और ज्ञान का खजाना हो
सकता है , ले किन जब तक आप इसे सही तरीके से नहीं करते हैं , तब तक इसकी सराहना नहीं की जाएगी।

• असहमति को व्यक्तिगत न बनाएं : विचारों में मतभे द होना ठीक है , यहां तक कि मित्रों और प्रियजनों
के साथ भी.. मतभे द के कारण विवाद नहीं होता है और यदि आप इसे सही तरीके से करते हैं तो यह वास्तव
में एक दिलचस्प बातचीत का कारण बन सकता है । .

सही माध्यम निर्धारित करें :

कार्यस्थल में , सं चार के कई तरीके हैं जिनमें से आप चु न सकते हैं , जिनमें शामिल हैं :

• ईमे ल

• टे लीफोन कॉल्स

• तात्कालिक सं देशन

• पाठ सं देश भे जना

इससे पहले कि आप किसी से सं पर्क करें , यह निर्धारित करने का प्रयास करें कि किसी विशे ष स्थिति के
लिए सं चार का कौन सा तरीका सबसे उपयु क्त है ।

ू रे हमें कैसे दे खते हैं , और सफल

हम कैसे सं वाद करते हैं यह आकार दे ने में मदद करता है कि दस
व्यावसायिक सं चालन के लिए उपयु क्त सं चार आवश्यक है । प्रभावी, सं क्षिप्त, सं पर्ण ू सं चार व्यावसायिक
सं बंधों को विकसित करने में मदद कर सकता है । अच्छे सं चार पर विचार करते समय, यह तय करते समय
निम्नलिखित पर विचार करें कि कौन सा सं चार समस्या के लिए सबसे अच्छा काम करता है :

• सं चार की आवश्यक औपचारिकता पर निर्णय लें

• अच्छे दस्तावे ज़ीकरण का महत्व या आवश्यकता

• प्रतिक्रिया की तत्काल आवश्यकता

• सं चार में आवश्यक विवरण का स्तर

• जितने लोगों से सं पर्क किया जा रहा है

• सं पर् े षित की जा रही सूचना की सं वेदनशीलता

इन बिं दुओं का आकलन करने से आपको सं वाद करने का तरीका तय करने में मदद मिले गी।

मौखिक सं वाद
टे लीफोन शिष्टाचार:
यहाँ टे लीफोन के उचित उपयोग के लिए कुछ बु नियादी दिशानिर्दे श दिए गए हैं

ू रे व्यक्ति के सामने तु रंत खु द को पहचानें ।

• दस

• कॉल के उद्दे श्य और आप जिस व्यक्ति से बात कर रहे हैं , उस पर स्पष्ट रूप से अपना ध्यान केंद्रित करें ।

• जब आप फोन पर हों तो कुछ भी न खाएं -पिएं । आपको इस बात की जानकारी नहीं हो सकती है कि
ू रे छोर पर मौजूद व्यक्ति आपको चबाते या निगलते हुए कितनी अच्छी तरह सु न सकता है
पं क्ति के दस
और आपके द्वारा छोड़ा गया प्रभाव अच्छा नहीं होगा

• डायल करने से पहले तै यार रहें , अपने कॉल का कारण जानें और चर्चा के लिए तै यार रहें

• किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति के लिए सं देश छोड़ते समय जिसे आपने बु लाया है , धीरे और स्पष्ट रूप से बोलें ।
अपना नाम, सं पर्क नं बर और एक सं क्षिप्त सं देश छोड़ दें

• अगर आपको कॉल ट् रांसफर करने की जरूरत है , तो कॉलर को ट् रांसफर का कारण बताएं । यह
सु निश्चित करने के लिए लाइन की निगरानी करें कि स्थानांतरण सफलतापूर्वक पूरा हो गया था।

• जब आप किसी को फोन करते हैं , तो यह मानने के बजाय कि क्या उनके पास आपसे बात करने के लिए
पर्याप्त समय है , पूछें कि क्या उनके पास आपसे बात करने के लिए कुछ समय है ।

• सभी इनकमिं ग कॉलों का उत्तर समय पर दिया जाना चाहिए।

• अगर आपको गलत नं बर मिलता है , तो फोन का जवाब दे ने वाले व्यक्ति से माफी मां गें, बस हैं ग न करें ।

• कभी-कभी आपको किसी और के फोन का जवाब दे ने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है , जबकि वे अपने डे स्क
से दरू होते हैं । सबसे अच्छी प्रतिक्रिया एक सं देश ले ना है । सु निश्चित करें कि जहां आप फोन का जवाब
दे ते हैं वहां फोन सं देश पै ड और पे न हैं । कॉल करने वाले का नाम, सं पर्क नं बर (सटीकता के लिए दोहराएं ),
कॉल का कारण और कॉल वापस करने का सबसे अच्छा समय पूछें। सं देश में अपना नाम या आद्याक्षर,
और कॉल की तारीख और समय जोड़ें ।
• ले ट इट वाइब्रेट: यदि आपका से ल फोन मीटिं ग्स, वर्क शॉप, वर्क स्टे शन आदि में चालू है , तो इसे
वाइब्रेटरी मोड पर से ट करें । यदि आपको किसी कॉल पर उपस्थित होना है , तो अपने आप को क्षमा करें
और एक निजी कोने में अपने फोन का उत्तर दें ।

• चिल्लाओ मत: अगर पृ ष्ठभूमि शोर परे शान कर रहा है , तो शांत जगह पर जाएं । यदि समस्या एक खराब
कने क्शन है , तो जोर से बात करने से मदद नहीं मिले गी, इसलिए बस कॉल समाप्त करें और ऐसी जगह से
पु नः प्रयास करें जहां रिसे प्शन बे हतर हो।

• अपना स्थान चु नें: कॉल ले ने या कॉल करने के लिए जगह चु नते समय, सु निश्चित करें कि आप अन्य
लोगों से काफी दरू हैं और वे आपकी बातचीत को सु नने के लिए मजबूर नहीं हैं ।

• रिं गटोन्स: रिं ग टोन को कम स्तर पर एक ऐसी धु न के साथ से ट करें जो नरम, कोमल और कष्टप्रद न
हो। स्थिति जितनी अधिक भीड़ वाली होती है , आवाज और रिं ग की मात्रा उतनी ही शांत और नरम होती
है ।

• व्यवसाय को निजी रखें : कई व्यक्तिगत और व्यावसायिक बातचीत में ऐसी जानकारी होती है जो
गोपनीय या निजी रहनी चाहिए। निजी व्यवसाय या मु द्दों पर चर्चा करने के लिए सार्वजनिक स्थान पर
मोबाइल फोन का उपयोग करने से पहले , सु निश्चित करें कि सामग्री को निजी रखने के लिए पर्याप्त दरू ी
होगी। अपने से ल फोन का विवे कपूर्ण और उचित उपयोग एक मूल्यवान व्यावसायिक सं पत्ति हो सकता है ।

Remember, communication
etiquette is about more than
being courteous. The tone
manner of how you
communicate could
determine whether you
win, lose, satisfy or
disappoint the person on the
other side

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