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The model answer of chapter.2

1- Michael always saw the old man halfway up the hill and the lady who owned a sweet
shop. Both of them were nice to Michael and never called him egghead. Michael felt
that he belonged to that street as the old man and the lady never made him feel stupid
or small.
2- This was said by Michael to himself when he decided to jump on David and hit him.
Michael had a stupid idea that if he hit David, another boy who was bullied as well, his
colleagues would like him. At first Michael was happy but when he looked at David’s
face, Michael realized he was totally wrong. Michael saw himself in David’s face because
David was bullied for no reason.

3- The bench halfway up the hill: that’s where Michael met the old man who had a kind
face and always said hello to Michael.
Michael felt good. He belonged to that street
The top of the hill: that’s where the school was near.
Michael stopped feeling happy because he hated going to school. He felt lonely at
School: Michael felt unhappy, bad, lonely and rejected as everybody called him egghead
and made fun of him.
The sweet shop: he felt good because the lady who owned the shop, was always nice to
Michael. She made him feel belonged. She never called him names or made him feel
stupid or small.

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