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1. What part of your identity is most important to you?

At this point in my life, I feel most connected to being a wife and mother. My occupation
would be the second most important part of who I am.
2. What part of your identity are you most comfortable sharing with other
I am comfortable sharing basic background information like where I grew up, where I
live, my family, my education, and my occupation. These are surface facts that will most
likely lead to conversations with others. These are also the parts of me that I feel most
connected to and passionate about.
3. What part of your identity are you least comfortable sharing with other
I am less comfortable sharing my political views. I am still figuring out what party I fit
best with, so I am not firm on an affiliation. I am firm in my beliefs on human rights and
government control.
4. For what part of your identity do you feel that you receive privilege most
I would say that being white and my economic status affords me privileges. I also think
that my level of education and my current work role gives me an edge over others in my
5. For what part of your identity do you feel that you face oppression most
Being a woman is the area that I feel the most oppressed in when looking at my identity
wheel. I do feel less oppressed in 2021 than I did in 2000 and I would like to attribute at
least part of that to the changing social climate. I do realize that with age and education
I feel more confident in myself so that also plays a role in my identity.

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