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J. Dairy Sci.

© American Dairy Science Association, 2005.

Estimation of Extinction Probabilities of Five German

Cattle Breeds by Population Viability Analysis
J. Bennewitz1 and T. H. E. Meuwissen2
Institute of Animal Breeding and Husbandry, Christian-Albrechts-Universität,
D-24098 Kiel, Germany
Institute of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, Agriculture University of Norway,
Box 5052, 1432 Ås, Norway

ABSTRACT (FAO, 2000). To stop this loss, all endangered breeds

would ideally be conserved, but because of financial
The estimation of the expected loss of genetic diver-
restraints, it is only possible to establish a diversity
sity and marginal diversities in a set of breeds within
conservation plan that includes those breeds consid-
a defined future time horizon requires initial estimates
ered relevant for the diversity. The prerequisite for
of breed extinction probabilities. In this study, the
the identification of those breeds is the application of
extinction probabilities of 5 German dual-purpose cat-
tle breeds were estimated by population viability anal- a suitable diversity measure together with probabili-
ysis. Regression was used to estimate the infinitesimal ties of extinction of the breeds (Simianer et al., 2003).
mean and variance of the population growth and this Two marker-assisted and kinship-based (Eding and
was based on the diffusion approximation of the den- Meuwissen, 2001) core set diversity measures, 1) the
sity independent population growth (also known as maximum variance offspring core set diversity, and 2)
the Dennis regression model). The annual number of the maximum variance total core set diversity, are
milk-recorded cows in each breed was used as census now available, and are especially appropriate to de-
data. Based on the regression results, the extinction scribe the diversity on a breed level (Eding et al., 2002;
probabilities and their confidence intervals were esti- Bennewitz and Meuwissen, 2005). The maximum vari-
mated for a wide variety of future time horizons using ance offspring and maximum variance total core sets
Monte Carlo time series simulations. The estimates of are built by relative breed contributions to maximize
extinction probabilities were sensible, but in 2 cases the variance of putative offspring from interbred con-
they depended heavily on the time horizon considered. served breeds and to maximize the total genetic vari-
Additionally, the confidence intervals became very ance that can be found within and between conserved
wide with an increased time horizon. We recommend breeds, respectively (Eding et al., 2002; Bennewitz and
the estimation of extinction probabilities for a set of Meuwissen, 2005). Within these 2 core set approaches,
future time horizons rather than for a single future a ranking of breeds for inclusion in a conservation plan
time and the selection of an upper bound for this set can be conducted according to their relative contribu-
that is not too large to be meaningful. The validity of tion to the core set. However, these relative contribu-
the use of the number of milk-recorded cows as census tions are valid only for a situation where all breeds
data and of the model assumptions is discussed in are alive. To draw inference from the present diversity
detail. on expected future diversity, the extinction probabili-
(Key words: extinction probability, population viabil- ties of the breeds have to be taken into account. Weitz-
ity analysis, livestock breed, genetic diversity) man (1993) and Simianer et al. (2003) showed how
extinction probabilities can be combined with a diver-
Abbreviation key: CI = confidence interval, PVA =
population viability analysis. sity measure in order to estimate the expected future
diversity and hence the expected loss of diversity. Ad-
ditionally, this strategy allows the estimation of the
marginal diversity of a breed, which is defined as the
A main reason for the loss of genetic diversity in change of the diversity at the end of a defined time
livestock species is the permanent extinction of breeds horizon when the extinction probability of the breed
would be changed by one unit (Simianer et al., 2003).
Simianer et al. (2003) presented a sophisticated
Received February 21, 2005. method showing how the marginal diversities of the
Accepted April 12, 2005.
Corresponding author: Jörn Bennewitz; e-mail: jbennewitz@ breeds can be used to identify the most efficient genetic diversity conservation scheme.


Hence, although suitable diversity measures are can be found in Lande and Orzack (1988) and Dennis
available for livestock breeds, until now little has been et al. (1991). Next, a short description of the estimation
known about the determination of their extinction of population growth parameters is given. The estima-
probabilities. To our knowledge, only Reist-Marti et tion of extinction parameters is described in detail.
al. (2003) have estimated extinction probability in live- Finally, the information regarding the specific breeds
stock breeds. Reist-Marti et al. (2003) assigned rela- and data sets used in this study are presented.
tive values to 10 different breed-specific variables and
defined the extinction probability of a breed as the The PVA Population Growth Diffusion
sum of the values that the particular breed obtained. Approximation Model
The method of Reist-Marti et al. (2003) has a pioneer-
ing character and because of its comprehensiveness, Assume the following density independent growth
it seems to be appealing. However, a drawback is that model in an age-structured population
it does not produce any standard errors or confidence
intervals (CI) of the estimates. As pointed out by vari- n(t + 1) = A(t)n(t),
ous authors (e.g., Ludwig, 1999; Fieberg and Ellner,
2000; Ellner et al., 2002; Reed et al., 2002), extinction where n is a column vector that contains the number
probability estimates should always be reported with of female individuals in each age class for each time
their respective CI because these can become very wide t (t = 0, 1, 2, . . ., q). A is a square stochastic transition
(often covering the whole parameter space), especially matrix and is defined for each time t. A is also known
when the time horizon is large or the amount of data as the Lesli matrix and contains age-specific fecundity
is sparse. This result occurs regardless of the method rates in the top row, age-specific survival probabilities
for estimation. In addition, the approach of Reist- along the sub-diagonal, and zeros elsewhere. The sto-
Marti et al. (2003), involving somewhat arbitrary as- chasticity of A is due to a fluctuating environment.
signment of the relative values to the variables, cannot From the set of known A matrices, it is possible to
be considered completely satisfactory. estimate the infinitesimal mean μ (known as the long-
In contrast to livestock breeds, the estimation of run growth rate of the population, it describes the rate
extinction properties for endangered wildlife species is at which the median log population size increases over
frequently conducted by conservation biologists, with time) and the infinitesimal variance σ2 using equations
population viability analysis (PVA) as the main statis- of Lande and Orzack (1988) and Dennis et al. (1991).
tical tool (e.g., Soule, 1993; Burgman et al., 1996; Beis- The parameters μ and σ2 are of fundamental impor-
singer and Westphal, 1998). A wide variety of PVA tance because the calculation of a number of popula-
methods was developed to cope with the different situ- tion growth parameters and population extinction
ations (e.g., different availability of data) that can be property estimates from these 2 parameters is
found in wildlife species (see previously listed au- straightforward (as shown below). However, the reli-
thors). One of the main PVA models used is the popula- able estimation of the numerous elements in the vari-
tion growth diffusion approximation model of Lande ous A matrices might be difficult, which makes the
and Orzack (1988) and Dennis et al. (1991). direct estimation of μ and σ2 from A problematic. For-
The aim of the present study was to use the PVA tunately, the stochasticity of the A matrices allows
diffusion approximation model of Lande and Orzack under certain circumstances (see discussion section)
(1988) and Dennis et al. (1991) for the estimation of the approximation of the population growth by a diffu-
extinction probabilities in livestock breeds. The re- sion process (Lande and Orzack, 1988; Dennis et al.,
gression approach of Dennis et al. (1991) was used to 1991). Using the notation of Dennis et al. (1991), N(t)
estimate population growth parameters for 5 German is the population size at time t and X(t) = log[N(t)].
dual-purpose cattle breeds with numbers of milk-re- Based on the central limit theorem, for a large t, X(t)
corded cows as observations for the population size. becomes approximately normally distributed as
The extinction probabilities were estimated by Monte- follows
Carlo simulations using formulae of Dennis et al.
(1991). X(t) ∼ N(x0 + μt, σ2t), [1]

MATERIALS AND METHODS where x0 is the log of the first observed population size
(n0). Because of the normal distribution of X(t), it can
This section is divided into 4 subsections. First, the be modeled by a Wiener drift process with μ as the
applied PVA model is described briefly. Detailed de- infinitesimal mean and σ2 as the infinitesimal variance
scriptions, including an exhaustive literature review, of the process (Lande and Orzack, 1988; Dennis et al.,

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 88, No. 8, 2005


⎧ σ̂2 ⎤ ⎫

1991). This property enables the possibility to estimate ⎡1
μ and σ2 from time series census data by a linear re- exp⎨r̂ ± zα/2 σ̂2⎢ + ⎥⎬, [7]
⎩ ⎣ tq 2(q − 1) ⎦ ⎭
gression without setting up the A matrices (Dennis et
al., 1991).
where zα/2 is the 100[1 − (α/2)]th percentile of the stan-
Linear Regression and Estimation dard normal distribution. The CI of r was the log of
of Population Growth Parameters the corresponding CI of λ.
Further, the expected population size on a log scale
Based on this population growth diffusion approxi- at a defined future time tf (tf > tq) was estimated from μ̂
mation model (Dennis et al., 1991), in the present
study, linear regression was performed to estimate μ E[X(tf)|X(tq) = xq] = xq + μ̂s, [8]
and σ2 for the cattle data described below. Assume
that the number of individuals of a population was where s = tf − tq and tf was varied as tf = tq + 1, . . .,tq
observed at different times t0,t1, . . .,tq with observed + 250 in this study. The forecasted median population
figures n(t0) = n0,n(t1) = n1, . . .,n(tq) = nq. The time size on a normal scale was estimated as
interval between 2 observations was t1 − 0 = τ1,t2 − t1 =
τ2, . . .,tq − tq−1 = τq. The dependent variable was defined Med[N(tf)] = exp{E[X(tf)|X(tq) = xq]}. [9]
for each i (i = 1, 2, . . ., q) as yi = [log(ni/ni−1)]/ √τi and
was regressed on √τi without an intercept. The regres- The median population size was used in this study
for forecasting because it describes the diffusion ap-
sion coefficient yields an estimate for μ and the resid- proximation better than the mean or expected popula-
ual variance an estimate for σ2, denoted as μ̂ and σ̂2, re- tion size (Dennis et al., 1991). The estimation of the
spectively. CI of X(tf) for a defined α was straightforward:
The following equations, [2] to [10], were applied to

the cattle breed data and were taken from Dennis et ⎛ s⎞
al. (1991). They describe the estimation of population E[X(tf)|X(tq)] = xq ± tα/2,q−1 σ̂2s ⎜ 1 + ⎟. [10]
⎝ tq ⎠
growth parameters from μ̂ and σ̂2. The distributions
of the 2 parameter estimates μ̂ and σ̂2 are
The CI for forecasted Med[N(tf)] was obtained by
μ̂ ∼ N(μ,σ2/tq) and [2] performing an exponential transformation to the lower
and upper bounds of the CI from [10], respectively.
(q − 1)σ̂2/σ2 ∼ χq−1
, respectively. [3]
Estimation of Extinction Probability
The CI of μ with a defined Type-I-error-rate of α was
estimated as Before extinction probabilities can be estimated, the
term population extinction has to be defined. Obvi-
ously, a population is extinct if its last individual has
μ̂ − tα/2,q−1 √σ̂2/tq, μ̂ + tα/2,q−1 √σ̂2/tq, [4]
died. In general, it is more useful to define a critical
threshold (nc) for the number of individuals and call
where tα/2,q−1 denotes the 100(1 − α/2 ) percentile of a a population quasi-extinct if its population size falls
t distribution with q − 1 degrees of freedom. The central below this threshold. The term quasi-extinction was
CI for σ2 with a defined α was estimated as introduced in this context by Ginzburg et al. (1982)
and can be interpreted as a policy threshold that indi-
(q − 1)σ̂2/χα/2,q−1
, (q − 1)σ̂2/χ1−α/2,q−1
. [5] cates the need of intervention to maintain the breed.
The choice of nc can be made according to different
From μ̂ and σ̂2 the continuous rate of increase (r) aspects (Gandini et al., 2004) and is always arbitrary
and the finite rate of increase (λ) were estimated as to some extent. In this study, 2 critical values were
used, nc = 1000 females and nc = 100 females, respec-
λ̂ = exp(r̂) = exp[μ̂ + (σ̂2/2)]. [6] tively, which were based on the arguments given by
Gandini et al. (2004). According to Gandini et al.
The finite rate of increase λ describes the proportion (2004), the lower bound of self-sustainability of a live-
by which the population changes on average every time stock breed is around 1000 females. Additionally, with-
step; λ is also sometimes termed discrete rate of in- out any conservation effort, a breed size of below 100
crease. The CI for a defined α was estimated as females increases the extinction process rapidly, e.g.,

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 88, No. 8, 2005


due to low number of herds or low economical competi- [2] and [3]. To account for this variation, π and πte were
tiveness of the breed. estimated in this study by a Monte Carlo time series
If the long-run population growth rate for a breed simulation. The simulation is based on the approxi-
or species is ≤ 0, one can be certain that the population mate normal distribution of X(t) as shown in [1]. A
will become extinct at a future point in time, assuming number of S time series of log population sizes was
no intervention is done. However, even when the simulated, each of exactly the same size and same
growth rate is positive, a chance of extinction exists time of observation as the original data set. At the
due to random fluctuations of population size. Let us beginning of each time series simulation s, the first
define xd as the distance on the log scale between the log population size (xs,0) was set to the original first
last observed population size (nq) and the threshold, observed log population size, i.e., xs,0 = x0. Each next
xd = xq − xc = log(nq/nc). The probability (π) that a log population size xs,i ( i = 1, . . .,q) was sampled from
population will ever become extinct is (Dennis et al.,
xs,i ∼ N(xs,i−1 + μ̂τi, τiσ̂2), [13]
⎧1,μ ≤ 0 ⎫
where τi is the same as defined for the regression (de-
π=⎨ ⎬. [11]
⎩exp(−2μxd/σ ),μ > 0 ⎭
fined above). The S simulated time series were ana-
lyzed by the regression as described above, which
The probability of extinction (i.e., crossing the de- yielded S different pairs of μ and σ2, denoted as μ̂s and
fined threshold nc) can be calculated for every future σ̂s2, respectively. The pairs of μ̂s and σ̂s2 were inserted
point of time. For conservation efforts, it is of more into [11] in order to obtain S different π̂s. Next, the S
interest to estimate the cumulative probability of ex- pairs of μ̂s, σ̂s2 and π̂s were used in [12] to obtain S
tinction for the future points of time within a time span different π̂s,te. Finally, the mean of all π̂s and π̂s,te were
te. For a defined te (e.g., te = 50 years) the cumulative taken as the estimates for π and πte, respectively. Using
extinction probability, i.e., the probability that the
population size will cross the threshold nc at least one this approach, the estimation of a CI for the extinction
time, is denoted in the following as simply the extinc- property parameters was straightforward. The upper
tion probability (πte). It is defined as and lower bounds of 95% CI of π and πte were calculated
by taking the top and bottom 2.5th percentile of the
⎡ ⎛− xd + |μ|te⎞ distribution of the S π̂s and π̂s,te, respectively. A similar
πte = π * ⎢Φ ⎜ ⎟ [12] method was used by Dennis and Otten (2000). The S
⎣ ⎝ σ te ⎠
√ was chosen to be 2000 and te was varied between 1
⎛− xd − |μ|te⎞ ⎤ and 250 in this study.
+ exp(2xd|μ|/σ2)Φ ⎜ ⎟⎥
⎝ σ√te ⎠ ⎦
Cattle Breeds
where Φ(ⴢ) denotes for the standard normal cumulative Data from 5 German dual-purpose cattle breeds
distribution function. Equation [12] is presented by were analyzed by the methods described above. No
Dennis et al. (1991) without π, which corresponds to census data reporting the number of total population
the conditional extinction probability (conditional on size was available for the breeds, but the numbers of
the fact that the population is sure to eventually be- milk-recorded cows have been available for many years
come extinct, π = 1). However, also breeds with a posi- (Figure 1) and these were used in this study as obser-
tive long run population growth (i.e., μ > 0 and subse- vations. All breeds are listed in the animal genetic
quently π < 1) show a positive extinction probability database of the European Association for Animal Pro-
due to random fluctuations (as mentioned above). By duction (EAAP, 2005). A short description of the breeds
incorporating π in [12], it is possible to define the un- is given; for more details see the EAAP database en-
conditional extinction probability and subsequently to tries. All breeds are supervised in some form by breed-
define the extinction probability for breeds with a posi- ing organizations.
tive μ. The Angler breed is a dual-purpose red cattle breed
In principle, it is possible to estimate π and πte using with a primary focus on milk production. It belongs to
equations [11] and [12], respectively, by replacing μ the central European red group of cattle breeds and
and σ2 with respective estimates obtained from the is found mainly in the northern part of Germany, in
regression. However, this would not make use of the Schleswig-Holstein. Since the 1960s, genetics from
distribution of the parameter estimates as shown in other breeds have been introduced and the original

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 88, No. 8, 2005


Figure 1. Number of observed milk-recorded cows and year of observation for the 5 breeds.

Angler breed is very close to final extinction (only very The Vorderwald breed is an old local breed with its
few cows are still alive). The number of milk-recorded main location in the southern part of Germany, in the
Angler cows in Schleswig-Holstein has been decreas- southern Black Forest. It belongs to the red pattern
ing for many years (Figure 1). group and is a dairy type dual-purpose breed. Genetics
The German Gelbvieh belongs to the blond cattle from other breeds have been introduced since the mid-
group and is a beef-type dual-purpose breed. Its main dle of the last century. Since recently, it is also used
location is in the southern part of Germany, in Franco- for landscape management. The number of females
nia, although it has also been used purely for meat from milk-recording data from the main location of the
production in the Eastern part of Germany since the breed from the last decades increased from 1950 to
beginning of the last decade. Since the middle of the 1970 but have since then been slightly decreasing (Fig-
last century, genetics from other breeds have been ure 1).
introduced. The number of milk-recorded German Gel- Similarly, the Hinterwald breed is an old native
bvieh cows in Germany over the past decades is de- breed located in the southern part of Germany, in the
creasing steadily (Figure 1). southern Black Forest, and belongs to the red pattern

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 88, No. 8, 2005


Table 1. First (n0) and last (nq) observed population size (number of cows milk-recorded), number of
transitions (q), time span in years between first and last observation (tq), and source of observation.
Breed n0 nq q tq Source1

Angler 27,674 12,175 34 34 1

German Gelbvieh 37,574 7419 23 32 2
Vorderwald 3301 5048 21 53 3
Hinterwald 819 491 21 53 3
Murnau-Werdenfels 1845 184 27 52 2,4
Sources: 1 = Landeskontrollverein Schleswig-Holstein e.V., Kiel, Germany; 2 = Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Deutscher Rinderzüchter e.V., Bonn, Germany; 3 = Rinderunion Baden Württemberg e.V., Stuttgart, Ger-
many; and 4 = Bayrische Landesastalt für Landwirtschaft, Grub, Germany.

group. Genetics from other breeds have been intro- in Table 2 and Figure 2, respectively. Due to the contin-
duced into this breed from the Vorderwald breed since uously decreasing past population size of the Angler
the middle of the last century. This breed is used for and German Gelbvieh, these breeds had negative μ̂
production of milk and meat and for landscape man- and the upper CI bounds of μ̂ were negative. Addition-
agement. The number of females from milk-recording ally, σ̂2 was small. Hence, r̂ was negative, and the
data from the main location of the breed decreased forecasted median population size together with the
significantly between 1960 and 1975 but since then it corresponding CI were strongly decreasing with in-
has been more or less stable (Figure 1). creasing future time for these 2 breeds. For the Vorder-
The Murnau-Werdenfels is a small autochthonous wald breed, μ̂ and r̂ were both slightly positive and for
local dual-purpose breed with its main location in the the Hinterwald breed, both were slightly negative. The
southern part of Germany, in the Werdenfels Land in CI of μ̂ and r̂ included the value zero for both the
Bavaria. It belongs to the blond group of cattle breeds. Vorderwald and Hinterwald breeds, and the lower and
The numbers of cows from milk-recording data from upper bounds of the CI of the forecasted median popu-
Germany over the last decades are shown in Figure lation sizes were diverging with increasing future time
1. For additional figures used in the regression analy- for these 2 breeds, which makes the estimation very
sis, see Table 1. uncertain with increasing future time. The Murnau-
Werdenfels showed a negative μ̂ but a positive r̂. This
RESULTS discrepancy of μ̂ and r̂ is due to the relatively large σ̂2
The estimated population growth parameters and for this breed (Eq. 6). Therefore, despite the positive
the forecasted median population sizes are presented r̂, the forecasted median population size decreased

Table 2. Estimated population growth parameters and results from the Durbin-Watson test for the breeds.
The upper and lower bounds of the growth parameter 95% confidence interval are shown in italics.

Breed μ̂1 σ̂2 2 r̂3 λ̂4 DW5 PDW6

Angler −0.024 0.001 −0.024 0.977 1.974 0.469

−0.013 0.002 −0.013 0.987
−0.035 0.001 −0.034 0.966
German Gelbvieh −0.051 0.003 −0.049 0.952 0.927 0.002
−0.031 0.006 −0.031 0.970
−0.070 0.002 −0.068 0.935
Vorderwald 0.008 0.004 0.010 1.010 1.611 0.181
0.025 0.007 0.026 1.026
−0.009 0.002 −0.006 0.994
Hinterwald −0.010 0.004 −0.008 0.992 1.754 0.284
0.009 0.008 0.010 1.010
−0.028 0.002 −0.025 0.975
Murnau-Werdenfels −0.044 0.123 0.017 1.017 1.667 0.191
0.056 0.230 0.118 1.125
−0.144 0.076 −0.084 0.920
Estimated diffusion process drift parameter (long-run population growth).
Estimated diffusion process variance parameter.
Estimated continuous rate of population increase.
Estimated finite rate of population increase.
Durbin-Watson test statistic.
Error probability of Durbin-Watson test statistic for positive first-order autocorrelation (the error probabil-
ity for negative first-order autocorrelation was always higher).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 88, No. 8, 2005


Figure 2. Forecasted median population size [Med(N)] of the 5 breeds plotted against the future time in years. Additionally the upper
and lower bounds of the 95% confidence interval (CI upper bound and CI lower bound, respectively) are presented.

quickly with increasing future time, but the corres- Compared with the Angler breed, this increase was
ponding CI for the median population sizes were very much stronger. For both breeds, the CI of π̂te covered
wide. The estimates of the finite rate of increase (λ̂) almost the whole parameter space if π̂te was above zero
are listed in Table 2 without mention here because
they are solely a function of r̂: if r̂ was negative, λ̂ was and below one. In contrast, if π̂te was approximately
below one and if r̂ was positive, λ̂ was above one (Eq. 6). zero or approximately one, the CI width was nearly
The plots of the extinction probabilities (π̂te) of the zero for both breeds (Figure 3 and 4).
breeds against the time span considered (te = 1, . . ., The Vorderwald breed showed a π̂te below 0.02 for
250) are shown in the Figures 3 to 7. For the Angler the next 100 yr and below 0.01 for the entire time span
breed, π̂te was nearly zero for the next 60 (120) years considered, regardless of nc (Figure 5, note the scaling
and nc = 1000 (nc = 100), increased strongly from that of the y axis). For nc = 1000, π̂te started to increase
point onward and quickly reached a value close to one slowly and almost linearly for te >50 yr. The lower
(Figure 3). The plot of π̂te for the German Gelbvieh bound of the CI was always zero. The upper bound
follows a similar pattern (Figure 4). It was almost zero started to increase strongly at te = 50 years (te = 200)
for the first 30 (60) years for nc = 1000 (nc = 100) and for nc = 1000 (nc = 100), making the interval width
increased rapidly to one during the following decades. wide for larger te.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 88, No. 8, 2005


Figure 4. Cumulative extinction probability (π̂t ) of the German

Figure 3. Cumulative extinction probability (π̂t ) of the Angler Gelbvieh plotted against the future time (te in years) for a lower
breed plotted against the future time (te in years) for a lower critical critical threshold nc = 1000 (top) and nc = 100 (bottom). Additionally
threshold nc = 1000 (top) and nc = 100 (bottom). Additionally the the upper and lower bounds of the 95% confidence interval (CI upper
upper and lower bounds of the 95% confidence interval (CI upper bound and CI lower bound, respectively) are presented.
bound and CI lower bound, respectively) are presented. Note that for
nc = 100 the lower bound of the 95% CI is always close to zero and
therefore the corresponding line is almost identical with the x-axis.
constant at around 0.5. The CI width was more or less
constant around 0.5 for te > 30.

For the Hinterwald breed as well as for the Murnau- DISCUSSION

Werdenfels, π̂te could only be estimated for nc = 100,
because the last observed population size was below The estimation of expected future genetic diversity
1000. If nc = 1000 had been considered as the lower and of the breed marginal diversities needs estimates
critical threshold for extinction, both breeds would al- of breed extinction probabilities. Therefore, an at-
ready have been extinct. For the Hinterwald breed, tempt was made to estimate the extinction probabili-
π̂te was almost zero for the next 30 yr but at this point, ties from 5 German dual-purpose cattle breeds by
applying a convenient PVA method using the ideas
it started to increase (Figure 6). The lower bound of from Dennis et al. (1991). The discussion section is
the CI was zero for every considered te, but the upper divided into 2 parts. In the first part, the results of
bound increased quickly from nearly zero at te = 25 to the study and their appropriateness for estimation of
nearly one at te = 80. Hence, for every considered te > marginal diversities and expected future diversity are
80, the CI spanned almost the whole parameter space. discussed. The second part describes the assumptions
The Murnau-Werdenfels is the most endangered breed of the applied PVA model and their validity in the
(Figure 7) due to the small last observed population present study.
size and the relatively large σ̂2. Its π̂te increased from
0.1 to around 0.7 within te = 1 and te = 20 and stayed Extinction Probabilities
remarkably constant near 0.85 with only a small in-
crease for te > 40. The upper CI bound of π̂te quickly The most informative results of the applied πte esti-
reached one and the lower bound increased rapidly mation procedure are the plots of π̂te and their CI
for te < 30 and from then on it remained remarkably bounds against a series of defined future time horizons

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 88, No. 8, 2005


Figure 7. Cumulative extinction probability (π̂t ) of the Murnau-

Werdenfels breed plotted against the future time (te in years) for a
lower critical threshold nc = 100. Additionally the upper and lower
bounds of the 95% confidence interval (CI upper bound and CI lower
bound, respectively) are presented.

Therefore, the expected loss of diversity was estimated

only for one te by Simianer et al. (2003). However, the
choice of a single te might be problematic if breeds such
as the Angler or the German Gelbvieh are included in
the experiment, which show a strong decline in popula-
tion size (negative μ̂) and a small σ̂2, because for these
Figure 5. Cumulative extinction probability (π̂t ) of the Vorderwald
e breeds the time span where π̂te increases from zero to
breed plotted against the future time (te in years) for a lower critical
threshold nc = 1000 (top) and nc = 100 (bottom). Additionally the one is very short. In these cases, it would be especially
upper bounds of the 95% confidence interval (CI upper bound) are beneficial to use all the information that is present in
presented. Note that the lower bound of the 95% CI is always close the plot of π̂te and to estimate an expected future diver-
to zero and therefore the corresponding line is identical with the
x-axis. sity for every te up to an upper bound of te, because
this would provide an impression of the pattern of
change of the expected loss of diversity with increas-
te (Figure 3 to 7). The extinction probability estimation ing te.
method of Reist-Marti et al. (2003) produced for each In this study, the upper bound of te was set to be te =
breed a π̂te for one te and it does not appear to be 250 yr. For practical use this upper bound is certainly
straightforward to expand their method to multiple te. much too high, because it is very unlikely that conser-
vation plans would be made that are based on te up to
250 yr. Additionally, the reliability of π̂te becomes very
poor for large te as shown by the CI width in Figures
3 to 7, which suggest to estimate πte only for small
tomoderate te. This is also strongly recommended by,
for example, Beissinger and Westphal (1998), Ludwig
(1999), and Fieberg and Ellner (2000). These authors
showed that the choice of an appropriate te is also a
function of the numbers of observations and the time
interval in which these were collected. The final selec-
tion of an appropriate te or upper bound of te remains
with the researcher and is highly influenced by the
time horizon of the conservation plan might be set up.
Figure 6. Cumulative extinction probability (π̂t ) of the Hinterwald Probably more important is the re-estimation of the
series of πte if new observations are available, which
breed plotted against the future time (te in years) for a lower critical
threshold nc = 100. Additionally the upper bounds of the 95% confi- enables a monitoring of the expected loss of diversity.
dence interval (CI upper bound) are presented. Note that the lower
bound of the 95% CI is always close to zero and therefore the corres- In this study, the numbers of milk-recorded cows per
ponding line is identical with the x-axis. year were used as observations—these are by-products

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 88, No. 8, 2005


of the milk-recording system. Therefore, an annual re- Random environmental fluctuations in wildlife spe-
estimation of πte and of the expected loss of diversity cies are due to unpredictable changes in the abiotic
for a set of te is possible without extra data collection and biotic factors in the habitat of a population. This
effort (for further properties of numbers of milk-re- can be due to changed weather conditions (more or
corded cows as observations see the second part of the less rainfall or drought), food availability, competing
discussion section). populations, predators, parasites, etc. They might vary
The level of uncertainty of π̂te was estimated by time within a relatively short period (e.g., yearly changes
in the weather conditions). The main force for the pop-
series Monte Carlo simulation. It is possible to incorpo-
ulation dynamics of the breeds included in this study
rate the uncertainty of π̂te in the algorithm for the
is their economical competitiveness in relation to the
expected future diversity estimation of Bennewitz et 3 large breeds, Holstein-Friesian, Simmental, and
al. (J. Bennewitz, J. Kantanen, I. Tapio, M. H. Li, E. Brown Swiss. Additional factors might be fluctuations
Kalm, J. Vilkki, I. Ammosov, Z. Ivanova, T. Kiselyova, in number of herds, age of farmers, increased average
R. Popov, and T. H. E. Meuwissen, 2005, unpublished milk yield per cow, together with milk quota system,
data). Their algorithm can be applied repeatedly with diseases, in vivo conservation efforts, or sometimes,
extinction probabilities sampled from their corres- how fashionable the breed is. It is assumed that these
ponding CI assuming that each estimate within this forces are of a random environmental nature. How-
interval is equally likely. This would produce a CI for ever, compared with the environmental fluctuations
the expected future diversity that includes the level in wildlife species, the degree of stochasticity might
of uncertainty of the π̂te. be lower (lower σ̂2).
The extinction probabilities obtained during this Demographic fluctuations are due to finite popula-
study are solely based on time series of population tion size and describe the variability of fecundity and
size observation. In contrast, Reist-Marti et al. (2003) survival rates of each individual independently. Good-
obtained extinction probabilities by using breed infor- man (1993) showed that this variable is only important
mation for 10 different variables, which seems to be for small population sizes because the individual vari-
a more comprehensive approach. On the other hand, ations cancel out if the population size is high. In the
it can be argued that the information regarding some present study, it seems that the breed sizes, as well
of the variables used by Reist-Marti et al. (2003) is as the defined lower critical threshold (nc), are large
based on experiences that were made in the past and enough to ignore this variable. Catastrophic events
are, therefore, included here in the form of the popula- occur with a low probability but drastically reduce the
tion size time series data. For example, one variable in population size within a short time period. For wildlife
Reist-Marti et al. (2003) is the degree of organization of populations, catastrophes can include things like
farmers. It can be assumed that if farmers were not floods, wildfires, or epidemic plagues. These events
organized, the population size would show greater am- could also occur for livestock breeds. Additionally,
plitudes, which would result in a larger σ̂2. However, wars might be considered as catastrophic events for
other factors like a putative establishment of a conser- livestock breeds. For this reason, only observations
vation program are not considered in the presented from the years 1950 onwards (starting after World
model. More research is needed to compare both ap- War II) were used, although this is in contrast with
proaches with respect to their numerical results and the demand of a large time span of observations (as
to find an optimal compromise between them, i.e., by mentioned above). In general, the modeling of cata-
combining the strengths of both approaches in some strophic events is a problem in many PVA models (Lud-
formula. wig, 1999).
Genetic effects describe reduced fitness of the indi-
PVA Model Assumptions viduals due to inbreeding. In practice, the rate of in-
breeding is monitored by the breeding organizations,
Shaffer (1993) divided the factors that affect a popu- and tools for balancing genetic progress and inbreed-
lation dynamics into the following 4 random variables: ing in small populations are available (Meuwissen,
environmental fluctuations, demographic fluctua- 1997; Sonesson and Meuwissen, 2001). Therefore, we
tions, catastrophic events, and genetic uncertainty. assumed in this study that the inbreeding would not
The applied PVA model considers only environmental influence the population growth as long as the breed
fluctuations (Lande and Orzack, 1988; Dennis et al., size remained above the defined critical value nc (bear-
1991). In the following, these 4 variables and their ing in mind that this is a simplification because the
treatment in this study are described. inbreeding rate is largely determined by the numbers

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 88, No. 8, 2005


of males in dairy cattle breeding schemes, which are estimated, and has to be increased by the level of auto-
not considered in the applied model). correlation. Positive autocorrelation is due to environ-
As for all PVA methods based on time series, the mental factors that are correlated with the observa-
errors of the observations of the population size should tions. Dennis and Otten (2000) suggested the inclusion
be as small as possible (e.g., Ludwig, 1999). The obser- of this correlated effect in the regression model. Unfor-
vations used in this study (number of milk-recorded tunately, in this study, no information was available
females) are very reliable and satisfy this demand. about a putative correlated environmental effect. In
Additionally, the costs for data collection are almost such a case, perhaps a regression model that includes
negligible. A drawback is that they represent only a autocorrelated error terms would be appropriate. This
proportion of the true number of females and, in gen- possibility warrants further investigation. Negative
eral, this proportion did not remain constant over the autocorrelation can occur due to sampling error (Sta-
time span of the observations. This fact that could be ples et al., 2004), but this was not detected in the
viewed as an argument against using milk-recording present study. This fact underlines the high reliability
data, but the changes in this proportion were generally of the observations used (number of milk-recorded
slow (e.g., for the Angler breed it was around 0.7 in cows).
1970 and increased constantly to 0.85 in 2004; J. Pie- A further assumption is that the population growth
penburg, LKV Schleswig-Holstein, personal communi- is density independent. In this study, we assumed that
cation, 2005). Furthermore, one can argue that milk- this assumption is approximately valid for a wide
recorded females are much more important for a sus- range of breed sizes, although this cannot be formally
tainable population size than are non milk-recorded proven. Problems with this assumption might occur if
females, because efficient dairy breeding schemes are a breed becomes either very large or very small. If all
based on milk-recording data and thus milk-recording farmers in a certain region (e.g., within a country)
females contribute much more to the future economical switch to a particular breed, a population ceiling could
competitiveness of a breed. The use of milk-recorded be reached and the population growth rate of the breed
females might, however, be problematic if extinction in the region would be zero. The movement towards
probability estimates of vastly different dual-purpose such an extreme situation might be accompanied by
cattle breeds are to be compared, because they might a decreasing, but still positive, population growth rate.
differ substantially in the proportion of milk-recorded However, the breeds considered in this study are far
cows (the proportion may be high for a breed emphasiz- away from such an extreme situation. On the other
ing dairy production and relatively low if beef is em- hand, it is reasonable to assume that if a breed decreas-
phasized). For such a comparison, it would be better ing in numbers crosses a lower threshold of population
to have reliable data for the total number of females— size, the negative population growth rate might de-
data that are, however, much more difficult to collect. crease (i.e., become more negative) very quickly and
Dennis et al. (1991) listed further assumptions of accelerate the extinction process. In this study, it was
the PVA population growth diffusion approximation assumed that such a threshold is below the defined
model. One important assumption is the approximate values of nc.
independence of the transitions of the Wiener drift The assessment of the precision of the PVA model
process, i.e., the differences between 2 consecutive is difficult because the pattern of an extinction of a
X(t). As suggested by Dennis et al. (1991), this indepen- livestock breed is more or less unknown. Hence, a sim-
dence assumption was tested by analyzing the residu- ulation of this pattern to test the estimated population
als of the linear regression applied to the cattle breed size or estimated extinction probability of the applied
time series data sets by a Durbin-Watson test (Durbin PVA model against the simulated parameters seems
and Watson, 1950). This test yields a Durbin-Watson to be difficult. Therefore, the precision of the applied
statistic (it varies between 0 and 4, and a value around PVA model was tested during this study using a sim-
2 indicates no first-order autocorrelation among the plified approach. For each breed, the data was split
residuals) together with a significance test (H0 = no into 2 groups; one-half of the data was used to estimate
first-order autocorrelation, H1 = first-order autocorre- μ and σ2. Based on these estimates, the CI of the last
lation among the residuals; this can be either positive observed population size was predicted using [9] and
or negative). The results show that this assumption [10], by using the log of the last true observed popula-
was not violated in 5 of 6 cases (Table 2). A significant tion size from the first half of the data set as the start-
positive first-order autocorrelation was detected only ing value xq in [9] and [10]. Finally, it was determined
for the German Gelbvieh, indicating that the results whether the true last observed population size nq was
for this breed should be treated with caution. When included in the obtained interval. This was the case
the first-order autocorrelation is positive, σ2 is under- for all 5 breeds (results not shown). The results appear

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 88, No. 8, 2005


to confirm that the model performed well, but it must Austauschdienst, DAAD). He thanks Ernst Kalm for
be noted that this is only a very simple method for excellent continuous support and for permission to
model validation. More research is needed in this field, stay at the Agriculture University of Norway in Ås to
perhaps by taking the ideas of McCarthy et al. (2001) prepare this study.
into account. Additionally, one can reasonably assume
that the recent trends in the change in population size
provide more information about the future than do REFERENCES
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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 88, No. 8, 2005

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