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iPhone Screen Time Activity Tracker Reflection Piece

For a week, I tracked how many times I picked up my phone to look at something and see

how many hours I spent on each app and my analysis found that I am on it with a daily average

of 13 hours and 51 minutes. I concluded that I needed to take time away from my phone but with

an exception.

Firstly, I noticed right away that my daily average came to 13 hours and 49 minutes. At

first, it did not seem like a lot until I looked at the total screen time numbers below and I was

shocked. It was 83 hours and 6 minutes. My iPhone categorized my apps into three sections:

Social, Entertainment, and Games. This helped open my eyes to see where I spent most of my

time on my phone and where I needed to fix the problem.

Secondly, I noticed that my iPhone had counted the numerous times I picked up my

phone for the week. It came to a daily average total of 72 pickups, with Wednesday being the

most pickups at 136, as well as Discord, a social media app being the “first used app after

pickup” with the highest pickups of 74 for the week. I realized now that I should cut down my

social life a little bit because focusing on myself, whether that be physically or mentally, will

make me into a better person than I already am. When I call my friends, I lose that precious time

to take care of myself and worry about their problems when I should not be.

Lastly, I noticed that my “most used” app was Discord. I have a lot of online friends who

I still talk to this day, along with a significant other who lives in Australia and the best way to

communicate without having to deal with getting charged for long-distance calls is by using the

Discord app. They have things going on in their lives and I do too so I have decided that instead

of talking to my online friends too much and wasting time worrying about their problems, I
should make myself try out things I have never done before to gain new skills and improve some

of my own skills that I already have, which are drawing, painting, and learning to speak and

write my native language called Khmer. Now I did say at the start that I have an exception and

my significant other is that exception. So, I know my screen time will be high, but I will try to

bring down that huge number by not calling each other if we are not going to talk for most of the

call (like staying on call with the other person who is sleeping because we have a 12-hour


In conclusion, I am aware of the high amount of screen time I use on my phone, and I

will take some time to think about how I can reduce those huge numbers into smaller numbers. I

will reduce the number of times I pick up my phone by distracting myself and picking up new

skills and improving my own skills, rather than worrying about other people’s problems and

staying on the call with my significant other if the other person is just going to be sleeping.

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