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1. The first officially recorded case in the history of 8. AIDS is ---- serious for the United States ---- it is
AIDS ---- the year 1981. considered a threat to national security.

A) takes up B) copes with A) the more / the more B) so / that

C) dates back to D) looks up C) more / than D) such / that

E) catches up with E) both / and

2. Worldwide military ---- is estimated to reach 9. ---- you need to choose reading materials in a
$1.531 trillion in current dollars in 2020. second language, try to find something you can
read with minimal use of a dictionary.
A) resentment B) humiliation
A) When B) Just as
C) assessment D) treatment
C) Although D) Unless
E) expenditure
E) Because

3. A / An ---- criticism is that advanced economies

have often moved their dirty and hazardous 10. ---- globalization in its current form expands, so
industries to the poor parts of the world. does the inequality that accompanies it.

A) supportive B) constructive A) Only if B) By the time

C) mainstream D) accessible C) Though D) As if

E) lush E) As

4. Unfortunately, in the real world, many 11. ---- the internet is a good means to meet other
companies, ---- larger ones, are often involved in people and express ideas, it can also be a
exploitative practices of some sort. breeding ground of hatred and antagonism.
A) Though B) Provided that
A) favorably B) immediately
C) Because D) Even before
C) abruptly D) particularly
E) Unless
E) randomly

12. The crisis in Libya, in fact, comes ---- the

5. Racism is the notion or idea that certain context of wider unrest ---- the Middle East
characteristics and abilities can be ---- to people and North Africa.
simply on the basis of their races.
A) below / from B) behind / across
A) likened B) adapted
C) in / throughout D) beneath / over
C) committed D) dedicated
E) above / along
E) attributed

13. The West did not seem to be interested ----

6. Peaceful protests against a brutal regime may ---- humanitarian issues as they were looking ----
a violent campaign, generating a wave of ways to invest in the country
resistance in the end.
A) by / at B) with / up
A) call off B) apply for
C) to / into D) in / for
C) rely on D) accuse of
E) of / after
E) result in

7. Spices have always added flavour to a variety of

dishes. ----, they can help to preserve food where
refrigeration is not possible.
A) Therefore B) Besides
C) In other words D) Conversely
E) Otherwise


So far, the LIFE programme (14) ---- the most visible EU The mosquito-borne Zika virus has been declared less
financial instrument dedicated to nature conservation. hazardous by the World Health Organization (WHO), and
Once rarely conducted, nature projects are now (15) ---- (19) ---- it will no longer be treated as an international
across the EU and are favourably perceived at the local medical emergency. (20) ---- lifting its nine-month-old
level. Their positive contribution has been shown, (16) ---- emergency declaration, the UN's health agency is still
doubt, for different types of habitat and species. Certain cautious and acknowledges that Zika is here to stay. The
specific habitats or species, as (17) ---- by the Member infection (21) ---- to severe birth defects in almost 30
States, have been targeted by LIFE Nature projects. These countries so far. These include microcephaly, where
states have, (18) ----, made a significant contribution to babies are born with abnormally small heads and (22) ----
setting the Natura 2030 conservation plan in place and its brain development. The WHO says more than 2,100 cases
management. of nervous-system malformations have been reported in
Brazil alone. Although the virus is mostly spread by
mosquitoes, it (23) ---- sexually transmitted as well.

A) had been B) is
A) when B) before
C) has been D) was
C) thus D) even if
E) will be E) unless

A) notorious B) ambiguous
A) Before B) While
C) tolerant D) prevalent
C) As long as D) Since
E) straightforward E) Until


A) without B) into
A) has been linked B) had been linked
C) within D) on
C) was linked D) will be linked
E) from
E) must be linked

A) to report B) reporting 22.

A) immense B) meticulous
C) to be reported D) to have reported
C) artificial D) voluntary
E) reported
E) restricted

A) in addition B) however 23.

A) can be B) had better be

C) by contrast D) otherwise
C) would have been D) might have been
E) conversely
E) has to be

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